Why are nazbols allowed on this board? They do nothing but shitpost constantly. They are not even leftists, they are just Holla Forumsluters who like socialist realism. They should be banned.
Why are nazbols allowed on this board? They do nothing but shitpost constantly. They are not even leftists...
because epic memes xD
its stupid. it should be banned. it will only invite unironic morons.
You can blame on the rats because they invented the communism and later modified by the White Russian so this is what happened if the rats didn't see the flaw.
It's just a meme, calm down, do you hate fun or something?
You are the rat!
Everyone! Come quickly with rope! This is the Jew amongst us, I have found him!
Why am I a rat if I am Anglo? I don't believe in the rat value.
u mad bro?
You deny our fraternal bond as brotherly comrades in favor of sick feminist Jew perversion!
Nazbol memes are esoteric af tbh.
I think you are mistaken me for another person. That is not me. We need the ID number here to prevent the wrongful accusations in the future. I believe in traditional family values and the feminazists need to be gulaged.
Yes, all females and femaleists should be sent to the gulags for they are deceptive tools of the nefarious globalist Jewry!
It seems I was mistaken about you, comrade;
Let us join our dicks in the traditional dance of fraternizing!
And they call us tankies.
i don't get the meme
No, we need to develop the healthy femininal physique plans to allow the healthy, beautiful and smart women to breed with the strongest men. The women whom failed to meet criteria but are capable of doing the menial jobs will be send to factories to work however for the unable people will be gulaged.
It's not a meme, it's only an excuse to be retarded and cover everything with their shitposts.
You are disgusting. No homosexuals allowed in the Nazbol community.
I see way more pro moderator rhetoric coming from anarchists than tankies, I wonder why that could be
Yes, but only until we have perfected the art of the machine womb will we allow for such female fun.
Aha! I knew it was you! Traitor! Jew!
It's high time we addressed the biggest cancer currently facing the board. NazBols, and specifically Duginists.
They are a cancer in the most absolute form of the word. They have no function other to merely be a gang and reproduce, they live like a parasite on the board culture of other hard working, dutiful posters, while providing nothing to the workers movement or the board besides shitty forced memes about how much of shitty memers they are.
Furthermore, their nationalism is a disease that puts tankies and ancoms to shame. Take note, you will never see two NazBols disagree with one another in the same way two stalinists or two market socialists might. They only attack other, more productive, users, dividing the board and preventing any meaningful action.
In terms of theory, Duginists offer nothing that has not already been tried in the 20th century, but just slap on a fresh new hobo bearded face and call anyone who disagrees with them "globalists" and "sionistas". They eagerly proclaim "let us attack capital!"! But if anyone dares say a word against the sacred national bourgeoisie and fatherland, god help them!
All they do is divert energy away from the workers movement. Their posts and threads must be bullied, called out, and saged. We must exorcise this cancer from our body.
I hate you even more. Women are not toys to be play around like the rag dolls.
I am not a rat. I told you the rats support the garbage. There is no way that I am a rat in any way, you thickened head.
Not a new phenomenon. They smear us as authoritarians but we are actually just trying to have a united front. It's always the Anarchists who need their safe space and can't be arsed to be confronted with an opposing opinion.
You're right: they are foul, disgusting creations of the Jewry to be wiped out once we have created a way for men to breed without them.
My head is not thick, your nose is long. Scurry home to your kibbutz, globalist shill.
You realize their forced memes are a parody of forced memes, right? It's a fucking joke mate.
That's transhumanism and you are a traitor for promoting the rat's hazardous trashy ideas. The humanity must be preserved and guarded. The rats aren't our ally.
I disagree. Dugin specifically critisizes late-stags liberalism and its contradictions, such as post-ideological and micro-management. Most leftist thinkers of the 20th century are more or less targeting the traditional liberal nation state.
Just never take them seriously. Most of them are from Holla Forums and have realised they get a better time by shitposting with the Naz/pol/ flag than with the nazi flag.
Tell me, "comrade," have you ever seen a woman and a Jew in the same place at the same time?
I support NAZBOL GANG's noble struggle against Holla Forums retardation, but the unironic nazbols should be gulaged ASAP.
They're not.
Of course I have, white women are extremely beautiful. The harpies can never win the beauty medal cause their genetic stock is terribly poor quality and need to be purge away from the gene pool.
