In light of a possible trump impeachment it could be interesting to discuss the views of mike pence and what he bring to American foreign policy. How will the North Korean situation play out under pence, is pence more or less sympathetic towards turkey and will anything change with China?
Pence would be a more efficient Trump.
More efficient in what regard?
Destroying the world
He wouldn't illicit the same performative opposition from establishment politicians and the mainstream media. Look at all of the neoliberals longing for the days of the war criminal Bush and propping up ghouls like Frum. They don't give a damn about Trump's policies, only that they are attached to a man that disrupts their comfortable view of the institutions they fetishize. Pence carries a more level-headed demeanor and isn't posting tweets about tv ratings at all hours of the night. He represents a return of normalcy that liberals crave.
pence is just another politician that will do what his party tells him to do, and whats worst is the left here in america would prefer him over trump, even though he's just as bad as trump if not worst. trump is only good for the fact that he truly represents what america has become, and people have woken up to how shit our country has become.
Based on what? Impotent liberal screeching?
I don't want Pence to come in yet, I want my four years worth of Trump being a complete jack-ass.
Sure took the fucking idiots long enough. What, did the police state bullshit and constant wars not tip them off?
It seems that Trump will be impeached and that is actually bad news because he is a terrible administrator. Expect Pence to be a more efficient leader with none of the backlash.
The scary thing is, if you look at approval ratings of people in government, at a time when nobody is popular and everybody has high disapproval, Mike Pence is pretty much the most popular figure in government (outside of Sanders) and is far far more popular than his political opponents in the DNC. It's unlikely Bernie would be a candidate in four or eight years, and outside of Sanders it's a graveyard for the DNC while Pence is pretty much the only prominent political leader with a positive approval rating.
Trump won't be impeached unless the Democrats win a majority in the House in 2018 and as it looks now they are way too fucking incompetent to do so, even with such an unpopular sitting president. Even if the cards weren't stacked against them due to gerrymandering, they'd still have low voter turn out because they inspire nothing from what should be their base.
I wager on the fact that the military establishment wants military escalation with Russia, and that there is a goal with the Russia hysteria in the media. This seems a perfect way to rile public opinion against him and use Trump as a scapegoat. Keep in mind that most Republican politicians deeply dislike him. And his popularity has been on a constant decline. There is solid evidence that the U.S establishment wants Trump out.
so what the fuck
is the russia connection have any real weight to it or is it just assblasted liberals looking for a reason why hillary lost? i've honestly been trying to ignore politics since the election
The latter. Jimmy Dore did a bunch of shows on this. Nobody even is sure what the accusation or crime is, what the evidence is, just "RUSSIA FIXED THE ELECTION!"
There is some evidence but the liberals are exaggerating the shit out of it
What evidence? Of what?
Pence is the one that will usher in Putin's dreamed of Orthodox autocracy in the United States. Trump was just a vehicle to get Pence in the White House.
Trump has had connections to Russian gangsters for a very long time now. Just look up his connections to Felix Sater, Michael Sheferofsky, Semion Mogilevich and Lev Leviev. I mean, come on, not only do these connections speak loudly for themselves but there's literally no way that a New York real estate and casino tycoon became a billionaire during the free-wheelin' 80's and early 90's without committing a whole lot of crimes along the way (namely laundering and racketeering, which almost always happens in real estate and casinos). If you believe otherwise you're pretty fucking deluded.
With that said, I doubt the Russians """hacked""" the election (whatever the fuck that even means). Hillary would have lost to a wet sock.
He went bankrupt so many times that American banks and other financial institutions would not do any business with him, so he turned elsewhere. There was a lot of money to picked off the corpse of the USSR.
Shit, even Kushner himself said that a disproportionate amount of their money comes from Russia.
I dunno why so many on the left are so quick to dismiss the Russia connection. I can't tell if it's Putin dickriders or just people that don't want to be affiliated with liberals. Regardless, there's definitely a connection there. Sure, all the DNC posturing about hacked elections is admittedly specious as fuck. Don't let that delude you to the fact that porkies are gonna pork, regardless of what country they come from.
And? I still don't know what the crime is, what the impeachable offense is, and what the evidence is?
I mean I don't think he has committed a crime as president or even during the campaign, but the intelligence community is going to dig up financial crimes he has committed in the past in order to impeach. It's a foregone conclusion at this point (if you're paying attention to what's been going on in DC). That's why the treasury financial intel unit is turning over its records on Trump. The belief is that the Russians have compromised Trump by threatening to release his financial ties unless he works to weaken the Western neoliberal hegemony/NATO (and of course to help make Russia's oil oligarchs even richer in the process). The "hacking of the election" is just a canard that the DNC and Democrats in media are using to make up for the fact that Hillary lost an election she should have won, as Trump himself even said. Any bullshit rhetoric about them hacking the election should be totally disconnected from Trump's genuine financial ties to Russia and potential kompromat. Is Trump actually compromised though? Who knows. But the crimes are there, and the IC will be uncover them. He's far too much of a liability to the aforementioned neoliberal hegemony.
got me
the fact he's a traitor, for one.
How would that work? Black mail becomes powerless when it's exposed you know.
The Clinton Foundation has ties to Paul Kagame, whose regime basically caused the Congolese Civil War, but you don't hear the RNC screeching about how Hillary is a Rwandan puppet.
Trump himself probably not DIRECTLY compromised but he appears to have hired on a bunch of compromised people because a) by all indications he doesn't understand why anyone would have a problem with conflicts of interest they're just good business right b) he didn't do his due diligence on background checking people because his state of mind is still celebrity where people basically begging for access is just a sign of your success rather than a self interested attempt to get to be a step away from the levers of power
By that logic blackmail can't exist as a crime at all though.
Does it matter? What's with the autistic insistence that the truth actually dictates policy and action in the country as if that has ever been the case historically?