I hope the FUCK YOU DO
I hope the FUCK YOU DO
You are so innocent sometimes.
you just do not get pastries and stuffs
Neru is a master of deception.
NERU I had 2 pastries today.
and cappu?
i saw people eat pastries for bwakafeast every day when I was at a hotel in denmark like not even healthy stuff but sweet stuff
Iwas told to always eat stuff rich in whole wheat and fibres and stuffs to start the day and that sweet bwakafeasts made you crash after an horu
You are so little and petite,
but to me you are extra extra sweet.
I told you I was eating a cupcake not that long ago, though.
but you underestimate their true power
I am familiar with the power of tiramisu.
oh a new thread
Just regular coffu
All I see people eat is skyr and other meme products
well this was
more than a decade ago
I was in legoland and randers regnskov
Ihave yet to conquer that power tbh
That sounds boring! We do good pastries tho
it was amazing you dik
I was never in bonbonland
I was in djurs sommerland though
You have a weak power level.
only tohru ._.
dreamtwerks' how 2 fug ur dargon
Lucoa's tits.
Hi Mordin
no fkn inv
I heard rumours overwatch is in the process of working on linxu
toobad it is p2p
Caupcake is jsut plainly a shitter
gotta have the game first
anyone can join, I literally just got on my computer and he's the first person I saw.
Still haven't slept, I'm not really up for it, gomen
get some sleep you crazy person
Add me on PSN :^)
me as gnar ;;
if I ever get a playstation sure
You would've done better
Hi Soto.
I thought it was pretty funny how my sisters mind was blown from the fact that I can play video games on a computer cause I was playing Far Cry 4
She asked me what control I was using and I was like "Keyboard and mouse, duh"
She was amazed at the fact WASD is a thing
Sup Buttercup
How's it going?
Time for Madden then bed.
Gimme the Ni Nis
I need the ni nis
Tired, gonna go to bed soon. Don't call me buttercup, that's cupcakes nickname.
Inever played mordin or ksissy in
too sleepy now
fite me
idkkkk I would probably lose even harder Ihave been awake after juts a few hours sleep for many hours now I feel like tooobrhursh and bed
Is top tier*.
fite me
No one gets any sleep around here.
It's early though
Oh man, you got me there
Though I will admit I pretty much say that to everyone just cause I like how it rhymes
What made you choose the name Mordin anyways?
Well, time to sleep and then get bitched at for doing so
dead board
I try
darwing would die
my tummy feels dizzy
Why would I die?
Thank God, we're finally almost free.
because I would lose
It was your plot all along was it not? You villain.
I think some dik made me sick by carelessly sneezing again
I would kill you first.
butI feel sleepy and sortof eee I have excuses
Under normal circumstances, then.
Ban me.
No, we'll suffer together.
How are you doing, abusive admin?
must be careful not to sneeze toothpaste all over keyboard
the most dangerous game
I've been suffering though.
Eat my whole ass.
Still sick. Have to wake up at 8 tomorrow, fuck my life.
Well done, keep it up.
end this meme
Hello Everyone.
Its a nightmare I can't wake up from.
I want to abuse Rin until he leaks out warm liquid
except now since I finished toobhrsuhing
The red kind, not the white kind.
How are you doing today, Test? Well I hope.
Painkillers kill the worst type of pain.
All around me are familiar faces
Hello ^^
oh you
you are capable of so much moar!
Well I hope you a speedy recovery and that tomorrow treats you fairly.
Hey there, how are you doing today? Also replies my be slow, playing Mount & Blade.
At least I ran out before destroying any important organs.
oh me
Jesus, caught a bad cold or something?
Bannerlord when
You make it sound like that would have been bad.
You would have finally been closer to death.
Death by overdose is probably one of the worst ways to go.
I am sorry man, I hope you feel better. Taking anything for it?
I'm doing great and that's OK-
I'm playing cards with my friend right now
Can't say I'd know much about that.
Just NyQuil
You don't want to know, its fucking scary.
Who the fuck gets turned on by vaginas?
They look like beat up meat.
They're okay.
Why ?
Is it helping at all?
apparently there's a recall for the throttle body on my car
maybe that's why I had trouble starting it and it was idling poorly
It's a warm hole.
A bit. I've stopped spitting up green, bloody mucous.
