Argg lads! It be time for a general piracy thread! Rev up yer torrents and break out yer VPNs ye scurvy dogs
Argg lads! It be time for a general piracy thread! Rev up yer torrents and break out yer VPNs ye scurvy dogs
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Anyone have a good replacement ready for Nyaa (RIP)?
So what's happening Pirate poster?
Good sources for apks?
As of recent I've been up to the usual, pillaging and looting on the seven seas of the internet
Goddamit Mike I was supposed to work them today. Aren't you on the anarchist honeypot operations team?
Really made me think.
why am I not surprised.
That's all fascism in a nutshell. "The nation" is a meme in the original sense of the word and arguably in the newer one as well if you want to be especially disparaging.
Is it hypocritical for a capitalist to pirate?
Why would it? It is the free market. If they can't keep their commodities save, someone is going to take advantage if it. That is also why there are so many laws that prevent commodity theft. It is only hypocritical if you are an an-cap or lolberg.
And what if I am?
Better than a boot licker that's never got his dick wet. and let's face it, you aren't as fit as you pretend to be
Actual Nazis were the ones who had no remorse to sent Panzers against Poland's cavalry.
Nu-Nazis sure aren't pragmatic…
Har noen en invitasjon til NorBits for meg?
hva er nordbits?
En norsk tracker (
Daily reminder that pirates dindu nuffin and that every reactionary imperial scum will become shark food. is dope