So we can all agree that first world liberalism is cringy, but are the Kurds bring it to Rojava with their US/Israel support, women's and LGBT councils?
So we can all agree that first world liberalism is cringy...
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope this will never be a thing.
Rojava was recently endorsed by DSA. You know it's going to end up being ID-pol garbage.
There's nothing wrong with being pro-gender/sexual equality. While class struggle is the main struggle from which other spring, it is possible for social phenomena to exist in a state parallel to the economic structure. If a social structure neither opposes nor supports the existing economic order then it is entirely possible for it to be unaffected by something like a change in the mode of production. Imo both gender discrimination and homophobia are in this category, since porky doesn't care about the gender of the workers or who they want to fuck, so long as they are good drones who will stay in their place. By the same token porky doesn't care about who they do business with, who they sell their shit to, etc. This means that class struggle alone won't end gender or sexual discrimination, and these things need to be fought in large part in the realm of ideology.
Then why are there anti-discrimination laws in employment, when the problem is non-existent?
You mean the laws backed by liberal porkies like the Clintons and Soros? Sure, individual or large groups of porkies may be racist/sexist etc, but I'm talking about capitalism as a whole. Capitalism is colour blind, even if some capitalists are not, that's why it can endorse liberal anti-racism, affirmative action, gender equality initiatives, gay marriage, etc. Take homophobia for example, queer people are such a small section of the population as to be economically insigificant, which is why their situation has transformed so dramatically since say, the 1950s despite only minor changes occuring to the economic order. The improvement of their condition was brought about entirely through ideological struggle because their oppression wasn't really based on any kind of endemic economic structure.
Capitalism does not exists independently from capitalists, so neither can it have intentions that are separate from capitalists, or it should have a mind of it's own.
As does the Ba'ath government and Russia.
Their inspiration is pre-modern society, not modern liberalism.
Doesn't exist. Last time I checked the lgbtqwtfbbq idpol stuff is frowned upon. Sexually it's conservative society. Trans is hardly accepted, being gay is at best shameful and sex isn't permitted in the army.
>On the contrary, LGBTs are not allowed in the YPG (People’s Defense Units) and are seen in the same category as child molesters, criminals and murders.
Why are there so many Rojava threads all of a sudden?
btw: joining the YPG, trips decide my Nom de Guerre.
What I'm saying is that certain social discriminations are not necessary for capitalism to function, and aren't supported or opposed by it. Homophobia is probably the best example, so if there are capitalists who are homophobic it is because they have individual prejudices stemming from religion or something like that, not because there is any economic benefit to it. Compare that with racism, which is a social structure that has deep class roots stemming from slavery, the disproportionate number of poor working class blacks, etc. For this reason racism cannot be ended unless capitalism ends, because the social discrimination is linked to economic structures. Homophobia on the other hand is well on its way to being eliminated, even among society's more conservative elements, because it is largely detached from economics.
Mine was going to be Kurtz if I hadn't chickened out.
Kurdish girls must be taught to service the big black cock post haste. I heard Israel has already commissioned an ambassador for exactly this purpose…
Like a clockwork.
Stopped reading right there.
If that were true, then racism shouldn't be a taboo at all in the U.S, saying "nigger" shouldn't be a career end. The very opposite should be true, anti-racism should be the taboo. There should be no anti-discrimination laws, no civil rights.
So much for the tolerant left…
"queer activists within the movement raise the point that the essentialist feminist ideology coming from the PKK guerrillas excludes queer and trans identity, and this will need to be overcome for the revolution to progress"
HDP put forth five LGBT candidates in the last election.
This article has been on the Kurdish Question homepage since April:
Why are middle easterners so backwards? Is it the inbreeding?
As long as the councils have explicit goals (eg. equality between the sexes) and means to achieve them, they're fine.
Feminism in muslim countries is far from cringy.
peen weinerstein
Vladimir Lenin
Eric Arthur Blair.
kûlîmek mêr
Butthurt tankies.
Even Stalin drastically improvement women's rights you fucking morons
lil homie gayass
re rolling
rolling again
Why do people keep saying Israel support YPG when it's literally not true and there's no evidence of it whatsoever. I mean if you subscribe to the "Kurds are Zionist stooges who are Balkanising Syria and Assad is good boy who dindu nuffin" theory even still Israel has not provided any direct, concrete support to YPG.
And it's only on this board that you can screech about empowering women who were subject to the most intense hatred and oppression in modern times as "idpol" and compare YPJ to Anita Sarkesian.
The "idpol" issue on this board is making the people here reactionary.
its better than it used to be, we are still sadly getting over the
internet culture hurdle. Its just over correction, we'll get there
it's all Holla Forums shilling for daddy assad. they might have been able to trick you into thinking milk is racist, but they're gonna have a hard time making you leave team YPG.
can you explain Holla Forumss autism over milk. i don't understand how milk is supposed to be a symbol of white supremacy.
El Rato
pol pot
YPG will give you your own Kurdish nom de guerre.
jason unruhe
They don't support Israel. They get US support because realpolitik.
Abu Bakr al Baghdadi :DDDDDD
Rolled 16 + 11 (1d20)
Asper Usual
Sudanese master race
Karltural Marx
sudan and kazakstan are pretty white imo
dick suckin' baghdadi
Pee Wee Herman.
Not so silent D
Can that guy on the left please point his weapon away from his comrade?
Would not go to war with/10
You only decide one part of your war name. Your commander(s) decide the other part. According to a frenchman that wrote for Lundi Matin it seems that they don't really put much of an effort into your name.
But rolling anyways:
But how can you be alert if you don't have a gun pointed at you? He did nothing wrong. If anything the saftey should be off just for that extra adrenaline.
Rolling for this one.
Because (twitter) tankies are butthurt that the only successful contemporary socialist movement are not true MLs are did not ask permission from Stalin himself to establish the cantons.
Thus (twitter) tankies will look for any stupid shit to discredit the SDC and validate their deluded world view.
Additionally, considering the complexity of the war, people often misinterpret events and intentions in the war. You just have to go to the Syrian civl war subreddit to see waves upon waves of teenage idiots who know nothing of the depth of details of the situation and just shill their opinion.
That's not for real, is it?
It might look like he's pointing the gun at the guy sitting down but if you look at his legs it appears he's standing a couple of steps behind, so he's pointing the gun at the ground.