So I'm going to be a manager of a thrift store soon.
My father owns it but he's getting old and wants me to take over the store.
How do I make my store socialist?
I have 8 employees. 6 are full time.
So I'm going to be a manager of a thrift store soon.
My father owns it but he's getting old and wants me to take over the store.
How do I make my store socialist?
I have 8 employees. 6 are full time.
You can't.
If you want to make a co-op, just sell it to them.
Equal pay for equal work.
Convert it to a worker cooperative or don't bother.
How do I go about this
So much for the proletarian left.
Remove hierarchy, give full-timers an equal share of the profits (after the minimum/current wage), keep some percentage for reserve in case shit goes down. Not sure what to do with the part-timers.
Sounds like something I can do. Thanks
socialism and capitalism can't co-exist, making a coop and calling it socialist is fucking retarded, it's about as socialist as socdem politics. I really can't see why you would be doing this, the best thing you could do is fund a party with the surplus value earned from the store.
If you are dead set on creating a coop still take enough surplus value to pay for upkeep, since middle class always relies on large capital to provide resources for production.
Democracy at Work have shittons of resources on how to start a coop. Here's a link:
You could also contact them and maybe get some answers that way.
He wants to make life better for his workers? On top of that it prevents him from being shot by the Cheka firing squads post revolution
We're still gonna gulag the fuck out of the cooperatives, the argument for coops is the same argument for small bourgeoisie, dems a gud boys cuz dey dont exploit their workers DIRECTLY, yet they still rely on the products of large capital that basically sucks the blood out of their workforce to function, I don't claim that these businesses do it on purpose but it is what it is, you cannot escape the contradictions of capital.
I have two arguments for coops though, none of them would work in the GM's favor, he's just an ideologue.
A): Worker self management is more efficient as a productive force on a small scale than management allocation of labor.
B): As you said it's nicer.
Slowly convert it to a cooperative, with veteran workers having higher 'wages' and more voting power. Start it out as a corporatist model with you having the half the votes, slowing decreasing it until you share the same amount of votes as the most "veteran" worker.
New employees would have to go through an "apprenticeship" period before voting.
This would give the workers power while avoiding the problem with "free-riders" or newbies.
Oh and voting power can be correlated with share of profits. Almost like stock shares, but you can't sell them.
The main reason I'm advocating for this approach is to mostly "train" workers in self-management. Give them a taste of management before thrusting the job on you.
Your dad should do the same thing with you to be quite frank.
In addition to the advice about cooperatives I'd suggest stocking the place with entry level socialist literature and imagery – nothing too blatant, because many poor people are reactionary, but as someone who buys shit almost exclusively from thrift stores, when you are there's a strange mix of shame youre conditioned to feel, angry that youre ashamed, anger that you can still barely afford 2 pairs of $8 pants, but also a feeling of pride and self sufficiency when you get over those other feelings.
A very good environment to try to encourage class consciousness. Try to curate the media a little bit or at least keep it stocked with a variety of leftist literature. RedneckRevolt has great pamphlets specifically made for reactionary americans
Co-ops do have the distinct advantage of making workers classless.
Veteran employees?
It's a thrift store. I'd be surprised if you get workers that stay for more than 6 months. And they're probably going to be mostly part time workers.
OP should take some business classes first.
Better yet, just post a sign or two that says that it is a cooperative business, what a cooperative business is, and how such businesses create better working environments
-Give part of what you make to your equivalent of the United Food and Commercial Workers, but only if it's a good union. If it's a shit union don't even bother, though you can do some research on how to create a union if all the other unions suck.
-Work with your local union group and give them insight of how your business works
-Train your employees, so they can manage the business with you in the future
-Transform the business into a cooperative (do some research on this)
-Work with your employees on how to do things better and more efficiently
Just don't run the business into the ground. That should be your first priority.
They do not receive wages but rather collectively share in the procedes. The working class is defined by waged labor.
By the nature of any business you have to extract surplus value from the workers. No, those workers don't become classless just because you turn it into more humane capitalism.
Well, I've heard of Wal-Mart and McDonalds employees who work for a long time.
Also, you're going to need dedicated workers if you want to have a functioning cooperative. If they are flaky and just want a quick job, they're not going to make decisions that are conductive to the long-term success of the business. I guess this is why skilled trades often have the strongest unions while McDonalds tier service jobs have the weakest workers' organizations. Basically, you WANT veteran workers to be the bedrock of your cooperative. (As for the current situation, I wouldn't assume anything, considering the economy.)
But yes, business classes or training from OP's father is needed.
This is pretty good too.
Make it a Time Store
No, you don't. Surplus value is extracted from the difference between wages and profits. If the workers have the profits, no surplus value is extracted. The profits go to those who work it, which means that all surplus value goes to the worker. Nothing is extracted.
It's not capitalism, since this extraction doesn't exist. A more humane capitalism would be a welfare state or management giving workers stock shares or corporatist worker-management power sharing.
First off profit is calculated by subtracting your expenses from your revenue, Wages are an expense so for there to be profit somebody is not getting the full value of their labor thus exploited.
Second if the business wants to grow or do anything other than bare minimum maintain the current situation it must reinvest some of the profit, so that means that the workers would have to exploit themselves,although not to the extent that a capitalist would, so that they could reinvest in the co-op.
What world do you live in where you have to buy no constant capital? The profits of any capitalist business are divided both for the capitalist and for the purchase of more capital.
I'm happy for your soul that you are seriously considering this OP!
Co-op that shit up
You share the ownership of the store with the workers equally. Simple as that.
Your dad's a $$$job creator$$$?
Get your good value Pepe memes off my board!
They are collective property now.
They would have to exploit themselves, as silly as that sounds, but they would still not be receiving wages. A prole is not a prole without a bourgeois entity exploiting his labor. The workers in a co-op cannot thus be described as proletarian.
I'd argue that they are now both things at the same time.
Meme appropriation! REEEEEEEEE!
easy comrade, just make sure that every employee
This makes whole plan even better
co-op it man it the only way
At that point, the concept of class breaks down, since it does not describe how they get their income. Perhaps it should be described as a new class.
Op here. The 6 full time employees are all in their late 20s and have worked at the store for about 1.5 to 2 years each. The partime employees are a senior in high school and a college kid with too much time on her hands.
I know this won't make them classless but I want them to be happy. They work well and deserve the best.
Pls no gulag. I just want to make my workers happy and keep the shop my dad worked hard on continuing.
You are better off donating your profits to your local Marxist-Leninist party.
Do you understand spanish/portuguese?
Anyway, if you do understand, here's a short article:
I prefer Bourgariat.
Please don't charge people too much for secondhand clothes.
Goodwill is way too expensive for me.
Is this a Francis E. Dec reference?