I'm about to inherit $ 1 000 000 worth of land, what do Holla Forums?

I'm about to inherit $ 1 000 000 worth of land, what do Holla Forums?

Start a commune

Where is that picture of the ancom morphing into an ancap? Someone should post it.

Sell it and give the money to Rojava.


Become a farmer, grow wheat, make bread.


Sell it and live off interest for the rest of your life.
$1,000,000 is $40,000 a year


Don't listen to anyone who tells you to make a commune, OP, any attempt to establish anything remotely resembling socialism is doomed to fail in the current system. If you want to do some activism, you'd be better to make a profit first and then donate to your causes. You could accelerate too. Or, my personal favorite, slowly build your fortune and political connections and then pic related.

this is a good idea

also this

Sounds fake and gay, but just for the sake of argument…
It really depends. what kind of ecotope/terrain we talkin here? Is it good tillable soil, or wasteland? what kind of soil? is it close to/contains a large body of moving/ still water? How far from the nearest large town? Is it in a town/city? Does it have

Ideally you would want to figure out what kind of economic activity is best suited to the land and your needs, and then start a communalist co-operative, possibly by selling some of the land to get capital. With a highly motivated workforce, because you will all share in the benefits, you will be able to develop the land quickly.

Tillable soil in northern part of Poland, used to be swamps but currently nearly vulcanic tier, farmland and forests mostly.
Surely not selling it, I am not retarded.


Rent it out and use the money to fund socialist organizations.

Be our Soros and Koch Brothers.

OP still here, probably will invest in it, and then go into some-famous-revolutonary-mentioned-in this thread.
tbh been reading a lot of kaczynski writings, and the nsf from deus ex is pretty much my dream terrorist movement.

I know that purely from EU dotations I can make more than this.

are you educated in argiculture? will you farm it?
would the EU pay you to lie it fallow? what would work for you best?
it really is just a matter of how to make money of it and in which organisation you want to invest it

I was gifted a piece of land worth about $60k with gas royalties. It's a 20th undivided so I don't think I can settle it, should I sell it?

I can easily get educated, but still rent it and give jobs to farmers, EU also pays for just cutting it, but like they change mode of dotations like yearly. So maybe I can even have fucking stable there because that is what EU wants.

IMO, never sell land.

Rent it help funding the infraestructure for the soviet cybernetics thread

even if you lease it, getting an education on what people are doing on that land will easily earn your respect of them
you can probably learn from them as well, join in the work, share some knowledge of your own, if you know what i mean


Just get a fucking job you lazy neets.

personally i'd also build myself a weapon cache as soon as some money starts flowing
legally of course

We need time to read theory user, the armchair is not going to heat itself.

seriously though, nobody said anything about that, unless you actually believe one of those anons is in rojava and wants that money personally

OR, hook it up with basic shelter, a little farm that we could farm, and invite us all there, and we can shitpost all day in unison until we have socialism

Don't do anything retarded like start a hipster commune or funding some SJW party.

Sell it, save half, don't ever touch it.
Take 25% for living expenses.
Take 25% for just fucking around.

Out of my autism I would probably try to make a co-op grocery store.


Hire Lauren Southern as your maid. Or fund a Posadas statue in Hiroshima, dunno.

build a hippie commune

Why would you want an ugly reactionary as a maid?

If you can't work it all, subdivide and sell to small farmers.

Yeoman farming for life!

Let nature reclaim it.

Use it to train leftists and provide food for poor families. There is a reason the BPP breakfast program was considered so dangerous by the FBI. If leftists can fill the economic vacuum we will gain much more support.

the fuck are you even doing

he should do that, but first he needs money, connections, organisation and how to run it without being immediatly raided, polish government is pretty hysteric about commies

Live like a rich.

Lease it and spend the paycheck on hookers and blow.

Sell it. The property taxes alone would drain you, you don't need that much land to live on, and even maintaining it would cost a fortune.

have you ever thought about farming?

Don't do anything stupid. Do what makes sense under capitalism.

Go suck Assad dick you stupid tankie fuck.
>>bbbut it's not real socialism
You're a fucking moron. Read Bookchin
But I suppose you think Socialism is State Capitalism, don't you?

Declare independence. Form Commune.

Make sure you are never forced to work again, and get educated. Sit on it for a long while and make plans only after thinking about it for a year atleast.

Build a rifle range and invite all your friends

Sell it and enjoy the good life.

Be advised, we have an autistic kurd larper on the chins, head on a swivel boys, daesh can probably hear him screeching, lines gonna be hot tonight


If I was you I'd sell it and buy a nice house in Mexico City and still have like half of it left.

But that's just what I would personally do.

I don't know. Be wise with your property, rent it, invest the money wisely and try to never work for a wage again? It's what I would try.


When will you people grow out of this

no i want to work user the land user is in occupaton of

One of us! One of us!