New thread for saturday night
New thread for saturday night
sned lewds please
pretty please?
c-c-c-combo breaker
last night I fell asleep by accident, and when I woke up I was like "woah I wasn't expecting to fall asleep"
turns out the bottle I took my "vitamin D" from last night was the melatonin bottle
Yay fresh bread.
What is everyone favorite kind of bread?
I'm happy with any thread thats not made by cupcake.
They are quite awful.
This will be in a few minutes.
did you forget a word
Do tortillas count?
The kind with other food on it.
I missed out me, thank you Grim. I'm really exhausted, but I need to wait for mine and my room-mates food shopping to arrive, since I'm the only one in, I'm so close to passing out.
No, not cute!
spelt loaf
sleep well
You're having the groceries delivered?
Yeah, because we did the shop before he went home, and he's still at home, so I'm the one left picking them up when they arrive.
Cute !
hopefully shouldn't be too long now
Unleavened bread #1
Well if you insist, I'll have to accept it.
Hopefully it wont, it should be here in a few minutes, all going well that is.
Pretty good
But what kind of other food?
I like white
I do enjoy a good pumpernickel slice every now and then.
What's your fave thing in the grocery bags
Mac and cheese, since I stocked up on it.
I fucking despise instant mac/cheese
but the restaurant/homemade stuff done with a baked crust is godly good
Mac and cheese? More like mac and PLEASE no
I like it because it's super simple, and that does me for the whole day.
I only eat once a day, and usually it's either mac and cheese, or noodles/rice.
Sounds like you don't have enough meals of whiskey.
damn man
that doesnt sound good for you unless you sprinkle in some ground up vits in there
I've never had pumpernickel. What do you put on it?
That pretty lewd
lox :3
what are you doing here
If I had the money for it, I would be enjoying a nice meal of whiskey right now.
I know, but it's all I can really stomach as of late, saying that given what I used to eat. I prefer not eating much.
Tbh the threads are now a dual Queenship.
i like that earthy, grainy taste
Currently? Shitposting.
Cheap bourbon is not hard to find.
explain this politic to an american onegai
as some what of a gourmet, I can personally say you are missing out. But with the budget constraints, it is quite unfortunate. Nevertheless, I recommend expanding your search into ethnic markets, for staples such as legumes combined with many a spice, you can get quit the bang for your buck
nutrition and flavorwise
Melon obv
oh, okay.
Who're the queens? I'm so out of the loop.
Moogs and me.
Test and moogs are faggots. Aka Queens. They are in power. Monarchy shared/individual denotes power. Thus both are Queens.
I'm a democratically elected queen.
was there really any other choice, though
We could have chosen Luka, Grim or me.
But the Queendom seemed the most appropriate. Before all the badness. Before true colours were exposed.
I guess I should have registered to vote.
Have you seen the picture of Test crossdressing? She looks so pretty.
a bad one.
Register for the gas chamber
sup tokayylmao
He is an admin; he is obviously not going to have any vis comica.
there goes duwang using google to sounds smert again
moshiwake arimasen, goshujin sama
Fancy bread eating :3. I just have pb&j and butter sometimes.
Oh. I'm not gay, I just act gay sometimes.
I like the soft taste of white bread!
Trying to impress those young boys.
what would you google to get vis comica though?
I like crunchy pbnj
No, I'm Test.
chilling, having some beers and gettin ready for the big election debate.
et toi?
I'm Test
Nothing. People do not read, so they assume anything they are unfamiliar with is a thesaurus or [search engine].
Scoot, I'll whip you to death with an extension cord.
I too am a writer in real life, and not just an internet fedora.
"I'm a little gay" aka being Test
Do it, you would be paid handsomely too.
Are you high or low test?
You have to keep in mind the audience to which you communicate with
sometimes a large vocabulary will make them feel uncomfortable
who the fuck is maintaining it though
I only pander to you, bby.
that or it just makes you look like an autist
but i mean, it's not like any of us need help with that
the "with" in this sentence is extraneous btw
incorrect syntax
maybe after a few years here it is painfully obvious what the intention of an unnecessarily verbose vocabulary is
You tried so hard to sound eloquent there but you just wound up fucking it.
"You have to keep in mind the audience to which you communicate" would be correct
I heard an update/was linked to somewhere on the nets where it was still being discussed. That was around 2 months back.
The price of posting hardstyle.
you're unbanned!
Why bother speaking Latin if those you are surrounded by are pigs?
Is the deep web after you?
"With which" would be more correct unless you're deliberately trying to imply things about his communication.
That's what pig latin is for
i am god among swine
look at me in awe
that would be more correct ye
I don't proofread my posts sometimes
so sorry
even so
sometimes I have to google something
but I do appreciate it because then I learn something new
I am furiously typing notes
Yes. Seems I ruffled some feathers. This can be your baptism into the secret life of a hitwoman. You're going to require a LOL tee.