Vaginas taste better than dicks though
vaginas are more about feeling good than looking good imo
so its the same tier as an asshole but without the butt for extra support.
They don't have a choice
That's a pretty fair description.
so gay
Shit tier
Man you really should get that checked on.
Boipussy is super tight and kinda uncomfortably squeezes the shit out of your shaft when inserting and you can't really move as much as you would with a vagina cause your partner will probably be in pain, assuming they aren't experienced lol
Though the clenches are way more intense with boipussy when your partner climaxes compared to that of a girls vagina.
A downside is that you can't do that many positions since it's kinda awkwardly positioned. Though by putting a pillow under their waist it raises them up a bit and makes it way more comfortable for both of you
N-Not that I would know
tsk tsk
Roast beef is delicious.
I'd rather have a big, fat sausage xD
Pretty fucking gay
The more you know
Ello there, sorry for the late reply!
I've been waiting for that for so long, when will it grace us with it's presence?
I'm glad to hear you're doing well, also I hope you're enjoying the game of cards!
brb Far Cry 4
I watched all of maid dragon last night
so cute, so funny
Oh nice, I knew you'd like it! So what have you been up to today?
When I was a kid I tried not to count down the days till Christmas. By the same notion I don't have any clue when Bannerlord is supposed to come out.
A Treatise on Boipussy
Author: Anthony Soto, the Boipoon Master
No problem! I am pretty lackadaisical about posting at times, it is really easy to get distracted from here at times.
Say do you have discord?
I can't wait until episode 8 comes out...
It's sorta nerdy, my friend convinced to make a dungeons and dragons character, that took a long time but it was fun
That is a smart idea, I can only hope that it'll drop sooner then later, because I still like the series a whole, but it does need Bannerlord to come out to breathe new life into it.
I do have a discord it's Tetsuya #1296 I think it's that anyway, let me check. Yeah that's right.
That's far from nerdy, I'm roleplaying in Mount and Blade as we speak now. I'd consider that way nerdier.
Added! I now realize just how alike discord ids are to battlenet ids.
I should have noticed this before.
Is mount and blade a video game or tabletop rpg like d&d? I like the name..
pls grim
Why does Mike Pence always look like he's clenching his asshole tighter than a Jew's purse?
It's a video game, where you make a character in the middle ages, and make your own band of men fighting mercenaries or becoming them, swearing your swords to kings and lords, fighting in wars and what not.
It's really fun!
no u plz
did u buy the thing we talked about or are you gonna make your own?
ooooohh that does sound really fun, do you play all on computer? I wanna add more friends to my PS4
well I wouldn't be able to use it for what I wanted though..
gotta keep them queers away.
If he loosens his sphincter, it means the gays won. They got inside him, corrupted him.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
you could always just fuck around with the pcb and amplify it
but it would burn through batteries like butter
nice filename
that's how they got me. I relaxed for just a second and next thing I knew I was overcome with cocklust.
I do my best.
I just found some dank shit
the sfx on this though
its almost pokemonish
I fucking hate my life
I play it on the computer, I haven't touched my PS4 in sometime, mainly because I don't have any games for it since my brother-in-law took them all, because I barely touch the thing.
I thought you will make me one
Kill all the gays and the faggots.
pew pew pew
I dont think its even legal to ship one
gosh I wish that were me
hiya, spoilers. sup?
Do any work today ?
You can die after the sand niggers.
Drive it to me~
the gays aren't a more clear and present danger?
Just chilling out, how about you cute nerd?
When they stop making food and hit broadway musicals.
Yeah, it was a long day. I stayed late on top of that, needed to tie up some loose ends
thats distance
just trying to decide if I want to go watch anime or find a new game to play. just finished with tomb raider...for now.
I'm leaning towards anime. might end up getting sleepy though.
you like the culture of the gays?
Obviously we should kill everyone we don't agree with or are disgusted by, impale them on pikes, smear them with their own feces, and set them ablaze.
Then all our problems will be solved forever.
You did get up pretty early, I think I would vote for anime and sleep.
Wanna come listen to music with me in my room?
I should rewatch scrubs. that's a damn good show.
hmm...yeah. them animes aren't gonna watch themselves after all.
alright, see you fags later. unless I fall asleep.
but I went to a comfort food spot and had 'southern food'
candied yams, bbq ribs and the like
big boom
~drive me a laser~
Yams are weird.
