With all the memeing from Holla Forums about Autism Level, genetics, culture, etc. They have never managed to explain one thing: why do they need a safe space for white people? Even the most extreme sjw doesn't suggest that their safe space extend to a whole campus, much less an entire city, or COUNTRY. After all their rhetoric, I have yet to hear one cogent reason why they need a white country? I've even heard them say 'we dont need a reason to defend our people'… defend them from what? being psychologically traumatized by interacting with or even SEEING brown people?
Where does this ridiculous impulse come from?
Is it just the natural disgust reaction conservatives have, but more amplified to an extreme?
Is it cultural misunderstandings, or discomfort with lack of assimilation?
Is it from their parents? is it sexual frustration?
For those of you who are ex racist, what is it that drove you to dislike minorities and what was it that caused you to give it up?
cultural and social conditioning post-enlightenment + evolutionary psychology`s trait whereby our preferred target of sympathy and empathy is to kin-group versus the out-group.
Read Dawkins.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Why do Jews have Israel?
Because the Holocaust happened.
Why do white people need a nation?
Because white geno.cide is real.
Anthony Nguyen
Zionist movement is older than holocaust. Mandate for Jewish Palestine was legacy born form 1st world war, not the second.
There is no such thing as "white people" outside of anglosphere. Ethnicity is more than your racial makeup.
Jack Nguyen
I think partially it's that they recognize they'll never fully achieve their aims. For example "we need to defend white people", i.e. ensure they continue to exist, i.e. prevent interbreeding or demographic replacement.
Now, that can be stated as "literally zero non-whites in the country" but presumably the actual goal is to just drive out most of them (and probably diminish the rights of the remnants), the issue mainly attracting political salience because there's a very real chance of demographic replacement occurring in some countries.
(Never been racist, but I've often considered that pandering to them might be a useful route to getting muh healthcare through.)
Josiah Davis
Ok that explains why people usually live in neighborhoods, marry people of their own ethnic group most of the time, but it doesn't really explain this autistic fixation on literally purging 'the other' from a whole country of millions of a square miles
Jacob Foster
Post-enlightenment ideas such as nationalism are to blame here. the romanticized ideal past that never happened is often more than enough to rally more reactionary elements on their side.
Also the failures of capitalism in integrating these new populations to homogenic societies usually leads into higher crime ratios committed by the other simply due to factors of alienation and poverty.
Andrew Young
Because our ZOG Occupied Government controlled governments do not allow us to segregate and discriminate in a meaningful way any more…even pricing niggers out of our neighborhoods is considered racist.
Michael Robinson
How would pandering to them get healthcare through?
But again, why? Why do white people need to exist as a distinct ethnic group? sure they can come up with the i.q. and all kinds of arguments but those seem a bit post hoc.
I mean as a non european guy, i couldn't give two shits if my ethnic group continues to exist as a distinct group, i care more about left wing economics and ideology taking over the world.
But again, you haven't really answered the question. you say politically correct libs/'joos' aren't allowing you to do segregation. I'm saying, why does that even matter? Are you triggered by seeing brown people? Do they scare you or something?
Caleb Cruz
Racism is a red herring and has nothing to do with "race".
I don't want to lay down my entire world view as to why that's the case, so instead I'll just leave you with the above cryptic sentence and a picture of Heidegger to feel smart with as little input as possible.
Robert Torres
Luke Ortiz
Material conditions and the need to, depending on whether it is strategically desirable or not, divide and conquer the proletariat in order to better keep it disorganized.
Joshua Diaz
hint: not a red herring in the communist sense this leftcom meant
Bentley Nguyen
Get out of here you beta cuck.
Wyatt Ward
I remember my father telling me that the only reason he couldn't make it into the military in the 80's was because of those "niggers" and muh "afurmeative akton", a route he only wanted to take so he could go to college.
Instead of being upset at the issue that he needs to put his life on the line just to afford schooling, or the fact that the "free market" dictaded he wasn't worth educating because he happened to come from a poor family, he blamed the people who happened to make their lives a little bit better instead (he would later go when I was 11, and give up a few months in because he was terrible with the classwork. I had to explain to him a MAC address wasn't an 'Apple thing').
I never bothered to ask him why he blamed black people, I mean, it's Wisconsin, but I think that was the time I was despooked for good. It could be his insecurity, the need to believe that the system isn't broken, the desire to put a face on this amorphous, oppressive concept. Either way you cut it, you have to be incredibly oblivious to genuinely believe societies ills are caused by a specific race.
Liam Perry
Camden Lee
Non whites are unevolved and ugly I'm sorry it's true.
Angel Morales
By forming a broad enough coalition to get elected, provided people take you seriously. (Or in the case of the UK labour party, at the very least stemming the collapse in white working class support.)
Because those people feel an intuitive attraction to their own. The whole thing is ad-hoc. It's a lot of little things. I mean, it's not even entirely racial - race is just the most powerful for a variety of convenient reasons. You still see inter-national rivalry/hate too, like the acrimony between the English and the Germans/Scots/Irish/French, and perhaps most notably in the UK for the Eastern Europeans. That's toned down somewhat as countries have come closer together, but race remains more difficult to integrate because there are visual differences. If anything mass-media helps to accentuate it because you can see black people being scary without actually having to live around them. (And when else are they going to show low-income communities on telly?)
Christopher Parker
Black and brown constitute an existential threat to clean and orderly socities and the genetic coherence of the white race I'm sorry but it's true.
Cooper Lee
Tribalism has been fundamental to human socieities since before written history
Alexander Gray
I don`t think that goim with average I.Q of 100 don`t get to tell who are their betters.
Jack Hall
[Citation needed]
Nathaniel Sullivan
then Holla Forums should be down with the Red Army
But really, they both glorify European high culture, hate niggers for being savage rapists, and then in the same breath promote that very sort of brutality they abhor through the production of low culture that amounts to little than pop-covers and image macros. It's like that one Burger poster on Holla Forums who visited Saudi Arabia and realized how much their views and Islam have in common.
