Why are Socialists obsessed with Esperanto? Most anarchists seemed content with using English and their national languages.
Jacobin just published this article a few minutes ago.
Why are Socialists obsessed with Esperanto? Most anarchists seemed content with using English and their national languages.
Jacobin just published this article a few minutes ago.
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I have nothing against Esperanto. I just don't have the time to learn it.
Anarchists are socialists and like Esperanto too:
Esperanto was only popular in Anarchist circles during the Spanish Civil War.
After the Esperantist mayor of Madrid was assassinated by fascists and the war ended, the movement pretty much died.
Do we really need to spread the metric system, Christianity, and the Gregorian calendar to other cultures?
I am skeptical of supporting Esperanto. We should just use the national languages and protect our own borders from foreign influence, such as global capitalism.
Where we are going there won't be borders.
fuck off american. the world will not be like your cultureless country
culture is not dependent on borders
you could measure your precious borders in kilometers instead of fathoms and spans
the point isn't to wipe out national languages. the point is to have everyone speak first their national language, and second esperanto/whatever international language. This puts all people on the same footing when speaking internationally, which is something workers will be doing alot in communism.
Why does it have to be Esperanto? It's too old and never got far. We can create a new one from scratch and take everyone's input into consideration. Maybe mix English, Hindi, Chinese, and Swahili together. That way it won't be a colonialist language.
You seem to have toned down the autism a bit. What is your problem with this language? English is old as shit too, so what?
English is a real language. Esperanto has roots with a zionist who wanted to make the world a better place for Jews. That's it.
I never said it had to be, although I do speak it and I think it's a pretty good choice. It has a lot of leftist history, its extremely easy to learn and is completely regular. It has 2mil speakers right now, and actually has native speakers also. But in the end it doesn't really matter, but I do think and international language is important.
fuck off back to Holla Forums nazi
English won. We need to accept this and utilize English.
My first language is English so it doesn't disadvantage me or anything to have it as the lingua franca, but having everyone speak a lingua franca which is artificially constructed to be easy to learn and speak seems advantageous for humans as a whole. Pretty much nobody speaks artificial languages aside from Esperanto though, correct?
lotr and star trek fans
Esperanto is as likely to happen as random revolution. We need to make a decision if using our resources for Esperanto is wise. We need to focus our energy in raising class consciousness. Esperanto is a waste of time and has failed in history.
Only post-revolution. It's just a long-term goal, unless you happen to be a polyglot already.
Don't be silly, Esperanto has more speakers than many natural languages while only a handful of nerds know Klingon and Elvish.
Yet is insanely popular in China.
So popular, they can speak it without a dialect (which is not the case with English)
I never understood how we should accept your hegemonic language rules. My native language has a completely diff. internal ruleset than your shitty artificial cuntness….
tldr: i wont do your anglo pseudo-int-lang. bc. i know better.
Agreed. Even Hungarian would make a better international language, since actual people speak it.
Yes. There is literally nothing wrong with eurocentrism.
Actually there is. We need to respect other cultures and other borders. There is nothing inherently superior to Esperanto or the Gregorian Calendar.
I'm an Esperanto speaker and a communist, but I don't view them as connected. I don't care about the politics of Esperanto, the only reason I learned it was because it was a nice community. I use it to make friends, not overthrow capitalism.
Just like Christianity is not a colonialist religion, am i rite?
Esperanto is European. It is not a world language. It never will be fit to be spoken outside the borders of the EU.
Another reason to be suspicious of it.
The world is already engulfed in those things, albeit, Abrahamic on the Christian part.
God/Allah/YHWH wins again, gaytheists.
This esperanto bullshit enrages me so much
Its autism and ideology of the highest degree and esperantists are so smug about it.
esperanto is officially shit because pents
Soros funded, fake anarchism, it has nothing to do with people who are against the idea of a State or Hierarchy. In fact forcing everyone to learn an artificial language as opposed to free flowing natural languages is the epitome of authoritarianism. Everyone likes speaking English, I've never met a native English speaker who was really upset they learned English.
It isn't. It's retarded and authoritarian, sure, but colonialist?