If I end up driving to you, I'm not leaving empty-handed.
I love sweet potaters
I'm going to make cup lick a girls pussy
and a real girl too
Yes you should.
Have a good one.
Normal ones are better though.
better be extra sneaky about it
mm maybe
I dont eat yams often but they are a treat
I'll just blindfold him and tell him it's a mule's gooch
He likes moogs anyways so he'll probably figure it's just that.
I just threw up a little
y u do dis
Me too
some men just want to watch the world burn
that screenie fucking triggers me
can't believe I used to use vlc in 2012
did you work today
Yes I did.
how's that weird guy holding up
His services are no longer needed.
laid off?
Is this gay ?
He quit and then asked if he could use me as a reference.
what did you say
when's trump gonna take away welfare so these worthless piles of human scum with ebt cards will be forced to go get real jobs and actually work for a living instead of leeching off the government?
I said he could use me as one if he wanted too.
was expecting the cold shoulder response
I never said I was gonna lie for him though.
I wouldn't lie for anyone nor have I ever in those terms
its serious business, don't wanna cause a negative situation for some other employer just cuz the guy sucks ass at something
thats why its key to separate work and personal relationships and such
only cute girls get to touch me with their feet
Hes a danger to the people around him.
How the fuck did Griffith manage to say "I Sacrifice" when he had no tongue at the time?
Were his thoughts being projected by the God Hand or some magical bullshit?
Who the fuck knows. But it's bullshit.
I am a cute gril so it's okay
my name is joji fore-chan
I like to drain grease from meat
He almost got a little girl with down syndrome killed.
no you aren't
this upsets me greatly
did he quit right after
too late
A few months after.
severe disapproval
why wasn't he fucking canned
I had a coworker who left a kid alone when they were supposed to go out for lunch as a group, that was his last week working for the company >.>
he was a great guy but so fucking irresponsible
Beg or I'll drag you down to the chinese chop shop restaurant.
You know what they do with kitty cats there?
They eat pussy
I'll get ban to beat you up
why wasn't he fucking canned? ? ?
Because we needed people to teach lessons.
He should of still been fired though.
Everyone kept telling him to watch his class but he just can't pay attention to anything because hes stuck in his own world.
Lucky the fucking mom was watching and saved her kid from drowning.
One time Ultraman fought a giant garden gnome and it was fucking terrifying.
Ban is also a gril and he can't beat me up because I'm the Captain of the Seven Deadly Grils Volley Ball Team.
Literally would never happen in my class.
then I'll go get one of my black friends to do it
Far Cry 4 looks so pretty
I was admiring the view then a fucking asshole Rhino fucked my shit up
holy fuck
well yeah
you seem like you're good at your job
I had a kid go MIA once but she had just fallen asleep on this sofa in a side hall, good thing I found her quick too
Code Adam
hai soto-kyun~
not any here
Post em
Hey hey Neko
How's it hanging?
send me butt pics in exchange
I have had this tall ass fucking black man just roaming the fucking halls in the middle of the day once
My boss is 5'2 so she hollered, me and a couple of other employees came out and he booked it
safe to say security was buffed up the following year, hired 2 guards
is going good
I'm done at that shitty ass piece of shit gas station now
I know, there aren't even any human beings in here.
Yes, it's gay.
what am i talking to?
Never mind then.
When tall black guys come in and try and get into our bathrooms I just tell them no.
Sometimes they beg and say things about Jesus so I say No even harder.
Oh shit son, did you quit?
Must be nice
Thanks, I needed the feed back.
They probably just wanted to do drugs in the bathroom.
Using anything other than a ghost type is a crime.
it felt like i was just watching my life pass by plus i hate all the fucking retards that came in every single fucking day to get the same annoying shit
so happy to be done
drugs are bad mmmmmmmmmmkay
I'm waiting for my pettus yaniki
But those are poison types
Isn't that a crime?
Had to call the cops on homeless people fighting monday.
One of them was fucking murdering the other one.
there used to be a guy that arranged hobo fightclub and vid it, put on liveleak
shit was fucked but they got paid 50 bucks
there aren't even any decent ghost type moves
they are useless
50% crime.
I love doing crime.
its such a rush.
Fuck thats good
Its like dog fighting but people don't care about homeless "people"
Don't just ask for shit then m8
How many hours were you doing anyways?