You're as bad as Holla Forums if not worse. Why leave tankies alone? Or anarcho-whatever. If you're gonna ban people that don't line up 100% with YOUR idea of leftism, then maybe Holla Forums was right and we're all a bunch of dirty hippies that just smoke weed and complain. What next, "hate speech" rules? Threads about feminist dance theory? deeply triggering and problematic sentiment? You're treading the thin line between leftist and liberal cunt.
I did not type this. WTF is going on here?
I don't mind tankies and anarkiddies but nazbols are clogging up the board with their retarded bullshit.
What did you type?
It means you are a newfag who should lurk more before you start defending literal fascists.
You got caught by the wordfilter you polfag piece of shit.
It's word filtered by the mods because they can.
Shitposting and mass entryism is not freedom of speech pal.
Then why are they not banned?
I see, so leftpol has already gotten into the 'thought crime" level of retardery.
I have bad news for you, friend.
kek is this a copypasta?
What happened to do things for the lulz? The word filter is nothing buy a joke at the expense of Holla Forumsyps and liberals (yes, there are also filters based on liberal buzzwords). Do you really think we would get butthurt over some words?
Leftypol shouldnt be a safe space. Just recognize its a Holla Forumsyp false flag and youll be fine.
They're just trying to subvert.
In your pathetic attempts are allowing free speech you have effectively started the transition of Holla Forums towards a right-wing safe space. Good job. Retard.
It's already a safe-space for Holla Forums. Just look at this thread, everyone is defending the Holla Forumsluters, you are not allowed to criticize them.
fuck off
Fängt die Juden bevor die Sonne untergeht.
Just ban them per usual. and let them cry about freeze peach elsewhere.
How can you possibly hate the loveable and totally sexy Nazbol Gang?
A butthurt Esperantist made this thread.
We actually support successful revolutionary tactics. You support Esperanto and Maoist-Id politics.
Then lurk moar.
Nigga wut?
hasta la vista internacionalista
Activate the autobanner.
I'm disappointed with you all. There is no point in banning NazBols. They are nothing more than memers, and nobody takes them seriously anyways. Banning those that autistically and excessively shitpost everywhere is a great idea though, but that should also apply to everyone. (I'm looking at you, tankies and anarchists.) Banning them just for having a different idea is Holla Forums and Tumblr tier.
tumblr doesn't ban nazis though
Nazbol should probably be banned.
I would much rather ban weeb posters.
you know what "tankie" means right
weebs are just retarded children.
Nazbols are subversive scum
it means red fascist
you need to go back
leddit is full of tankies though
the anarchist subs screech about "red fascism"
That's because reddit is full of tankies
For anyone who is here regularly, and who is familiar with Dugin and Eurasianism, its very obvious that it's not just a meme, actually.
This. These clowns are attracting unironic nazbollocks to the board.
Muh freeze peach
Muh safe spaceee
Honestly, I would leave this place alone if it would stop obsessing over raiding and spamming other boards and websites. Half of the damn catalog is just anger and rage over other people minding their own business and enjoying happiness with their friends. Yes, they dress like fools and say stupid things but that doesn't mean we need leftypol members screeching and being overly sarcastic in an attempt to sabotage their harmless fun.
Don't start shit and there won't be shit. We seriously won't care about this place if you leave us be.
Kys faggot retard
What are you talking about? This board is constantly being raided by Holla Forums. They aren't just minding their own business.
Shitskins aren't proletarians and deserve the gas gulags
Kikes too
Bye bye sionista
Yeah but at least they're not A Fucking Rose
To be honest, they are just suckdems + racism at gunpoint. Though I don't think that justifies banning them. A lot of them seem to be partially converted Holla Forumsyps.
I thought they were white Juche.
Nazbols and leftcom ruined this place
*Yawn*. We have this discussion about X ideology every week.
If you can't stand people disagreeing with you, or just people having fun, perhaps you'll be more at home at >>>r/socialism/.
Why are we asking people to ban dissenters. My Gott, we need tighter rules, but not on something as trivial as one's ideology. We should be trying to ban people who make bait threads and excessively shitpost. I am 100% sure that this board's quality would increase dramatically more if we do this instead of banning ideologies. If we start banning racists and idpolers, how the fuck do we plan on converting and expanding?
But the ideologies you listed don't shitpost anything like nazbols. I literally never seen anyone posting as a nazbol contribute anything of value, they just spam their shitty jpegs and make sure that Holla Forums feels welcome.
You fags were the original leftcoms lmao
I'm pretty relieved that the post-left infestation from last year is largely over.