Honestly how did it get to this point? Is this all one big psyop?
Honestly how did it get to this point? Is this all one big psyop?
propaganda is the most powerful force in the world
Maybe, but often times fact ends up being stranger than fiction. Imagine how better chan culture would be if Stormfront, 4chon, or /new/ never existed.
Why do we need 46 threads about this?
How come there's always screeching and LARPing autism at these "free speech" rallies instead of, you know, actual discussions about civil liberties? Why don't they dress like normal fucking people and literally set up outside (or even inside) tables and chairs with "Let's have a discussion" signs?
People rallying around flags is what broke the camel's back for you? Hmph.
Sorry didn't realize there was already a bunch of threads. There was a big rally today and it's all over social media.
That's exactly what it is.
what a waste of a saturday
By whom though? Is the FSB actually involved?
It's the FBI/CIA/NSA ya dope. Domestic unrest is bad but domestic unrest that's controlled and not directed against the government is good.
and "domestic unrest" that favors the government and the status quo it's even better.
Don't forget about porky. From the business plot of 1933 to the "tea party" movement of the 2010's rich capitalists are often directly involved in these things.
At least the commies have guns. Holla Forums is nofuns as fuck.
If that would be true, then antifa and all other communists are part of the psyop too.
The only way the current system will fall is if every victim of the globalists would be united in fighting against them.
Fail to see any communists or anarchists in that photo.
uh oh! is someone becoming self aware?
Stop calling them globalists and start calling them capitalists and then maybe we can talk.
Can we force these people to wear burqas after the revolution?
ask/pol/ about guns you will be surprised
Maybe this is why no one will take you seriously
Its not actually that strange for weird political groups to be gaining followers among social outcasts.
I mean its essentially an internet cult, it has all the trimmings.
All they needed was a daddy to gather around
just stop sexualizing them
What did you expect, Che Guevara?
It's international capitalism.
Remember the holocaust, don't fight the current system goy, you don't want to kill us again do you?
It's called eugenics.
You mean like the gun grab in Rojava?
Oh wait. That never happened.
SJWs are part of it, genuine class concious socialists are not but they are co-opted by the SJWs.
and you neither. shame
I love this line. As though western capitalist nations do not imprison or extra judicially execute dissidents constantly.
I heard on /k/ the claim that the YPG stole all the guns from the Christian Assyrians and then left them to be massacred by daesh.
I've never seen a single source for that claim.
my cousin once told me that a friend of his fell off his motorbike. he got up and removed his helmet and his head split open in two parts.
Did he died?
it was extremely painful
I wonder why sources are hard to find…
because it didn't fucking happen.
It's the anticipated backlash of the SJW phenomenon.
No, we simply limit their food calorie intake.
America needs a cultural revolution.
Ahh, what a surprise.
I actually think a cultural revolution. Would be a great leap forward for America, but we've got a long march before we get to that point.
That was the Iraqi Peshmerga and it was the Yezidis.
I heard that you and Connie Damiko broke up
was he a big guy?