Is there a socialist solution to the growing problem of large numbers of angry, sexually frustrated young males who constitute most neo-facists?
Is there a socialist solution to the growing problem of large numbers of angry...
Other urls found in this thread:
The UK's Labour party was considering state sponsored GFs I believe.
No structuring of society is going to cure autism.
Also this.
A very big ditch in the ground.
Force feminize them into submissive sex servants
Yes, the Gulag
If that's true than how would you convince people like pic related to join us? Clearly finances are something they barely care about.
It almost seems as if they are so alienated they can't imagine a world where they are valued and settle for a worldview where people are forced to value them?
Oh well, guess we gulag them all lol
Virginity is a spook
I hope they go fash, more to kill that way.
Fucking robots.
They are a minuscule sliver of society. I don't give a single shit about what to do with them.
Conscription I suppose. Their Muslim peers go and do service in groups such as Daesh and the like, promised the same blood, honour and glory that has been promised to so many before.
The only bad robots are the actually attractive ones who just have social anxiety. They are salvageable.
Why not the unattractive ones?
teach kids to be compassionate and giving and someone will probably want to fuck them when they grow up
problem solves itself
I want to believe…
forced feminization gulags
Robots of the world, unite!
Your station in life is not due to inferiority. Chad is not better, just better at getting by.
When you feel like the world is not built for you, you're right. It's built for those who make money by simply having money already.
When you work and you feel like you're getting screwed, you're right. You're spending most of your days working to enrich someone else.
When you spend your days sitting in a basement, wondering what the hell is wrong with you that the world doesn't appreciate all you can contribute… It ain't because there's something wrong with you.
There's something wrong with the world.
It's in our nature to create things, to rework the natural world to be more useful or more beautiful or more orderly, to reshape it more to our own liking. But you can't do that.
You can't figure out a way to fit into the world unless you fit into the system that already exists. The capitalists have alienated you from making your own way forward, and have made you a slave.
You can't find a qt3.14 who just wants to talk to you all day because her survival doesn't depend on how interesting you are, it depends on how well you make money for someone else. The capitalists have even alienated you from human contact and relationships.
So you rebel in the only way you know how, by sitting in your basement shitposting on a Swahili basket weaving board, playing Vidya, jacking off, and wondering what in the fuck you did wrong.
But there is another way. Stand up, robots. Don't change yourself to fit the world as the capitalists demand - demand that the world change.
Remove capitalists from ownership of the companies, and let the workers own it themselves. The shareholders shouldn't pick the managers, the workers should!
Demand that the government stop using taxes to prop up the capitalists, and start using it to support everyone's right to be a NEET. Take back control of your world, robots. Because when everyone is a Chad… Nobody is.
Why is this all shitposting instead of offering actual ideas?
The alienation under capitalism would disappear, helping improve many of these societal and social problems. But it wouldn't magically fix everything, and people with no gf would still need to self-improve to become better people that could attract a gf. They wouldn't have the culture of alienation to work with, and they'd have more time on their hands to do that self-improvement, without wagecucking, but they'd still actually have to do it, which might not happen depending on the person.
good post m8
Communism won't solve mental illnesses.
Is it OK if I steal this and make a pro-robot thread later?
Until gene therapy is advanced enough the problem of women only wanting to fuck the top 10% of men isn't going to stop
If enough people are armed, each of these children will inevitably piss someone off on a bad day and get shot.
I made this to raid r9k originally, so have fun.
Besides, even if I didn't want you to take it I couldn't stop you. I labored to create it, but the labor cost of recreating it is essentially zero. It has become a commodity for use, rather than one for exchange.
Information is the socialist ideal, comrade.
State provided waifus? I dunno, what else can cure chronic virginity?
Unfortunately, the capitalists want this thing called "intellectual property" to fuck those ideals up. Only through our GPL licenses and free software can we achieve internet post-scarcity, comrade.
Honestly, I feel as though the rise in PUA shit is related to the commodification of human relationships and intensification of alienation present in our hyper-urban societies.
I think that once we get rid of capitalism, establish meaningful human relationships instead of meaningless buyer-seller relationships, and create a socially happy society rather than profoundly alienated one, that problems like the OP will become much less prevalent.
You don't. They don't constitute a significant portion of society.
As someone who has been one of those i think offering them a better life is what matters. Maybe they cant get a gf under socialism, but they could at least get some work (unemployment is absurd in most first world countries at the moment) and the security of knowing they can shitpost and play vidya for all of their non-work time. A big part of why people feel shame at just shitposting and accomplishing nothing is the lack of security in it, some of these people might actually be satisfied if they could do 20ish hours a week work and know they can just shitpost the rest of the time with no risk of that being taken away from them (due to lack of funds) and their work time could help them meet people and feel like they are valuable.
Plus by the time the lack of sex really digs into their souls they can order a realdoll from the pervert commune or get a VR waifu simulator from the people's united nippon.
