so how does everyone feel about the recent unjust ban of tp just now?
So how does everyone feel about the recent unjust ban of tp just now?
Other urls found in this thread:
I know that feel, but I end up forcing myself to do it. I want to pass this year after all.
Ouch, I mean 9 weeks is still a long time to get it working correctly, I believe in you.
eh i wont post for a week anyways go for it
tp is harmless!
The heck are you on about?
Get dollar dollar
its by no means impossible, but theres a good bit to do yet. ive got papers to read and stuff, i dont want to half ass my implementation of the goal system or the path search. that said, i also dont want to pay out of the arse to look at the work of previous students.
Oh I got nothing to worry about for school ^^
I need the dollar dollar, currently dirt poor and barely surviving.
I can get that, I just wish you all the best in the long run, also you can screw paying to see what others did. Keep that money for other things.
Aah, lucky you. Most of my stuff is for university, actually all of it is.
Ouch. Makes me feel pretty priviledged.
its not bullying cuz u like it
he will once im done with him
oh and i found my cat too so thats cool
Owie, well, no worries on the side though!
It's all good! I don't mind to be honest.
Pfft, I don't recall saying I like it.
Are you getting by-ish?
But it was implied. Kirai janai?
I'm getting by, don't worry!
Pfft, it wasn't implied at all, actually on second thought, maybe it was.
new phone who dis
*pat pat*
What kind of phone?
This is your #1 stalker.
yeah I kinda thought it might be. sup?
What. Kind. Of. PHONE?!
Just chilling till i decide to get up and take a shower. Might play Diablo II all day.
Thank you for the pat, all will be better in April, that's when I get my huge paycheck, so I'll be back in the green + with my birthday in April too I'll be more then happy.
may i ask what modules you are taking at the moment?
the phrase "new phone who dis" was not meant to imply that I'm on an actual phone, dumdum
don't you play diablo II all day every day?
Spend it all on anime figurines!
I'm doing Gaming over networks, Programming games Engine (Irrlicht), Technology Start up and the Imagine Cup.
Don't tempt me, I've already got my eyes on several more Jojo's SAS figures as well as a few lewd ones.
you do not have permission to imagine me.
heavy focus on game dev then? considered doing anything on AI?
Well excuse me for not being up to date on your latest faggot lingo.
...I've been switching between that and the sims 3...don't judge.
Oh, I'm sorry! I'll stop doing it right now!
Yeah it's heavily focused on game dev, I wouldn't mind doing AI, because I've been meaning to branch out, and I've been branching out in design, as you saw from my screenshots.
Which lewd ones?
I want a Megumin but they so expensive.
*imagines cup*
if you do AI, youre going to have fun for sure, but expect to be considering states, complexity, etc quite a bit.
lewd figures
Meiko Shiraki from Prison school, various ones of her.
Also for the Jojo's Okuyasu, Kira and KQ, and pre-ordering Gyro.
I mean the only AI I've done was on my networking where I had to have a computer run against the player whilst they played. Which was very simple, probably not as complex with the things you're doing.
waking up relatively early on a weekend to do stuff
this is far from new lingo ya nerd
no judge here. not like my days are all that rich and fulfilling
damn that picture lewd as heck
Figures of you.
This was creepy but hot
Nice desu.
how did it work?
You wouldn't fuck a haunted doll.
Well, just for fun, what kind of phone do you use?
Don't talk like that. I'm not proud of having this much time on my hands.
That'd be expensive!
1:1 Lewds doll.
Dankest Dunjin or Tropico 4?
Which one should I play?
Hardly lewd! If I wanted to post lewd, I would.
Yeah, maybe some others if and when I find them.
Basically ran a long side the player, once the player took it's turn. I had a script that ran which made the Bot roll a dice, move as many spaces as the dice rolled.
If it landed on certain squares it would preform certain actions, like buy or sell if the conditions were met, if not it would end it's turn, if it had anything it could do that turn it would preform the action even if it was the wrong choice to do so.
I'll imagine you back so help me
galaxy s5
don't need to be proud of it. just enjoy it while it lasts.
