So, just how much of an ancapistan dystopia is the U.K. anyway?

So, just how much of an ancapistan dystopia is the U.K. anyway?

Even Burgerland has nationalized energy, rail and mail.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kek, no we don't. Just mail

95% of people get power either from privately owned utilities, or through distribution cooperatives that in turn purchase from privately owned utilities.

Also, unless you live in the Northeast corridor, Amtrak is absolute shit that nobody's ever seen.

I wasn't saying Burgerland had large or extensive nationalization, I was just pointing out that Burgerland has it.

Which puts it ahead of the U.K., apparently.

Isn't Amtrak run pretty much totally as a private business?

Like, is it public? I honestly was under the impression it was just a rail corp holding a monopoly - I don't think I knew it was receiving public funding until now.

It receives public funding but it's basically just a for-profit corporation.

It does receive funding, but it shouldn't. Complete fucking trash

The only people who use it are Amish people and a few in the Northeast

It's a weird public-private relationship, similar to the shit you see in a lot of eastern countries.


Since Blair and Thatcher my friend.

It always make me laugh when burgers call us socialist because of the NHS which is now undergoing privatisation

At the moment we're just about US levels. When May deliberately crashes Brexit negotionations we'll be "forced to attract investment" by slashing market regulations and legal rights.

Thank you white males for ruining yet another country.

Margaret Thatcher was a woman you whore


Yeah but on the other hand, healthcare.

I always find it slightly funny that the Nazi-romanticising majority on Holla Forums look down on Corbyn to such a degree. I understand why they would, seeing that he's on the left of the current scene, but there's arguably plenty there in the short and long term that harmonises with their interests.

I mean, if you really look at the economic model of Not Socialism, some of the key premises include strong nationalised public services, and a socialised government that addresses the needs of the nation and its people within the capitalist framework. That's the false dichotomy of Left vs Right for you.

I mean, shit, Corbyn is even resigned to the fact that Britain has chosen Brexit, and he wants to move forward with getting the best deal to ensure job security in the nation. I don't personally think that leaving the EU will be the best thing in the immediate future, but I immensely respect that he wants to put the referendum result ahead of his own views, despite what certain members of his party think of it.

I guess the real missing link is the authoritarian-nationalist edge that Holla Forums gets so hard for. That, and the fact that Marxism has somewhat tainted the image of socialism in people's minds by positing that a socialist state only serves as a transition to communism.

Anyway, what are the realistic alternatives? Theresa May? I don't like to default to saying that anyone represents the 'establishment', but she pretty much just echoes corporate interests and financially-ideological privatisation under the guise of (questionable) economic growth. She's a bit like Hillary Clinton, in that respect, except she's trying very hard to sell herself as the new Thatcher, like a young girl playing dress-up with mummy's clothes and lipstick. She's about as convincing as a child when she spams soundbites and slogans every time she opens her mouth, too.

Not sure what happened there. Should be 'national socialism'.

The point is that Nazi "socialism" was just violent social democracy

It's even worse than you think to be honest.

In the 2015 election the Labour Party's manifesto had a policy to introduce price caps on the energy bills. This provoked right-wing papers to brand Labour a communist party and the sitting PM (David Cameron) to claim that the Labour leader (Ed Miliband) would like to, I quote,

"like to live in some Marxist Universe where you can control these things (energy prices) but he needs a lesson in economics"

This was basically how they framed every single Labour policy. Anything to slightly to left of thatcherism was derided as communist ploy to turn the UK into the USSR. Ed Miliband was even called "Red Ed" as an allusion to the Red Scare.

Now if we fast forward to 2017, the present PM and Tory leader is proposing the exact same energy price cap policy and the right-wing media is eating it up as "common sense politics" and "taking on the energy firm fat cats". This is essentially all a ploy to make it seem as if the Tory party is now the party of the working class. However, I very much doubt they'd enact an effective form of this policy if they got into power as Theresa May has quite literally gone back on nearly every pro-worker policy she's mentioned in speeches so far.

The jist of UK politics when it comes to centre-left policies can basically be summed up as:

Labour proposes "left-wing" policy = full blown communism

Tories propose "left-wing"policy = reasonable, common sense, centre-ground politics.

The public themselves don't have an issue with centre-left policies such as re-nationalisation (polls show that most of the public actually support them). The main issue is essentially the media and the fact that it's almost impossible for a left-wing party to suggest them without being branded undercover communists.

We're essentially teetering on 1984 levels of propaganda when it comes to the press. Both the owners of the Daily Mail (Paul Dacre) and the Sun (Rupert Murdoch) have regular private meetings with our PM. Additionally, the political editor of the Daily Mail recently became one of our Tory PM's media spokespeople.

So we're not an ancapistan dystopia yet but if the rabid right-wing press (which dominates over 60% of news media) isn't reigned in soon we very much might find ourselves there.

Yes the white male is so violent, inherently, not like the frail and submissive woman who is oh so weak to defend herself and noble

Holla Forums aren't Nazis anymore.

They're plain old neocons that identify far more with the pre-civil-rights era USA than with Nazi Germany. Any lingering Nazi nostalgia is purely superficial.

I can't decide if this was the game plan all along, to simply move the overton window further right, or if there are ultra right interests who are despairing somewhere

I'm positive that during the election Holla Forums was hijacked by shills for the Republican party.

dude its not even a fucking question. I don't know why this isn't talked about more, probably because of said hijacking, I feel like I'm going insane and keep posting these links

also my laptop went kill so I only can remember these two but there are more

If these two are known you can bet there is waaaay more, but the thing is it probably didn't even cost all that much to just pay people to meme all day, they probably just approached people who already memed all day like people with loads of le reddit gold or something

Hiro also sold 2ch out to the LDP so it would not surprise me if he's doing the same with 4chan.

?? Sorry could explain that slightly further?

And when it completely fails after being privatized all to shit, American pols will point to it as proof that nationalized healthcare doesn't work.

defunding to make services look bad has been a stated objective of the right in America before

Amtrack outside of pic related is absolute shit tier
And Amtrak is hardly nationalized

Our shit was publicly owned till the 80s

Agreed, and it was hilarious watching them (4/pol/ specifically) shout shill/CTR at anyone with a contrary opinion, all the while it's was obvious there was some serious astroturfing going on there.

Yeah, but it's really fucking good in that area, especially if you live walking distance to a station.

The revenue from the Northeast pretty much pays for the rest of the country's operations.