I imagine socialism would get rid of gold diggers
He had the potential to be our guy, if only there would of been somebody to introduce him to our theories…
My boner
the products of capitalist alienation
I don't think I agree. I don't think an economics centered ideology like ours would have appealed to a guy like Eliott Rodger, who only suffered from social issues
Personally I have not the faintest idea how you could even communicate with people who's singular interest is getting laid/gf/wife. We'd have to say something like "for sure you'll get a gf in socialism" but we'd be lying because that would mean ceding free sexual choice for female comrades
Arent many japanese neets anti capitalist af?
How come that there, anti capitalism resonates with these lonely losers, but in the west they become fascists?
They can't realistically blame not having a gf on the Koreans.
Because the right has moulded thier rhetoric to be attractive to these people.
But also in Japan it is a significantly larger and still growing problem to the point where you can't make fun of it as something isolated
Having a purpose is crucial.
People who are able to socialize without major problems would benefit from socialism obviously.
But for these lonely, depressed, isolated and withdrawn people, an additional treatment is required.
A commune where they are directly engaged in labour needed to make the commune functioning, where they can see the direct effect, even if it is just taking turns to clean the bathrooms and toilets, to cook in the communal kitchen, to work the farm, taking turns and doing rotation on all that would give them a sense of purpose, to directly see that their work is needed and is beneficial to others, as they all work together.
Also as one of lonely losers, the lack of sex that is felt is only bad because of the media they consume. The spectacle presents itself, turning sex into a commodity and also sexualizing consumerism. And as these lonely withdrawn social rejects see others do what is impossible for them, it is not easy to stomach it without feeling inadequate.
The solution is to cut out all the images of women from the media they will see, in fact minimize all the passive consumption of media should be forbidden to them, and instead they should be encouraged to be active, play instruments, act the theater plays, draw, paint, sculpt.
In fact the only women they would be allowed to see would be living, breathing, thinking ones. Not the ones on computer screens or printed on paper. And certainly not the photoshopped ones or caked with layers of makeup. Or those who are told to spend countless hours in the gym to look perfect, essentially becoming a good on their own. Just another example of how capitalism distorts another facet of human experience.
For some this might be uncomfortable, but without the contradictions, there can be no progress to them. And living the contradiction that goes between the sexes, the exchange of ideas, actually living and communicating, instead of observing from distance, they might learn to relate to other people, instead of masquerading themselves as functioning when they are not.
Some might now avoid women for whatever reason, avoid people for whatever reason. But when they will have no choice in the commune but to communicate and cooperate with others, this will become the learning opportunity they have missed in their life, or avoided it or otherwise weren't forced to do it, or weren't encouraged to learn it.
banning anime and disconnecting their internet Opening up pathways of productive labor and the de-commodification/re-socialization of sex.
Would everyone quit saying it's a lack of sex these men are missing.
If that were the case they'd all just get sex workers. They lack intimacy, is is the combination of emotional and physical bonding.
Women will give them emotional intimacy i.e. The friend zone but not physically because they want to commodify it.
Or maybe they just don't want to fuck you
Isn't that what I said?
But they won't fuck me because I can't offer them upward mobility, not because of whatever strawman reason you can come up with
they can't. that would mean questioning and neutering the "angry virgin" meme that they throw out whenever someone talks critically about women. that's their trump card
this. lack of emotional intimacy and closeness, and the feelings of unwantedness and rejection are what cause the anger and pain
BTW capitalism isn't a meritocracy. If you think all those men in Japan and now here can't get laid because a generation of men collectively decided to be assholes
What your really doing is running cover for porky for the alienation he's causing
Just b urself LMAO xD
No but seriously, just don't stop being a miserable cunt around women and treat them the same way you treat your Bros, that's all it takes
Also all the shit you believe in like alpha/beta, Chad, whatthefuckever, it's all not real. Especially the alpha beta shit, which is about as unscientific as it gets and originally just something you brought up to troll teenagers, but now /r9k/, Holla Forums, and apparently even Holla Forums are idiotic enough to believe it
Step 1. Stop hating yourself because of spooks
I think just offering a Marxist explanation of why they can't get laid would probably get most of them to turn to our side.
Some of is yes their beliefs i.e. Superstructure, they really do need to let go of some their pachriarcal spooks, a lot of them probably could get laid if they would date over weight women and or women outside their race.
But most of it is base, women can sell their labor at near parity to men, so they don't need men desperately like they did in the past.
Pol is right about if feminism was gone they probably could get laid since women wouldn't be able to access the market like they can now.
But most of it is base, women have taken a lot of baggage due to capitalism too, a lot of them are either very over weight or have semi serious mental problems, this creates a shortage of eligible women, in addition to women rejecting men that can't offer upward mobility
That was a shoop.
Never liked the way this image transfers blame onto the individual. Both because it ignores the wider structures at play (such as the way capitalist media spreads insecurity.) and because it's simply not very effective at getting any message across, even "fuck off", because they'll be used to hearing things like that. (even if nobody's ever actually said it.)
The issues of capitalism go far beyond finances.
Subtly I read a lot into
>No one can fix me but me, and I'm not capable of doing the job
As a very ideological statement.
I'll never understand how people can pile all their hopes and value into a woman, believe that if only they had a girlfriend then everything would be all right.
At least I was smart enough to put everything into capital controls.
I was wiped out in a single trading day.
It's more likely that they won't fuck you because you have a shitty personality.