Pokemon Go
I don't have a smart phone ;w;
no goal or path finding logic?
it looks very much like she's doing something very naughty in that picture.
you're a lowkey perv, aren't ya?
Post pics some time when you receive some.
Git one!
dark souls
But I got a laptop! ;3;
But you miss out on all the PoGo fun!
I'll have to buy Dark Souls and I don't have a controller.
I'm making soup
No real goal, it was just mindless.
Yeah, she's lifting a bucket above her head! How is that naughty?
Also no comment, I'd like my lawyer!
I can post pictures of the figures I have right now, since they're still in the box. Been meaning to take them home, but keep forgetting
But my indieshit games are better.
Why not the note series? The processing power...
I'm trying...but I just really want to go out and feel pain again. Helps remind me why I even exist.
shouldn't you be awake 10 hours from now
Do you have bread?
Sup morning crew~
Oh yes do!
entirely random action agent with reflexes then?
"so help me" is an expression.
anyway, don't imagine me without consent. that's thought rape!
not that picture, the one before with her making a lewd face on the bed. you know which one I'm talking about.
no comment is as good as pure evidence these days. your dirty mind has been exposed. empty? more like full. of lewd thoughts!
I don't need that much processing power. I use my computer way more than my phone.
so go out and do that?
play chivalry then, its the new dark souls anyway
morning wellams
I awoke to rustling
Morning to you too!
How are you doing this morning?
They're not lewd, they're my Jojo's SAS figures, if that's a-okay with you?
Pretty much so, which probably doesn't count as AI.
Oh that one, yeah I'll give you that.
Also my mind is pure, pure and clean! No lewdness, not here!
Are your jimmies okay???
oh hey maddie.
I have work in like nine hours yes but I had to go to the doctor because they wouldn't refill my prescriptions for antidepressants or anti-anxiety so I've been like clawing at my skin for a while now
I'm imagining you so hard right now
oh god
Sure,just curious :3
Is the switch gonna be good though?
May get that.
You play it too?
oh cool
something was calling to them
A-okay, give me some time to take photos, just drinking coffee at the moment.
Good, except the having to work part. I'm covering somebody's shift so they can attend his kid's birthday party or something.
Oh well, extra hours on my raise so that's not a bad thing.
Sup with you?
Hey you~
Almost at 10K views x_x HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?
How's it been?
Be more vague.
Fair enough.
I'm still waiting for that phone call to give me a definite yes or no as to whether or not I officially got the job.
If there had been a thought police they would not approve of what I am imagining about you!
you say that, but now that the secret is out there's no unringing that bell.
tsk tsk...such a lewdie. you hide it well, but can't hide it from me.
lmao sorry
it was just a little cold so I got up and turned on the heat
gonna cook brunch soon
what are welma plans for the day
protip, if you want to actually know anything at the end of it all, read norvigs AI a Modern approach, its fucking huge but its actually really good.
whats good fam?
if you run into some guy with a zwei spamming feignts and variations on "im going to die and i need help" its probably me
protip, play with kb and mouse, ideally a mouse with side buttons of you want easy trick hits.
What are the OTP posters here?
I forget things.
kamuu and dick
I wanna be the biggest man.
Are there big man classes?
nani ?!
10k views of what?
been alright. just relaxing and enjoying the weekend. sup with you?
good luck. I hope you get it!
you stop that right now! I'll tell on you...
Maybe! I don't know but zelda looks gon b neat
Is Kamuu a semen demon?
I'll just type them out as fanfic.
Yes please.
Real men use fists.
I'm doing alright, been busy with my project and such, I've been up for sometime feeling a little tired hence the several cups of coffee. Trying to go strong for the rest of the day.
I'm not a lewdie, I'm pure as fresh snow, nothing will taint my mind! You're just trying your hardest to corrupt me.
Oh nice one, thank you for that I'll give it a read when I have a chance.
Have to drink my coffee first, multitasking isn't my thing.
I need to desperately do laundry too at some point.
Just waiting til Sunday night to hang out with the girl, basically.
Medium iced caramel swirl macchiatto.
My roommate bought it for me so that's good.
What's up with you?
That photo set lmao
Almost time for makeup. I'm planning on having a nice blt at work. Or maybe just a salad. idk yet.
