There's something seriously wrong with some of these people, where they become such diehard contrarians they'll go against everything and everyone. I saw someone defend lysenko on facebook
jesus christ
There's something seriously wrong with some of these people, where they become such diehard contrarians they'll go against everything and everyone. I saw someone defend lysenko on facebook
jesus christ
It's strange, there was a time when Marxism was a living science, people applied dialectics to material conditions and history and tried to make concrete analyses based on their own unique and specific circumstances, but today the USSR really looms over a lot of Marxists sadly, and Marxism goes from a very flexible and variable science into a dogma, and equation that reality needs to be bent into. It honestly bums me out most Marxists haven't dropped things like Marxism-Leninism and Trotskyism yet, we need new ideas for new situations.
Is there a good marxist critique of the USSR?
And you are right, the Frankfurt school for example applied marxist critique to culture, and Zizek is keeping that tradition alive.
Here you go familia. This one's pretty much the gold standard imo.
This one's also pretty good.
I also recommend looking into the Johnson-Forest Tendency. I also have more Dauvé link if you get interested, but these are good starters.
Also, here's a podcast with some Marxists talking about Dauvé's When Insurrections Die, in case you're interested.
They defended him here too.
I've already read 'when insurrections die', added 'what was the ussr' to my bookmarks (I still got a huge reading list)
so far I'm liking communization/leftcom stuff a lot
Marcel Van Der Linden's "Western Marxism and the Soviet Union" is a good survey too, there's a PDF on Libcom
Nigga was a scientist. Not his fault Stalin thought Mendelian genetics was "bourgeois pseudoscience".
The guy who defended Lysenko was a hardcore anti-revisionist ML.
That's one of the consequences of being so thoroughly marginalized from mainstream society and thought for so many decades.
tankies are just NazBols on denial, I keep telling them this but they won't listen.
Memeposting aside, I prefer hardcore M-Ls over Trotskshites any day. At the least they are anti-imperialists while trots support US Imperialism using pseudo-marxist jargon (muh Bonapartism sui generis and so on)
And this is why they will always morph into NeoCons as they age.
what a meme opinion
all trot parties in my country are anti imperialist
Seriously all you fucking Nazbols need to fuck off. Why are you all allowed to incessantly shitpost on this board?
It's actually the other way around. Nazbols are just tankies that haven't taken the materialist pill yet.
THIS. Fuck Nazbol's and their loopy batshit metaphysics. Again, why are they even allowed on this board?
They technically aren't read the FAQ
Nazbol posters who support class collaborationism and display nazi sympathies usually do get banned though.
So all Nazbols then? It's literally just Nazism with Soviet aesthetics.
I've had trots on cancerbook call me assadite and anti-Semite just for opposing US actions on Syria and the Middle East, your mileage may vary I suppose.
I was a tankie until I realized vulgar historical materialism is not enough to successfully oppose imperialism on ideological grounds. After all if historical materialism can also be used as arguments FOR imperialism (see vid related:
that remark was poorly worded I admit, my intention was not to call M-Ls Russian chauvinists,
I still call myself a Marxist don't get me wrong (seriously the flag is just for shitposting), though a Marxist who is critically engaged with anti-colonial and national liberation movements and ideas even if they might be considered right-wing (see the Syrian Social Nationalist Party for instance) I suppose this alone makes me NazBol on the eyes of some. My remark that "tankies are NazBols in denial" had to do with this, as in to be an anti-imperialist today you have to engage with ideas we would consider reactionary.
I mean I believe I know who OP is talking about and once some time ago I saw this same person unironically talk about NOI and Yakub, given what I said isn't that a pretty NazBol thing to do?
sage because doubleposting
autism: the post
Actually you're both shit. Now kiss.