Something something *sniff* ideology *sniff*.
Lincoln Gutierrez
All the ethnicity shit is just window dressing for their own deeply seated feelings of inadequacy. Their ideology provides them with desires that they cannot fulfill. In the West this is the big house, the wife, and 2.5 children.
So they desire this ideal and develop a nostalgia for the time, real or imagined, in which this was achievable. Rejecting that ideal would mean rejecting the system that produces it, so instead it's failure has to be explained away, and for racists this is typified by otherizing perceived social competitors. Niggers, Irish, pollacks, the Yellow Tide, Zionists, whatever. It doesn't really matter who it is. The ideological point is to excuse the breakdown of their chosen system by dislocating the malfunction onto the introduction of this Other. They might try to dress it up in scientific terms or whatever, but it's all just window dressing for this failure to attain their desires. This is part of the reason why you see such unmitigated glee when taking about things like the 'day of the rope' or in the lead up to Trump's election. It promises the direct or vicarious facility of these desires by harming, impeding, or otherwise destroying the other, whether it's fags, liberals, whatever.
Henry Ross
Yes, but wite nationalism is originating in settler-colonialist mixed-European states such as america, Australia, etc as well as the anglosphere generally. Its more than generic tribalism its an ideology
Brandon Cox
So you finally admit it, Holla Forums-kun?
Nathaniel Lopez
Self interest.
For people who claim their ideology is 100% materialistic, it is extremely hypocritical to be this fucking much invested in ideal of equality, aka different climate (contrast alpine and saharan climate), different diet, different evolutionary pressure to develop different clothing, different houses, different tools, different mentality to differently prepare for different seasons like harsh winters…….
There is a reason blacks were shit even before whites found them. There is a reason everyone wants to go to Europe to be oppressed with welfare. There is a reason they had higher quality of life in 19th century colonization than today.
NOW A QUESTION FOR YOU How the fuck is multiculturalism desirable?
No, I am all for individual and personal responsibility, it's just that the most practical, efficient, and easy to implement and enforce and ensure you have law and order and justice and social cohesion, is to have one an ethnicity and culture we already know works.
There will still be white undesirables and criminals, but government and society can be more focused towards.. science and space stuff than having to deal with feral minorities and race riots 24/7
Eli Hughes
Parker Morris
We need mo money for dem programs
Camden Perry
Whites are in control=Apartheid South Africa/Rhodesia Whites aren't in control=Modern day South Africa
Nicholas Jones
*different differences creating exactly the same life organisms
is this the best argument whole of Holla Forums can come up with?
Only trough non-scientific soft """science""" (that doesnt even make use of any mathematics or physical proofs for any theory, that produced no laws, only worthless, unquantifiable, untestable """theories""") can you accumulate 100 years of academic obfuscation, contradictions, fallacies, and 'always finding an excuse instead of ever finding a way' principles and feelings can we sustain this equality meme.
It's time to let go of a anti-nazi grudge and embrace reality for a change. People are starting to not give a shit about a 70 years old war anymore, and are now interested in pure science instead. And simply put: Racist models of reality describe it more precisely and with smaller margin of error than this modern wishful thinking based 'all equal' multiculti crap everyone had enough tolerating for no benefit.
Oliver Jenkins
Says the guy posting stale memes and graphs we've already seen and debunked dozens of times. Maybe if you ever brought something new to the discussion it would be worth our time
Liam Russell
Humans have the technology to surive in any current enviorment. Plenty of black people live in Detroit just fine, plenty of white people live in Australia just fine. Question: Are you advocating that all whites leave North America, after all we didn't evolve here.
Well that depends on what area of africa you're talking about. The Moors did quite well in the north. I'd direct you to "Guns, Germs, and Steel" for theories about why some societies tended to prosper over others.
Well probably because we hadn't put in exploitive economic practices under threat gun.
This is Holla Forums not /r/democrats, we don't give two shits about your "culture" or "heritage".
That has never ever existed. Europe wasn't exactly a peaceful place until very recently, the entire white continent was at constant war with each other over stupid shit like slightly different flavors of religion. If you had a 100% all white country, they'd find some other arbitrary thing to bitch about (hair color, eye color, last name, family honor, great great grandfather's favorite pokemon, etc).
I live in an area with large minority populations, and even one of the biggest muslim populations in the US, I don't see any race riots you speak of.
Anthony Fisher
Stop pretending you're white, Holla Forums
Lincoln Lopez
Negative experiences and media bias can do a lot to foster such an attitude towards other races/ethnicities. Believe it or not, ya boi was Islamophobic as a child. Not so much because of the constant terrorism red alert of the mainstream media back in the early 2000s, but because Turkish kids can be meanies.;(
I grew out of it once I became a teenager though so now the only people I hate are Albanians.
I Chinese and have higher Autism Level than you white mongrel bastard so I am your better so shut the fuck up. Its nature that the white bastard is going instinct and what hitler would have wanted.
Asher Myers
Asher Carter
Are Holla Forumstards actually measuring racial superiority by autism rates now? Why ain't I surprised?
Jace White
Jeremiah King
I keep telling people the "Asians have higher Autism Level" thing's just a shield against white nationalists use when they get called out for white supremacist bullshit. This meme confirms it.
Jeremiah Moore
Even Pakis and Hindus are scoring higher now a days. Aryan superiority is completely idealist.
Depends on which continent your talking about. In the Us we can see the origins of our perception of modern day racism originating from the first European colonies. Workers of all kinds were imported, some as slaves, some as indentured servants, some as 'free men'. But they all worked in horrible laboring conditions for masters, and soon they began to identify with one another as working people. This made the masters nervous of course, cant have unity among the workers for too long before your heads on a spike somewhere, so they divide them into races and formed a racial hierarchy to further split and divide the workers (for a modern example, see IDPOL). The system stayed around with colonialism and evolved over time into the modern racist bullshit e know and see today. Now whats interesting is, if you go over to Europe you can see a different kind of racist thinking emerging, but this time its not based on race as it is imaginary lines in the land (usually guarded bu non-imaginary people with pointy things). Their racism is more based on the lines of arbitrary nationality (see north and south Italy) and not so much on racel skin color because its a bunch of pasty ass white people saying the other pasty ass white people over the hill are shit because they were born on the wrong side of the hill.
