What do we think of him/his movement Diem25? I'm an American so I know very little. Are they even close to being leftist or are they a step in the right direction? I respect Yanis for stepping down as FM after it became apparent SYRIZA was castrated, but idk if this is a power grab on his part or CPR for a dead left. What do you guys think?
What do we think of him/his movement Diem25? I'm an American so I know very little...
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Total sellout, SYRIZA needs to be overthrown, its just another austerity government
On the other hand Zizek, Chomsky and Negri apparently support it, so I don't know how to feel about it.
He's a reformist anti-capitalist so as good as it gets with ppl in the spotlight really. His movements seems to aim to make the EU more transparent and democratic which are obviously good things.
He doesn't like Macron at all, he just said you should vote for him in the 2nd round to make sure Le Pen doesn't become president.
But Chomsky also supported Hilary, Zizek will support anything that gives him a platform, and Negri has been invested in eurofag socdems since Mitterand saved his ass from prison.
They are right, revolution wont happen anytime soon, so preparing the ground by making sure we survive climate change and democratizing the EU is valid tactics. They are ok, but nothing the far left really should get exited over.
I think this is our best bet for saving capitalism and rebuilding social democracy, but I'm highly skeptical if this is possible, and if this is something "the left" should strive for. I mean finally capitalism and the EU are dying, and WE are the ones trying to save them?
Apart from this oxymoronic statement, do you really believe Varoufakis is anticapitalist? And here I'm genuinely asking DO YOU REALLY THINK this guy is anticapitalist?
Why not?
You can hear how often varoufakis says "New Deal for Europe," he wants to further social democracy. Now I think its a valid question as to whether or not push Europe further as right now northern europe would fall into the hands of the far-right. In Greece, I could imagine the anarchists seizing power given their size, not being Greek however I can't speak for their organization. This is promising though:
67% of Greek young people are ready to have a revolution.
Why, with this possibility in sight and in the immediate feature, would we strive for anything other than revolution?
This is a bit weird though, he has lately been supporting taxing robots to slow down automation. How exactly does keeping workers chained to simple machines prevent a dystopian future?
If you can't socialize it, tear it the fuck down.
But how is Diem25 actually going to achieve this? You can't just say, "Our platform is FALC/StarTrek"
Is it specifically aimed at slowing down automation? Or is it(as most proponents of such a tax think) aimed at replacing the potential massive reduction of income tax that is appearing with coming automation waves?
What about these badasses? 21st Century Marxism-Leninism? Fuck yeah. If they actually ceased power what would we do?
You're right, I take my post back. I did some reading and apparently it is also to avoid a neo-luddite backlash against automation that would hypothetically hinder automation more than the taxes.
They crowd looks pretty big. I thought KKE was a meme party? Or is that literally every party member packed in there?
They're catching up on Golden Dawn with about 8.5% of the vote in opinion polling
(ignore the graph it's old, look at the table)
Then again they might just try to seize control of street protests and team up with anarchists to seize power by force.
I assume you are not Greek.
whats the issue with the KKE
There are dozens of issues, take this one: during the protests in 2011 against the "reforms" they guarded the parliament:
Or their stance on the 2008 riots:
Carpe Diem
What about these maoists? PCTP/MRPP gets more than 1% in portuguese elections. It's probably one of the most successful maoist parties in western europe right now, no?
Because it would become just another cautionary tale like the soviet Union, North Korea or Venezuela
Doomed to fail. We can't stay in the European Union.
he's not with syriza anymore
Yeah it's almost as if reality is nuanced.
Haven't heard anything of them since that founding congress in Berlin.
absolutely nothing comrade
Sigh. This has been posted here repeatedly (same guy?). It's bullshit. Comment from a Greek:
Delenda Carthago:
>C. At that day, all of the sudden, the GD neonazi scums that had turned against the strike since day one, came by the dozen to claim their solidarity with the strike. Their excuse for the reason that took them more than 100 days to do so, was that they were working all that time. The whole thing stinks of provocation. The nazis were not there to be in solidarity with the workers, they were there to tear it apart.
>D. KKE had no reason to announce anything, since the strike is done by the worker's union, not KKE. And the union made a statement about the provocation of the nazis, claiming that the video gave a false impresion, since they were booed by the workers and their stuff was not touched.
>To me, what happened after the incident, and it is still happening in here, is ten times more discusting than what happened in the plant. People that have NO idea how does a strike like that(in a country like today's Greece) is like, making their easy ass critic like they are somehow better.Me, the most I have striked in my life is 2 days. I have NO idea what a struggle like that looks like and I have NO intention of attacking people that are on a strike for more than 110 days claiming class pride, trying to spread the word in other factories too and to equate them with nazis from my chair just to pass my politics is filthy. So either all of you attacking the workers are idiots, or scums.
>*who, by the way has gone deaf by working in the plant, and even he could take advantage of his position as a syndicalist and not work, he remains working next to every other worker.
KKE is NazBol