Is kekistan the new mlp?
Is kekistan the new mlp?
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Not until we have "Kekistan Cringe Compilations" all over YouTube
make this a thing por favor
Why do we need that when we have the "give back my flag, you shills!" video?
We need more
That video honestly gave me flashbacks to the worst of chanology.
This 'Kekistan' shit is just utter cringe, I'm not surprised that Sargon is associated with it.
not until there is a convention of some kind
I'm almost 100% sure that will happen.
no MLP has actual tragedy behind it, Kekistan is faggot pseudo-normies who don't realize all the cool kids left Holla Forums 3 years ago and are either on twitter (frogs) or are not involved with this trash world anymore.
Idk. I've seen a lot of kekistanis who look like fedora wearers except with Make america great again hats.
the twitter anime trump guys are part of the kekistan meme. its like a more ironic alt-light civic nationalist more based on trolling than actual beliefs.
think the rationalist atheists wanted a label to claim that their racism/antisemitism is just ironic or something
This is pretty dank tbh
You have my word it'll be a thing as soon as we get more videos fam.
Pictures are all well and good but there's only so much you can do with
it has to include the proud boys """gang initiation""" and the fat leader getting arrested at the boston thing last weekend
at least you could laugh at the union station guy and his flag, this was just pure cringe
there were a few at Berkley
throw in the chubby kid in the "Antifa better run" shirt running too
like clockwork
I love how Holla Forums's edgelord culture is getting commodified to hell and back by capitalism and sold to the very normies they hate and there's nothing they can do about it
don't forget the classic OG Proud Boys Jam
This too, fam
Someone seriously needs to make this
More likely than you think
Where did the cool kids go?
leddit :^)
Is just another college dropout ploy to grab pussy
Pone si perfection. Kekistani are just stupid fat mongrels. Gulag them
I'd love to see him go into the slums of Detroit and Flint, Mi, holding that sign.
Gary, Indiana as well
These are breaking the cringemeters. I thought it couldn't get worse than weeaboo autists, and asorted furfags, but this…
fuck off and return to /mlpol/
Anyone have webms of those kekistan fags at the Boston rally? Those are pure cringe as well.
Is this just an American thing?
I can't think of similar public displays of cringe in the UK, but that might be because I live in the most rural of rural areas.
I'm starting to collect material for such a video now. Expect it to be up by tomorrow earliest.
WTF I'm a tankie now
Alright, I've got most the video down. It's late now so the video will be finished and up tomorrow.
Around ten minutes of footage has been compiled and cut.
but what will be the background music?
The video itself probably doesn't need music. Everything should be straightforward.
Never know fam. Might add to the tone. Also nice dubs.
But could you please make it clear that it represents reddit and not Holla Forums, please.
t. Holla Forums
I guess the idea behind the Kekistan thing (if I'm understanding it correctly) is pretty neat, even somewhat clever, but certainly there will be people who take it too far, or too seriously. But that applies to everything.
Descarte's statement on 'any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots' might apply here, though. I wonder what the equivalent would be for a community that gets its laughs by digging as deep a pit as possible into irony would be.
Never mind, I worked it out immediately after posting. The answer is hipsters.
Kekistanis will just become an ironic inversion of hipsters, and there happens to already by a word for 'ironic inversion of hipsters'. It's 'hipsters'.
The closest we have is stuff like the English Defense League but they're just more traditional nationalists.
For me it would be extremely funny if the background music was this
Or "hello darkness my only friend"
Unless I'm badly misremembering the state of affairs, I think the whole Kekistani thing happened because it emerged that the only requirement for an ethnicity to be legitimate in the next UK census was for it to be the ethnicity you personally identify as (I don't remember the phrasing, but I'm pretty sure it qualified 'ethnicity' as an entirely subjective category).
Hence Sargon being at the inception of this 'ethnic Kekistani' thing.