I don't think anyone can get that mad from just trolling tho
scoots do you have secrets buried somewhere
Glad you got the jist
The important part is that you tried.
Which makes your failure worth laughing at.
I'm just evading lmao
ur welcom bro
Aww bye
Ive plenty of secrets.
Figurative blood on my hands and keyboard.
wait are you the guy qt brought over or a random?
oh nice the autism is flowing again
He's not actually banned.
If you put two equal signs at the beginning and end of something it becomes bold and red.
It has to be on its own line, too. You can't have regular text and header text on the same line.
Damn. I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life.
when did it stop
Actual banned posts have the red text in a slightly smaller font, too
5 or 6 posts into the thread
Siblings rarely forget. And some take the Internet far too seriously.
There is no greater shame
mhm and i forgot to space it out by one line lol
time to comit
Do NOT learn anything from me.
I didn't die, I was just getting the food shopping in, I should really hit the hay now, but I really need to make something eat before I do.
I've started using this image in lieu of LOL lately. I mean, it's just perfect.
I think you've already committed to the idea of macaroni.
make it light so you dont get heartburn
Yeah, I did. I'm going to do that now. Thank you Test.
Macaroni it is.
Killer usage.
She's a little something in trickery, this is going down in history.
Politics is becoming dank.
In the game of Korea, you live or you die. There is no middle ground.
Queens of the Bone Age
what taste?
Oh no I just wandered on here. I used to post on /lewd/ when that was a thing.
Oh 😖 I need to learn how Holla Forums works.
Trump is POTUS and someone offed a diplomat while wearing a LOL shirt. Memes are real now, Scoot. We're there.
that bag was worth like fucking 300 USD
kobyashi got the dolla dolla
s u f f e r i n g
Finally living in an age where i can be relevant/make an honest living
Bet my parents are happy now
All these years cultivating the internet
I'd want a bag like that.
I don't have any cash to spend. So she'd have to spend it on me.
Moogs post that one pic of eva green you always use pls
You could eat Tohrus tail.
I could, but I wouldn't.
oh this
Yeee kawaiiii
You're a shoe-in for a Nobel prize this year.
I have a coworker with a $650 designer messenger bag. It's crazy
but then again i dropped $100 more than that on my Phazon Suit statue, so :x
she's a cutie
that sounds like a recipe for stomach pain
They'll make a movie about me :O
Exactly, and the most expensive thing I own at the moment, is my laptop, and that was cheaper then your Phazon suit statue. LOL.
just store a bunch of free pizza in a deep freeze fridge and bam ur set for life
my statue was was much as the current laptop im posting from
true madness
Your toy?
wait nvm i need to learn to read
Toys can be expensive
itk, I don't think you understand. Oh wait never mind, You corrected yourself.
you're my toy
I learn new literary terms from you
You will be played by Ellen Page.
Is spending $150 on keyboards madness
no, spending £250 on a SSK is
Yes, but I've done it too
if it is a good chroma mechanical, no
you get plenty of entertainment from me, it's fair enough.
The meme dream is real.
I would die.
I forgot to mention(as its a minor thing) work tv has the Vicelandchannel.
Gaycation and all the terrorist programming i could want.
Not a bad way to wind down when clocking off.
At least I tell myself that.
Did you sell it for break-even?
:3 which
Two keyboards actually.
Join the mechanical keyboard circlejerk
We have RGB
I love my chroma set up
Its lit
You act like I don't want to rejoin the master race.
I don't particularly like RGB
I still haven't watched that series. Thanks for the reminder. I saw a DVD for some movie called Into the Forest or just The Forest? Anyway, she was in it. I gotta pirate that yar.
nope, it didnt sell
You have no excuse!
Aww, will you at least be using it? 250 britbongs is a bit too much otherwise I wouldn't mind
Hm, ill have to google that one. The gaycation doc won awards for its first series. You'll appreciate it i am sure.
Kind of in the mood to watch Whip It.
Do whippets first.
Okie dokie, goodnight everyone. Take care.
Who's playing me?
I'm hoping Peter Dinklage.
My God look at that weeaboo hat
The excuse that I don't have 400 dolarsssssssss
I'm planning on getting a cheap ducky soon
Then eventually, one day, another filco
Slaap lekker schatje.
But, i sont like greyhound racing????
Definitely. Its an oscar for sure
He's still signed on for two pictures with Sabrootle Pictures, so I think we could make that happen. Would you be willing to let him follow you around for a few months? He's method.
Do you like gettin' high for a split second?
Can I carry him in my backpack?
Why Filco though?
