The Barnes and Noble classic edition is like $5.50 . I just picked up my copy. Is there anything I should know going in, I'm a bit new to theory.
Communist manifesto sale at Barnes and Nobles
Other urls found in this thread:
It's mostly just an agitprop piece with no real theory. It's also suited for the politics of the 19th century, so it hasn't aged well. Still it's worth to read it but I recommend starting with Wage Labor and Capital
Not really, it's pretty short and straight to the point. Some of it's boring though so maybe take notes to remember?
Once you've read that move onto State and Revolution.
You fell for the manifesto meme. If I were more conspiracy-minded I'd say that the manifesto and capital have on purpose been made Marx's most popular works. The first has no theory and is for people who will be liberals in 2 years looking back on their communist phase and the latter is inaccesible.
If you read the manifesto, read Critique of the Gotha Programme right afterwards. Pay attention on how Marx has changed over time, and he even critiques some things which can be found in the manifesto. Also read Wage Labour and Capital as already mentioned. Read the first chapter of The German Ideology aswell. Principles of Communism is nice and super short.
Don't follow >>1674298's advice. Only read Lenin once you understand Marx. The manifesto doesn't give you any idea about Marx's theory.
almost forgot, read the bread book aswell :^)
I'll use this thread to ask a question:
Today I was in the bookstore and I saw a Marx book called "Critique of Economic Nationalism" (this is a direct translation).
I read the contents and it's a "Review of The National System of Political Economy" written by Marx and "On the Question of Free Trade", also written by Marx.
Have any of you heard of such a book? Is it worth getting?
Holy shit, the PdF has been free online forever.
Never change Holla Forums
that being said, piracy and free software are data communism
Always relevant
I read a lot digitally, but nothing will ever match the comfy feel of highlighting important lines in a physical book.
Just go to the manga section at your local B&N, and be extremely antagonistic, profane, and rude to the employees over thier choice of anime they stock, it's fucking hilarious, and kind of like a meme in my town. I got kicked out one time for telling the lady at she should go fuck herself for selling Fairy Tail.
I am a newfag myself. After reading The Communist Manifesto I read Reform or Revolution.
I ultimately want to read Bookchin but I first want to get acquainted with the classic fundamentals.
I will next read State and Revolution. I am not sure what to read afterwards, maybe Kropotkin?
Jumping from a meme to a meme, eh?
The bit entitled "Bourgeoisie and Proletarians" is the most important bit
Thanks for the advice. As the text said though, it was in a sale so I'm not really losing anything.
Read Mutual Aid. Then read What is Property by Proudhon. At some point read Debt: The First 5000 Years and The Bread book.
If you want to read Bookchin he is heavily influenced by Kropotkin
Dankon kamarado.
Added to my reading list.
Along with your other suggestions.
It seems like it will be several months before I am finally able to read Bookchin.
Is there any logic behind choosing the things you read?
OP you can find the entirety of marx's work on the internet.
if you have difficulties reading on screen consider investing on an ereader, there's plenty of cheap ones.
I find it hard to read without a physical copy
The order wasn't too logical.
I believe understanding Lenin is important for theoretical and historical reasons. However from the little I know about the Soviet Union, I have concluded that the Bolshevik revolution was overall a good thing but what happened afterwards was not ideal.
I chose to read Luxemburg before Lenin so I could have her views on revolution clearly defined.
I want to read Kropotkin (and now Proudhon) in order to get better acquainted with Anarchism.
I feel that from an anarchist and marxist foundation, I can understand Bookchin more clearly.
have you TRIED an e-reader tho
you don't know the magic until you really sit down and try.
Consider this reading list when it comes to marxism, it should be good even if you skip the infants.
Nice resources.
This is actually much more appropriate
I prefer physical books to e-reads, you got a problem with that?
Aren't all of Marx's stuff public domain anyway? Shouldnt even have to pirate it then, it's free
Now that's some autism
Just tryna be helpful. Bump.
True, but if you have the ability to do something even an inch away from capitalism, like piracy instead of buying, I think you should go for it
Better yet, read this
OK, you win this round.
I found a compilation of some of Marx`s and Engels` work. Kinda just skimmed 18th Brumaire, but I find it much easier to read long form on paper than on a screen, so it`s actually a real reason for me to not rely on memes, shitposts and triangulating actual theory out of multiple contradictory posts and snippets of actual text. Gotta say though, Holla Forums hasn't led me far astray from what I've so far read first hand. I want to get an abridged version of Capital before delving into the original work though.
Semi-ontopic, any good ebook reader reccomendations?
MUST run on all free software (user installable is fine too), and would prefer to be pdf capable. I really need something that feels like a real book. I used to have a kindle fire and it was such a piece of shit, it felt like a big clunky cell phone.
those who say it has little to no theory are wrong imo. If you pay close attention to what Marx is saying it'll help you a lot in understanding his thought. That said, there are some issues with it that you ought to keep in mind. He comes off as a bit too deterministic at times in the manifesto. He also makes some predictions about various things which he later retracts. In much of his other work he's a bit more careful. Many of his famous 10 planks have already been accomplished. Many others are controversial even among marxists today as the most viable progression toward communism and it's unclear the extent to which marx remained faithful to each of these planks later on. Anyways, you probably don't have to focus too much on his categorization of the various vulgar socialists as opposed to internationalist communists, but the other shit is really worth paying attention too. Others here have suggested wage labor and capital, which is quite good and perhaps even worth reading before the manifesto. Either one works as starting reading as long as you eventually read both.
Aside from people not knowing what the hell a Metternich is, how is this true?
good to see communism go on sale again.
Try Trotsky's The Essential Marx, it keeps the essential arguments intact while bringing it down to a much more manageable length.
Chapters III and IV are all outdated garbage.
do you have a working link for this? the one thats always linked has been removed.
I think the Adobe Acrobat application does the job well enough.
Enjoy your eye strain.
I think the old Sony e-reader does this. It's obsolete and out of production but it will do what you require. It supports pdfs and has text reflow, which for some reason newer e-readers don't have (the reason being that they want to discourage you from using any file that isn't from their online store).
I use a kobo because I couldn't find the Sony (and it costed way more), but I'm positive you can find it on the internet, ebay or some shit. Stay away from the kindle, it's a backdoor machine and amazon DRMs everything.
Any idea what the model was? Sony made a shit load of them.
PRS-T2 and T3
I'm not actually sure on the free software supporting thing but definetely look it up. You can jailbreak them.
WOah how are his eyes pink?
he stayed pure for 30 years