Is it true that Holla Forums bans anyone who doesn't explicitly identify as a Nazi because it's a honeypot and their information is sent to intelligence agencies?
Is it true that Holla Forums bans anyone who doesn't explicitly identify as a Nazi because it's a honeypot and their...
Infinity Holla Forums is the old 4chon screw of schizophrenics that accuse everyone of being jews and accuse everyone of being controlled opposition unless they're gunning down niggers in the streets. They're probably a mossad operation.
No, Holla Forums is full of Republican voters now. The actual nazis ran to the hills when the mods started banning everyone who criticized Daddy Trump.
Holla Forums bans everyone because they're autistic, I seriously doubt any of the mods work for alphabet soup instead of just being faggots.
conspiracy theories are for the lazy, Holla Forums is just a shithole
Still more believable than "the jews want to control the world because their genetics makes them inherently evil".
"The FBI cooked up a political concept that anyone who attended a Western university could tell you is the natural outgrowth of the idea of white muh privilege" is still pretty out there user, along with "HIV is a CIA biological weapon to genocide the gay community and blacks"
I got permabanned for saying Trump as just another corporate crook, this was about 6 months ago. No reason to post or read that board any more. Total torture chamber.
Looks like Holla Forums got the "night of the long knives" treatment by the trumptards lol
Nobody is saying that the FBI created SJWs or their ideology, just that they support it when it's useful to them. Micronationalism and idpol have often been used by the U.S. to undermine real leftist movements, just look at the indigenous separatist movement in Nicaragua that fought the Sandinistas. It was backed by the CIA but also got the support of a lot of progressives.
Its not that the alphabet soup created the toxic concepts within idpol, its that they use bottomless budget and media connections to provide funding for it and make sure it stays in the public eye. Their is evidence that in the 60s and 70s that government agencies in the US tried to encourage/cultivate the most toxic strands in the women's and black liberation movement.
We were group shilling on half-chan Holla Forums the other day and half the board was defending the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia. When we talked about the Saudi funding of terrorism and extremism they called it a conspiracy theory. Holla Forums is filled with retarded republican normies now.
It is not just circumstantial evidence either. The FBI records of COINTELPRO have been declassified and are avalable publically. It's not just a theory, it's public knowledge.
And CIA operatives apparently. From what I hear, some of the more active posters have IPs originating in Langley, VA.
Dear god, you're not holding back today
How the fuck would you know that, noone but HW and Jim Profit know the IPs here, not even the mods, so where are the proofs?
Full pol, yeah, half pol is all Reddit now
I wouldn't doubt it, but if so it would be at the admin level, not moderator level, since mods can't see any real important data I think.
I got banned for saying that the Allied forces should have used chemical weapons on Nazi Germany mainly to trigger them, but it would have been deserved tbh and got banned for it.
I wanted to see if I could get out of it for the shits and giggles, so I thought about what groups Holla Forums would allow that would say that. Then it hit me, ancraps.
I filed an appeal and said that Germany violated the NAP and therefore aggression from other countries was justified. I was unbanned shortly thereafter.
The last time I was there, quite a few denied they were Nazis, and just caring about morality and stuff.
Wrong Holla Forums.
Please tell me that you screencapped you ban and unban.
Holla Forums has become the soccer mom.
Bruh chill with the conspiracy theories, this is just getting ridiculous
Morality in this sense means "The preservation and loyalty to the white race". I would rather not want to see these kinds of soccer moms.
tbh i would be delighted if Holla Forums would just ban everyone guilty of scientism and economism. the left has enough of that bourgeois shit.
Holla Forums, Holla Forums and any other board with a right-wing retard infestation hands out permabans for little things, yes. They're easily offended.
I got a day ban for calling someone blatantly shilling for Trump a cuck. I'll let that sink in. I GOT BANNED. FOR CALLING SOMEONE. A CUCK. ON Holla Forums. Holla Forums.
I didn't think to at the time, since I had been experimenting with what they would and wouldn't allow, but I'll look through their mod logs in a bit and see if I can find it.
If not, maybe I'll recreate it and see if they take the bait a second time.