Im not gonna lie dude, the neet life is pretty damn good, but it sucks being broke
They gotta do what they gotta do to live.
Eat out of the trash
Sure neko, I have your pets right here.
Take a look!
gay sex was better when it was also a crime punishable by death
it is simply a container.
Restaurant dumpsters are often treasure troves of food.
I bet neru has gone dumpster diving
They don't even let us get overtime plus they were cutting my shit back
Now its not a crime but still kills you anyways.
I doubt it.
I'm sure she has some half eaten candy near by if needed.
she collects random junk, its adorable
a picker
I'm home now
Get lost.
Oh fuck that shit then
I wouldve like eat all the fucking hotdogs and drank a bunch of slurpees then been like fuck this I quit lmao
my mistake
welcome home, master
AIDS isn't really the death sentence it used to be.
I heard Habbo even re-opened the pools.
I'm not lost, I'm home
Home is when you're with people who care about you.
I'm homeless
If they pissed me off i might have done that
thanks neko ^^
lots of people care about you!
Hello there Neko, how are you doing today?
yw ^^
how are you luv?
pretty sleepy so i might pass out soon
how about you?
@ w @
scared a bit, I'm watching black mirror on netflix, it's pre freaky
so down in the dumps o.o
Still pillaging and plundering in sword and mount?
nani kore
I'm a ghost of my former self.
that is an A+ toho you're posting.
lol why are you scared?
Soto why is Satania the best character in GabDro?
I'm doing well, just sitting around playing yugioh now with my friend.
Nu uh, playing yugioh now with a friend.
because she's a redheaded demon with vampire fangs
like the real card game or an online thing?
Em's you disappoint me
this is a meme
a guy got tricked by jon hamm and infinitely stuck trapped Ina snow globe
ooooohh fun
decimate them!!!!
lol wat
that's fucking gross
Oh thanks Soto
She doesn't even let Gab copy her homework.
Online, but I play in real life too, but I'm just having shit luck right now, because I keep bricking and it's pissing me off.
It's not going to happen unfortunately, read above.
its joke
dont group link me squashie
no problem, neko
The next person who grouplinks is getting turned UP SIDE FUCKING DOWN
what's that?
my own link? :3
Neko you're a slut
I'm giving all your petting to Kyle from now on.
I am not giving people separate posts.
Oh sweet Jesus yes.
you won't do anything about it tho
told ya it was scary!!!
that variance is what keeps games of chance so fun! except when it keeps screwing you over..
your boss doesn't like you ;__;
You can't pat my head because your hand with just go through my head. @ w @
imma stuff you into a kennel
too late nigga
more like confusing
Emma da yo
Bricking is essentially getting cards in your hand that you can't do anything with.
Well it keeps screwing me over because it's like "Ha you want certain cards in your hand to win the game, well guess what! Not happening!"
I'll stick with wish till you call me what i want too
N-no, Daddy.
im sleep tho, neenee
I don't even know what that is.
Today's yuri releases.
Kemono Friends Chapter 04
Kemono Friends Chapter 05
Kemono Friends Chapter 06
Kemono Friends Chapter 07
Momono Moto Izumi Kitta - Liberty ch.1
Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume [Vol.4] - 0014 - My Favorite Moment [English] by [pingpongscans]
(C91) [じゃがバター (おいも)] Magical Lily (魔法少女育成計画)
(C91) [ほのかなおもち屋 (おもち)] 穂乃果とホノカ+α!? (ラブライブ!)
[peachpulsar (みら)] ゆりッと山GIRL [DL]
ラブライブ! School idol project 3
if you watched the whole thing you would get it tho ya silly
that's why I love stuff that lets you draw extra cards or search thru your deck for anything, do they have those abilities in yugi?
more tohru pls wishy
there are people dying in line to pet me
pls go
fuck off
Its too hazukashii to ask .///.
Yeah and my deck is centered around that, and those are the cards I'm not getting.
i dun wanna right now..
thats all i'm good for anyways :(
I literally only have three screencaps of her.
wait come back!
sorryy >.
You need to be strict with lazy weeb girls like her
I wouldn't let you copy my homework
You gon learn today girl
get all that bad luck out of the way now!!
I like to pretend that's how that works...
