why do nazis get upset when you call them nazis?
Why do nazis get upset when you call them nazis?
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Because their grandpappy probably shot at Nazis.
Calling them what they are denies them the opportunity to rebrand themselves and fool people into thinking they're different from the Nazis.
The Nazi is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Nazi and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out."
I'm not a nazi mom I'm a Not SocialisT. And on day of the rope I'm going to HANG your fucking NIGGER boyfriend and kill you too for being a race traitor whore! WHERE ARE MY TENDIES YOU BITCH
t. 75% of Holla Forums
the term "nazi' is derived from the name "Ignatius" which many males had in Germany at the time of the Not Socialism movement. A modern example would be the term "Bubba" for a "redneck". Not the actual name of any political party per se, but a term that over time and the "memory hole" gets applied. Go look up the names "David Ignatius" and " Noel Ignatiev" See the "joke" in their names? Both are guess which religion? Their ethnicity is Khazar, if that helps.
why do cultural marxists get upset when you call them cultural marxists?
Because that's not Real Communism
this a quote from Joe Goebbels about the jews, here the term Nazi has been put in place of the word jew in Goebbels original quote.
Nazi was a slur term created a marxist Jew, Konrad Heiden. It's a term of the enemy so they do not like it.
I don't think the 45 year old bearded guy with a MAGA hat that you usually scream nazi at is an actual nazi
Holla Forumsacks tend to use several layers of semi ironic distancing to avoid dealing with the implications of their ideology. They are fundamentally insincere, specially to themselves
Pol is mostly edgy teens that ARE nazis, though.
Leftypol isn't liberals.
Because there's no such thing.
Except half of Holla Forums is nonwhite yet alone Aryan supermen. Most of Holla Forums wouldn't have the guts to kill someone of a different race. Not saying thier is no actual Nazis but Holla Forums is just teenagers and aimless 20 somethings.
Thinking back to the black lives matter shooting.
because the term is a pejorative and was coined as a pejorative. They're Not Socialists.
Don't fall for the HWNDU meme.
Holla Forums is actually more like video related.