Oh yeah. Relax it up, bby. How's work going?
They better, or I'm gonna do something REALLY bad...
Oh man I should do a fist-only Skyrim
I'm raising my Kamergotchi while posting :3
Yeah, coffee and energy drinks start making me sleepy now so I drink them very sparingly.
No ciggies, no soda, no sugar.
Anyone who uses a weapon to kill is a pussy.
God gave you hands. Be a man. Fist a fucker to death.
omg does anyone use that Wish app?
I spent soo much money on cute shit the past 3 days lmao
Time to play Skyrim.
Ork is the biggest fister.
Ooh a-okay I have a few pictures now.
Only thing I really drink is coffee and water, sometimes milk from time to time.
um wow lewd
not having to try very hard as it happens. almost like you want it.
ooooh. where did you post it?! leeewd~
you work today? lame. poor maddie.
work is going well. go in, scan all day, come home. rinse repeat. it's not glamorous but it pays the bills.
oh please. you'll get it, relax.
I'm not lewd, stop trying to convince me I am! Reee! I'm a pure boy.
its basically medieval battlefield shitposting: the game
enjoy your 1000 pages of pathfinding
not enough iced caramel macchiattos, that for sure
im currently alternating between shitposting and reading up on AI stuff
play chivalry instead
the real faggots are the ranged pussies, because you cant deal with them unless you can luck out and one shot them with a zwei running attack, or you have a big fuck off tower shield
Ban tp for admin abuse
the laundry room broke down on wednesday and has been down since for me
had to go to a laundromat
it was horrifying
pure lewdie, maybe.
I'm gonna be a real Nord and tell everybody that SKYRIM BELONGS TO THE NORDS
Sssssh, just accept it
Nice desu
isnt everything from there shoddy stuff from china?
I keep pickin creepy ones. Is this how you collect fetishes?
Do you get weekends off of your job, btw?
1000 pages, I'll most likely skim read most of it, since reading isn't my strongest skill. Dyslexic and what not
Maybe?! You mean not at all.
I've got 7 more back home, but I can't take pictures of those, since I'm not home.
yup. I work monday through friday.
I bought that shitty USB from there
It doesn't work >:(
methinks thou dost protest too much.
Probably in the worst occupation for it as well, hahaha.
I'll never admit it, if that's what you're waiting for.
Yeah, I'm covering someone. Extra worth it since the other morning my boss called me to tell me I got a raise. I was like 'kay. I get paid way too much just to fry shit lol
I posted it on Reddit lol
I've been getting into the drone racing stuff. I can't wait to get my first FPV goggles :P
I couldn't imagine a laundromat in NYC x_x
Like, they're not that bad other than the occasional overdose in the bathrooms, but I go to nicer places now haha
Everything's from China anyway, so why not pay like 2 dollars for stuff?
fuck today in particular
you don't have to. it makes it a lot more fun when you pretend otherwise.
Noice. Sundays would be a guaranteed off day for well as any day that's to rainy. Good thing I'm in the middle of the country.
well congrats. can't believe I'm friends with someone so famous!
noice. well that's all good then.
I'm not pretending, I'm being honest! Stop twisting it around, gah! GAH!
Like just look at this cute overload
I dont care enough to go at an inhuman late hour but its still anonying lol
because the reason why stuff is priced for $2 is because they cut corners
you cut corners you lose quality
I'd rather pay 4 or 5 for something that works and will last
oh please, you love it.
that's good. I hope you get it.
yeah, you could say that
that sounds fun
kinda want a drone so i can put an AI on it and just let it do its thing to confuse people
Mreeh, mreh! No comment, no comments what so ever!
lol I'm halfway worried someone will come up to me cause they recognize my ass hole or something now though
Ye. All good in the hood.
I'll cut your corner if I found out you had a penis.
Get scammed chump
A lot of them have stabilization built in which would probably be the most difficult part about that prospect.
Well the only other thing which would be worse, would be being a English teacher.
What an original and absolutely side-splitting joke.
