I have been seeing some threads about socialist threads on Holla Forums, and I must say that I'm very startled...

I have been seeing some threads about socialist threads on Holla Forums, and I must say that I'm very startled. I haven't been on since maybe three or more years ago, and when I was there, it was absolutely filled with lolbertarians and ayncraps.

I have a question to those who have been consistently going there for an extended period of time: has there been a slow spreading of class consciousness? Do you guys think that there is even the slightest prospect that we might drag them farther left by Asser and Stirner?

Other urls found in this thread:


NAZBOL GANG is KGB of the internet.

Holla Forums will be NAZBOL, Holla Forums will be NAZBOL, even now PORHUB is NAZbOL

No stop trying. Race realism and awareness of the JQ are unmovable rocks. Asser didn't even oppose the jews on a racial basis anyway so good luck even with that

Because some people are realizing that hating blacks and jews won't magically improve the material conditions of the working people.

To make Holla Forums anti-capitalist just ask them why they are following the ideology of ( ( (milton friedman) ) ), ( ( (ayn rand) ) ), and ( ( (murray rothbard) ) ). I do question if they will ever be de-spooked but an anti-capitalist racist is better then a pro-capitalist racist.

Try again, faggot. Especially considering the fact that alot of those """race realist""" studies were backed by the Pioneer fund, a known fascist think tank.


Except that's fucking retarded

Are the Chinese fascists too?

Recent OOA will be dead science by the end of the decade replaced by the multi regional hypothesis

That's equivalent to about 50 Chan years. You have a lot of catching up to do. In case you haven't heard, literally Hitler was elected in the US, and armed patrols of fascists now stalk the streets looking to attack or victimize any person of color, women, or LGBTQ+, these are truely dark times, rumor has it from stray radio broadcasts, that a place exists to the north that's offering sanctuary to anybody that's able to make the grueling journey.

From the pdfs I have linked.

Population subdivision is a means to test the amount of genetic variation among sub- populations within a species. This concept was developed by American evolutionary geneticist Sewall Wright (1978). Populations, which have undergone significant adap- tation to local conditions, differ in population dynamic history, and limited gene flow between them should differ in allele frequencies at a number of loci. The population subdivision statistic (FST) compares the allelic diversity of each of the subpopulations against a pooled total population. Since Wright’s invention of F coefficients, which examine the proportioning of genetic variation between different levels within a spe- cies, population geneticists have utilized a minimum value of differentiation between subpopulations and the total species as the threshold for identifying the existence of biological races (FST > 0.250). Wright chose this value to maximize the probability that the subgroups were actually fixed for alternative different alleles at various loci.
At the level of the DNA, the alleles are the four nucleotides: adenosine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G), and Cytosine (C). In coding regions of the genetic code, three nucleotides in succession determine which amino acid should be placed in the
resultant protein. The code is redundant, but a change in a position can result in a dif- ferent amino acid being specified. When we examine the coding and noncoding regions of DNA in a population, most organisms will have the same nucleotide at the vast majority of the positions within the code. However, at some positions, a variant will be found in some individuals. Such a variant is called a single nucleotide poly- morphism or SNP. Genetic variation in SNPs has been studied extensively in humans (Barbujani & Colona, 2010; Dunham et al., 2012; The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, 2010). One study examined 4,833 SNPs in 538 clusters across the human genome in Europeans (N = 30), African Americans (N = 30), and Asians (N = 40; Clark et al., 2003). In the study, the mean frequency for FST at each locus was 0.083, with only 10% of the loci exceeding FST of 0.18 and about 6.5% exceeding FST of 0.250. This is consistent with the general finding that, averaged across the genome, FST in humans does not approach Wright’s threshold (and is generally FST = 0.110).
The other criterion by which one might identify geographic races within a species is to determine whether unique evolutionary lineages exist. This means populations that have had limited gene flow with other populations for a sufficiently long period of time. Such lineages, should they exist, would necessarily have large values of FST compared with nonunique lineages. However, we observe no such highly differenti- ated lineages within our species, anatomically modern humans (Barbujani & Colona, 2010; Lawson Handley et al., 2007; Templeton, 2002, 2013). The best way to under- stand human genetic diversity is through isolation-by-distance. This means that gene flow between different populations of humans is proportional to the geographic dis- tance between them. Geographic barriers to dispersal of humans exist, such as mountain ranges and deserts, but these barriers only account for 2% of the variation of FST, whereas isolation-by-distance accounts for 75% (Lawson Handley et al., 2007). Attempts to represent human genetic variation as “clustered” has been attempted (Rosenberg et al., 2002).



Furthermore, it has been claimed that these clusters roughly match the five continents, and thus correspond to the five-race scheme for modern humans (sub-Saharan African, European, East Asian, Australoid, Amerindian). This was accomplished by the use of a computer algorithm called STRUCTURE. The problem with this analysis is that underlying assumptions are essentialist and do not correspond to the evolution- ary history of our species (Weiss & Long, 2009). A typical STRUCTURE-like analysis defined a number of parental populations (either by user input or statistical inference) and then assigns fractions of parental ancestry to individuals. Unrealistic assumptions are made about the nature of the parental populations, such as random mating, with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium for allele frequencies, and minimal linkage disequilib- rium between parental populations. Of course, the most unsupported assumption of STRUCTURE-like analysis is that the world once harbored distinct and independently evolving populations (Weiss & Long, 2009). To determine the genetic character of the “parental populations,” one needs alleles that are “private” to the purported parental populations. However, these sorts of genetic markers, called ancestry informative markers were determined from small- to medium-size samples taken from geographically distant populations (Europe, West sub-Saharan Africa, and East Asia). Given this sampling, it is a circular exercise to structure individuals into clusters. Of course, if the AIMS are not really informative of population ancestry, a STRUCTURE analysis may be simply meaningless.

