How concerned should we be about SJW/reddit leftists? Do they tarnish the image of the left? Or do they serve as decoys to keep right-wingers off our backs? Lastly, is cooperation with them possible under any circumstances?
Reddit Leftists
Both us and Reddit leftists are irrelevant. I hope you realize that.
They tarnish the image of the left for sure. Even here in northern California, they define what people think they look like.
They're unfortunately what most of the US thinks commies look like, unfortunately. They just reinforce that image of "radical liberals". People think, at the same time, that it means Stalin killing gorillions and that it's a bunch of unemployed hipster college students with mutilated dicks. What a strange place.
Pure cancer.
That would require Reddit uses leave their homes. They are just as much of hobbyists as this board. They're only an issue when you live online.
Propaganda is still an essential part of leftist praxis even if we could use more action. We're not irrelevant in terms of the people we reach and the ideas we spread.
What about this deep green transphobia meme?
I'm somewhat of a deep green but i have nothing against trans
Young people increasingly live online these days.
I'm not Terri my worried about the Reddit left. Especially seeing as Holla Forums and left Twitter have made them even more irrelevant than they already were.
It's these faggots that get right-wingers on our backs.
Pretty much. I consistently see story from rightwingers on how they became that way which start off with them being harassed by SJWs in one way or another.
We need to start raiding r/soc with bots and proxies to deflate their bubble of users and eventually take it back. It could have only 20 regular users and it would still hurt us big time because it's the first experience with socialism beyond its vilification in burger school for many people.
You being illiterate is too eurocentric, go read a book instead.
They're pure cancer, but if you're worried about them, out-organise them. What's important is keeping to our principles, and not capitulating to their ideas by succumbing to their bullying tactics.
I'm sure they make some people hate leftist idea. I was talking to my little brother the other day and he said he hated anarchists which really suprised me. I asked him why and he talked about the anti-whi*te shit on /r/anarchism. It also doesn't help that a whole bunch other subs /r/cringeanrachy, /r/tumblrinaction, /r/the_donald, /r/drama dig up the worst things on the leftist subs and then publicize them more.
I used to be a Holla Forumsack precisely because of that. It starts with memes about 'look how dumb these SJWs are!' and then you go down the rabbit hole. It took me a while to take the real REDpill.
why is the idpol left so obsessed with gramsci?
He placed a lot of emphasis on winning a culture war in order to implement socialism. The irony is the idpol left have pretty much won the culture war and it didn't really change anything except create a reaction from the right and turn politics into a giant spectacle.
the only ones who are obsessed with gramsci are the ones who read in some image macro that he invented cultural marxism and are triggered that Holla Forums uses that as a slur.
How old is your brother? Tell him to stop unironically taking reddit shit serious and if old enough he should start reading Kropotkin.
Funny thing is, cultural hegemony means fuck all. Everyone was a radical in the 70s.
t. Reddit brocialist douche bag
t. brainlet