Pretty much agreed. There is nothing free about Esperanto. It goes against everything class struggle stands for. It demands that the workers and capitalists unite and get along with their magical zionist language.
its just an ugly, boring, faggot language for uncultured idiots who are deracinated and so averse to speaking their mother tongues that they need to language cuck themselves.
It's really not that serous mate
not only do they cuck their own cultures but they want to cuck everyone else too
Dude I just like to meet and get drunk with people from different countries, don't know what you're on about
nah, you can learn Esperanto. And you can keep it to yourself. English and French are the international languages. They will remain that way. Mandarin and Arabic as secondary languages.
I actually do speak German, though. I'm headed to Germany (my gf works there) for the fourth time in a couple weeks. Esperanto actually helped with that - it can be a pretty good stepping stone for other languages for monolinguals!
And I don't know why you're getting so worked up about this. It's our little community - nobody hates the "culture" they were born into (any more than the rest of the world), and I still speak my native language perfectly well. Esperanto is just for fun and to meet people.
Obviously I meant "headed to Germany (for the fourth time) (in a couple weeks)", not "(for the fourth time in a couple weeks), whoops.
Uh, I didn't start the thread. I don't care if you learn Esperanto, or if leftists adopt it, or if it becomes an "official world language". None of those are my goals.
Esperanto is a social club, like any multiplayer video game or indeed almost any other hobby. I'm just talking about my positive experience with it. Why does that make you so angry?
Age is irrelevant, and it has gotten much further than any other similar project. Must people won't be able to agree on a language, and mashing together all the world languages ultimately results in something that's recognizable to no one.
Native speaker, not actual Esperantist. His father was super into it but George couldn't care less.
I don't see any Esperanto superpower forcing people either violently or economically to learn Esperanto. The same can't be said about the rest of the world languages.
Holy fuck can you stop making shit up while mixing a healthy dose of Holla Forums retardation into it for one fucking thread?
You literally sound like you're from Holla Forums. I've never heard this level of chauvinism and stubbornness here.
WELP guess we'll all just settle on lojban
Literally no one speaks it and it's extremely autismal. Try to learn the grammar and you have no fucking idea what it means. It's also an eyesore. People bitch at Esperanto for looking ugly, but Lojban looks like an improperly displayed word document.
This Esperanto shitposting is waaaay better than anything that happened to this board since january. Especially than this nazbol infestation recently.
English is not a problem intrinsically. The problem is with Anglos acting as gatekeepers of the language and simultaneously promoting it as a "global" language.
Take the English Language Wikipedia for example. Despite claims to English being global, the wikipedia is heavily biased towards Anglosphere perspectives. I've tried for example to add biographies of people from my country (Myanmar) and have been told to provide sources, which of course are rejected, while Western videogame characters are given their own pages.
The solution is to promote both regional varieties of English (World Englishes) and to simultaenously allow non-anglos to play a part in creating "global english".
Comrades, you may play your part when you write by refusing to italicise new vocabulary from your own cultures in English sentances. Non Anglos are forced to cope with all manner of cultural references and local idioms when they read or listen to English globally, so why must international people pander to the anglosphere by constantly defining new words for them , instead of letting them figure out the meaning themselves?
Wikipedophiles are notorious for being power-mad autists user. I apologise if it sounds like my post detracts from your wider argument, but almost everyone who's tried to do something on Wikipedia has a tale about being cock-blocked by some powertripping mod/admin over some trivial addition or editing of a page in said mods/admins "remit"
This comrades, is your typical liberal lifestylist. They refuse to accept logic.
Esperanto is anti-materialist because it does not follow the natural progression of linguistic evolution. It is a stain in linguistics and should be laughed at until it disappears.
English has been ingrained in society due to it being the lingua franca during the rise of the internet. It will unlikely ever be replaced, and if it is replaced, it would be by another hegemonic language.
No one wants to learn Esperanto, it has had over a century to spread and only a handful of people have taken it seriously.
That is why I only use wikipedia is my small native language. I get to contribute more for people I care about.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
I do. Kill yourself immediately.
Because Esperanto is easier to learn than all those other languages, save English?
Show me anything marxist the Esperanto community has done in the past 50 years?
You're just a bunch of white hipsters and old people who read old books. You don't even have Hegel translated into Esperanto. I don't know why I checked.
Kill yourself.
You cultists are illogical beasts.