Capitalism has severely damaged interpersonal relations but not being able to find someone that wants to fuck you is your fault.
Just B urself!
and what if that's not the goal?
Even if it were true that I couldn't find anyone t fuck me *its not**
Your argument would be illogical, guilt by association.
The marriage rate is declining and divorces are only declining because less people are gettting married in the first place.
If you think wide scale phenomenon can be explained individual personal failing, then you really can't analyze anything can you
This is a dumb ad hominem. This is occurring to millions of men, look to japan to see what the US will be like in 10 years
But I don't have a shitty personality
Then you're doing a great job.
Your analysis is shit and explains nothing.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that bitter incels don't know what ad hominem means
You post on a chan. Let's be real.
yet i'm still unwanted by women and unable to find a partner
Natural selection. Those autists won't breed, and hopefully die off.
is this what you actually believe?
not at all, I was just shitposting.
On the contrary, I think that any person having trouble finding a GF needs a little more self love. A lot of people I know who have relationship problems are looking for a relationship to make them happy, when their not happy on their own. That's a huge issue.
slave morality: the post
why is it an issue? is it ruled that one must be happy before they're entitled to have a relationship?
a relationship wouldn't make you happy anyway. dwelling on it won't get you anywhere.
Circle jerks
how do you know? what a baseless assumption
Because there are two possibilities:
1. you get your unrealistic fantasy relationship that god himself couldn't deliver, in which case it actually makes you happy.
2. you get a realistic relationship and realize simply having a human onahole wandering around your house hasn't really improved anything.
I dont get how you could be so pathological obsessed with fucking women or anyone to the point of actual violence. I know it sucks to be alone but In all honesty people like this just need to grow up.
or just give up like me and get a qt waifu/husbando to fill the void
Adopt NRX and traditionalism.
One man, one wife. It's obvious your fellow leftists consider you less than human, not even deserving of a female companion.
The days of Jewish women's liberation are numbered. Society will put women back into the kitchen, either with an internal trad reaction or by threat of the gun with Islamic invaders.
There hasn't been a single time in history where a non patriarchal society didn't win out in the end. Remember that.
still assumption. you and i don't know how someone might react to being in a relationship. it's a completely individual thing
Also if your a muslim you can just kidnap any young girl on the street and force her to be your GF. If her parents complain just call them racist.
to some degree its individual, but overall happiness comes from within. Have you been in long term relationships before?
Because my experience with them is after what's referred to as a "honey-moon phase", which lasts for a few months to a year, maybe year and a half. After this phase the novelty of the relationship wears off. You don't have the same response to your SO. It doesn't feel as good.
So I say you need to be happy with yourself first because more times than not, the happiness you derive from a relationship is transient. It's also VERY difficult for other people to make you happy. Have you ever had to deal with a depressed friend, possibly sucidial? Its usually fucking impossible to pull them out of it, they need to pull themselves out of it. This applies to relationships as well.
ok, i guess not then.
holy shit that pic is fucked up man. All of the perps should have been deported, tbh
If there's one thing the dating scene has in common with capitalism, it's people doling out completely useless, but ideologically correct advice.
Fuck off Stacy
sad actually that the whole catgirl thing died out, also wished it had been something more radical
tbqh i don't think women realize how surreal their position in society is, becoming de-facto authorities in the lives of beta males.
Just spitballing, but… once we have been liberated from the shackles of capital, we'll be free to form communities again, spend more time socializing, etc. This won't mean everyone will have a gf, but it will mean that the value of the romantic relationship is proportionately lessened. That is to say, if you are embedded in a web of other relationships, not having a romantic relationship will be more tolerable. You will in effect be less desperate for a gf, less frustrated, though still mostly sexless.
That, or just have sex bureaucrats.
The difference is that when it comes to starting relationships, a passive role is what is expected of you, to wait for a potential partner and judge him.
Guys are expected to come to you or other women and then be judged. And when one holds an irrational belief that one will always be rejected for being inferior, and then the relatives have the audacity to expect said sad virgin guy to approach women, the contradiction between that is just too much.
Your relatives would only offer words of comfort, telling you to persistently wait and someone will come along, which is consistent with what you have done so far.
So it is just my guess that they get conflicting messages, where you don't.
Also consider that many of these guys turn they anger inward, into full self hatred. After all they say the thing r9k hates the most are themselves.
Consider yourself lucky to practice self-love, because the lot of r9k think that no one can love them, not even they themselves. One can only pity the ones who have not yet figured out that r9k is a purgatory, because that is what it is. A temporary stop for those who have their social lives in the shitter, an opportunity to have time to come up with a constructive solution to their problem.
Too bad that it turned into an echo chamber of misery and a den of crab mentality.
Bada boom, realest guy in the room. I look like a donkey's asshole and make no attempt to hide the fact I spend most of my free time playing JRPGs, but even I can get success on Tinder. Just keep trying at it, it'll work eventually.
What exactly to you purpose a return to arranged marriages?
I for one embrace the gulag
young men with absolutely nothing to lose? hell yeah give them the anime hitler memes
I said i was /learning/ to try like myself; I have deep bouts of self hatred and low self esteem too; and i honestly dont think any will ever love me but i dont think im "owed" love and affection. Maybe I dont feel angry because ive just given up and decided to work on myself; at this point im more concerned about having friends anyways.
