Richard Spencer had a KKK rally tonight
Richard Spencer had a KKK rally tonight
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hes trying so hard to be the next Milo with shocking media shticks
i miss when he stuck to countercurrents interviewing
lol @ that fat girl on the far right
I hope he keeps holding public events. Someone will shoot him soon enough and it will be the funniest fucking thing.
That would be for the best.
Probably a bass drum rather than a snare, but LARPing nevertheless
Looks nice.
So when is he gonna get punched next?
Fascists sure love torch lit marches.
At one point they were chanting "Russia is our friend." Seriously.
But yeah, go on and keep believing that Spencer doesn't have connections to Russia or that he isn't running an FSB psyop.
His connection to Russia is one of the only good things about him.
Russia is not your friend. Putin is not your friend. Dugin is not your friend. How deluded are you?
who gives a shit if he has connections to Russia. All that matters is that he's a white nationalist fuckwit and he should be dealt with appropriately.
Who do you think is the biggest purveyor and benefactor of this alt-right white nationalist death cult?
The alt-right are still going to be cucking themselves silly, aren't they? Each day they get exposed they look more deranged.
Sounds like someone yelled "George Soros" at the end
Russia is the means to an end. Russia will help to destroy liberalism, which will allow to the true left to thrive.
Fuck off shillarly
wew lad
Seriously guys, are white nationalists literally retarded? There are 100 million+ non-white people in America and guns are available everywhere. How are you going to get rid of all these people? I know white supremacists have blood thirsty fantasies of just gassing them all or deporting them by force but this is just a fantasy and will never happen. So what the fuck are they fighting for? America will never be 100% white again. Ever. So why are they so desperate to destroy their fucking country because of the race spook?
It just makes no sense. Even if you do support white supremacy and want an ethno-state you'd have to logically come to the conclusion that it is impossible to achieve when your country is 50% non-white.
God damn retards.
But hey, America is basically a collapsing empire at this point and this is to be expected.
I literally smell the flesh of burning jews from here
Spencer is a low key nazbol. There will be gulags instead of ovens.
There's going to be no gas chambers. This isn't the 1940s. Non-whites make up half the population of America. Guns are available everywhere. Most whites are middle-class and would never go full Nazi because they would rather the comfort of their jobs and gated communities, blacks and hispanics are more likely to be lower class and have less to lose.
Whites would lose the Nazi masturbation fantasy, big time. One side has a lot to lose, one side has nothing to lose but everything to gain. I bet you most blacks would be more than happy to kill some whites as revenge for slavery, Jim Crow, etc. there's so much built up anger that it's not even close.
Behold, a pale horse…
United states of LARPing. amrite?
They've literally been talking about a Racial Holy War for the last 100 years lol
Anyway whats the point of a country if all that success is only going to 1% (mostly jews)
wait do you actually think most blacks have any training with firearms? Even the gangbangers don't know how to maintain their gear so jams happen all the time
They'll obviously get training, retard.
Once they see pro-white militas getting popular, they'd prepare as well.
Fucking Nazi retards actually think they'll just kill people off so easily.
It's funny because you are literally thinking like a nigger right now.
If the bourgeois don't send the cops to stop them first.
capitalism was a jewish invention. who do you think invented usury
Lol the optics on this are actually hilarious. It's like they purposely want liberals and conservatives to call them traitors.
why is he alive
Why aren't Russians friends again? Isn't the cold war over?
It never was. There were always natives, and then whites brought black slaves with them to the continent. The whole point of the alt-right is that they're incels who hate themselves, so they want someone to lord over. But colonialism is dead and they can't live out their fantasies of conquest.
America has to die according to Dugin tho.
America has to die according to everyone, but it will die according to Spengler.
The only ones who want to pick a fight with Russia seems to be the neoliberals, and I'm still trying to figure out why.
