Is it just me or is the whole alt-right built on a sort of contradiction? Sam Hyde's 'Tim and Eric' style of post-ironic humor, and of course the Holla Forumsyps love of memes appears irreconcilable with the sort of political system they advocate.
How can irreverence and irony, a flair for satire and 'pushing people's buttons' so to say, be compatible with the goose-stepping, authority worshiping system of strict discipline they advocate? How can playful humor and deconstruction of political orthodoxy exist in a tightly controlled and regimented society? It's as if the alt-right can only exist under the orthodoxy of socially liberal and multicultural values. The implementation of the actual system they claim to want, political authoritarianism, thought policing, strict homogeneity, patriarchal gender roles, reverence and unquestioning obedience to authority, would in fact completely destroy their entire counter-culture. Do alt-rightists actually desire to live under such a system, or do they merely reflect the predominance of liberal cultural values?
Also, how should the Left react to this state of affairs? The state of culture and counter-culture right now appears bizarre, with authoritarians playing the role of the rebels while the libertine and sexually loose are in some sense the cultural orthodoxy in the west. What is our alternative to both?