Is the patriarchy real or is it just a spook?
Is the patriarchy real or is it just a spook?
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God she's so fucking gross. As for your question OP, yes the "patriarchy" technically exists. However getting rid of it won't help 99% of women.
God this family of wannabe monarchists are the most insufferable human beings to walk the earth. It isn't enough to make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year merely by having a prestigious last name, but you have to play the fucking victim too.
I hope their entire line gets the Kennedy treatment. It's long overdue.
Why the quotations? How can you say it doesn't exist?
What did you mean by this?
This is for
This, essentially - though I'd parse helpfulness differently. If we got rid of patriarchal social constructs, it would help all women (and all men, when considering restrictive sexual constructs), but it's used as a diversion and tool for manufactroversy and frequently does ignore the impacts that everything else has on women.
If it exists, it's not doing a very good job. That being said, there are many interpretations of patriarchy, but within the west, I find it to be pretty fuggin' spooky.
It used to exist, but ended with the destruction of the nuclear family. Look at the divorce rate, women are free to leave any time.
It's real in the middle east and other backwards shitholes
In the west women are actually the most muh privileged people by such a far margin that speaking about patriarchy seriously shouldn't be taken as anything else but a fucking joke.
Considering most of the men who ostensibly control capital seem to be totally cucked by their wives, it's a matriarchy if anything.
even with lighting makeup and hd photography this woman still looks fucking disgusting
Feminist theories are interesting, sadly they cannot be corrects because they reject gynocentrism.
It's worse than a spook. It's literally the opposite of the truth and always has been.
Women were never "oppressed," they were spared the wars and coal mines.
Patriarchy is just a description of a system. You may dispute the existence of that system, but even then it's not any more of a "spook" than, let's say, flat earth theory is.
t. doesn't understand the concept of the patriarchy (which, to be fair, is badly named.)
I'll give a hint: men getting sent to war and the coal mines is also a manifestation of the patriarchy.
I really wish I could believe in egalitarianism, but until women start taking testosterone so they have male brains, I don't think it's going to happen.
Yes, you can do it and yes, it works.
Does testosterone really change brain structure when taken by adults?
It's a spook.
Pretty sure men have always done the hardest difficult work to take care of the women and children. Not even claiming this is a bad thing, but to call that a patriarchy is ridiculous. Men are women are biologically specialized for different roles.
Listen to this episode in particular and draw your own conclusions. The FtM who takes it says it was like a revelation.
I wish people would post primary sources instead of youtube videos and podcasts or whatever.
I mean is it so much to ask?
Here's the really juicy bit:
Oh man, I have to admit I was kind of bullshitting and shooting from the hip with that podcast, but now I'm genuinely excited about the idea of fixing women.
The patriarchy is part of the greater system which idolizes capitalist normality. Feminism is only trying to make women part of this system. So that women will have to same right to be exploited and to be exploiters. The same goes for black movement groups. It is not until everyone is part of capitalism that they will stop. Neurotypicals and their advocates will burn at the stake for their glorification of capitalism.
That would mean that genders are not spooks
So how could the FtM "feel" like a man with the absence of testosterone in her brain?
lmao the jews will pay dearly for this tranny garbage one day….
Does cyanide really change brain structure when taken by adults?
It's real, it's just terribly named and in the west is disintegrating it as the expected role of women shifts towards being a wage laborer or porky instead of a home maker. There will be some positives of this, but so far the result has been a few female bourgs, some female ceos or other well paid executives, and a lot of female workers getting their surplus value extracted while any children are pushed into badly run daycares or having little contact with parents. So the abolishment of this "patriarchy" under capitalism will only lead to the liberation of a few women while the rest of them trade their shitty housewife status for a shit 9 to 5.
I had to check to see that I wasn't at Holla Forums first. Some of you comrades can't possibly be serious about 'fixing' women with test.
That's stormfag tier stupidity. Even if you think that either men or women are superior to the opposite sex, homogeneity is death. Making everyone the same is some bourgeois fucking trash, put it in the dustbin of history already.
Nobody has suggested that except for you.
He seems to be talking about the real patriarchy that Frederick Engels wrote about that now only exists now in a few agrarian societies. Note that it is an entirely different concept than the World Wide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Patriarchy that feminists have paranoid delusions of.
unfortunatly it's only a spook
In western civilization, especially now. Hell no.
Lately there have been a few cucks coming through here trying to dress up their gynophobia in Marxist terms.
I thought "roasties" had higher testosterone than meek women. You might want to think this through.
Patriarchy in the US died when women were given the right to vote/hold office. From the operational definition of "rule by men", then answer is strictly no, it does not exist.
Before colonization, the US was a matriarchy rules by female village elders of native american tribes. Fancy that.
Yeah. Although women in the west may have it a hell of a lot better materially, culturally there is still a long way to go. The idea that patriarchy doesn't exist here any more seems to me to be a part of the liberal end of history bubble that's being popped as poverty increases along with consciousness about police brutality against black people etc.
Holla Forums please go. I've been on this board since the start so I know that Holla Forums is mostly pro women's rights even if they hate idpol and the feminist movement.
I can only imagine the hours spent on Photoshop editing that image. This monster is just too fake.
They were raped in wars they weren't allowed to fight in because they were seen as assets rather than actual human beings.
Now this is some spicy reasoning.
To anyone who doesn't believe that the patriarchy exists, please read Engels on the origin of the family.
There certainly are hard economic reasons for believing in the patriarchy, but of course we shouldn't conceive of it the same way as most liberals do.
Look, I agree that liberal identity politics has been very detrimental to the PR of the left, but we really should acknowledge that it exists, but instead we need to promote a class-based solution to it.
Also, patriarchy doesn't mean that all men have it easier than women.
a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is reckoned through the male line.
That's the actual meaning of it and it isn't the case for the West; the rest is just feminist propaganda.
It’s a spook made by neolibrals
Both. Social constructs have real impacts no matter how spooky.
It is interesting that even certain feminists consider "patriarchy" (in the more contemporary sense) to be a weak notion. For instance, this was written by a Marxist Feminist:
noun: capitalism
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
synonyms: free enterprise, private enterprise, the free market; enterprise culture
"the capitalism of emerging nations"
See why you're a fucking retard. Dictionary definitions are useless in politics.
don't forget the pic was photoshopped too
Sadly no
what's this supposed to prove exactly
spooky neoliberal bullshit.
People who give a shit about patriarchy, think that somehow men fucking over other men is also patriarchy. It's why they can't find a situation where patriarchy doesn't exist, except in small countries in New Guinea where female supremacy is outright law.