I kinda want to build myself one
But it's more expensive than just buying one qq
tbh i prefer ISO too much to keep using it, but i got chatting to some /g/ poster the other day and it turned out i bought it from him, and the reason it feels so crisp is that he replaced the springs in it with fresh ones.
id be willing to let it go for a little less, but not by much
Imagining him guiding you through life like backpack Yoda is about the cutest thing ever.
I'm walkin' on sunshiiiiiine.
that effort tho
Yes??? Wh-why?
I imagine he'd have much wisdom to share.
Understandable. Also funny they are on /g/ too.
Tried geekhack, reddit or other keyboard communities?
What do you have?
Next time we take out the whipped cream, I'll show you.
Just as good as Napa Valley wine, Walmart box wine is.
I have a simple razer bw chroma with razer greens.
I want to swap it out but for now im not using a pc at my new place so theres no point
"Just get the Franzia, you should"
I bet .////. This sounds interesting...
you already know son
We went to some Chinese lantern festival yesterday
Why is my cracked GTA V crashing REEEEE
Plenty of people seem to be using mechs on their laptops.
Pretty useless when it's not docked or something though imo
If you pass out, try to fall forward. It'd be a shame to see one of the world's finest actors crushed to death in someone's wine-stained lucky packpack.
♫Whippet it good!♪
Not gonna click that. :D
Whipped cream real good?
Because they make my dick rock hard they have everything I want, plain keys, no backlight, no retarded huge bezel or any more than 104 keys, heavy and good build quality.
Also sentimental reasons, my first one lasted me a good five years and it only died because I was dumb and I probably could have fixed it somehow but oh well
wanna go to the mosque
Poor you.
Do you still have it or did it go in the trash?
Why did that post twice
I feel like snuggling with my blankets
Wow I don't even like soda
I have it but I don't fucking know how to rewire USB cables
Also years of being an idiot and spilling shit on it, and by years I mean like twice made a few of the keys a tad sticky, and then I broke the spacebar spacer after it died so I was like fuck it.
will it be a blast
im so mad at u now you dont get a share of my ice cream
its less effort than some go to, but still a nice touch
they seem to have silly low prices for stuff, so im not selling there
snuggle with tea and biscuits
Im comin
holy shit usb is not hard it's just 4 cables color coded even
I'd take it from you if I was bulging with cash.
Didn't want it.
I don't have either
also no biscuits
i'm on diet
this post is certified halol
Hey I wasn't the one who made it all weird
Oh, look. Something else I'm not going to click. You're on a roll!
Mix it with pink lemonade and condensed milk, pour it in a graham cracker crust, and put it in the fridge for a few hours.
yeah but it came apart like, inside the case, and also the aforementioned problems
like hooking up a usb kb to the machine?
what the fuck
aint nobody got space for that
Modern thinkpads use a mix of rubber dome and plastic scissors to have a nice key travel time with linear feedback, I would compare them to mushy mx reds
how did youtube go from weeb music to this
reeeee make it faster
{Loud Chimera}
Cheese caekie???
Im getting RIBBIES 👻👻👻👻👻
Yeah, why not? I used my Rapid-I for a while, while waiting for a replacement laptop keyboard.
what then
but I love meat
if you're going to spend $150 for a new kb you might as well buy an entire new machine rather than hook it upto a laptop. What a shitty form factor that would create.
She is uggo.
better than old ones
There is nothing weird about wanting to spill cum soda on people.
This is wrong.
Scoots, I love you as a friend. Let's stop the hate.
how old are we talking when we say 'old thinkpads'?
really nigga
yeah those dedicated media keys were dope
but I'm just talking about the keys themselves
like when you press them
It was my desktop keeb I used temp. for laptop too.
Also it fits snugly between the wrist rest and the top part of the laptop and doesn't touch any keys so it's just as nice :3 Just high.
Replacement keyboard was only 15 euro
T400 master race
A place for cancer
Ah, fuck, I forgot.
wait what
hi /tf/
tfw you go down for a nap and suddenly you're banned
I suck
Quite a nice thread you guys found
Admin abuse.
Oh hey look hi.
no thread left behind
I can't believe test would do this
Already had the mech.
Laptop keyboard broke.
Used the mech with my laptop while a new laptop keyboard was on the way.
Everything was fine.
haha yeah
ur a nice thred
VERY fine!
I am !
I'm not hi. I can't believe you'd accuse me of such a thing. drugs are bad.
And you just made it better with that image.
Time to overthrow him or move to another board.
Pack it up everyone!
It's called getting framed you fucking loser.
Anyway please put your hands behind your back and get in the car.
ah ok
I thought you used mech constantly w/laptop
show pic of setup if you have
It's about 12"
stop doing this, ill hug you so hard you'll go into a coma
I think the whole site is shot with corruption at this point tbh, we should just make a new site altogether.
tokai you too know this feel?
cars are scary. do you have a helicopter instead? perhaps an chinook
Just like me
Why not apache. An apache is definitely a suitable vehicle.
