former Holla Forumsack here. Holla Forums bacame a shit show
after all the redditors, extreme Trump supporters and anarcho-capitalists/libertarians flooded the board. I was always socialists and i hated capitalism but after getting to know how retarded people I was talking above are i prefer to become a full on fucking communist than to stay near those people for five more minutes. So I ask you Holla Forums can you recommend me some books or other stuff so i can learn about communism a litlle bit more i know the basic but i want to go all in. (im really sorry about my bad english it's not my native language)
Former Holla Forumsack here. Holla Forums bacame a shit show
Other urls found in this thread:
Check out this thread
And you can find tons of stuff on
What's your native language? If you have problems with English it would be best if we could recommend texts that are known to be available in a language you are comfortable with.
O gurwa inny Polak xD
Read Marx if you want to study economics as a whole, otherwise stay away.
Marxists ruined communism, don't become one.
General economics books I'd reccommend are Capitalism by Anwar Shaikh, and Junk Economic by Steve Keen.
No bully here but whatever possessed you to become a Holla Forumsack?
Google Bookchin
Read the pdfs and this link
It is enough to gives you a basic beginner's insight into Marx' view of history, economics, disagreement with other socialists, and the concept of alienation. "Worker's Control" by Paul Mattick is a really good introduction to non-Leninist communism. Councilism specifically.
Forgot to ad that none of those texts are very long so I really do recommend them if you want to wet your teeth.
Can't let ML's take the spotlight, eh?
Pretty much in the same boat as you OP. The cancer over there has caused me to pretty much do a 180 and go from being a nazi to being an ancom. Funny how those things work isn't it?
Debt: The First 5000 Years,PJ Proudhon What is Property, Peter Kropotkin Mutual Aid and The Conquest of Bread
I can't understand how you people change ideologies like others change their clothes.
welcome aboard.
These are all key ancom
The Stirner Memebook
If you're interested in leftcom/ultra left stuff check
I was a libertardian many years ago (temporary teenage autism).
As I learnt more about economics I moved a lot more to the left now, but I can't go full commie because muh freedums
i was lost in life
Your English is just fine, comrade. Welcome.
yea that's how we all started
You should read Engels' Principles of Communism. Some anons on here don't like The Communist Manifesto, they think it's a bad introductory text, and there's some truth to that, but I tend to disagree, and you should give it a read if you're getting interested in Socialism and Communism. Aside from that Wage Labor and Capital and Part 1 of the Germany Ideology are also some good short introductory texts. Once you're through with that I'd say you should read Lenin's State and the Revolution and Kropotkin's The Conquest of Bread to get a good general idea of where Marxists and Anarchists stand in counter-distinction to one another. Obviously I can't tell you what to think but I'd say to steer clear of tankies and Trots, mostly stick to ancoms and leftcoms, and don't believe stupid memes about armchairs and shit like that. Have a good time reading and welcome to the board comrade.
There's literally nothing more freeing then a completely classless and stateless society. Read some Marx and Lenin, you'll be surprised the degree to which MLs have twisted their ideas.
I don't understand how one could stay completely with the same ideology. If I pervieve a flaw or contradiction, I move in a different direction. Eventually I'll get to where I need to be. No reason to stay completely loyal to a set of beliefs as to never experiment with others that may be more truthful than your own. And staying in one place seems pretty boring anyway.
Scroll up. That is exactly what he is.
That was another user, not me.
But anarcho-communism is fuller communism than the Marxist posers!
Some combination of ancom and leftcom ideas sprinkled with a bit of Bookchin is probably the future of the Left tbh.
Das Kapital is pretty good
Oh god it’s an end of history liberal.
Oj chuj jest nas już przynajmniej trzech xD
Wage Labour and Capital by Marx should be the first thing you read imo - ignore any idiot who understates how important having a basic grasp of economics is when critiquing capitalism and posing an alternative.
good luck OP, good to have you here.
You're doing it wrong
OP, you should consider checking out this thing, beware of ultra-leftist autism
I have a video series that should help:
Not him but I was a also a dedicated longtime former Holla Forumsack that got disillusioned during the election. It mainly appealed to me in the first place for a few reasons.
a) When you're 15 and don't know shit about politics, sociology, economics or really anything any vague impression of knowledge seems really impressive and persuasive. When you don't know any counter-arguments for why white supremacy isn't true, why there isn't a Jewish conspiracy, and why the Nazis were bad it's very easy to get blown away by the bombastic rhetoric.
b) It was the first political place I found on the internet that was happy to answer my questions, provide me with material and discuss their views at length. I tried getting into leftist and particularly anarchist spaces before this and any time I would say the wrong thing out of ignorance I would just get banned without any opportunity to even understand why. Likewise if I tried to ask any questions about why they believe the things they do they would just make a smug exasperated remark about how it's not their job to educate me. This is quite possibly the biggest one, had leftist sites not been such idpol twats I probably would have been well prepared for Holla Forums by the time I discovered it.
c) Being an insecure, fat, shy dork the imposing and powerful aesthetics and rhetoric of fascism seem hugely empowering. It takes you by the hand and shows you what you want and offers you the chance to be a part of something that seems cool. I suppose self-hatred and the opportunity to rage at your own faults in the forms of their presence in other people is also part of this.
d) Funny memes.