If I'm wrong, someone correct me.
expect them to get beaten up
They probably think British antifascists are as weak as their American counterpart
they've come off worse against American antifa and britbong antifa have fucked up far right demos pretty badly over the last few years
You should do general right wing cringe videos.
Followed the link and it said the event was cancelled. Can't find anything about it on Holla Forums or twitter either. Oh well it would've been funny to see
Theres a far right march organised in my city thats being counter protested by antifa on the 3rd June. Not sure if I'm going to go yet 'cause I might be busy but last time they got pretty humiliated.
Reddit ruined Kek for Holla Forums
I hate the_donald so god damn much
It was already a rotting cadaver of a meme by the time it become Holla Forums's catchphrase.
As was Pepe and basically every other meme Holla Forums claimed as "theirs".
Kek and Pepe took the load off our Holla Forumsack NatSucc general and nigger hate threads.
Just a way to unwind fam
It was r9k's before Hillary Clinton baited Holla Forums with the retarded hate symbol shit
Literally like 2 years before the election happened frog memes broke through to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, real life, you name it, and even normal people got bored of it shortly and it died.
People were sick of frogposters long before they became Holla Forums's bread and butter.
Don't listen to the meanies, I love you AnCom ponyposter.
Blame it on Hillary.
Before that it was just a meme for r9k to vent their angst with
This is what I'm saying, even before the whole hate symbol shit happened /r9k/ had long abandoned Pepe because it became mainstream.
pls post it here
Thank you bro
It's uploading right now my dudes. Probably gonna take an hour or so before it finishes, but it will be posted ITT when it's done.
It's up. Sure took longer than an hour to upload.
Uncle Joe's only mistake is that he didn't gulag enough of them.
Rough, good job user.
I'll still post mine when it's done even though I got sidetracked and just made it about the alt-right in general, it's been uploading for around an hour or so and only on 10% because fuck Australia
Why the fuck are they always going around in helmets, goggles, gasmasks, shields and shit?
It's not like it's Mad Max at their meetups. They look like they're wearing retard safety gear.
Righties confirmed for having bad tastes.
Meg's a boy?
t. ani/mlp/hucker since 2012
At least when Antifa suits up they go all in black. He'll even European fascists wear shirts and ties or something like that. Why Holla Forumsyps decide to dress like literal post apocalyptic clowns is beyond me.
Because that went so well before
there is a reason
she is hot
4pol and reddit are pretty much the same thing at this point.
Spare us some time and nail yourself to a cross, degenerate.
How did it come to this
*teleports behind you*
[Speech check passed]
We should be encouraging them to do more of this.
It's up anons, enjoy how the fuck did bat'ko find it while I was asleep?
please rename
something like the Aut Right
Seconding this
But everyone except the Kings, Barons, Dukes, Earls, Thanes, Craftsmen, Monks, Priests and Chieftains were enslaved. The past fucking sucked and I'm glad we're not there.
At least the past was basically honest about the fact social mobility is a lie.
basically everyone is still enslaved by capital, the difference is one of living standards and that's more temporal than systematic. The reason people aren't overtly enslaved anymore is a question of efficiency as much as anything else.
There's still the fact that the wealth of knowledge back then was inaccessible to all but the most rich, or those the Church deemed capable of mass-producing manuscripts. Now we have literacy, and we have libraries, both digital and physical, which you can visit to acquire knowledge and improve your understanding and intellect with. I fucking hate fantasizers of the past.
Truthfully I'm being slightly tangential to what you've actually said because I'm defending feudalism from a more institutional perspective than historical
Although on knowledge: My unhappiness and my level-of-knowledge are correlated ridiculously closely so the prospect of being illiterate is pretty tempting right now. :^)
The past was shit, the trick is to remember that the present is also completely intolerably shit.
Except it focuses on Kekistan, not the aut-right in general.
I was talking about 20th century Marxist-Leninist states. Not serfdom.