Now take those basic concepts, combine them with a system that directly benifits from people being divided by race, nationality, religion, fucking anything really, now have the system forcibly apply that racist thinking over a couple hundred years (if not longer) then eventually you have our societies.
Aaron Moore
Learn what spook means dumbfuck
Lucas Reed
Haven't you read March Of The Titans? Indians wuz Aryanz n sheit!
Owen Cooper
empirical, quantifiable, measurable, scientific data tells us otherwise
but actually, I give up, I will just go away and wait for my ban because people care not for shit we can measure and theories we can test to be Holla Forums is to be SHITSKIN GOOD WHITE BAD and that's it, I do not care about posting here anymore, i bet not even beheading or rape (or any other multiculti event) will convince you people otherwise
we will see what use is all that leftist academia once it drowns in illiterate 3rd world overcrowding sharia law police no-go zones
Anthony Hughes
Jesus Christ, Max Stinner was spooked like that?
Oliver Butler
Correlation =/= causation
Google "The Flynn Effect", please.
Nathan James
You're a fucking retard
Julian Nguyen
Asher Campbell
excuses arent operational you cant do shit with excuses you cant build, you cant make, you cant cash in, you cant fucking do anything with oppression olympics social scale of today
say what you want about racism, say all the fancy words, but at the end of the day you will do nothing but die of ebola and malaria and none of the flynn effects are going to save you from it
racist's way of solving racism problem: no minorities, no racism non-racist way of solving racism: race riots 24/7, feral minorities, zero operational, practical things to do, zero alternatives put in place, zero effect, nothing ever fucking works and everyone just keeps getting more angry
no u
Logan Cruz
In all seriousness, it's the current year. If you're not racist already you're a fucking idiot. The shitskins will destroy the commune and strip all the copper out of our factories for voodoo shit so stop being nigger-like OP. Marx agreed.
Lincoln Carter
To be honest, I think fascism/racism is a natural response to neoliberalism and bourgeois politics.
I'm not saying they're right, but our society gives a lot of attention to a lot of different ethnicities/races, but then demonizes white people. If you are a poor white prole, you will naturally react to this.
When minorities get scholarships to colleges simply for their ethnicity that your white kid is barred from, that may seem racist to you. If a black activist can shout "black pride" and seem empowered, why is it wrong for you to shout "white pride". When a college campus is ok with the formation of a club for black people, but considers a club only for white people to be racist, that also appears as one sided.
So tbh I think that as leftists we need to denounce this sort of IdPol the liberals propagate. It's not to say I don't think minorities should be equal, not even remotely. But I think the focus on race and gender and identity as a whole is really fucking up this country and creating a division. The alt-right is simply a reflection, a natural dialetical synthesis of liberal identity politics, nothing more. We need to despook as many people as possible.
Gabriel Gutierrez
Wyatt Moore
Who said anything bout "excuses"? I referenced a phenomenon which showed that I.Q. averages can rise by the double digits with access to better healthcare, education, nutrition and overall standard of living by comparing the scores of countries like Denmark, Australia, Canada and The Netherlands from a generation or two ago to the ones we've got today. How else do you explain Bongs having an I.Q. of 83 by today's standards a few decades ago, but being at 100 in 2017?
Like I said, google The Flynn Effect, m8.
Jason Carter
Just going to add that while Stirner was a man of vision who knew that the future RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO THE WHITE RACE and all faggots who disagree with this are spooked, Marx compared to Che was still a babby on the redpill about shitskins for example when Che said “The nigger is indolent and lazy spending on frivolity or drink; the European is forward thinking and has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”
No one can seriously claim to be a true leftist revolutionary or theorist if they aren't racist. It's just impossible because you're blinding yourself to the truth of the worthlessness of the shitskins and how much they are a liability they are to revolution.
Eli Wright
Liam Jackson
Lucas Butler
Yes, capitalist exploitation. Now the Chinese are the ones bringing "civilisation" to the nigra horde.
Logan White
I'm not denying that, I'm just trying to put myself in the shoes of these asshats.
Main point I'm trying to make is I think the entire phenomenon of the alt-right and the traction its gaining is due to these injustices, real or more likely, perceived. Its not that these racist white proles are experiencing racism, its that as a whole the proletariat is hurting and it appears as though more attention is given to approving the conditions of minorities than white working class people left behind. I think a lot of it is media prioritizing those issues, personally, which results in a reaction.
Carson Perez
What equations did you use to calculate that they arent poor because they are stupid instead? also what entitles the rest of the globe on white welfare? why cant they just fuck off, why do we have to do everything for them, who the fuck declared white race a global savior of shitskins from themselves all day everyday???
Wanna fix the racism problem? Well here's a practical solution for you: get rid of the worthless fucking undesirable, thieving, raping, 83% unemployable minorities. There you fucking have it. I fucking live in Europe and I had enough of it, enough of lying leftist media telling me THEY ARE ALL DOCTORS AND ENGINEERS YOU BIGOT I just had enough of it all.
Bring back those concentration camps at once. I volunteer. I would rather live in Hitler's Germany than in Merkel's.
Zachary Baker
Maybe the white working class should study the immortal wisdom of anarcho-Killer-Mikeism and stop blaming proletarians of color for their woes just cuz porky makes a few useless gestures of tolerance every once in a while.
Joshua Martin
The wish is irrational, but explained by the a priori assumption of the evil jew.
Lincoln Campbell
4/pol/ here. came because i wanted to tell you off on your own board for your retarded shilling but marx quickly became my new hero and i will quickly take up marxism and add nationalism to it. i will call it nationalist marxist-socialism. thanks again.
