So what do we do if actual fascists gain power?
So what do we do if actual fascists gain power?
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organize underground meme-sharing networks and seminars i guess
Not go quietly into the night,
I doubt they will.
The same thing we are doing now. The neoliberals are now every bit as awful as the fascists are anyway.
No pasaran
we go full revolutionary
actual fascism died in the 40s
Neoliberals might even be worse because their exploitation is less obvious and more insidious than the fascists'.
commit sudoku tbh
Not All Monarchists
and most of the muh tradition people actually hate the fash gays, all necessary is explain to them why they are also revolutionary so they stay out
Fascism didn't die just because they lost the war. They're like cockroaches, they seeped into the wood works like cocroaches and spread the idea. It'll all come out if they ever got any kind of real political power.
where are they
Something Parenti said in one of his lectures on fascism stuck with me, it was that the USA won't see a Nazi-style fascist takeover since the neolibs under Carter/Reagan and beyond have accomplished the goal of suppressing labor and maintaining the old order, without the need for a mass party or a political coup.
Word. Fascists should just be called anti-egalitarians, really.
Then you would have to call lump the """"anarco""""capitalists the same
they have differing ideology
Dunno if they'll gain power again, but they've gotten popular with a decent number of young white males over the last few years. Now they're emulating brown shirts by getting into street fights with ideological opposites.
Fuck of I know, but the left will come out stronger at the end of it. Capitalists are pretty good at creating the illusion of societal progress by giving the left gay marriage, free healthcare and other such gibs. Lifestylists think they've won some sort of culture war so they don't try as hard to move society further left as they could. Maybe a serious right-wing threat would light a fire under people's arses…
you all hit the block hopefully
We still have a informal aristocracy of business magnates and political dynasties, and the fear of communism is more influential than actual communism. It would not surprise me the least if we see a resurgence of fascism in the next few decades.
As Griffin writes
I think there is plenty of evidence that these ideas are on the rise. Palingenesis was the explicit core of Trumps campaign in the slogan MAGA, and right wing populists are increasing in power in Europe.
Currently most high level porky are neo-liberals, but things can change quickly if the left actually start posing a threat to their social and economic position.
USA violently purged commies for decades and most of the resources of alphabet agencies are dedicated to suppressing commies at home or abroad. And they STILL don't dare to repeal Medicare or Medicaid.
We don't have the Soviets to save us or the socdems like FDR this we're fucked tbh
*This time
huh, that's an interesting point
They take us into secret prisons and torture and kill us like in nazi germany.
Laissez faire.
Fascism is basically a death cult anyway. It will collapse in it's own time.
What's much scarier: What if neoliberals never lose power?
Try to join a resistance movement but fall for a cointellpro operation because I'm an idiot and end up spending the rest of my short life getting the Gramsci special.
Win or die
You niggers get a helicopter ride.
Form a popular front of resistance against it, start organizing among labour, forming units and learning to defend ourselves, using all tools available to spread propaganda online in a safe way.
Probably be like "lol I won't work with liberals and fucking succdems" and stay too fragmented to be a significant force, remain too college-y in our cultural and social preferences to resonate with actual working people, lose the information wars to organized Fascist networks financed by the state and its rich supporters, tell ourselves "the _ regime will collapse on its own, it's on its last leg" for decades and just do nothing in general except let go of excessive energy in some occasional protests.
The good side is that we'll probably not suffer too much repression, because we're not threats anymore, to Fascism or anyone else.
Can I have the sad porky original?
Fight till the last breath
I'll probably use my degree + teaching cert to move up to get a job in the alaskan bush and wait it out. If nothing is going well after a few years I'll just accept my fate as a white eskimo.
Ooh, it WILL be fun
italian partisans were completely non sectarian.
Armed insurgency.
Real talk, can I get an airplane ride like the Argentinians used to do? I'm more of an airplane guy.
collaboration duh!
The Far Right is the future.
Embrace it or die, leftyfags.
your pic is upside down
Delet this
fucking kek
top fucking kek
So much for the tolerant left.
Fascism can actually work unless you have something crush it. Look at Nazi Germany, if it wasn't for Hitler being an absolute fuck-head and declaring war against the three largest superpowers at the time that wasn't Germany (them being Soviets, Britain, and USA) at the same time he'd probably have been successful
I'd move to Greenland tbh. I want to fuck the boyfriend before I die. At the very least, I can start to make some Greenland Inuit Communists or something.
Fascism fucks itself up though. Wasn't the Nazi government completely rotted from the top-down with internal power struggles, nepotism, corruption, paranoia, and the like?
Steven Universe and Uncle Grandpa is idpol
Clarence is just a bad show, however.
The same we do with actual fascists spreading online desu.
We just say they are contrarians just being ironic and that they aren't real fascists desu.
We just ignore it and go back into drinking our cold tea until one of them come to our house and crack our skulls desu.
pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten
never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy
wen day is dark always rember smashy fashy
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
same place the communists are. on taiwanese imageboards
No it wouldn't have been. Hitler poured most of the budget into weapon development, construction and rebuilding the army. They only survived as long as they did by imposing draconian capital controls, and by the seizure of jewish businesses and assets, and later seizing the treasuries of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and so on.
I'd probably be first in the ovens if they did, so I'd probably just run.
Climate change will kill us all because they are useful idiots for capitalism at the end of day. Unfortunately people in the global south will suffer the most and the fucking migrant crisis will be huge and will only fan the flames of fascism. Some enclaves may survive but life probably will be shit for 90% proles there
Read Varg Vikernes
Go full
We get killed by the fascists. No shock there.
Write an angry letter expressing my distaste for this choice of government.
Nah, the Nazi German economy was pretty terrible. Insofar as they encouraged growth, it was almost entirely in sectors related to the military.
Their options were basically war or slow internal stagnation and collapse.
get piled into ditches
Neoliberals are worse so I'm not too worried either way.
This. Luckily Asserism is making a comeback. I whole heartedly believe that the 1488 LARPing has killed Hitlerism and has allowed Asserism to finally be seen and studied instead of being pushed aside by Hitlerites.
Left wing Nazi is the future. The failures of the right wing brought me this far. I hope my fellow former Nazis will embrace the left wing as home.
Absolutely nothing.
My main problem with nazis is the whole "jews are behind everything" attitude,
They unironically don't seem to think the whites that would replace the jewish elites after jews are gone wouldn't act the same as the jews.
They don't get that it's the system that encourage so called jewish behaviour.
Their autistic obsession about some jewish hivemind is just turning people away from them.
Don't know if Asserites shares that autistic obsession.
FFS user
We only hate Bourgeoisie Jews. Working class Jews are ok I guess.
But the moment the revolution begins a lot of Jewish bankers will "check out".
It is true tho that is is also the system at fault. Killing of the Jewish Bourgeoisie and expecting a free market to not produce a new corrupt minority is idiotic. The system and it's enablers are both equally a problem.
As for the average working class schlomo. Stay in line, get a job, and fuck porky.
Fascists have a monopoly on memes. The start up costs are far too high for you to undercut their keks.
i vote for this.
We start blaming antifa for scaring away conservative proles.
Celebrate the new era.
No they don't.
Especially you.
Do what Bordiga did. Absolutely fucking nothing.
I really wouldn't care to much because I'm t. white male and not a dege.nerate.
I guess this is it.