The future's fascism.
kurwa an actual polack is so fucking disgusted with /pol he decides to go full spectrum commie out of spite, this is pretty cash bratte
both sides are right about some shit and not everyone here is a cliche commie, also you can still call people niggers or dirty slavic asparagus monkeys so theres that
what is your KPS btw(kurwapersecond)
you have to go back
This is the biggest reason why that shit is spreading right now. The elite who can actually bring up counterarguments don't want to dignify the fuckers with attention. But at the same time that leaves most of the internet high and dry for rebuttals to these arguments they have never encountered before.
I don't really blame normal people for falling for the memes, but those who actually know what they are talking about have been slacking too much and these are the consequences. It leaves the average Joe to the wolves.
blow me you spectrum disorder train enthusiast, how loud are the noises you are making right now as you rock back and forth playing minecraft, i didnt fucking name the image you retard but I named this one 4u
what this means is, keep up the good leftypol and don't change. We are the only refuge in a sea of deadly idpol. Stay strong comrades.
I feel like saving your post for future reference.
I agree. I was quasi-convinced by the race realism shit before coming to Holla Forums. The issue is the questions Holla Forums provides """answers""" to are so socially unacceptable to ask or discuss that you never see them addressed. The only place ive seen race """realism""" discussed is on far right internet forums and here. It turns out it is easily countered but the only other places I'd ever seen it brought up there was no one opposing it.
reading this made me legit angry, I can just feel the smugness you were subjected to. I could never stomach the idpol """left""" and it boggles my mind that people got so eagerly in what is essentially clickbaiting for the content creators and virtue signalling for everyone else.
This honestly. I almost embraced the ideas of Marxism-Leninism until i actually read Marx and Lenin. ML's are mostly concentrating on historical revisionism and fetishising imagery from capitalist regimes of the past. They are also incredibly dogmatic and feel they need to have to have a stance on every political and international event.
Cztery kurwa :) Ale ja jestem z ameryki
Anarcho-communists are just communists why find the term "dictatorship of the protelariat" spooky but are still for it unknowingly in practice.
Every political philosophy is for "dictatorship" of X, when it means "government" of X.
This is incredibly accurate.
You're a Tatar don't deny your proud heritage as a bandit
this was not intelligent
commies are not by and large more intelligent than Fascists. The only thing they are vaguely woke on is the Capitalism problem. That's it.
most people are really dumb here, but honestly no matter how bad they get they'll never even touch Holla Forums in that regard.
no dude, you really don't get it. These people don't understand that intelligence is hereditary and that women and men literally have different nervous systems and hormonal balances and different brain structures. They literally don't understand that the entire system is run through shell corps and mutual funds and private wealth management firms, with no traceable sources for the wealth.
Holla Forums is fucking retarded, like evil retarded. So dumb it is immoral in my opinion. But Holla Forums is so dumb its actually a danger. I think more people will listen to Holla Forums in the end. And the lack of understanding of IdealismvsMaterialism and the hereditary nature of intelligence is so dangerous going forward.
Part of the reason Holla Forums got so much traction is that this is unironically true, and people started noticing that they were biased because they just couldn't keep their spaghetti in their pockets.
You can't be against Capitalism and for hierarchy, every sensible right-wing thinker of the last century from Scruton to Hoppe to Moldbug understands this.
If you want the simplest possible answer then The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists was designed to introduce borderline illiterate workers of the 1900s to communism
they haven't "infiltrated" though, they've been there for decades, it's just that their bullshit wasn't fashionable until a few years ago. and their influence drops dramatically the moment you go outside the US.
That's adorable; have more.
This is a great thread, guys. Keep it up, proud of you.
Be sure to cap it, user. I know I've regretted it a lot when I wanted to reference t later but had forgot to cap it. Actually, I'll save it for you. :)
Sure you can. Feudalism and monarchism hierarchical as fuck and not Capitalist either.
intelligence is not hereditary, i'm from prole family and have high autism level
Fascism will quickly deteriorate back into corperatist capitalism continuing to dissolve nationstates and "values".
I agree.
Stop reading meme shit and actually get some education before spouting shit about biology, and especially the supposed normative statements you derive from it. Thats actually the hardest part.
Intelligence has a heriditary factor, but its neither confirmed to be strong, or without good destinction from enviromental factors or a good indicator of success in life once you isolate social influences nor easy to measure. And drawing somekind of statements about what ought to be from that is down right retarded and irrelevant.
Damn, every point except for (c) makes you sound exactly like me user.
And my version of (c) was me projecting pure projection, I didn't think I'd ever be good enough to live out any of my desires or act on my personality so I hated other people who could.
>Tfw becoming a leftist gave you a huge boost in self confidence and made you start giving a damn about your appearance
learn about Asserism and national bolshevism if you want to stick with your nationalism
don't its a meme