I'm only saying you would get it if you watched it
and that's one of them? x.x
so lewd
Sorry I took a while
I was in the ofuro
It was subarashii af fam
doin anything else rn?
take this with you
I like to think that's how it works, but it doesn't. Mreeh. I'm like 5/2 down, doesn't help that he's running all meta decks.
I'm disappoint Yan
It's okay.
But she's so cute, makes me want to bake for her.
I wouldn't copy your homework anyways, you're dumb as a stump!
Yeah, sorry.
Here's the last and I only took it because Kanna.
was playing modern warfare remastered a little, noe I'm just smoking a big weed and watching more black mirror.... wbu kitty?
what kind of deck are you playing?? If you describe the key strategy I will maybe understand ^^
Are you trying to combo your opponent?
That picture implies Kyle is my friend instead of my property.
Hope I have enough gas in my car to make it to work in the morning.
I hope you die then
now what
just laying in bed trying to fall asleep
not really that tired tho
I hope Ban has enough gas in his car to kill himself in the garage I hope he has in the morning.
Destiny End Dragoon turbo deck, but it's going down in a way which I hate.
Do any of you guys have experience with living with roommates or whatever? I want to get the fuck out here but I'm worried living on my own would be worse.
this show is even cuter than himotou umaru chan
i take something called seroquel to make me go sleep
Fuck I forgot my name.
I'll have you know I'm as smart as your average Satania
I've never had that
Depends on your options and who you want to live with.
You fat fuck
You talking about Deviled eggs made me crave some so I did some earlier today but they came out all ugly cause I can't peel hard boiled eggs for the life of me :(
Whats your favourite emoji?
That's just incorrect.
Do not lewd the tenshi.
aka dumb af
suuuch an epic name!
hard to imagine what beats something with a name like that!
If you have enough money it's worth it! But if you're not gonna have enough money to eat and pay your bills.... it can sorta suck..
Jus make sure you can afford it
its a powerful sleep thingy, I could probably go off it since I've been in for so long
it is at least as cute I thiiinnkk
I don't want to live with Kyle because he scares people just by fucking walking around apparently.
She's a fallen tenshi though
She could fall on this dick if u no wut I meme
Wow you fucken bully
Im not dumb, Im just bad at making decisions :^)
the kitty or the heart
I never use emojis so i don't really have one
I dunno, just dudes 18-30 not in college, and my options are whatever I don't give a shit.
iktf bro
I have enough money.
A lot of things beat it if I can't get the combo in my hand before they set up the board, because my main boss monster targets and removes the card and deals the attack damage of the card it removed.
Or I play Vision Hero Trinity and get it to 5000 attack and attack 3 times, and destroy 3 monsters on their board, because I know they wont have a card on the field over 5k to trade into it.
They fear my girth.
Don't live with people you don't know.
don't fear me bb
want some
Mmn, maybe. People ruined it for me.
At least I was the only one to ruin UMR :^)
Can't spell datenshi without tenshi :^)
What's the difference? :3
But there's so many different hearts to choose.
They still were tasty tho :3
Erin's hair is finally turning black again.
the most loveydovey looking
Isn't that the point of roommates? Living with people you don't know to make friends or at least interact with people? I just feel a change in scenery would be nice
What part of that is deviled? All I see is pepper. No offense, I can't cook for shit. It looks good, good job dude
depends how old you are and lots of other stuff tooo... but sounds like you should go for it!
aaaachh honestly sounds fun... if I knew someone to play with I wouldn't mind having 1 deck and learning to play a bit
you can use just normal drug store sleep aids, those might work for you too
you are A1 cuteposter you didn't ruin umaru
Don't say their name.
You might summon them.
I would talk to people you actually know.
God forbid someone you don't know fucks you over.
110% THOT
I dunno, maybe some day.
Haha! Good one!
Erin is asleep.
Well I play with a friend on DevPro, which is online and from there we just make decks and duel one another, I kind of got salty about today, because I really like the deck but I just never managed to get my combo off at all, which ruined it for me.
And the only times I won was because he made mistakes.
like the allergy medicine?
The long sleep hopefully.
Oh my god.
Go meet people.
But that's gay though.
PotG right there bruh
Shit, I still need to watch yesterdays Gabriel Dropout
Was it any good?
