Venezuelan people in 2009: "Chavez is evil, plz help us"
First World Socialists in 2009: "Shut up bourgeoisie! He's helping the poor! Viva Chavez!"
Venezuelan people in 2017: "plz help us! We're starving and getting killed in the streets"
First World Socialists in 2017: "Venezuela is State capitalism anyway. Not my problem"
Venezuelan people in 2009: "Chavez is evil, plz help us"
Other urls found in this thread:
Chavez died in 2013
It's not even state capitalism and was never anything else besides poorly-executed social democracy. Lurk more, faggot. A thread died for this.
hi retard
Chávez is the best thing to ever happen to us south Americans. he showed that in democracy you either chose between neoliberals or populist petty booj nationalist that always fail.
now it's the turn of the actual left
We really need a Venezuela general to contain all of this shit.
what was even happening in venezuela in 2009 ?
Don't you mean "Venezuelan minority"?
I also don't think the masses of the Opposition widely believe in inviting a foreign country to coup your president away, user.
Don't you mean "please don't turn our country into Syria/Ukraine"?
Yeah but socialism is working for Ecuador, Bolivia and Uruguay.
None of those countries have socialism, they have socialist government trying to manage capitalism in a more egalitarian way. Learn the fucking difference already instead of going "Socialism works for X" and then switching to "X is not Socialism" when shit hits the fan.
"Venezuela is helping the poor" and "Venezuela is state capitalist" can both be true at the same time
Caracas has been violent since the 90s.
Such booming economies really getting in there and making a difference in the world
Oh… right
Bolivia is the fastest growing economy in South America.
Holla Forums btfo lol
venezuela isn't even state capitalism
I love how it's politically correct to trash talk DPRK, Cuba and Venezuela…but Saudi Arabia it's a no-no.
If a country has capitalism and sucks USA's dick, it's fine, they can do whatever the fuck they want.
CIA coup
The reason why Venezuela went to shit is that their economy is entirely based around petroleum exports, and the USA colluded with Saudi Arabia to crash the price of oil.
Not everything is a conspiracy.
Sometimes stupid things just happen under capitalism.
Don't forget bout-…*looks over shoulder*…( ( (The Only Democracy In The Middle East) ) ).
Chavez is not the leader of Venezuela.
What? I´m an uruguyan and our government is far from being socialist
MLs set the bar really low nowadays
Sure but it just so happens that most of Americas serious geopolitical rivals and adversaries are oil dependent and then Suddenly the Saudis and the US especially raise their oil output in a massive way causing an oil glut on the world market. Kinda funny too because they were promoting peak oil bs and cultivated entrenched media consensus that held that high oil prices were here to stay and never coming down. It's weird that socialists act like the imperialists are above it when it's been known for sometime that the oil crisis had been foreseen and was engineered by the US itself as a way to strike back at its European and Japanese competitors along with other capitalist motives
Fucking lost it there. Is this meant to be serious?
Silly ancaps who cannot into economic definitions.