There is no logical reason why a black mother of three working for McDonalds must learn Esperanto or why an Indian factory worker should give it a chance.
Esperanto will not bring them any benefits. They should instead learn a local minority endangered language.
Kill yourself.
In the US foreign language classes are pretty much useless, no one who already isn't trying to apply themselves learns anything. I took both spanish and german in highschool, most of the german class was pretty enthusiastic about it but ultimately it was just a fun class to take, and didn't pursue it any further. The spanish class was fucking pathetic and filled with all the low Autism Level rejects; the entire year we learned about 10 verbs and maybe 100 nouns and adjectives, and they still couldn't fucking pass. Esperanto would be a really easy langauge to introduce as it's easy enough that most of the grammar can be gotten out of the way quickly and have an actual focus on communication. 2 years of esperanto an hour a day for 5 days a week would be enough to turn even the dumbest of kids into decent speakers.
People study Spanish and German in school. No one studies Esperanto. The solution to this chicken and egg question is simple.
Esperanto will never be taught in high schools because no one has a masters degree in Esperanto. Especially not enough to teach millions of teenagers nationwide.
No one is going to be the first idiot to spend thousands of dollars for a useless degree. And no, high schools won't hire people who complete the duolingo course.
Slay thyself. Or stop being retarded and read this.
I love this book!
Me too. It reminded me a bit of Stirner.
gregorian calandar is shit. Internatinal Fixed Calander now, except put the extra day(s) on the start of the year so people have an extra day to sleep off their hangover.
Esperantists are truly the bronies of languages. They're overly defensive about their autistic hobby/obsession and they think that everyone should adopt it even though it's shit. They even have cringy conventions.
There are many reasons why Esperanto is shit, and they've been brought up time and time again since Esperanto's creation and can be easily found with a quick google search. Basically it fails as an Auxillary language because it is not actually as easy to learn as its advocates like to shill at whatever opportunity they get. That's not really Zamenhoff's fault, because he made Esperanto before linguistics was a thing, but it doesn't make Esperanto any less awful as an International Auxiliary language.
If you want to learn Esperanto as a hobby or to meet new people, or to travel cheaper, then by all means go for it. But it's not a good language, objectively speaking. It's only marginally easier to learn for an English speaker than Spanish or French just because it lacks any exceptions in its grammar. And I think that just makes it more uninteresting and unnatural.
Also, spoken Esperanto sounds like Polish fucked Italian and had a retarded baby.
It's not, though.
Literally not a single argument or piece of evidence in this entire post. Just throwing out completely unsubstantiated opinions like they're fact. If Esperantists are seen as overly defensive it's because anti-Esperantists are just shitposters incapable or unwilling to not use the same retarded, empty arguments that have been used a million times.
Is that why it's the only widely adopted IUL and the most widely spoken conlang? Do people just blatantly lie about its ease?
Objectively speaking there's no such thing as a "good language", but almost universally subjectively speaking, Esperanto is significantly easier to understand and learn than any other.
Absolute fucking bullshit. Only someone who has never learned any language to fluency could say something that retarded. I've spent significantly less time learning Esperanto than I have Spanish yet I am much more fluent in it than Spanish, while I actually understand its grammar.
It's not supposed to be interesting or natural, it's supposed to be an easy to learn language for international communication. If it was widely adopted then they wouldn't have to sacrifice their ancestor's language to learn it, and there'd be a lot more interesting languages around.
IALs aren't for those type of people, they're for people who are likely to be communicating with people around the world. If Esperanto really was the IAL then those people you mentioned would be able to learn it much more easily than English and could shitpost on the WWW with everyone else.
This is why everyone hates Esperantists. It's clear that your goal is to destroy linguistic diversity in the name of international zionism.
Esperanto is called an international AUXILIARY language for a reason. People learn it as their second, not their first, thereby allowing them to keep their small 100 speaker language but still communicate with the wider world, unlike now where people are socially or economically coerced into learning the lingua franca because otherwise you'll be at a severe disadvantage. Trying to maintain linguistic diversity in the current system is an exercise in futility; not that it shouldn't be done, but that it will be very difficult and ultimately change nothing.
Stop trying to hide your blatant antisemitism by pretending you're just "anti-zionist"