On balance, the modern population genetic analysis suggests that our species, anatomically modern humans, does not display biological races (Barbujani et al., 2013; Graves, 2005a, 2005b; Montagu, 1997). We do have geographically based genetic and physical variation, and this fact has been consistently misinterpreted as evidence of the existence of biological races in our species. However, our species is young, has very little genetic variation, has maintained relatively high levels of gene flow throughout its history, and thus has never reached the levels of differentiation between its sub- populations consistent with the identification of geographical races (see discussions of this in Templeton, 2002; also see Graves, 2011; Lawson Handley et al., 2007; Serre & Paabo, 2004). Unfortunately, most researchers involved in projects that are affected by genetic variation do not have training or understand the historical context of evolution- ary thinking concerning speciation and the role that geographical races play in the process (Nesse et al., 2010; White et al., 2009). This is illustrated by the fact that they often assume that socially defined races are legitimate biological races (Bliss, 2012; Friedman & Lee, 2013; Graves, 2010, 2011).

Watch this while you're at it.



Races are subspecies by any conventional taxonomy and you should take your kike shill lewontin fallacy and gas yourself

You do realise that their government is responsible for ethnically cleansing the Tibetan people right? Their studies are rendered useless by the information I've provided and linked.

And..? Ethnically cleansing subhumans is always a good thing

Legal scholar (and geneticist) Dorothy Roberts argues, "Edwards did not refute Lewontin's claim: that there is more genetic variation within populations than between them, especially when it comes to races. (…) Lewontin did not ignore biology to support his social ideology (…). To the contrary, he argued that there is no biological support for the ideological project of race." "The genetic differences that exist among populations are characterized by gradual changes across geographic regions, not sharp, categorical distinctions. Groups of people across the globe have varying frequencies of polymorphic genes, which are genes with any of several differing nucleotide sequences. There is no such thing as a set of genes that belongs exclusively to one group and not to another. The clinal, gradually changing nature of geographic genetic difference is complicated further by the migration and mixing that human groups have engaged in since prehistoric times. Race [however defined] collapses infinite diversity into a few discrete categories that in reality cannot be demarcated genetically." Similarly, biological anthropologist Jonathan Marks agrees with Edwards that correlations between geographical areas and genetics obviously exist in human populations, but goes on to note that "What is unclear is what this has to do with 'race' as that term has been used through much in the twentieth century—the mere fact that we can find groups to be different and can reliably allot people to them is trivial. Again, the point of the theory of race was to discover large clusters of people that are principally homogeneous within and heterogeneous between, contrasting groups. Lewontin's analysis shows that such groups do not exist in the human species, and Edwards' critique does not contradict that interpretation." The view that, while geographic clustering of biological traits does exist, this does not lend biological validity to racial groups, was proposed by several evolutionary anthropologists and geneticists prior to the publication of Edwards critique of Lewontin.

Except given the evidence provided they're not.

OOA is bullshit every week the whole Jewish lie is being exposed every week is is being proven false

I love these threads, please stop banning nazi posters they make for lively discussion

could work


But user…


The Chinese are putting recent OOA theory to bed every year with new gene sequencing you will dismiss it out of hand for being fascist non sense while being up decades old Jewish cultural marxist anthropology that denies evolution I will leave this thread now because you are a brainwashed kike shill and the conversation will not be fruitful okay bye schlomo keeping selling multiracialism and diversity to the goyim from the safety of your fascist ethnostate in tel Aviv OK bye

So we should start purging Holla Forumsyps then?

I never said the Chinese were fascist, I'm merely stating that as they continue to ethnically cleanse people, this sort of research could indicate a form of """"justification""""" for that. But again, this doesn't matter considering the genetic research that's already been done.

So the best you can do is lie and go on damage control when BTFO. Okey doke.

I've been going there to shill for a while now. I've noticed that they are definitely getting weaker, cracks are showing.

Also there are certain things you can really beat them over the head with, for instance you can spend entire days and I have just making George Orwell threads and telling them he was an Anarchist. Keep using the words Party of Marxist Unification. I have managed to get through to a couple of people a couple of times, in terms of accepting socialism, i think they are definitely more "muh Not Socialism is the good socialism" than lolbert these days.

I am personally inclined to see this as an improvement, as the "muh gubament" meme is one of the most damaging. I wouldn't however say it constitutes a rise in class consciousness.

You can now effectively shit on capitlaism through pol and get a lot of support, provided you pretend to be a Nazi/nazbol etc.


Gotcha. I was thinking about making a couple threads about how capitalism erodes traditional culture and requires immigration to provide it a cheap source of labor.


try and couple that one with capitalism in the first place did all the wars that made the immigrants want to leave but that might be asking alot they might get suspicious

Holla Forums has always been woke. Da goyim know.

socialism =/= Not Socialism

nätiønal søciälism

Not Socialist is an accurate descriptor tbh

I've noticed kind of the opposite. Obviously, Holla Forums is not one person but the dynamic is weird as fuck. I remember back before the Nazbol and socialist threads of today were being pushed, Holla Forumsacks were openly saying that Nazism is capitalist (see pics). Now they are saying they are 100% real socialism and if you say "national socialism isn't real socialism it's capitalism" they resort to calling you a shill and a kike, ending the conversation.

Sorry for the fucked formatting on the pics, I don't know why my browser is doing that. I can upload the original html page that I saved if anyone wants it.

Adding on to the Holla Forums used to say Nazism is capitalist.

The spooks are real


Tibetians are closer to the classical Europoid than Americans. Politics really does attract retards who always have something to say but know nothing of value.