Not joining DSA

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

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You sound like an opportunist, OP.

a thread died for this


IMO there's nothing wrong with joining the DSA, as long as you recognize it has no revolutionary potential. It is this this realization that separates the revolutionary from the reformist.


What if I'm not like you and actually socially akward?

If I want to fuck 7+/10 I'll use Tinder and giving out vegan swill with Food not Bombs is a better use of time than electing tepid socdems.

What a retarded way to frame it. Current dems are people, and they are not salvageable. The Dem party without people is a bunch of list data and infrastructure, which has no moral valuation one way or another. Brute forcing into their org isn't likely or maybe not even possible, but the idea that their mailing lists and shit are inherently evil is so fucking dumb

The Dem party without people isn't a political party. A political party isn't a neutral force of nature.
kek or you could get voter registration data from public records.
The power of the parties infrastructure is a direct result of it's connections to capital. You can't divorce the two.

It is technically just a mailing list, but what makes it so powerful is A) that it's established and taken seriously and B) that it has the money to back up and manage all that data from corporate donors. A's veracity hinges on the ability of B to be true. The Dems are nothing without capital.

which US lefty organization is best to join

only issue I have with DSA is they're primary goal, which is largely to push democrats to the left. But they aren't even really left, they are soc dems at best. Also I think the furthest left you can push a parlimentary government is to social democracy.

On the other hand I was thinking of joining some sort of leftist group, but I worry about FBI and fucking Trots. Still it might be better than no organization at all, which is where I am now.

you can join them all m8

don't they all hate each other though

This goal also isn't feasible.

If neither the CPUSA infiltration nor the civil rights movement were capable of turning Democrats into SocDems, nothing is.

Yea I know, which is why I largely see joining them as fruitless.

But I'm with other posters here who want to organize but don't see a viable organization to do that with. Really sucks. I'm itching for something to do man.

i don't think so, but it's not like they'd ever have to know you're in two or more at the same time

DSA and SAlt work together

IT'd be pretty hard to be in SA and ISO, they're cadre organizations meaning they both have tons of required meetings, quasi-mandatory political education, and paper sale quotas. Either one is a substantial investment of your time. I don't know if you'd get legit kicked out of one for being in the other but it would not go over well.
IWW is a union and allows dual cards, you can definitely be in it and a socialist group. DSA is decentralized and mass membership based - you could probably be in it and SA/ISO but there's no reason. Usually all of these groups will be at the same actions and rallies anyway.

Trots have paper sales quotas? I didn't know that, totally explains their fascination with those damned newpapers though

they're not brutal set in stone but usually the members have to or are encouraged to buy x number of papers with their own money and then get them sold.

That kinda sucks because I was actually contemplating linking up with them, since they are somewhat active in my area. But I'm not a Trot, just thought it would be a good way to stay in the loop with other leftists.

That being said though I don't have a newspaper fetish so I'm not sure I'd work out there.

you can just hang around them and even go to their meetings if they're anything like the ones i know. All the trot groups I'm aware of have people in their social and political periphery that aren't members.

huh good to know man, thanks for the info. will check em out then. gotta stay in the loop

No org in the US has revolutionary potential right now

Boston Antifa for the win


what machine

Isn't 'boston antifa' a Holla Forums false flag

The leadership is not. The voters are.
And socialist ideas are popular with the voters, so long as you're not a LARPing faggot who rants about the proletariat and a stateless, moneyless society.


We need to join DSA and splinter it. We need to locate and recruit members who would embrace actual Marxist-Leninist ideology. No one else is really salvageable.
If we don't stop DSA, they will hold back the left with their liberal, anti-revolutionary politics.

It kinda looks like the guy to the right is holding a shotgun or rifle, but yeah it's very tame.
We need more armed protests, TBH

Forgot your flag

or you know, the logical conclusion to avoid growing an internal cancerous SPD.

A truly revolutionary socialist organization is impossible right now. The US isn't ripe for revolution at this moment. It's as if a huge number of people on leftypol and in this thread have never studied history. It took a lot of work before Russia was near revolution. Outside of Bernie the US has no visible left wing. DSA is building that. Eventually we will have to work out battles with the right wing of the socialist left but that's far down the road. Revolution isn't coming anytime soon especially not with petty sectarianism.

that stupid Woody Guthrie quote triggers my inner tankie

No, you hippie poser, T-34s and AK-47s kill fascists. Your guitar is an instrument. You use it to play music. Stop pretending.

i don't know how to flirt… like what do say???
not memeing pls halp

tovarisch are you okay?


M-Maybe I'll join some other time.

dude just join
comb your hair, brush your teeth and dont wear a fedora, you'll be fine

What's the point of joining a bunch of SocDem larpers who think they're socialists because Uncle Bernie used the word?

DSA is not worth organizing within. There are people actually registered within the Democratic Party leading DSA. It's bullshit.

you mean it triggers your inner autist

Nice meme dude, IRL most of the org is well to the left of bernie, only evoking him to push some platform points for normies

There are plenty of real organizations we should be supporting (even if I don't agree with them fully) like the PSL, the ISO, SAlt, Socialist Action, heck even RevCom and the Sparts are better than DSA.

^That's communism nigga
This just confirmed my belief that titofags are mentally deficient.

You go and head hunt all the people worth taking, IE, people with useful skills, leftists discontented with democrats and DSA but are ignorant of alternatives, etc. You go to rabble rouse and make connections and then when DSA turns out to be the ineffectual pseudo left shill trap that it is you gather up everyone worth while and leave.

Half of those orgs are more idpol and just as bernie-cucked as the DSA, my balkanizing friend

This is exactly why the left will fail. Ironic meme shitposting instead of actually avoiding demsoc cancer.

Nice people, but theyre just red liberals.