You can feel the sheer force of my mirth-filled laughter from here.
nah, the most difficult part is merging high level logic code and low level sensor code, the latter of which i have no chance of actually pulling off
So how does Cuppers like to party of on the weekend? Overwatch marathon?
fuck english teachers tbh
I managed to hand out €8.80 to some knacker downtown today.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
You are now part of the problem jack
time to off yourself
no comment which basically equals "yes I love it" to closeted lewdies like you.
nah don't worry, I don't think test uses those parts of reddit. the butthole detective won't trouble you.
I generally just chill out and do whatever I feel like at any given time.
oh wait ireland
I have to agree, apart from one of my English teachers, she was the only one who was supportive of me in highschool.
Nu uh, not even. I'm never admitting it!
again, it's cuter that you won't.
Nah, but seriously. I'll let you know about the quality when I get my stuff. It'll be like a book report.
I just like how they level you up like a game as you buy stuff. It really plays into and fuels my impulse buying which is really fun for retail therapy.
Sucks to suck, nerd.
I think I posted the link here the first day though x_x
uh oh. well then you're doomed. everyone is going to be identifying your butthole for years to come.
No it's not! Stop saying that. Gah!
I will cut you if you carry on.
if it makes you happy I guess
imma head off, have a wonderful day welms
You ever get that impulse to play an old 1990s or early 2000s windows game?
how adorable. go on then, cut me up bad.
I've been told it's p nice so that may or may not be a bad thing.
You too grommles
I play skifree and rodents revenge and rattler race sometimes. OG Windows game pack is sick
Hmpf. HMPF.
it is quite enticing.
Not familiar with any of those, but good to know you too have respect for old school gaming.
You're doing this on purpose now! I demand that it stops.
sometimes? not often
just cause I said it cause I'm starting to thing so doesn't mean you can
i have never met a decent language teacher
well, i can hardly be an expert in everything
can't stop won't stop. I can't help myself with cuties who are secret lewdies.
You're not an expert in anything tho I thought?
too late.
I had one, the rest were twats to put it nicely.
I have no words now, I'm just going to submit and surrender.
I dunno. heroes of might and magic 3 springs to mind.
your natural reaction, I'm sure~
im an expert at cock sucking
balls tho
Me too.
They really like my piercings ;3
Loan me 4500 bucks
Wooooow, I actually walked right into that one. Touché, Cup.
Also it is
On the other hand, I always found Media and Sciences teachers to be pretty awesome.
Hmph. No respect for the old school.
takes one to know one, so don't feel too embarrassed
yeah I'm good at that. very opportunistic bully.
new is better fag. stop living in the past.
Oh snap, you're like that too?
I can tell, that's why I try to keep to myself and never give people the opportunity.
It's called appreciating art, you uncultured swine!
I'm sorry, please don't cry
very very much so. see pic
but you're so cute! what a waste.
art is lame.
I've done one of those too, got roughly the same results
Why is it a waste?
Sometimes I wonder why i still stalk you.
sounds about right. you seem like the type~
told ya. cuz you're so cute.
because you're in love with me, duh.
Well I can't help it, it's what I am
I'm still confused to why it's a waste, it can't be because of that surely!
Hmph. Unconfirmed rumors...
I know the feeling
sometimes that's all the reason you need.
or at least, all the reason I need.
I mean there's not much else of a reason to stalk someone
Oooh, fair enough.
Still confused to why it would be a waste! But I guess I can keep guessing in my head.
Maybe you stole something from me and I want it back.
No one else is allowed to like you.
Now am sad
can't reveal all my motives. then there'd be no fun left.
since we've never been in contact irl this seems unlikely
don't worry, anyone who says they do is just pretending.
Here, have a snickers.
Am I?
Well that's true, but you can at least tell me this one, right?
I already told you my main motive. you cute. I like teasing/interacting with cutes.
my heart
Whatever, I don't need to hear this! I gotta shower and shave...and do important things...bye!
okie dokie. have a nice day!
sleep tight.
I'd kill for a snickers right now actually
O-oh! That makes a lot more sense now. I guess I'll accept it!
not like you could stop me if you didn't accept it.