The war on terror is over baby. It's old no one cares. According to most liberal talking points thinking muslims are dangerous is very racist and not okay. Gotta have a new baddy to point to. I mean remember in 2009 they did a whole big thing on resetting relations with Russia and only dumb neocons hated the Russians now. The Cold War is over they said. But near the end of the election it was impossible to not see how concentrated and constant the anti-russia narrative was pushed. Go to reddit and you can see how it's being shilled constantly in every thread. Look at weird twitter and you can see how some bought "irony" bros are throwing out anti-russia shit that then get turned into snippets to be used ad nauseam by shills and useful idiots
I listen to npr when I go to work 5 times a week and they constantly bring up the "russia hacked our democracy and our republic and we are in danger" but they usually try to hide that behind a veneer of "journalism" by just using that kind of view as a question. They'll have ex neoliberal/neocon intelligence higher ups on all the time who shill that shit.
Well can't really blame them. Everyone needs a boogieman to throw their problems at if you want to convince a large amount of people. Nat Socs use the jews (usually rightly though not because there is a vast jewish conspiracy) and it seems the neolibs are going to choose russia for the immediate future.
You think the fat ass middle class retards who collect guns because they are scared of everything and are filled with extreme insecurities are any more equipped for some fantasy war?
The only group that would win this hypothetical war that would never happen would be the state, who would use it as a justification to expand its authoritarian powers.
It's all so weird. The general public doesn't give a single shit about any of these boogeymen.
The state would cease to exist if there was a real R ace war man. I know you're trying to own that nazi poster but come on lol.
????????? are you just saying that based on your feels or something. The media has created an environment where Russia is the big bad. Watch some cable news sometime and you'll see it get mentioned over and over
I've come across some hardcore SJWs who despise Russia for its treatment of gays also mock the Dem's preoccupation with Russia.
Not too much of them, but still gives me hope.
No, not just America. Dugin literally wants to immanentize the eschaton. Fun fact: so does ISIS.
Stop reading the 🍀🍀🍀Turner🍀🍀🍀 Diaries, user lol
Does he actually talk about Dugin?
His wife is a Russian and has translated all of Dugin's work into English.
Whoa. That's some funky shit right there.
No but you see the crazy Russian white nationalists and Russian mobsters are actually our friends because they hate liberals too! And once Dugin's and Putin's philosophy of blowing up the whole world and building an autocratic Orthodox theocracy on its ashes we'll finally have communism!
Why weren't you this worried about the russians 8 years ago?
Like fucking clockwork.
[1 RUB has been deposited in your DMS Netherlands BV account]
What's wrong with that?
I wonder what the average white person thinks of the average black guy after decades of general baboonery and the destruction of entire cities…
You also have to deal with around 45-50% of whites not being on your side. While most blacks would side against your kind.
thats okay either we win and save the race or we lose and leave america a smoking wreck.
feing ouv it leik hyumen vs orgs
What will happen after all whites die? Will the chinks do nothing?
it just keeps going down
They do want America to collapse.
They typically want a white ethno state to break off from the USA, rather than taking over the entire USA.
b-but we wuz Soviets and sheeeit. Russia will forever be a friend of the left.
The Jews?
Its always them.
What the fuck
spencer is literally cucked by dugin, so no surprise there
America was never 100% white in the first place, which makes their fantasy all the more retarded
It's also why they're afraid of ancestry testing
Someone put a curse on Spencer the way this witch put a curse on Roo.
Fuck off, liberal
fuck off Putinboo.
But user.
Theyre all fat
Can we get to the point where we start shooting fascists again instead of punching them.
not that im opposed to the punching.
She totally wants 10 black cocks in her right now.
well no shit, if you think Spencer wants to maga you're wrong.
tbh I don't think this stuff is very significant
Until they get thousands of people showing up at different events, rather than a rotating couple hundred, this does not seem to be indicative of any sea change in our politics
Why has Richard Spencer been made a media darling out of nowhere?
No. Capitalism doesn't need democracy or liberalism, and as Zizek says they are destined to split up. So choose which you want.