Jaxson Edwards
Oliver Jones
by the way how do you edit text and shit here? like bold and shit.
Carson Rogers
This is how bad the typical aut-rightist is at understanding correlation vs causality and how it's determined. And then they have the gall to mock anyone else's intelligence.
And again, we all know you aren't white so why even bother
No you dumb idpol faggot, to be Holla Forums is to reject being a fucking useless SJW dipshit like you
Jordan Flores
I love how I.Q. has been replaced with "autism" on Holla Forums LOL.
Owen Scott
kek, you wanna know how I know you've never done research in your life?
Hudson Long
You don't think at all that the liberal media has some part to play in all this? I personally see it as a divide and conquer tactic used to keep the proletariat fractured.
This isn't to say you are wrong, but at the same time shouldn't we tackle the antagonisms being perpetrated by the system as well?
Logan Butler
No the question is why are only white countries the ones accepting refugees. Answer why no western countries produce their own refugees, then you'll know the answer to what pol is talking about
there you have it again all racist theories are at least stand alone and independent of fucking shitskins zero need for scapegoats or excuses, just practical things to do meanwhile fucking shitskins always have to blame someone else, straight from the fucking title
the greatest revenge white race could inflict on everyone else, is to disappear
Ian Campbell
you notice that article was retracted? why was it retracted? that is an important question to answer before you go posting invalidated studies of evidence of what you are talking about.
Jace Reyes
Are you mentally challenged?
Connor Hughes
Because of leftist politics, that are based on mental gymnastics and feel good ideals. Or do you need a black man to tell it to you?
Easton Ross
Oh, I know the media's got it's hands in these issues just as much as porky does, I'm just saying that tryna tell white proletariat to channel their anger towards the bourgeoisie instead of "those darn niggers" is a lot easier said than done when you think bout how "muh white pride" for a lot of them's the last outpost before psychological oblivion as Martin Luther King put it…
Xavier Morris
Yeah and it's so weird how we didn't address santa clause either, reddit-spacing faggot
Lucas Cox
You do not understand the Flynn effect.
I am aware of Flyn- and so are Murray, Harris, Lynn, et al.
Flynn pointed out a general rise in Autism Level over time. Others pointed out a general difference between populations.
Jonathan Hill
Jayden Sanders
Europe's duty wasn't so much to develop Africa than it was to just leave people the fuck alone though. I mean, did white men like King Leopold II really think they were "bringing civilization" to Africa by killing 15 million Congolese people and chopping off the hands of their children if they didn't meet their quotas for rubber, diamonds and gold that colonial officials set for them?
Eli Moore
Nobody cares what a house nigger has to say.
Lincoln Martin
Non tumblr anti-racism is practical. Don't bomb the shit out of other countries - no refugees. Don't loot, plunder, colonize and deliberately underdevelop other countries - far fewer economic migrants. dumbass it was retracted by the same people who made it because it was coded all wrong. They tried to replicate it and couldn't. This happens in social psychology all the time. retractionwatch.com/2013/12/24/doing-the-right-thing-yale-psychology-lab-retracts-monkey-papers-for-inaccurate-coding/
Jack Green
I want to gulag them. Pone is too pure for this bullshit
Ryder Russell
General differences in populations' average I.Q. scores which could in theory be closed if people all had the same standard of living, quality of education, adequate nutrition and decent healthcare.
Hunter Howard
Genetics and intelligence.
Ryder Thompson
if the niggers didnt want to get conquered, why didnt they defend themselves better? what entitles one to not be conquered? what sort of full retard, overly sheltered, delusional, supreme entitlement mentality is this bullshit, to think that european nations, locked in existential conflicts with one another, wouldnt push aside everyone else or would put some worthless fucking niggers above their own struggle for existence?
it doesnt matter if they are inferior because they got conquered, or if they got conquered because they are inferior, or something else entirely
they got conquered
Carson Scott
if the rhodesians and south africans didn't want to get conquered why did they surrender?
Austin Sanchez
Evan Smith
You should do the whole world a favor and eat a bullet
Michael Harris
White supremacy explained in a sentence.
Landon Murphy
user spamming macros should be banned.
Anyone engaging non-empirically and in bad faith should also be banned.
1. Stormies largely misunderstand populations and Autism Level heritability 2. Lefties too largely misunderstand populations and Autism Level heritability .
I'm going to post a set of videos featuring Sam Harris- mild-mannered, Left-of-Center, not Antisemetic or 'racist'. He has completed his education in cognitive neuroscience. If you have any issues with him, then I dare you to call into his show or contact him via Reddit or his website for his next AMA with your objections.
This is a shorter one, an excerpt from a conversation between him and Saad, evolutionary behavioral psychologist
Anyone engaging non-empirically and in bad faith should also be banned.
1. Stormies largely misunderstand populations and Autism Level heritability 2. Lefties too largely misunderstand populations and Autism Level heritability .
I'm going to post a set of videos featuring Sam Harris- mild-mannered, Left-of-Center, not Antisemetic or 'racist'. He has completed his education in cognitive neuroscience. If you have any issues with him, then I dare you to call into his show or contact him via Reddit or his website for his next AMA with your objections.
This is a shorter one, an excerpt from a conversation between him and Saad, evolutionary behavioral psychologist
This is a longer one, between him and Murray:
Nolan Hughes
We being raided by Holla Forums or is this genuinely how a lot of Holla Forums comrades feel?
Jason Morgan
if you want to live in rhodesia, why dont you just fucking move to zimbabwe instead of trying to turn europe into another giant zimbabwe? if you want to experience authentic multiculturalism, why dont you just get beheaded outside of tourist zones in the middle east?
yes and?
the fact that everyone wants to come here and no one wants to go there is all you need to know about this bullshit
Christopher Morales
if europe doesn't want to be a giant zimbabwe why did it surrender?
Mason Murphy
Can we implement user identification tags on Holla Forums? I wanna be able to know which posts are made by spammers and which ain't.
