Stumbled across this earlier. Is learning Latin actually reactionary...

Stumbled across this earlier. Is learning Latin actually reactionary? It seems like more of a service to humanity than anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

Esperanto was called the people's latin.
The point is, that these artificial and dead languages are useful to the modern left.
English is the true international language of the proletariat.


Why are you browsing reddit? There's not point to use those shitsinks

made me think

Latin is a dead language. Outside of academia, it is more or less useless to learn. The average person is better off learning a language that is still in use.

It's the socialist music subreddit. There's good music on there, but god damn, Redditors are insufferable.

I learned latin. It's not reactionary, it's fucking fascinating.

why, so you could larp as a bourg art critic

there is your problem

perhaps he lives in a country that speaks a language that came from latin and he just wanted to understand better his own language and etymology
That did not occured to you?

wew, fucking Italians

Shut up fag. Refusing to be cultured is something that belongs to Holla Forums not here

What does that even mean?

I loved learning Latin. It's so logical. It should really be the universal language tbqhmf.

Hello Pol Pot.



Here is the link to the song.

Language is apolitical. It's what you are doing with it, that is.

shit I got exposed

netherlands actually, but I went to a gymnasium (what you call a grammar school in english) where latin and/or ancient greek are mandatory

English is the true international language of the proletariat.
t. american

Fuck off

They tried to teach me latin at school.


Nulla pugna contra fatum.

Ovidius poeta in terra pontica exulant.

I feel like they said that because reactionaries like to fetishize Latin, but it doesn't means learning Latin is reactionary…


language(s) of the proletariat is their mother tounge, everything else is impossed by Porky

All things Roman have a tendency to appeal to a very special kind of reactionary autists (what, you never seen alt-cucks ramble about muh SPQR?), but this is a very fringe thing, from this it shouldn't be deduced learning Latin is reactionary, under that logic Japanese is the most reactionary language of all.