Zizek is wrong.
Adam Smith was a jew?
The Medici were jews?
Because liberals can't help giving everyone a chance to voice their opinions so long as they aren't leftists.
Zizek is wrong here, Capitalism needs liberal democracy to embrace consumerism.
It means Dugin wants to trigger the apocalypse because he thinks it will cause the return of Christ, who will smite all the liberals and gays.
I honestly can't believe Nazbols unironically believe this fucking trash.
Find out who's funding him.
Why is Jay Dyer, who pushes Russian Orthodoxy, suddenly get a fucking television show out of nowhere? Do you even know who Jay Dyer is? Probably not. No one does.
china is consumerist as fuck
Russia is ruled by different porkies than the U.S. is. At this point, with capitalism being global, American porkies can only grow by stealing from other porkies. The same is true for Russian porkies.
Yes indeed, so does this mean we should support Russia's porkies? Because this is what Nazbols actually believe.
Like seriously, imagine thinking that guys like Putin and Semion Mogilevich are going to help the cause of communism and help bring down Western capitalism. How fucking deluded do you need to be to believe this?
Liberalism needs to be destroyed. Until liberal ideals are seen as the jokes that they are liberals will always be able to swoop in and thwart any communist movement from gaining steam among the workers. Liberalism needs to become the new monarchy and liberals the new monarchists. Their cherished notions of "freedom" need to be the subject of constant never-ceasing ridicule and mockery. Anyone who unironically espouses liberal views must not just become a political pariah but also an anachronism among the proletariat.
Aren't they all far-right?
You can engender a distrust or even a hatred for liberalism among the proletariat without supporting a loopy and totally incoherent metaphysical ideology that ultimately wants to establish an authoritarian Pan-Eurasian Orthodox autocracy.
Seriously, unless you're being paid handsomely in rubles, stop carrying water for Putin, Dugin, et al.
>blocks your path
Damn remember when all the mainstream rags were talking about how suave he was?
Bad style and a flabby gut is the last stand of implicit white identity, you wouldn't understand
Good for him.
jeez perhaps invest in more sizeable clothes
Fuck this stupid jewified nation. If we do go to war with Russia over Crimea or Shillay or some other bullshit, count me on the trenchlines of the other side. I'm going to die for a white country, not a mongrel hell hole. I'd be proud to die a Russian, and not whatever shitskin spic/nigger faggoty identity "American" is supposed to be.
America is going to be a pile of smoldering ruins, torn to shreds by civil war or just race riots and jihadi terror or perhaps even worse, just complete dysfunctionality due to blacks and hispanics trying to maintain the infrastructure like they do so brilliantly in Zimbabwe or Brazil. Our economic, military, demographic, diplomatic, every single 'superpower' we currently possess will be long gone. Meanwhile Russia is going to be more united, more proud, richer, happier, bigger and healthier than ever. They will be the princes of the universe, alongside other sane countries like China, South Korea and Japan who kept their borders closed. In fact, I assume the countries of Eastern Europe will eventually start begging Russia to annex them, just like Crimea did, once western Europe is overrun with Africans and Middle Easterners. They will quickly see the vast void, the gigantic gap, between the nihilism of 'Americanism' and Russia's steady hand on the tiller.
THICC Nationalism
user, I…
This. Putin is a fascist that orders the people who to think and behave. He kills homosexuals. He kills political enemies. He kills anyone who doens't think the way he tells them to.
Conservatives love him because he's exactly the kind of oppressive king they want.
Look how easy it is to trigger Nazbol's into exposing their true selves.
Get these shitheads off this board, please.
Kill yourself degenerate anti.white faggot
Please, stop. I can only get so erect. You're gonna make me pop a vein in my dick.
Imagine unironically believing this horseshit.
I'm sorry the truth hurts your feelings of "global proletarian" and other class reductionist bullshit.
because they are becoming more and more liberal
lel this guy is the gift that keeps giving.
how are you guys not SJWs again?