Fun! Bone'a'pateet!
I thought I read recently that you were sick. I hope you're feeling better.
so you're saying you want me to ride you?
i came 20 times
all too well.
i am the expert
expert in which field exactly?
all of them!!
do not use this info to kill me
I. Uh. Wait, other way around- well, no, like, the fucking helicopter. Jesus.
You're uggo.
I am skeptical of your claims. do you have documents?
other way around? you want to ride me?
is that a clock or odometer
burned by the nazis.
just give me a practical thing
wow i gave you the salvation of a reply and i get this
Tokai do you still shove things in your butt?
hug me?
How will this stop me?
Boney african feet
How was last night?
Chinook of the North Vietnam Peninsula
Sick? I don't think so. Maybe it was Kanra saying it.
burned by the nazis? have you been lying about your age this whole time? and also you're a jew?
Yeah clearly we know who should be admin. I mean he has been looking out for this place all the time and already has so much control.
Chinook the military helicopter
Clock without the clock. It just displays temperature though. Also humidity but I doubt it's right.
Lot's of opinions.
no im still a 16 yo indian bride forced to marry grim
I don't buy that PC bullshit
Make me admin
And i will give this community the death it deserves
yeah but then I'll just meme at you more when i wake up
our glorious man in the shadows. the master of puppets. he's the only reason I can still feel safe posting on this ruined board tbh. knowing our shadow potato is ruling from behind the scenes fills me with hope.
a fate worse than death.
I know what I'm jacking off to tonight.
Don't worry, I'm already working on that.
fucking new board WHEN?
Thank fuck
The almighty shadow fuhrer, bringer of ketchup to this world.
Tokes is Manaka?
No, I'd rather you kill yourself,
too pussy to do it as it turns out. plus not really wanting to anymore.
how is moogs associated with ketchup now?
then ill do it again
jk im something else
Mashed potatoes and ketchup
you have betrayed me for the last time, tokai.
Moogs and grim orgy?
Keep doing it and I'll build up an immunity.
He thought you were talking about Grim.
I was making a joke about the person that believes to be all those things but is not.
Moogs actually has power. lol
Well we all know Grim is marrying Manaka so yuh.
MoogsxGrim ship name.
Something good has finally come from Loco.
Imagine the aftermath
Fucking csi trying to tell bloodstains from ketchup splotches
that explains a lot.
got it got it. this is why I'm not in charge. 2dum.
Just got to zoom in
w-what now
no you won't.
ooh marriage
I don't want to be a man. I wanna be a pretty princess.
now I teleport behind you and unsheath my katana, obviously.
Wow another spicer/murder/kroni making baseless threats
why not?
okay now post windows so i can find a sni- check out netherland scenery
You are not dumb, dork.
Just a slut. But that is okay.
It was fun. We got drinks and went back to her house. Her husband had just gotten home from buying a VR headset for his PS4, and he let me try it with Resident Evil. It was so disorienting and weird, especially because I was a little tipsy! I kept feeling like I was going to fall over.
I'm glad to hear it. I was worried. I thought you had pneumonia. Glad you're ok.
dum slut
same thing one just looks cute fuck
Chinese food is shit.
n-no please I hav emuch to live for
ill come up with new ways
I know you like the d but that d should have been a c, dear.
a princess is not the same. BEHOLD
tremble in awe at the majesty of my beauty.
Resi7 is aweaome, man I should splurge on a VR set soon. Used splurge money on an espeesso machine.
You deserve a venting night with friends
Work hard
Play hard
Oh damn fukken roasted
heh. shouldn't have pissed me off then kid. don't worry, I'll make it fast and only a little painful.
oh snap. oh well, letters are hard.
i meant the laptop kb one but this works
nice wheel
we agreed he could have his way with my corpse.
Especially the d in you.
I tried to plant some bait for the old Kanra boy. I said (to Grim) that the kind-hearted patriarch of the family I had displaced had contracted pneumonia in his new damp home and implied I felt responsible. You must have read someone reiterating that.
Never really meant for you to see that, what with your mom and all. Just thought it would be funny if I put it out there and he started thinking I was a murderer.
I don't learn.
never enough of that tbh
yeah okay kid go wear a fuckign suit and come back to me faggot
I will not. I will wear dresses.
a princess always gets her way.
It's dark out.
Here, have some picture I took two months ago when it started snowing.
too lat
heh. you made a minor spelling error there kid. looks like I win.
new thread
new thread
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new thread
Clearly we need to triple your dosage.
darn no high rise buildings to camp out in?