Maybe its different for other girls but my relatives dont even bother bringing up relationships because they know it wont happen for me.
You are right about r9k being a shitty negative echo chamber though. MGTOW are a bunch of spooked faggots but I think its positive that they at least try to stop themselves from relying on relationships for thier happiness and focus on self improvement instead.
user I…
State will provide tickets for sex for them
Are you seriously implying that personality has anything to do with getting laid? Stop watching Disney movies.
I miss them so much.
Again. Sex is mostly about looks.
Under communism we would forcibly feminize all beta males by injecting them with hormones, thus providing society a stream of cute traps and eliminating all odd and alienated elements of society, alongside their inherent propensity for violence and rape.
They will be admired and provided with accessories and personal care products to keep such girls at maximum cuteness at all times, and this will be funded by male pig labor; Those who resist will also be made into traps.
Neither do blacks or faggots and yet you get offended when we want to slave or hang them like we used to in the good times.
It would make it easier to get laid because of the free time automation would grant us. People would actually have leisure time and devote themselves to self-improvement from eating healthier to improving their social skills. Also, a sense of community; capitalism has us all like anti-social robots.
Yes. Murder those faggots.
That's because blacks and gays are the cornerstone of our communist plot to turn western society into a Muslim gay mixed-race utopia run by Jews.
Noone's going to critique my analysis?
You know that it's a personal failing of myself how? You implying women are some sort of impartial judge of character?
I'm talking about a macro level phenomenon that's effecting millions of young men, but all you want to do is convince me to blame myself.
Wow just hand waving away what I said, truly you are philosopher king.
Seriously you sound like some reddit liberal that reflexively gets triggered when anyone criticizes
western women.
The definition of an ad hominum
Ad hominem, short for argumentum ad hominem, is now usually understood as a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself
You like every other liberal porky third wave feminists tries to shame any man that complains about being negatively impacted by women commodifying their sexuality by teasing them about the very thing they already said they were sensitive about. I.E not being able to find sexual intimacy with an eligible woman.
Its not going to work on me, I actually and do get laid, so your attempts at emotional manipulation to get me to have a breakdown that you can later use to delegitamize what I'm saying isn't gonna happen.
I really do think this is a serious problem, I think we are heading the way of Japan with their growing problem of "grass eaters", but I doubt it will manifest in such a peaceful way here.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that bitter incels don't know what ad hominem means
Enough with this Chapo maymay, that show is nothing but catharsis for pissed of liberal bernie burnouts.
You're a piece of shit and deserve all the blame for women finding you unfuckable. Poor ugly people have been getting laid for thousands of years.
If you seriously have not a single redeeming quality that would attract someone to you, it's your fault and you need to face it, faggot.
This is what I've been trying to say the whole goddamn thread. The rhetoric of individual sexual freedom, like the logic of a free market where each person is a separate economic unit with the freedom to invest, buy, and sell what they like, ignores the factors that influence those choices. And again, like the logic of free markets it is entirely meaningless to someone who is shut out of the market entirely.
Apparently we're all human affected my material circumstances and yet somehow women are objective judges of character of a male. You can make fun of these people, but it is unquestionably systemic phenoma
Poor ugly people have been getting laid in non feminized poor countries.
Go back to your liberal circle jerk at reddit. Women aren't objective arbitrators of character.
Poor men can get laid in poor countries because women in those countries can't sell their labor for as much as men can, they HAVE to be in relationships with men to access markets.
>If you seriously have not a single redeeming quality that would attract someone to you, it's your fault and you need to face it, faggot.
Whatever, this is affecting millions of men, you can't handwave away something happening to that many people by just saying it them *superstructure*. There's a base to it.
jesus christ why do you fuckers care
what is the base reason why you actually give a damn what women think of you?
t. porky apologist.
For me? Pure envy. I don't hate Chad, I want to be Chad.
if you don't know, I actually have some sympathy, but generally I've realized that when I envy people it's not that I want to be them but that I resent never being given the choice, even if - given the choice - i'd have picked myself.
Would you stop it with this concern trolling, they want an intimate relationship with an eligible woman.
It's a desire as natural as breathing.
You pathetic fuckers really do need to be forced into years of mandatory labor in a gulag.
And yet I lack it.
Damn this critism really triggers some people on this board.
I get the feeling it's to preserve some out group that can be emotionally abused for the purposes of catharsis.
Seriously what these guys have been saying about relationships in the wes t is pretty mild criticism of women
They need more personal responsibility.
I don't know man, when a society values men based on something and you are unable to attain that to the extent others do, it leads to envy
It's why it actually makes sense in a fucked up way, why Eliott Rodger and dudes like him killed.
It's like zizek's quip about the nature of envy. There's a genie that asks a man "I'll give you whatever you want, but I'll give your neighbor double". And the man goes "OK, take one of my eyes"
You know, if Stacy won't have sex with me, she'll have sex with no one! Bang bang bang
I don't agree with this, capitalism has left a lot of young men so alinenated they are frothing at the mouth, but it's taken its toll on women too.