Jose Reed
there are no rational reasons to be pro-shitskin one's love for diversity is inversely proportional to one's distance from it
leftists are the only ones doing the surrendering and preventing right wingers from restoring quality of life by removing the undesirables liberals are 99.99% of all leftists in real life, Holla Forums armchair 'enlightened by my own intellect' special snowflake leftists do not really exist or do anything outside of internet so its irrelevant pointing out that leftypol =/= liberals
Thomas Wood
You hit the nail on the head. Well done. Very good argument.
Blake Long
why aren't the right wing in charge and beating the liberals?
Aaron White
The first 15 or so responses to this thread completely ignored cognitive heritability. Then one user came along with a "real" answer (though in a profoundly stupid way), and Holla Forums freaks out.
Ian Walker
Niggers are spooks.
Easton Foster
If Muslims conquer Europe, it's the fault of whites. You have no right to complain. Also, thank you for clearing up the fact that Germans, French, and Englishmen are inferior. They were conquered before, afterall. If Muslims win, Muslims win. Survival of the fittest. :^)
Brayden Cox
Now take note of these two facts. Some misunderstand them as contradictory: 1. Steven Pinker does not think much of 'race' as a useful category in lieu of population (a bone marrow HLA population may be largely overlapping with a population for a certain type of Sickle Cell disease, but it is improper to mismatch populations when measuring different things. "Race" may cover both populations, but is a limited heuristic.)
2. Steven Pinker does not think much of environmental factors as they relate to group differences
Again, if you have issue with this, I dare you to voice your contentions with Pinker, perhaps at his next speaking event, and see how well you fare in debate.
Gavin Butler
I can tell you're new since 1. you're surprised by the wordfilter 2. capitalizing "Holla Forums" 3. this board is raided by Holla Forumsroaches 24/7, and its existence is heavily predicated on the idea that we need a forum to engage with and fight back against the aut-right directly as opposed to the usual "not my job to educate you" shit
Landon Edwards
So you honestly think people don't have a right to self-determination?
James Hughes
Jose Moore
Thank you for your words, bibleman.
Thomas Williams
Please follow along. In the very same post you responded to I called it profoundly stupid.
Pic related for my thoughts on tehredpill
Luis Russell
My bad. I'm skimming over most of these posts and I'm tired as fuck.
Charles Lewis
Sorry the doublepost.
Just to further demonstrate how widely accepted I.Q.- not the differences between populations, just I.Q. itself- is in the field, here is Sapolsky asking his students to riddle over why birth order effects it:
This is Flynn, who noted the importance of I.Q., notes there are differences, notes that there is most likely a combination of heritable and environmental factors, and simply disagrees on the heritable/environmental ratio with the likes of Rushton et al
As for differences between groups refer to whom I posted earlier.
One can still simultaneously believe the paramount goal is to break all forms of bondage and have the workers seize the MOP, without rejecting empiricism on the matter.
Cooper Flores
No it's a necessary fight or flight reaction to those undesirables that are tools of undermining the white proletariat
Asher Cooper
Is second-hand autism a thing?
Jeremiah Sanders
One can simultaneously believe in differences between groups and work toward causes of the Left. I don't, but there is nothing making the two mutually exclusive.
Liam Morales
That sure is a lot of words to reframe my derision of Murray's laughable "accomplishments" study as a derision of the specific usefulness of I.Q.
Jonathan Thomas
Again, if you have a problem with Murray, you have a problem with Harris. Again, I challenge you you to get on Waking Up and debate him on the matter.
Luis Torres
because they care about their own group, they have empathy. From your stand point, if you where expanding the area in which communism /socialism reigned supreme, would you be justified in exterminating racial groups that had not been assimilated? Would you be justified in killing all the i habitants in an area to expand the reach of communism/socialism? These two can be identical from your point of view, does one feel different from the other? If race is a spook then it really doesn't matter and you should be willing to engage in racial extermination if it was useful, since you are willing to engage in war, both are just killing people
Charles Nelson
I knew Sam Harris would become one of 🍀🍀🍀them🍀🍀🍀.
Aiden Walker
Lmao Harris is a fucking joke of an "academic". What a stupid hill to die on. And no, the rest of use weren't born to rich hollywood producers and have middle class plebs do our research and funding for us so we don't have the platform to confront him irl
Aiden Lee
For the record, I'll qualify it by saying that the Murray paper is a joke, and by contrast Harris's entire career and credentials are a joke
Oliver Nguyen
Make yourself famous and debate him. Harris has so many fangirls and fangirls that you would be seen as Party Chairman of the Internet.
Jonathan Mitchell
Holla Forums here. Zundel explained it. "Anti-semitism comes from Semitism". In other words, the more you try to shove niggers down my throat, the more I hate them, and you (jew). Multi-Kulti doesn't work, never has, never will, if you think it will you're just a tool of the jew, pushing for something you think is utopia but really it's just a hell for the goy to live in while the jew lives in utopia.
Nicholas Miller
Honest question, what is your opinion on Molyneux? Do you believe he wins a majority of the debates on his platform because of the strength of his arguments and the sheer unimpeachable logic he brings to discussions?
Xavier Allen
Watcha doing paddy?
Brayden Ward
No thanks, Chomsky already beat the shit out of him online for me. Not sure how many chicks Noam picked up from it though.
Anyway, why debate Meme Harris when I can just kill him and tell him I had good intentions in doing so? Seems he should have no problem with it
Justin Adams
holy fuck this place really has gone down the shitter
Owen Hill
I don't think most of his "wins" are wins. Stop deflecting. If you think your arguments are sound, go and set up a debate with him via his subreddit or his website.
