I have a sincere question leftypol, Why do you only hate rich white people? Don't you know that Indians have a higher average income then whites? Are you gonna steal their stuff when the revolution comes, or did they "earn" it some how?
Why do you hate only white rich people?
the bourgeioisie have no race
read a book and shut up
Because they're either jews or brainwashed by Jewish professors.
It's mostly sexual frusturuating. As a gay black man, mainstream gay media fetishes white male bodies, especially upper middle class men.
Every young white man I meet, I wish to sodomize, unfortunately do to being unattractive and working class, chances are low.
I don't hate rich people. I hate the system that places all the power in the hands of the rich
i hope this is real
prepare your BBC folder too, polyp
We don't.
Yes and so do Asians, but the problem isn't even income. Its ownership of the means of production. Most of these Indians/Asians are just petty boojs or labor aristocrats(so are rich white people for that matter). Not really our enemy although significant can be reactionary if the water gets to hot.
You can't oppose the bourgeoisie without opposing the jews, but of course Professor Morty "African studies socialism is the answer btw I make $230k and have dual citizenship with Israel" Shekelstein won't tell you that.
corruption apologists have no race, no gender and no political beliefs.
The vast majority are americans tho. Holla Forums will say they are jews, but that's irrelevant, they american.
We don't
I don't even have a BBC. I am just a regular guy.
I am glad my life is funny for you.
it's not a question of income but of owning the means of production
the bankrupt factory owner is more harmful than the well-off pilot.
There are Jews on all steps on the social ladder. Jewish factory workers, Jewish farmers, Jewish cleaning ladies, Jewish grocery store owners, and yes, big bucks banker Jews and media mogul Jews too.
This is why it doesn't make sense to oppose a race, you dumbass, and this is why racism is the tool of the ruling class to divide the workers, and finally, this is why you nazis are the same as pomo liberals with your own kind if identity politics, triggerin words and safe spaces.
That's wrong. Jews driving a taxi in Israel for a living doesn't discount the fact that half of all billionaires are Jewish and Hollywood and MSM are firmly in their control. Jews are disproportionately wealthy and powerful. But remember, disproportionality is only bad when it's niggers being arrested for weed because you're all brainwashed by the kikes like the good goyim you are.
all those jews were born in america or live in there for decades. it's you the brainwashed and corruption apologist.
There are Jews driving taxis in America, France, etc. you drooling imbecile. Not all Jews in the US are rich.
Would you say that some firms are in the hands of the Irish, because they are more concentrated in some economic sectors? Nope. You need this conspiracy theory about the Jews to cloud from you how the economy actually works.
lol you are comparing Irish influence to Jewish
Irish the largest ethnogroup in the united States
You're a joke and a kike stop posting shitty somethingawful memes
Who do you think you are talking to?
Not eveyone here lives in US or Europe.
Posting without lurking should be a bannable offense
You have to go back.
You have to kill yourself
I hate the capitalist mode of production, not rich people. Despite not having a general hatred for them, some are particularly abrasive however.
Maybe you should have picked a real major, dumb projecting stormfag
Lurk moar
t. amerifat
good sasanach
Oh come on man. Thats funny
I see this thread is anchored. Because the truth is most of the left today is just deeply triggering and problematic racist propaganda promoted by Jews.
And no I'm not a Nazi fetish weirdo.
yeah you got us, it's to hide da troooof and not just because it's a retarded 'makes you think' topic based on Holla Forums being politically illiterate as always.
Was becoming detected a component of thy scheme?
They hate them for that reason alone.
Deep, uncontrollable envy.
The people who hate them, want to be them, in general.
They want power, high social status, money and all that comes with it.
These people are hypocrites.
Superior genes, superior looks, superior,wealth, position in society - pathetic, barely disguised envy. The weak that hate the strong do so because they themselves want to be strong but are unable.
Like hysterical women, criticising a female celebrity because she is far more attractive than they are.
A weakly man, with very low self esteem who feels his wife admires a celebrity, will pick at other flaws in the male.
But really because the other male is taller, stronger, better off.
If you find yourself envying someone, time to do something about it and improve yourself, or learn to accept what you are.
It's a biological desire that I cannot satisfy. :(
That's not true though
Why did you change the text I wrote?