Can't tell you how many very over weight and or mentally ill women have approached me, there is a serious lack of non fucked up women in the west, I don't blame them completely for it, but it doesn't make my search for a partner any less difficult
Hello Holla Forums
Hello Hillary
Maybe if you say in from reddit a few more time it'll make your analysis less retarded.
Quit sounding like a triggered liberal and I'll quit telling you to go back to reddit
Wait first of all, is this actually a major problem? I thought it was a super fringe thing confined to the r9k board of 4chan. I mean even MGTOW are mostly dudes upset about family court.
You are saying there is actually a significant number of people who can't get laid and that's leading them to the right?
But then why would this even be an issue in socialism? We'll just give them classes on how to socialize and introduce them to girls. I've set up plenty of dates for people I know.
that's anothe reason why people run from retards like you
Holy shit you faggots are terrible at false flagging.
It's not false flagging. Having a bunch of angry sexually frustrated young men could either be a blessing in disguise or a disaster for the left.
It's just that trying to apply marxist analysis to it makes a bunch of cliqish crypto liberals in this board lose their shit
you heard it here beta cucks. a successful revolution will see you all end up in a gulag. its time to choose the side that cares about your material concerns (pussy)
would any of these angry virgins ever consider letting a gay guy give them a bj?
If so, I think I have a plan for ending the Alt-right.
aren't they obsessed with traps
user, don't be a hero. It's an engineering impossibility to take on that many cocks.
If I need to wear a wig to give qt3.14 virgins glorious socialist bjs, then I'll do it
Put them in gulag
You're idealogy literally says they deserve this.
But Holla Forums wants to KILL them all, gulag is at least alive.
Open source AI waifus, socialized productions or androids for compaionship
there's already open source ai waifus, they're called people
Women just don't get it.
Also every woman is a counter-revolutionary.
Those words don't mean what you think they mean.
I think we should advocate a classless homosexual society instead
The problem is robots in thier current year incarnation are fucking Turbocucks, who feed on fucking pity, and jealousy. I feel no sympathy for somebody who spends thier entire life isolating them selves, choosing to live in surrogate childhood, all the while having the delusion that their the ones truly oppressed by society because nobody is physically attracted to them.
These faggots are the pimple on the ass of Holla Forums
This is sadly what is happening.
This is why most religions prohibit polygamy. Wealth inequality was worse in the ancient world then now.
And a woman is better of materially as in of many of porkies wife or gf than with being with your poor fat ass.
What about polyamory then?
the term you should've objected to was "ai" you chauvinist
So people can't own private properties.
Yet women can fuck anything with legs.
How do you define childhood? Playing video games?. That's just a matter of taste Stalin.
If you say starting a family, it circles back to what they are saying, they can't start a family.
Looking at the base and superstructure of what is causing robots isn't an endorsement of their often reactionary views.
Get your spooked ass the fuck outta here
What's that? Don't tell me to Google it, cause I ain't
honestly this silly "there's a 1-10 scale of beauty" is one of the most cringy things you robots produced and all the memes around it make my skin crawl. if you believe women aren't fucking anyone below 7 you're sheltered as fuck. don't bother with the "they settle with them when they're old" meme, it's bs. this is just rationalization for some sort of inferiority complex that you have.
t. ugly, short, fat and awkward, still fucked (and out of my league too) without spending a dime.
The 1-10 scale has been around since at least the 70s
What I'm saying is that their is no difference in a robots life whether he's 17, 27, or 37. His day to day life is exactly the same (Wake up, play video games all day, mom brings dinner to his room). His development is severely arrested, therefore he's essentially never stopped being what we think of as a "child".
You must live in a place where the laws of gravity are suspended too.
honestly this silly "there's a 1-100 percentile of wealth" is one of the most cringy things you socialists produced and all the memes around it make my skin crawl. if you believe the 1% can't be entered by anyone below 25% you're sheltered as fuck. don't bother with the "you have to be born into money" meme, it's bs. this is just rationalization for some sort of inferiority complex that you have.
t. grew up in a poor family in sudan, still became rich
How do you do my fellow billionaire? I too am looking to diversify my investment portfolio.
t. grew up in a poor family in Ethiopia, still became rich
literally anyone can fuck if you just add alcohol
now that raises a lot of questions about consent and whatever but it's the one thing university taught me.
the other thing is that drinking with teenagers is pointless because i'm the only one who can hold my drink and those who haven't passed out on the floor are in bed with some girl who's name you never did learn.
socialising was a mistake.
i could never get laid in college, even with copious amounts of alcohol at parties
I keep trying to tell guys to just go over seas to like Thailand and get a wife.
Although the same base superstructure elements are still at play, even the poorest guy in the US still represents upward mobility for someone in a 3rd world country.
We have the technology
I would lay with you user
you're a retard, maybe that's the reason women won't fuck you.
they don't need to go to thailand, they need to get out of the basement.
There's still the matter of all other "men's issues" that are treated with outright contempt by women. They are biologically programmed to not give a shit.
This reinforces my argument that these guys aren't simply looking for sex, they are looking for intimacy which is both physical and emotional.
They can get the emotional part ie the friend zone. But not the physical part because women want to commodify that.