Nolan Myers
I wonder why that is the case with him and not with Harris. Maybe it says something about the true nature and utility of debate? Nah, that can't be it
Isaac Turner
You are such a fucking retard that I'm glad you're not white like me or else I'd feel really embarrassed at being even distantly related to your faggot ass
Carson Lewis
Harris is far less unhinged and emotionally manipulative. SM's amount to sidetracking the debate with anecdotes (Determinism? Boulder. State? Gun in the room.) SH"traps" are different: he will, intentionally or unintentionally, bog you down with a component of our argument, and have you define a subcomponent, and a sub-subcomponent.
This isn't about Moral Theory, though. This is about the two propositions of 1. I.Q. is(not) a useful metric 2. Cognitive ability is not largely heritable
There is not a lot of room for trickery in such a debate.
Brody Barnes
Funny how those two propositions aren't actually being disputed, it's the extrapolations and conclusions drawn. But of course, to disagree with Murray or Harris in any way is to disagree that there is any heritability in intelligence or that I.Q. has any meaningful utility.
Thomas Diaz
We all have an innate need to feel assured of the meaning of our existence. Racism is a great tool to accomplish this because one does not need to improve themselves rather hold on to the belief that their race is superior.
This need is exploited by the ruling class by setting up laws and conditions which foster hate–such as segregated communities, slavery, laws against intermingling, etc. Over time this natural compulsion plus the conditions set in place to foster it lead to a deep racist mentality among the people.
Jonathan Cruz
If WN got rid of all non-whites, would they be open to leftist politics or communism in general? I feel like their ONLY concern is race.
Aiden Bailey
Its an evolved trait.
Babies react more positively towards people who look like them and vice versa. This is because during our evolutionary past, someone who looks like you is likely to look after you where as someone who doesnt is more likely to harm you.
Logan Adams
I guess you havent noticed but there arent too many whites on pol.
Remember HWNDU? All the Holla Forumsyps were a rainbow of different races and backgrounds.
Hunter Richardson
Basically leftypol wishes it was as diverse as pol and pol wishes it was comprised entirely of cis white males like leftypol.
Isaac Peterson
Competition for resources, you don't understand why is exists for the same reason that you don't understand why communism doesn't work.
Asher Bennett
He says, unaware that we've already reached post-scarcity, most resources on earth are held by a tiny number of individuals, there is more than enough to go around for everyone, this isn't the 14th century, our technological infrastructure is enough to dismiss "muh ressources" competition, do you even realize how much is wasted on a daily basis because of capitalism?
Brayden Walker
Actually Holla Forums is whiter than Holla Forums but significantly more diverse than reddit spaces that pride themselves on "intersectionality".
Samuel King
leftypol doesn't give a shit about race in the first place
Joshua Harris
go watch more sargon of akkad faggot
Charles Wright
Gee I wonder if it could have something to do with the fact that white genes are recessive and thus mixed race children might as well be niggers, effectively whiteness with all its superior qualities will be "bred out" in a few generations by irrelevant shiting. Why the fuck do you think it's called a "genocide"? If irrelevant shiting bred out all the black genes instead so that over generations there would only be white people, then it would be a black genocide.
That's all there is to it. If you truly believe that whites are inherently more intelligent/creative/more self-control/low time-preference/whatever, then it follows that irrelevant shiting destroys these qualities permanently.
The key difference between ethnic nationalists and civic nationalists is simply that civic nats think any ethnicity can become well-adjusted with the "correct" culture and teachings, whereas ethnic nats basically believe brownies are beyond hope because it's all inborn.
The fact that you pretend like you can't figure this out is pretty cringe.
Henry Thomas
Racism is honestly just a natural response to seeing something outside your race.
Denis Leary said it best- racism is conditioned and taught, not something people are born with. Racism is generally a sign of low intelligence and poor education.
This is what started the rift between him and Bill Hicks, not "stolen jokes" which was never true anyway. Hicks was a massive racist, who once claimed god created blacks by taking a shit. I think he got pissed his "friend" called him a retard.
Nathaniel Cook
Someone post that one study, you know the one. Something along the lines of racists are literally dumb.
Ryan Thomas
Anyone who has studied evolutionary biology would disagree with you.
Isaac Ramirez
There are more of us out there than you think. Most of us don't reveal our true political leanings. You really don't know what you're talking about and have built up your entire worldview off infographics from twitter and the ramblings of right-wing radio hosts.
Asher Powell
LOL I bet you shove your political leanings down everyone's throats daily on twitter.
Dominic Walker
prove it or shut the fuck up.
Eli Sanders
you confuse him with Alice Cooper or Jin Saotome
Colton James
Literally every animal on the planet discriminates based on appearance, always preferring similarity to their own image. This is true for basically every species.
Michael Foster
It is the fear of being alone in a room full of niggers.
With all the hatred of nazis you all forget something. They are racist only against blacks and browns, and have no problem with east-asians. Now if it was only an in-group/out-group thing, or they were just white supremacists, then why don't they also hate on east-asians?
One of the answers is in plots like these. (crime stats in Germany by nationality)
Bentley Butler
In-Group-Out-Group applies to more than just race, though.
Something I notice a lot is the number of people around me who really hate eastern europeans, but make exceptions for their eastern european co-workers.
Brody Robinson
Maybe you should study the racism of other groups than just whites. Turks for example. Secular nationalistic turks are more racist than islamist turks, because the islamists don't care about race, they only care about religion.
Joseph Rogers
genetics - look into it just because eye color and hair color (but not skin color) are recessive doesn't mean 'white genes are recessive' as there are 25k genes in a cell
what that means is that two brown eyed people can have blue eyed people in the next generation or put in simple words a mixed race person is a mixed race person - half their genes are from one race, the other from another
this is of course a significant oversimplification since vast majority of genes are actually the same across races
you shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about
Hunter Carter
It also extends to hobbies too. A good example is video game fanbases dividing themselves despite consuming the same media.
Parker Scott
incredibly disappointed by algerians and especially tunisians - north africans are better than this
what the fuck, i would expect turks to be above people like the iranians in a lot of these categories too
anyways, lebanese are actually palestinians, who are counted as lebanese - for those that don't know
Jose Barnes
Because people want to keep things that are familiar. If you woke up and the people in your country got replaced by those of a different ethnic group it wouldn’t feel familer, it would feel alien and weird. Your country wouldn’t feel like home anymore.