That shit is kawaii af dude
You win this round nerd
I dont really ever eat hard boiled eggs cause they smell weird when you boil em
Murderous Intent is cute and all Kyle but we probably won't go out if Erin was dead.
no jealous pls ♥
not if i give it to you
Whatever, babe.
Oh, you haven't seen this week's yet...
That's why you don't understand that Satania and Gab are top two.
But why would you do that?
someday that would probably be a good thing to do
I love combo decks so much... but losing with them is the worst, it feels like you sit their doing nothing while your opponent kills you
mhmmm anything that makes you drowsy, allergy medicine works
the best ever ;__;
I'm just going to rawr till I get all the salty feelings out of me.
That's how I felt, and when I did my friend lost because he misplayed like 3 times in a row.
Pretty good butt to be honest.
A present
yeh but they won't get you as high as seroquil or whatever
I'm confused!
Like A-1 Pictures? I don't think they did UMR...
How do you meet people? I swear to god if you say "just bee urself" I will fucking cut you.
They smell like eggs.
Just bee yourself.
A present?
showing affection
I was going to watch it today but I accidentally like 7 hours on Far Cry 4
I'm gonna watch it in a bit, I'm just busy fun posting
I also made a weeb-kun folder too
Talk about productive lmao
Oh yeah I saw that shit
That game they play is weird af dude
Are they all furries?
First deer, now rabbits and shit?
I dont like the smell of eggs fam
Helps to be young in places where it's forced like school.
Press X to interact
I'm doing that, it's not working. It just keeps bringing back an error. Help.
can you counter your enemies spells in yugi? Stopping them as they happen? or you can only destroy them afterwards?
it's kinda fun if you take lots and try to stay awake
but most of the time it just makes you go sleeeeppp~
A1 just means, like, great or the best!
I'm saying that's you!
I was going to take a picture with me point a knife but it didn't work out so well so just have this picture of this slavic lookalike of me being upset.
Eggs are good.
Yea well I'm not in fucking school and moving into a house/apartment with roommates would force me to be with people no?
Cheers man.
I'd want someone there with me if i did that
An easy way to meet people is to assault them in a manner that knocks them unconscious and by surprise, then drag them back to your vehicle, restrain them, and place the person you'd like to meet in your trunk, and drive home.
Bring them inside and wait for them to wake up. When they do, they will have no choice but to let you meet them and you can even do whatever fun activities you want to together because if they don't you won't let them go.
Afterwards, just explain that your kidnapping was a funny misunderstanding and your friendship will have a hilarious story and perfect point to blossom from ^^
You can do that yeah, you can do a lot of things in Yugioh, like quick effect negate cards and a lot more, if you're interested you could always download DevPro and I can help you play?
I prefer the Slav kid looking upset, brings more of a smile to my face.
Sounds like fun hijinks!
I should really reenact that pic.
But I'm a loser.
Just watch and post.
That's how I make it through all this garbage.
I don't think so, it was just her iirc.
But that's just incorrect too!
It wouldn't be hard, just need motivation. Like someone taking food away from you for example.
dragon grils make me psychically ill.
so is everyone else here
death to moeshit
furries will rule the earth
New thread or what?
Oh, well okay then.
mmhm and you're my favorite
that's a good idea anytime someone tries to get high by taking pills, cause danger
oooohh thank you for offering, I would definitely like to do that, I wanna learn a bit in my own and by reading and pick a deck
I see the best in you
go for it maddy!
Did you accept the side quest missions?
How are all these people so socially retarded Gogs?
Do you suffer from Assboigass too?
But A1 steak sauce is shit.
Explain this
But to answer your question on how to meet people here are a few tips
No one wants to be friend with a smelly sack of shit neckbeard. Clean yourself up
Know how to start and keep a convo going, have a couple of jokes ready at hand that aren't too tryhard yet bring a chuckle up from who you are talking with.
(If you dont know how to play some fucking VNs or something, Iunno, that worked for me)
Though don't fucking get all personal either, its not always about you when you are meeting new people get to know them, ask what they like, etc.
Don't just forget either, try your hardest to memorize and if an opportunity comes along and you can recall something they like and bring it up they will actually be really surprised and glad too.
Socializing is ezpz
I'm letting my sister borrow my other monitor atm
I only have one rn, might as fucking well kms
Her TV apparently died and she wanted to watch some shit on her firestick
yuh i'd feel way safer
I am capable of being somewhat charismatic in person if it's needed.