It's not like that everywhere. I used to live in Germany and my female German national friends would approach me for sex semi regularly.
It's actually really weird and dangerous not to fuck your friends if you're a horny female. What if you have an unplanned pregnancy. You really want to chase some guy down you barely know
t fat lonely tumlrina
Seriously if enough of them did it it would change things for the better
as a general hint, don't use this as a pick up line
i wouldn't advice any robot to go there or to any sexual tourism country. they probably wouldn't return alive.
isn't that the idea behind telling people to go?
t. Thailand cruise manager
Always funny how discussion on virgins always resorts to the most stupid strawmans. I have friends, even female friends who respect me and still I'm a virgin and this gives me pain but I obviously need to jus b myself and not be a angry fedora rite xdxdxd
you need to give up and make peace with your hands
you mean?
OMG I was kidding about you being a Tumlrina before but now I know you are. Why the fuck to fat burgers always think the US is so safe
everytime I see his beautiful smiling face, I know that God is looking out for me
Pu-leaze I've known several people that picked up a wife there and they came back fine and they were dumb as rocks.
HOLY FUCK. Every one of these threads ends up a shitshow. I don't fucking understand why this topic is so damn contentious.
Just give them free socializing classes, free counseling, a strong community. If all else fails introduce them to someone like I have with some of my friends
That's fucking it. Thread over everyone go home
the first thing that should be done is banning thot behavior, banning pornography, banning sex positive faggotry and banning strip clubs. The next thing would be to legalize nudism, to de-taboo marriage at an early age and to discourage sex and drug use as co-terminus activities.
shut the fuck up tori
Because there's a bunch of pesudo intellectuals on here that want to maintain an out group they can ostracize consequence free because they haven't grown out of high school clique mode.
They can't pull that on pol because guns.
No, you are speaking from your angry and alienated mind. How about instead I introduce you to my friend Sarah
incorrect analysis and a statement with zero truth value, its also not an argument or an informed opinion. Purely an unjustified belief
how about you fuck off
lol cry more
You're doing Gods work.
can you calm your autism for like two seconds?
t. Closeted polyp
Why are you even here? What the fuck do you even want?
It's not the US that's safe, it's the basement. The basement could be in any country you autist.
the means of reproduction are everywhere, if anything they must be destroyed
A socialist program to address this in the present day would probably focus on two things
1) Un-Alienated labor. Do what we can so that everyone who wants a job, has one, it's enough to provide a family with, and is something that can enjoy doing at some level.
2) Create social media, social functions, architecture and city planning with the express goal of giving people every opportunity to easily become intimate, friendly and familiar, something that would be much easier without profit.
lol what is this? is this discourse? no, obviously not
t. (you)
In want to deconstruct what's causing this here and in Japan.
Sorry this triggers you so bad, just go back to Twitter where you'll find plenty of people to uncritically accept your osterization of these guys.
2010 called, they want their Tumblr memes back
no don't you see? only ugly, short, smelly, autistic, evil, fascists can't get gf's. Its not possible to be tired from work and school, to not like partying or drinking and thus to be isolated from women. Its not like a huge number of the girls who don't party are also prudes and don't put-out and are insane. Its not like feminism is propagating insane behavior in women. No sir. Also money and social status have nothing to do with it. You must be evil and wrong and """""ugly""""".
I'm telling you man, the only explanation is that it's Holla Forums or evil, ugly, awful autistic people who deserve to be euthanized by the BASED communist state
bretty sure it's a 4chin meme
Never said that, or even implied but yes the root of this is most certainly alienation which communism would greatly alieve.
Why are you making so many attempts to piss me off. Is it really that important to you to have an out group you and your pussy liberal friends can bully?
no its an alt-left weird twitter/tumblr/reddit meme/concept. The idea being:
you can either be sexually successful (in which case you can be an arrogant asshole and no one cares), you can be not successful (but be quiet about it, always, or be self-deprecating so we can laugh at you like Louis CK the cuck does) OR you are not successful and you talk about it, in which case you are an evil, creepy, ugly, autistic, faggot, fascist who hates all women and wants to control all the vaginas on Earth and hates Sex and hates fun.
Trust me, I'm an expert Holla Forums user I know what I'm talking about
Yeah let those nasty brown women from the old country deal with the rapists.
Nah, fuck you. Racist piece of shit. They should have been institutionalized.
It's not really "socialist", but:
>Among the males the behavior disturbances ranged from sexual deviation to cannibalism and from frenetic overactivity to a pathological withdrawal from which individuals would emerge to eat, drink and move about only when other members of the community were asleep. The social organization of the animals showed equal disruption.
There seems to be some sort of correlation between population density, economic prosperity and collapse in birth-rates which I think explains low fertility in Japan and places like Germany pretty well
Which is partially explained in Calhoun's experiment as overpopulation reducing the number of viable social roles, resulting in mice simply dropping out of "mouse society" since they get fed anyway, there's no need to compete
seriously makes me so fucking angry, the only position I share with the Black Panthers besides gun ownership is prison abolitionism. Prison is evil.