I couldn't stop you, I know this now, but I guess I'll put up with it either way, it's slowly growing on me.
im no fan of piercings, but the idea of using them in blowjobs does sound kinda interesting
if i had 4.5k at hand, i wouldnt be at university, id be buying a boat and doing what the bfs been doing for the last couple of years
kinda, depends really
that's my MO. wear them down slowly but surely until they like it.
But what if I liked it from the start?
Hmm, in my experience, they've always been good to me.
then that would surprise me zero, because I already knew you did
Well yeah, no point saying I liked it now, you already knew. Pfft, I've fell for every traphole you placed down.
it's almost like you enjoy that too.
Stop, please! my face
I'd stop if you actually wanted me to, but we both know that's not the case.
It is the case, please my face is too damn warm right now
I'll let you have a break for now then.
Thank you, Cup. I appreciate you being oh so grateful with your kindness! I know you'll be back too it soon enough
I'm awake
When white people protest it sure does look different.
Cool thread
A very cool thread.
Did TP get ban though?
ur a cool thread
Some of my images keep giving me an error message that it is an invalid filetype, but it's just a jpg. Anyone know what do?
Here's a link to one of the files that is being annoying.
If TP ban we riot.
You too.
Ayy yow is TP banned
Well deserved.
Why did you ban TP???????
The Mods are clearly trigger happy homosluts.
test killed the community
*Head pats*
One's own joints are always the strongest.
I feel both ecstatic and terrored, I need an adult.
Holy shit Vampire-chan E9 tho
sure you do
Buntin' Skelly Jelly!
Sleep snug, smug!
sexu nanda yoooooooo
you are now blessed
I wanna pat succubus-chan.
w2get pdfs reliably?
I bet Cupcake is nub
>when you rev to 9001RPM on your Honda VTEC and dump the clutch and it stalls
I dont speak mongolian
But then how do you communicate with rin?
via maple
its a bicycle BIIIIIICYCLE
I'm gonna sleep like a bear in the winter in an hour.
But for now, SHITPOSTING!
fuck the pain away.
Its good
$40 is kinda expensive for a cap tho
Buying anything off is website is also a pain.
Buying is a pain.
Living is a pain.
Oh... youre already using Nonon...
Fack now i have to make another folder.
im pain
no no, don't worry. I just have a few loose images.
you know what would make life significantly nicer? strawberries and cream
plus I wouldn't care either way. use anything I post.
bunch of fucking weirdos
do you have a maga cap
why did you post retarded strawberries
sour cream on mexican food is nice
Also great on baked potatoes
because its cute
[vomits externally]
with chives
really nigga.mp4
Say, i know that chocolate starfish anywhere...
I gave you what you asked for.
you gave me a LIE.
I do need to expand either way. Goodness, Id say the hardest part is choosing who to have 100+ (min) image collection of.
fucking spaniards
What happened?
I've never really had a problem picking avatars. I usually save a pic or two and find myself posting them over and over and realize I want the character to post a lot.
Hm, but what if tou had to be cost effective because now
Im paying for every megabyte.
No more dancing upside the wall like a fruit tryna steal wifi 3- 4 doors down.
Got one of those mobile wifi ZTE thingies. Its neat. Click on, it connects to a cell tower, then boots up a wifi zone to use.
Fucken eh, love it.
My DICK is an avatar
Oh forgot to add, its got like a cell battery in it so i can just toss it in my jacket, and boot it up if i need something out and about. Definately the best part of it, not wall plug dependent.
Like refference pictures for the Barber the other day.
used only by you?
then I suggest picking an avatar that has really small images, lol.
those kind of things are pretty cool
Im going to make the sound of my sick hitting our face a meme.
I'll never tell.
moogs is a big fat mistake
Slow down fox lest you make a fool of thyself.
they were muslim animals though so they deserved to die
Maybe. Ill just have to chose a lady in the meantime, and wait till i connect to free wifi at a cafe or something.
Maybe i should grab a bunch of torrents files and start them when i free connect, theyre tiny themselves right?
depends on what you're torrenting. but yeah, use up the free while you can.
it's p clear
i mean just the fetch it files for u/bittorrent to use. Those are small.
oh, yeah.
seems legit
the fuck is this
Sounded like misery.
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
8chans pretty efficient on data yesh?
Long as i dont pop open every image.