You guys said Reddit was cancer. Why didn't I listen?
Just got banned from /r/COMPLETEANARCHY for shitting on their racist circlejerk.
You guys said Reddit was cancer. Why didn't I listen?
Just got banned from /r/COMPLETEANARCHY for shitting on their racist circlejerk.
Other urls found in this thread:
You disapoint me, user.
There are only two reasons I still go there.
1) Not enough content on Holla Forums to keep me occupied.
2) They tend to get breaking news a lot faster.
I go there to shill socialism. Fat lot of good that does, all the "leftist" communities are full of SJWs and all the moderates either punch to the left or continually try to compromise with wingnut reactionaries.
I also go there for tech discussion because /g/ is garbage and Holla Forums is run by Holla Forumstards
tbh you could've had some better arguing than just say "spook" over and over. Specifically you could've said
Some aboriginal guy literally got called a race-traitor wtf reddit
Negros are given longer sentence because they ALWAYS insist on going to trial and NEVER listen to their lawyer instead taking legal advice from their cousin doing ten years in prison misunderstanding the law from the legal library will you cucks EVER learn? Negros are imprisoned at EXACTLY the proportion they commit crime.
How about you go read theory instead of filler content?
hi, who are you talking to?
Theory is boring, leftypol is a fun friend simulator
Why are they so obsessed with white men? What's wrong with them? It's like antisemites obessions with Jews.
I'm starting to see how Carl can unironically say the shit he does. If people like this were your entire exposure to anarchism/communism no shit you'd start to say it's two steps from fascism.
They're the first to go against the wall tbh
When did this happen? This is by far the most autistic possible stance for Holla Forums to take. It goes against Stallman and the entire concept of GNU has ever stood for
Polite off-topic and double-post sage.
sometimes i wish fascists would just deport all the minorities to Antarctica or something so that i no longer had to listen to americans arguing about them online. it's not a topic that will lead to any fruitful discussion.
of course the total destruction of the united states by a huge comet would also be desirable, but that's just silly.
it's ironic that the fascist subbreddit is the least banhappy and most tolerant board when it comes to dissenting oppinions
You have been banned from /r/Pyongyang
partially the same that happened with 4/g/.
people from Holla Forums who are mostly right-leaning started hanging out there
lainchan is pretty much the only good chan to discuss tech but its extremely slow
420chan has some decent boards on it too but also slow
anarkiddies + race-obsessed americans + neurotic petty-bouj college kids = cancer
It read like Holla Forums without Marxists tbef.
Chapo trap house, shitliberalssay and leftcom subreddits are tolerable but the anarchist subs and r/soc are filled with liberals.
Mod/user drama keeps surfacing in SLS and occasionally even shows up in CTH. I'm slowly gaining more respect for the leftcom subs because of it.
I am consistently amazed that people constantly repost Reddit screenshots and idiots like you still ask this shit.
Just look at them. That's the only answer you need, unless you're some kind of knuckledragging idiot who needs to shove his arm into a firepit to figure out that it's hot.
How do you people make sense to yourselves?
Approximately 97% of people charged with crimes don't make it to court, and black people are arrested at a way higher rate. There's no chance for them from the beginning because of the racist system
If niggers don't want to get arrested then maybe they should stop acting like niggers.
socialism/communism/leftism cannot work with white people still existing. figure it out dipshit. you're either with us in taking down white supremacy or you're a fascist. make your decision
wtf I'm a Nazi now
this reminds me of pic related
pol is as subtle as ever
Hello, fellow leftist!
Is this subreddit fucking satire? I stumbled across it and thought it was a socialist meme subreddit, but it appears to be genuine. I guess I don't know what I expected from fucking leddit
only /r/leftwithoutedge is free of nazi mods
but u get banned for being an edgelord
why did you remind me
the worst thing is the feeling of powerlessness. the smugness. at least with the lolbertarian right you have the comfort that they're not currently the dominant ideology, when they go "lol read basic economics you stupid keynesian!!!" you can go "hahaha y-you too, but at least we both agree things are shit, right?" and it's slightly less lonely because at least you have that in common.
but with neoliberals there's nothing. "you're stupid and i'm winning. no matter how hard you fight, or how well you argue against me here, my ideology is still the one running countries [into the ground] and your ideology is nothing but the wonkish fantasy of a few economists who learned calculus."
the only thing i can take such solace in is that such feelings can't be isolated to just useless 1970s nostalgists, and must drive a desire for power. at this stage it doesn't matter whether or not we bring back social democracy so long as i get to see neoliberalism die and spit in their faces. if this is the best we can do, we've got absolutely nothing to lose.
they laughed at my minsky model, i laughed at their straw man.
yes its genuine, it's basically full of computer programmers who believe in general equilibrium theory.
Wonder how to phrase a neoliberal one with something like "your retarded economic system is on the brink of collapse but it's okay because you just pump more into it"
In my experience, "logical" people (e.g. engineers) are attracted to right wing economics, especially libertarianism. I suspect they find comfort in the complex maths and the fiction of rational actors. Also, the relative self-consistency of right libertarianism when compared to the ideological mess of center left liberals desperately trying to inject morality into a cruel and indifferent capitalist machine.
IDK about fascists tho
It's an astroturf. It all came out of nowhere at the same time, this online campaign to rebrand neoliberalism as hip and smart and pragmatic and something that actually works.
I don't get it, who are those people? What's the joke?
This is the really annoying fucking thing about Reddit.
All the actual proper left boards are act almost like fucking parodies of the left (FFS /r/socialism has fucking Stalin and Mao in the sidebar random image) and basically most people there are just teenagers who have no clue on economics or theory and the mods are the biggest SJW fucks in existence and constantly run the name of Socialism through the mud with their actions.
Then basically, the entirety of reddit liberals are basically neoliberal "MUH EVIDENCE BASED POLICY" fuckheads who think they are post-ideology and constantly punch left while being manipulated into racist and woman hateric shit because of "Muh feminazi freedom hating antifa boogyman"
The another annoying as fuck shit is because they dominate the MAINSTREAM, they can just throw fucktonnes of mainstream academic papers in your face that support neoliberalism (because it's the current global world order) which makes them seem far more rational and reasonable to the average person despite the papers are of course, completely ideologically bias.
Great example of this is the the reduction in severe global poverty. It looks nice, it has a lot of papers and graphs, but the entire thing falls apart when you realize it's just a whole bunch of fancy accounting and false axioms. But when you call them out on this, you come out looking like a conspiracy theorist. "Why would insitutions LIE?" the average person thinks and they think you're being anti-intellectual because the neoliberal side has fucking graphs.
Fuck liberals. They're worse than Holla Forums.
more disgusting than the_donald
Take solace in the deep future. Neoliberalism is nothing more than a tiny blemish on the enormity of human history. We have billions of years ahead of us, while neoliberalism will collapse in a matter of decades. Think of the problems of the present in the same way that you think about the problems of ancient history. Even the worst problems didn't last forever.
Are you the IShillForSocialism guy?
Please kill me
I mainly stick to the CTH sub though that's slowly becoming filled with identity-reductionists as well
I don't know if my work blocks Holla Forums because no part of this site is SFW.
So nothing good came of Marx and Engels discussing things with one another because they were both white dudes? How about the leaders of their beloved Kekalonian utopia? Not to mention the implication that half the people who live in Europe is evil, regardless of their class or actual material standing in life. I guess those rich Bulgarians and Romanians better check their muh privilege.