And until we get some form of neural rescoialisation or some shit is pretty much the only way you can deal with criminals
It isn't, but people should've have to suffer criminals because said criminals were fucked over by the wider economic system
This tbqh
It all comes down to alienation
1. I never said prison you idiot.
2. When it comes to gang rape, which is the subject here, I would definitely prefer those people anywhere else but grabbing children off the street.
how dare you give me this new fetish user
or you can be a bitter twat with a persecution complex and a series of cartoon villains for your daily 2 minutes of hate, mister new expert.
As someone who has personally been burned by this specifically, I feel the need to point out that it's not just feminism doing this. All kinds of ideology teaches women to be insane (same for men, but they get less of a pass due to being seen as more in self-control and responsible).
Your post as a whole is spot on though.
ITT prison is evil but gulag is cheerio
no. this is insane and nonsensical. Most of them wouldn't even be murders if they weren't in their communities or forced to respond to environmental racial pressures from their peers. They need to be in gardens, in nurseries with lots of flowers, taking care of puppies. Learning to teach old people and children. These guys needs hands on time with their community and with sensitive, weak members of the community. Segregating them subconsciously tells them that they're not human and not a part of the community and that they're animals. So they become worse animals in prison.
no this is evil and the same attitude of a liberal in Silicon Valley who is sneering at a hobo whose harassing people. Yes the hobo is harassing people because he needs wealth. But, "how annoying and unsafe, better he's in jail than harassing people" no dude. Its immoral. They're all our kin-folk. Every man and woman behind bars is my kin and they will all be free
gang rapists who attack children and old people should be shot on sight. Prison is cruel and unusual punishment no matter the crime. If you commit rape or murder and are caught in the act you should be shot. If not you should be ostracized or mitigated against. Not after-the-fact punished for a crime that is over. You people have less empathy than a hardcore Fascist that I know from an HBD forum. This guy literally wants the Turner Diaries but he thinks prison is evil and inhumane even for Blacks and Jews and Hispanics who he hates. No empathy from the Left. Despicable, I stand with Fred Hampton and the Panthers who are against Prisons. You are not my allies if you are not against prisons of all forms
This guy will turn Demolition Man into a reality.
There was a mini crime wave in the Soviet Union when the first groups of gulag inhabitants were pardoned, because many of those imprisoned were actual criminals, not political criminals that got on Stalin's bad side
lol you're the one who's crying about villainous websites
this is unironically one of my favorite movies and easily my favorite Stallone film just because how much he triggers Sandra Bullock
Yes, a society where prison is about raising puppies will make people easily triggered.
I only watch JJBA, Trigun, DN, Berserk, Samurai Champloo and other pseudo-normie anime. I don't watch really normie faggot shonen or super autistic harem/moe shit sorry :(
Don't even know what your on about mate. Not the same user
If you think about it, what's the difference between prison and gulag?
you are forced to slave your ass for free there.
You're Just mad that weird/twitter/tumblr/ is getting called out for their bull shit bullying.
Now you're trying to straw man Every one that calls you out as a basement dweller.
Yes, you'll get a gf in socialism
make it less obvious tho
How do I get gf in capitalism?
couple of things. First of all an armed population that is mentally healthy and removed from capital will not have trouble mercing about of retard gang bangers. Second of all, most of them, the vast majority of them are not actually violent. They got angry or drunk or jealous of someone and hurt them. They're not going to hurt anyone again more than likely, or if they do they'll punch someone in the face. Wow so dangerous, we're all in danger of getting punched. Lastly, if you removed all the drug offenders, all the property criminals, all the con artists, theives and people in for statutory rape you would have like 10% of the criminal population left. Then if you just focused on them, most of them can be helped either with therapy or with better diet and supplements or with communal reintegration. The very few, the 5% or so who are psychopaths can be mitigated within the community without locking them in cages with prey for them to practice on. Your solution is psychotic and immoral, mine is ethical and humane. I will not yield on this issue. Prison is evil, most people are harmless or incapable of great harm. The civilians can protect themselves with weapons. Stop being a pussy faggot sadist, people's lives are ruined because of incarceration. People go insane because they stole cash or got in a bar fight with a frat boy and ended up with serious time. Seriously you're a fucking asshole
death camps, gulags and prisons are all the same. Anyone who supports them is evil, immoral, unethical and a threat to the species survival and should be mitigated against
next you'll talk about hillary clinton or some shit.
the vast majority of people who've committed violent offenses have committed simple or aggravated assault, because they hit someone or pushed someone and a cop showed up. They're not murderers. The vast majority of killers commit manslaughter. And the vast majority of drug dealers are only violent because their friends will kill them if they show weakness. Taken out of the context of capitalism, the pseudo-racial gang dynamic and prison, they are not violent or going to hurt anyone. Prison increases violent behavior, that's why people who go to prison commit more violent crimes later on consistently, at much higher rates than the general population. Prison teaches you to be ruthless, cold, unaffected, calculating, violent and mistrusful. It teaches you to con people, to game people, to be an opportunist, to think like a sociopath. You are looking pretty stupid now. I think I've won this argument.
