All you've done is layout the worst case scenario for many of the strategies you've outlined. Sometimes they will turn out that way, sometimes they won't.
Yes, but it still envelops the political consciousness of the proletariat. Thus, we need to engage in it in order to make people aware of alternatives to capitalism. There's a reason we saw an upsurge in memberships of socialist orgs after Bernie ran.
True for the most part, but they're good for making yourself look like the victim when they are suppressed and thus have a just cause for further action.
true enough.
Reforms will be reversed if they are done by piecemeal social democrats and not the result of arduous class warfare with the state goal of achieving socialism at the end. Reforms are a sign of the power of a class, the more reforms, the more powerful we see the proletariat are.
That's why you make them accountable to a socialist organization that helps get them elected, an org that is further accountable to its rank and file.
Not on its own, but we're already seeing trump invigorate the far left, and people, even former hillary supporters, are seeing the failure of neoliberal politics.
This is a possibility, sure. But men make their own history. There is still a chance to escape this fate.
Which is why the focus needs to be, in any revolution, on proleterian democracy, and not vanguard parties as the foundation of a new society.
It does work occasionally, even if it's a tactic for very specific situations.See Cuba and China and hell, even the Yugoslav Paritsans.
They will if they have proper political force behind them.
Individual co-ops, sure. But, much like the communes, with proper political force behind them they can challenge capitalism if they can possibly become the dominant mode of production. Thus instating a radical form of proletarian democracy that will pave the way to a new society.
some of them have. Some of them are still fighting.
Yes, but we can still learn from their mistakes.
True. We have to save ourselves, and the third world while we're at it.
Automation will show that capitalism is naked domination once everyone looses their jobs and all that remains are a select few owning the means of production.
If everyone has your attitude, then yes.
I wouldn't be too sure fam