anyone else here /Catholic left/?
Anyone else here /Catholic left/?
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[something-something spooks]
The Catholic Left is basically the only left wing left. You can thank American imperialism for indirectly creating it.
Sure why not
I'm muslim left. Soft muslim but a socialist like the ypj
Sorry I fucked that up.
at least you're not protestant
move that fucking vatican somewhere else though.
the adults are talking, euphorics please go.
I waver between my catholic upbringing and being an edgy spookbuster
I feel the same way. The Catholic part of me pushes me towards third worldism especially.
Oh really?
You can also thank the bastard lapdog Luther and his Holy Roman masters.
That was then, now the Catholic church has changed
Who's the Pope?
Left rn, but somehow increasingly tempted towards the catholic bit despite being a spookbuster :^/
Pope Francis is Nazbol
any paegan religion compatible with anarchism or communism?
Why not Orthodox?
Too nationalist and in bed with Putin.
I'm /protestant left/
Worshipping Mary is a SIN
Literally doesn't exist.
You're a fucking idiot.
The Catholic Church is, was, and always will be a tool for pacifying the working class. Not that there are no good Catholics or no good priests, but the ultimate role of the church is no good.
They've "changed" just like how capitalism has "changed" since the 19th century. Not one bit and they've just their gaze for their worst of their abuses away from Europe and towards the third world.
Sorry that this isn't directly related to the Catholic left but is related to Leftist Christianity in general but
How could Christians be okay with violent revolution? Jesus seemed to be a pretty solid Pacifist, so I'm not sure how Christians could *rationally* be okay with violent revolution. Pacifism is almost inherently counter revolutionary. Or are all Christians leftists just socdems or something?
just because protestant churches keep the fuck out of politics.
Romans 13:4
Christians are not pacifists, but violence must be the last option. Stalinist random arrests are out of question.
You're not the ones supposed to carry out the violence, god is. that's the point. god will make it all right so turn the other cheek.
What about /Protestant Left/ ? Braise MacDonald, The Diggers and Thomas.
Catholicism was a mistake and turned my country into a backward shithole that hated women and we're still not free of its clutches.
t. Irish
I know that feel, but you are at least you still managed to limit their influence
t. Pole
this is why we have a brotherly relationship and Polish immigrants settle so well here. We're both Catholic cucked.
i think it's pretty telling that every conflict you've ever had was with protestants.
definitely /christiancommie/ but I've been considering leaving the catholic church. I just can't get behind a lot of the social views that you're expected to get behind. they seem impractical
The Catholic left gave us Tony Bliar, Third Way politics and the Iraq war.
it was less to do with their religious beliefs and more to do with them being colonial settler spawn who treated us as second class citizens
Catalonia didn't fall for this.
Not true, every conflict we've ever had was with Brits and pre-Henry VIII those Brits were Catholic.
Tony Blair is a very vocal catholic.
The Third Way is to Christian leftism what Neo-conservatism is to Trotskyism.
Someone needs to recreate that pic except in a modern office with modern bankers, it would be excellent propaganda.
I think times have changed. The church doesn't really play much of a role in legitimating reactionary power structures. The modern day west isn't like Spain or Russia in the the first half of the xxth century.
Religion should only be targeted to the extent that it perpetuates class rule, like it does in Saudi Arabia and Iran.
How can you side with an organization that has a history of supporting full-blown fascists?
Well there is this.
Still mucking around and I might end up going that way, but I just really fucking like Aquinas rn. Also I knew a guy online who started out as a leftist, adopted orthodoxy, and then ended up screaming about the sjew plot to tempt him into sin by not banning his campus caf from serving anything but beans over lent, so I'm a little bit wary.
he did not convert to Catholicism until he left office
Who else here /trying to make Stirner, Marx and Christ compatible/?
t. Catholic who likes Orthodox and Anabaptists but can't respect Calvinist theology at all
It's not like justifying violence has been a problem before, it's a triviality at this point. I'd question more how you can have a materialist ideology tied to a spiritualist one.
y tho
i don't know how anyone respects calvinist ideology at all