Cameron Moore
to compare with american murder/10000 people
american whites will be around nigerians eritreans bosnians etc., while american blacks would top the chart
this is assuming homicide is murder doesn't include manslaughter - i'm not much of a laws guy
anyways, i'd say america can do better
Jayden Flores
and if i woke up and everybody was a white nationalist i'd feel weird too - wouldn't feel like home
and if i woke up and everybody was making arguments based on unrealistic scenarios - i'd feel weird too
did i wake up and all my friends and family were still my friends but appear to be from a different ethnic group? did i wake up as a different ethnicity as well? were the people in my country suddenly genocided overnight - did they get kidnapped and killed? what about the people in my country who are already of a different ethnicity - did they get their ethnicity flipped too or did they just stay as they are? or i'm guessing they aren't REALLY my people so who cares
Joshua Turner
White nationalist are the kid on the playground that demands a head start in every race, and anytime somebody is beating him at anything it's automatically "cheating", and must be stopped. Immigrant families moving into your country and having children at a greater rate than you? ITS IMMEDIATELY GENOCIDE!!! Somebody wants to include minorities into workplaces they wouldn't of been welcome in previously? AFFIRMATIVE ACTION BULLSHIT, TOTALLY UNFAIR!!! Vice airs a silly TV show about weed? FORCED GENERACY, EVERYTHINGS CORRUPT NOW!!!
Tyler Kelly
Go watch another Varg video retard.
Josiah Jenkins
So much for the alpha-male right
Owen Moore
No they aren't.
Sebastian Johnson
Read pdfs related.
At the level of the DNA, the alleles are the four nucleotides: adenosine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G), and Cytosine (C). In coding regions of the genetic code, three nucleotides in succession determine which amino acid should be placed in the resultant protein. The code is redundant, but a change in a position can result in a dif- ferent amino acid being specified. When we examine the coding and noncoding regions of DNA in a population, most organisms will have the same nucleotide at the vast majority of the positions within the code. However, at some positions, a variant will be found in some individuals. Such a variant is called a single nucleotide poly- morphism or SNP. Genetic variation in SNPs has been studied extensively in humans (Barbujani & Colona, 2010; Dunham et al., 2012; The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, 2010). One study examined 4,833 SNPs in 538 clusters across the human genome in Europeans (N = 30), African Americans (N = 30), and Asians (N = 40; Clark et al., 2003). In the study, the mean frequency for FST at each locus was 0.083, with only 10% of the loci exceeding FST of 0.18 and about 6.5% exceeding FST of 0.250. This is consistent with the general finding that, averaged across the genome, FST in humans does not approach Wright’s threshold (and is generally FST = 0.110).
Reality. But there's legitimate racism and retarded racism. For example, I'm not racist toward Asians because they're clearly capable of civilization. I am racist toward niggers because everywhere they're a majority is a nightmare pile of shit. Hey niggers: fix Detroit before you step foot in my neighborhood, k?
Kevin Walker
oh shit boys, he's pulled out the cherrypicked infographs because dividing people down racial lines reduces the chances of successful and lasting revoluton to near zero.
>acknowledges the inherent difficulty of uniting even in one country individuals of multiple ethno-religious backgrounds into a single movement designed to uplift all members of working classes regardless of said background
Easton Sullivan
It depends on the group, autistic HBDer types defend Asians because "muh East Aryans muh Autism Level" (pls don't gas my chinkwife)
Owen Sullivan
Because it expanded American and Western European influence in a region that was generally hostile due to foot-dragging on decolonization.
Women refusing to have sex with you is not genocide.
Jacob Watson
William Walker
>"Why yes, the upper classes do cynically push for diversity to advance their own interests and reduce cohesion among the lower classes, but I really don't see how you can come to the conclusion that maybe we should reduce immigration and then organise to advance socialism"
Julian Jackson
You never see the elite declaring race to be an imaginary distinction with no biological reality, do you? No, they like the concept of race just the way it is with idiot liberals who think they are fascists fighting over it with other idiot liberals who think that socialism is government programs and gay rights.
Eli Russell
Andrew Diaz
Hot damn, that is a great point. Made me think. "Diversity" actually emphasizes differences between groups of people and celebrates them
Liam Kelly
Why do any people want to be safe? Why is the most common word among tribal groups for them selves in their own tongue "the people"?
Brandon Torres
You mean the one that proofed that stupid people are more likely to self report socially unacceptable views while smarter people tend to hide them because of the political climate?
Jack Sanchez
Why's this thread still not showing no signs of slowing down?
Charles Watson
I think you took FURher the wrong way…
Jaxon Myers
Except for the fact they do that all the time, with the standard Leftist boilerplate that although there is no biological distinction between races, unfortunately sociocultural realities mean that race is real, in that African-Americans are discriminated against…
Gavin Stewart
American civilazation and culture
Joshua Lewis
Holla Forums's favorite topic, and the topic they have any knowledge on, is race. Very myopic in nature.
Jayden Kelly
what the fuck
Justin Harris
Andrew Bell
No surprise here
Jayden Cruz
Yep, "diversity" is just the antithesis of the "racialist" thesis. Each is defined in opposition to one another, but both assume all the same imaginary concepts to be real. They are two faces of the same belief system.
This right here is exactly what I am talking about. There is no such thing as a cultural reality, but both advocates and detractors of "diversity" treat culture as if it were a physical thing.
Kevin Clark
So racism against blacks doesn't exist, and doesn't have any tangible real world effect?
Jacob Jones
Just to illustrate how much of an autist you are, let me break it down real quick:
me: People living as workers under capitalism can relate to the problems of capitalism. Thinking this is not myopic you: "So racism against blacks doesn't exist, and doesn't have any tangible real world effect?"
