>>/leftytrash/, >>>/leftyb/
Inputting bottom text is bourgeoisie
Bourgeoisie is a plural noun. Bourgeois is the adjective you're looking for. It is also the singular noun.
Grammar is boojiousie
Who the fuck is behind this cunt?
Her whole text follows a marketing scheme.
As much as I hate her, if she she didnt speak a word, id fuck the life out of this little whiny bitch.
Reminds you of something?
You niggers need to shut the fuck up and let this beautiful white woman speak.
I'd let her say whatever she wants as long as she takes it.
Is there a way to filter Nazbol posters?
if (flag == nazbol) {
filter = true;
She originally got her start in the early days of youtube talking about atheism while pressing her tits up to the camera.
Love you, comrade
I wish she was my gf so I could watch her get blacked
Can someone make Laci Green NazBol memes? Maybe add a fake quote from Dugin or something as well.
the nazbol gang?
can someone explain the nazbol gang meme to me please
I guees she decided to pander to the only crowd thirstier than sjwbros.
Some autists make deliberately shitty memes to ironically push a meme ideology.
Laci vs Becky?
who is the top nazbol waifu material??
Whats the font for nazbol gang?
nazbols are a meme
making memes that are terrible on purpose is now a meme.
combine two autistic memes and you get a new, even more autistic meme
Unfunny Sans Serif
Are you blind it's clearly not sans
this tbh
Here you go. fresh dank new autism maym
What is wrong with you?
I don't feel like watching this shit, give me the quick rundown
French words in English is the most borjewzee thing ever.
We Ænglisc now.
All Nazbols hate her.
no thanks saxoncuck
smdh at these house Britons speaking the language of the imperialist conqueror
She needs to see other options
So much for the unbiased Right.
Someone get Pierre on it, he seems the go to guy to talk to people who want to appear edgy or maintain a certain level of ideological edginess.
So is she alt-right now? I don't want to waste 9 minutes
what else is new
I second this
got me
Maybe Muke can convince her to give us a chance. That said what a dumb cunt, like if a debate will reconcile two opposite ideologies, she will piss off their base and make the right look good.
She's just a normal person now.