Under any communist society, polygamy, and polyamory (which is really just polygamy lite for 'progressives') must be outlawed and stigmatized for the good of both females and beta males. Society is bad enough with similar problems occurring even under monogamy.
will you just go back to your fash buddies already
there isnt really a point for prisons if there is no wealth to protect (ie under communism or w/e faggy anarchy thing) prisons just serve as a way to make profit for some jews right now. criminals who are violent should be helped if possible but most likely be shot. those who are peaceful should be helped as well.
this can be done with dignity too if we only just segregated ourselves. blacks should tend to blacks. whites to whites. our current system has no way to help the children of minorities because those in a position to help have no understanding of their troubles. how could they really. so obvious isnt it
im not myself a robot but I swear im gonna line you fuckers up against the wall first
if that's your reading of this thread it's a good thing that you're not contributing with more analysis
fuck off, there's a reason why polygamy is shunned in most places.
really. For fucks sake, anti-polygamy is usually framed as a feminist sentiment, and it is. Because its abusive towards the wives who get to have their husband bring home a new girl they like fucking better every now and then. you cant pretend sexual jealousy is just a cultural spook or something.
They try to talk about how commodification of sex breeds alienation and ideas around relationships and sex that perpetuate and reinforce that alienation and you just screech 'FUCKING LOSERS HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAA PATHETIC VIRGIN SHITS HAHAHAHAHA'
Stay spooked ya fuckin cuck
have you even read Stirner?
Or are you just using that word in the meme sense? The whole idea of a spook is that it goes against one's ego/self-interest. What goes against my ego is up to my subjective choice. Getting rid of polygamy pleases my ego quite well.
But I hate myself, because Alienation. And I've been doing that my entire life. Nothing changed. Not am being told "you need to change" and so on.
Your analysis is shit.
You forget that the downfall of "western civilazation" is the alienated urbanized lifestyle that capitalism promoted, itself.
The more people don't need to socialize and are even discourged, because interwebs are cheaper and easier, the more we either have money but no time, or time but no money, the more we get ourselves fixated over issues other than sexuality at it's core and community building and so on, see East Germany, the more A L I E N A T I O N will be tearing us appart.
You want to stop being a loner on a chan?
You want to do something usefull with your life?
You want to meet people that will see you as a person and not as someone to exploit or an enemy?
Well… Not gonna happen under Capitalism.
Truly the strongest argument FOR socialism is that exact end of objectification of humans in general. We need socialism so we can be humans again.
Now, the problem with neoliberal feminism, is it takes the geniune issue of alienation and turns into an individual problem FOR the majority of the population, EXACTLY by promoting the "problems" of the minority.
You are no longer supposed to be yourself, cause someone else will be offended. Everything is about gender, race and other spooks, or else we would have to stop and ask "Why?" And if you ask "Why" you are a problem for the system.
When I tell people to to start seeing beyond traditional standards / over focusing on spooks and so on, they call me prorgessive/brocialist.
When I ask why it's all about spooky sexuality and race, they call me a communist.
Ok, I fucked up on the last one, but was the best I could do
Yes, you idiot.
Cause inheritance.
Read Engels faggot.
In fact, I'd say that you dictating what does and doesn't count as a spook is a spooky claim to restrict my ego and actions and is actually very spooky indeed. If a large section of the population agrees to form a Union of Egoists out of mutual sexual self-interest (non alpha-woman and betas) to use our might to restrict the rest of the population from participating in polygamy there is nothing wrong with that whatsoever.
soon fam
A significant part of it is spooks. Or, if its not for you, it is for alot of people. What just saying 'stop hating yourself because of spooks' misses is that culturally imprinted spooks have extremely strong influence over peoples ideas about themselves.
realizing as an individual that it doesnt matter at all does work, I know because I realized as much myself. But you cant expect more than a small minority of people to be able to do that. I only did because of a lucky combination of temprement and circumstances in junior high school.
That suggests the problem that has to be addressed is the cultural tendencies and ideas that cause this. But we all know how well the approach of proggie culture warriors' moral microscopy harassing ==everyone else== over their individual beliefs and shit works.
Engels supported monogamy under communism as the natural result of the elimination of class differences though, with love based purely on attraction and not physical need/dependence.
Cuck shill
error 404
argument not found
A lot of guys can't get their peepee hard unless there's at least 1 other group of people they can look down on.
here's another reasonable, minor social restriction: being sad that you have to jack off every night doesn't give you the right to issue state mandated gibsmedat sex.
Nice strawman
still not an argument
This is what a strawman looks like, thankyouvery much.
Also, here's another reasonable, minor social restriction: no pedophilia. Just because something restricts you for the good of society doesn't make it bad.
mm, can't restrict pedophilia, that would be 'uncle joe telling me who to fuck', right?
I actually meant to link to that post. I dont know how I didnt notice I fucked it up.
its literally the textbook strawman.
The difference being that a child can't consent and must be protected by predatory people, whereas you want to force adult people to do your bidding because there are other adult people who are sad that anime girls ain't real.
nice adhom bruh
What's next? The end of the exploitation of workers?
You win
There aren't enough straws anymore to make anymore dolls in this thread. Cease your faggotry immediately.
Checked, but it's still bait.
this post originally linked to
im fucking positive of it
either the board software is fucking up my posts or admins are