Adam Ortiz
"Race" and "blacks" are ill-defined abstract concepts that describe no one and nothing in particular. People may believe that they are real, but that does not make them so. They may even act as if they are real, but what they are acting on always has some basis in material reality. As such, the problems that manifest in society are never ultimately caused by "racism" or "blacks" but rather by real things that can actually be manipulated and changed. Ill-defined abstract concepts obscure those real things.
David Jenkins
Give an Asian man a computer, and he'll create an ultra escapist, sexually perverse virtual paradise.
Give a White man a computer, and he'll create bitter online communities dedicated to his misery, and grandeur illusions of supremacy over others.
Liam Lewis
Like pic related?
Logan Bennett
Give a black man a computer, and he'll sell it at a pawn shop.
Dylan Gonzalez
Even when it's porn it's supposed to be some kind of satire of German politics or something.
Cooper Martin
so to summarize: asian: waste time and energy in weird sexual fanfic online white: waste time and energy complaining online black: make quick money
Carter Green
lol why do you call yellow people "asian"? there are caucasoid people in asia too
Mason Kelly
Walter Rodney is Based as fuck.
Leo King
There were a few political caricatures in there, but for the most part it was just Old Holla Forums enjoying delicious cake.
Caleb King
You sound like me shit posting.
Cooper Taylor
Aiden White
Asher Gray
Holla Forums here. The thing I am most concerned about in regards to race, is Africans violent tendencies towards my own. I know that my great-great grand children will most likely be brown, probably have lower Autism Level etc, is this a concern for me? A little bit, its more sad than a concern. I'm not gonna go out and start hanging every brown person because of their skin colour, thats silly.
Just the other day I found the Victorian government covering up crime statistics which showed that they committed more crime. I think they hid these statistics to be more PC which pisses me off.
Angel Watson
Take a look at South Africa where whites, despite being the most productive people are being genocided for no other reason than the blacks are too stupid to learn how to farm and attribute this to whitey keeping them down. They built hospitals for these people, gave them clean water and turned their nation into the best place to live in South Africa. Same thing happened in Rhodesia. Niggers are so stupid they would rather kill the people growing all their food for them than see Whitey succeed.
Seychelles and Mauritius look pretty comfy (they also have the highest HDI of the African countries)
I'd prefer living there than I would to Macedonia and the Ukraine.
Jaxon Young
Hey retard, you know we have a flag for your dogshit ideology right? You can post other images while showing everyone you secretly want to fellate massive throbbing african jewish dongs. But nah, you gotta show everyone you are a little downsie while showing everyone you are a little downsie.
Jonathan Roberts
Did you even bother to read half these articles? The first dailymail article says "smarter than their ancestors" of course if a white person breeds with a black person the white genes will increase the black persons Autism Level.
The second article would look to prove my point, race and and Autism Level (all though that is common knowledge, to even the dumbest person).
The 3rd one is a very long study, which, to be honest, I can't be fucked reading.
Your 4th article is unreachable.
and the 5th just talks about the Autism Level gap between African American's and white people stating that it is closing, it doesn't state whether or not this is due to environmental factors or what.
On average, between 1999 and 2004, black children were 1.6 times more likely to test positive for lead in their blood than white children. And among children who tested positive for extremely high lead levels (≥10 micrograms per deciliter), the disparity was even more stark. Black children were nearly three times more likely than white children to have highly elevated blood-lead levels, the type of lead poisoning where the most damaging health outcomes occur.
Joshua Sanchez
Weren't you faggots larping that you were going to start some mini white ethnostate somewhere in Africa, and crowd fund it? Just another Neetsoc masturbation fantasy.
Logan Harris
Or, perhaps like you, they want a country of their own people with only their own people? A Bantu ethno-nationalist fatherland?
David Wright
For me racism comes from different standard of beauty, I would be mad too if the standard white eye blond bimbo starts to die and gets replaced by phat ass monkeys.
Thomas Morris
Do you realize that third article is 19 pages? Your latest ones are another 10+ I'm not going to sit and read the whole thing. I have better things to do. I also doubt you have read the whole thing either. We can link stuff from Google Scholar all day, but without reading articles it means nothing. Just reading the abstracts doesn't qualify as being reading the article.
Obviously environmental factors play a huge role in society, such as producing gay people.
Eli Adams
come on now, this is literally all the bullshit you believe but it's just stupid because it's not you.
Lucas Clark
That's not how genetics work, you idiot.
Jason Gray
I live in one of the worst states in the country and i've never seen this happen before
Eli Diaz
I like Chinese people. I don't think they are stupid or inferior, thats just stupid.
I wouldn't consider myself a 'white nationalist' either though. Do I think it is sad that our culture is being destroyed? Yes, especially when it is white people who are destroying it. Should it be preserved? Yes. Would I fuck a Chinese/Japanese/Latina woman if she was attractive enough? Yes (I personally have not met nor seen a black woman that I find attractive, although I do see what some men do find attractive in them).
Jack Flores
You have a right to self determination, you don't have a right to deport your neighbor out of the country for being brown
Adrian Perez
its not brown or white people thats destroying culture, its CAPITALISM
Sebastian Turner
I know this image macro is fake because there's no way in hell India wouldn't be the single darkest country on that map.
Connor Cruz
No user. They are destroying culture. Producing shitty 'art' and calling it art, is the destruction of culture, as it is a part of who we are. The destruction of these churches is destruction of culture, as it is a part of our history, which links us to our ancestors.
Capitalism definitely is destroying culture, however demographics and immigration can completely wipe out a culture. This has happened many times in history and the combination of capitalism, globalism, liberalism, and immigration will very likely bring the end to any semblance of European culture in a very short period of time.
Also Communists would destroy culture just for the sake of it because for some reason they took the phrase "man cannot live by bread alone" as a personal challenge and then took away the bread just for good measure.
Eli Myers
strange how liberals support those efforts in non-white countries but not in white ones
Adam Perez
It's a way to justify class relations and exploitation.