wtf we got btfo by ben garrison again
Wtf we got btfo by ben garrison again
Good, I was getting worried there, his last couple cartoons were severely lacking in labels.
leftcucks on suicide watch xD
seriously wtf is with all these labels?
America is a weird place.
there's already a thread
Somebody replace all the hammer and sickles with swastikas, the MAGA hats with ushankas and Molymeme with Žižek
An incredible self-own
it's funny because usually the cops are facing the protestors and defending the alt-right
Fuck, when did this happen? I've did it before. Do most normies know that the sign has been compromised?
who the fuck is Gavin? these people are the most self-absorbed Twinkletwats ever
God damb Gavin looks alpha as fuck
Honestly I don't get what's wrong with free stuff. Why do they defend porky owning billions while 1/2 of american children are born in poverty and can't get healthcare or attend to college without getting drowned in debt?
Seriously, what the fuck?
It's a meme which got pushed by the alt-right themselves. I don't believe even the staunchest SJW would get actually triggered by this.
Ben Garrison comics are portraying how they see themselves, not how the world actually is
DUDE, WE TOTALLY PSYOPED ALL THE LIBERALS. we got stories about the OK sign in a bunch of right wing media. Consider yourself #tricked.
because one day they'll be porky and own billions.
any minute now.
I just found about it too. Since Pepe, Holla Forums has been trying to claim new memes as being white nationalist symbols too fool normies somehow. They would start making OC connecting to it, and then when someone makes the connection they turn around and call them paranoid PC SJWs. Basically:
No arguments
Apparently it's foolish to connect something to white supremacist reactionary thinking when that's what you're actively trying to do.
pack it up, communism is finished.
If you call the american families alt right, then they really should continue to protect the alt-right.
Guess Molymeme jerks off with his right arm
What's the difference between an American family and, let's say, a family in the Gascogne?
He was talking about the american police.
I love how ben drew Gavin and molyneux ripped and yuge. I gotta say I didn't realise Stefan had such a severe muscle imbalance he should jerk off with his other arm for a while.
I know, I just hate this meme.
What the fuck is an "American family"? No other country pushes shit like that.
Well, to be honest, i'm not even american, i'm brazilian.
Maybe an american will answer your question.
You dumb ducks! I can't believe you don't get it! That's not an arm, it represents his brain! Look, I even wrote it on there! I wrote it on there!
How can you people be this ignorant?!
Ben 2015- "how dare Holla Forums make me look like a white supremacist!"
Ben 2017- "how dare people make fun of and object to white supremacy!
that would require him to briefly stop while he switched hands, can't have that
It aint name calling if it's an accurate observation.
I wonder how many times these people need to be left bleeding on the pavement before they quit the whole "antifa=weak pussies right wingers=stronk manly men" thing
Autistic screeching is not an argument
i'm just sick of getting BTFO
Even ignoring the autistic labels this is shit.
This image is shitty enough to warrant its own thread
American here. Spooks and propaganda, it's that simple. The attitude that "le america is unique and le best place to live xD" all the while images romanticizing the past and shit like pic related float around it's no wonder honestly.
Is this shit even working out though?
This is why Holla Forums makes fun of our meme potential
Because they are made to believe that if they lick the boot long enough, they'll eventually get to wear it
Here you go.
Jews and blacks brought the racism bed, now theyre going to lie in it.
Trump is a Jew, you sold out to Israel for a wall that you won't even get.
I think Holla Forums has demonstrated its complete inability to read a book.
Thanks, this is pretty good actually.
Like the other poster said, it's related to this sort of nationalist American sham ideology that places at its center this ideal of the suburban (white) family as both the realization of the American Dream and the proof of American Exceptionalism.
It was invented in the 50s and has haunted American ideology ever since. Watch some old shit from the 50s like Leave it to Beaver sometime and you'll see what I'm talking about.
it is simple tovarisch
they are mad brutes who at any time can and will make mao stalin and pol pot look like a joke as they add an other 200 million to the 400 million deaths that communism has cause in the 20th century,
but at the same they're are pitiful weeklings that don't stand a chance against our based Proud Boys (tm)
They won't.
Their whole ideology is based around this hyper-masculinity crap. To admit that people can be tough and masculine without following their sham PUA/neo-masculinity doctrines would be to betray the core tenets of their ideology.
Anything would be enough to scare off these right-wingers. Most can't handle the fact that people are swinging back.
The union guy that punched Crowder wasn't exactly swole, but it still left Crowder dumbfounded and retreating.
Does .apng even have broad browser support, comrade?
Fairly sure every major browser other than chrome supports them, and if not then Holla Forums-tier freetard browsers would.
So the most popular browser then?
Ok, guys, I'm weighing the options here.
to be fair American Antifa seems pretty pathetic tbh
I was going to say that chrome users don't deserve funny animations, but in light of the fact this particular image was telling people to take their own lives it's absolutely crucial that chrome is supported.
Every time. Imagine having tocdraw comics like there, just to imagine your superiority, because none of it can be found in reality.
I want to touch Stefan's muscles mmm
But who is the woman pepper spraying herself?
Can we talk for a minute? Does anyone else really despise the "your not rational or logical" argument? Really, its the most hollow and empty insult you can possible use. To say someones political ideas are not logical is to pre-suppose that you and you alone hold the only sane view point and any other possible views necessarily are insane.
You want to see lack of logic? Look at someone trying to shove a potato up their ass so Jesus will love them. Granted that not too far away from most right wing political ideology, but still.
How is it a sign of anything except "OK"?
Apparently it means "asshole" in a lot of cultures.
It really hurts propaganda when someone who actually lived in the period was there
marxists BTFO
Is this some kind of joke?
reminder he wrote a book on 4chan culture
he joined the side he used to bash, because Trump makes him erect.
duh it represents left wing fascists walking all over white america dummy
There's a whole media apparatus built around reporting on the alt-right and Holla Forums decided to fuck with them. It's not a real sign, any more than the peace sign means "two genders" or the rainbow flag means "keep the races separate".
Is that the Statue of Liberty holding a copy of the fucking Gorilla Mindset?
i think he's doing it for economical reasons.
Ben does Gorilla Mind confirmed
I miss the old Ben G
…So we want a first frame that says kill yourself and the rest to be proper?
Truely, the golden age of Ben Garrison has passed.
That's really out of place there
Author a butthurt fat woman?
What is the Gorrilla mindset?
These take me back to when I browse 4/pol/ as an underageb8 three years ago. It was always shit but it's some nostalgia.
So who is Kiara?
What's with
And who is Kiara anyway?
Kiara is Kiara Robles, a Trump supporter who got pepper sprayed at UC Berkeley during Milo protests, she was wearing the same hat you see in the comic
Just an accurate representation of the retard helmets she and others like her wore to the fight
Some antifa btfo some tards by punching them out with a bike lock and they're still extremely butthurt about it
Just a super autistic way to make him seem cowardly
Looks like another bike lock
Dear God…
Didn't the antifa bike lock guy bit an innocent bystander trying to brake up a fight?
nah just framed that way by chuds if i remember correctly. same as the "old man assaulted by antifa" that turned out to be friendly fire.
Is this real?
My sides have reached the moon. Many thanks comrade.
Wait Lauren's grandparents ran from the Nazis and now she's joining them? Holy shit.
more likely he's always been a bigot, and Trump's popularity has allowed him to express it.
Was it ever proven Holla Forums was doing the edits? We sure he wasn't doing them himself? It also seem suspicious that moot would have laughed at him, when moot bent over backwards to accommodate almost anyone who complained to him.
Be honest, user: how long have you been on imageboards?