ebin xDDD
That's commodification fam. Also nice trips.
You have to pay to enter Highgate cemetery, not his grave.
Come now, is there really a difference? His grave is located in that cemetery.
"Highgate Cemetery is a place of burial in north London, England. It is designated Grade I on the Historic England Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England.[1] It is divided into two parts, named the East and West cemetery. There are approximately 170,000 people buried in around 53,000 graves at Highgate Cemetery.[2] Highgate Cemetery is notable both for some of the people buried there as well as for its de facto status as a nature reserve."
Considering it is a natural reserve, yes/?
you mean to tell me money grows arms and legs and takes care of the cemetery wow
There are over 100k people there, so yeah
Come on fags, you know that the Marx grave is a tourist attraction. The owners were talking about upkeeping that grave in particular in the OP, and had to raise the cemetery price accordingly.
At least try to think a bit.
I used to audit records for cemeteries, finding missing funds from customer accounts and contracts and such, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that without the state to manage the money, every single cemetery in the entire developed world would collapse
you simply cannot get the concept of burying people in a place that would otherwise be nothing but useless dirt to work without central planning, even if the property is privately owned, which is why the entire death care industry functions with state funding
Truly a profound observation
Epic maymay my friend.
Turning things into products to be sold.
Hence why Che Guevara is nothing more than a icture in a T shirt nowadays.
Capitalists do not care about what they are selling as long as they can sell it.
It's almost like you can't make a functional communist society for you fags to run away to
I love how this dummy
1. doesn't know what private property means
2. thinks the people who own this cemetery and determine who pays what are "Marx enthusiasts"
Anyway sorry OP but "lol you have to pay to visit Marx's grave, such ironing" is an old genre and I even made a collage once of dozens of morons making the exact same point
really got my cognitive juices flowing.
Why do you fags have such horrible design styles?
Holy shit this one is bringing out the heavy guns everybody!
Will you just bet there's something about Starbucks and iPhones on his magic anti-Communist folder somewhere?
Other people buried there:
I mean Highgate Wood wasn't created to house Marx specifically, and it is a part of the highgate wood national trust area. But sure, "le ebic pay tae marx mem"
This will probably trigger you too
don't you guys think it's ironic that marx hated capitalism but you have to pay for his books
Hardly any of the Bolsheviks were Jewish.
>>>Holla Forums
more(No more)
Did a jew steal your gf, user?
"heh you hate capitalism, well what about this thing, checkmate commies" the thread
And also random Holla Forums "hey commies are kikes I'm not a retard" comments, id say you guys are the reason the white race will die but most of you aren't white so
God these observations are really crippling my entire worldview
>cemetery with Marx's grave in it
I'm just going to let you process this now.
what does the post in another thread have to do with whatever you're even trying to say
whats the point of such a huge gravestone
It's dialectics, you wouldn't understand.
(I meant and that was a typo)
for lulz
whats the point of a gravestone
You can read them online for free
These are all fabricated. Hay Holla Forums, whatcha doin?