Daily News Thread 5/13

‘Enough is enough’: Norway’s trade unions vote to boycott Israel over Palestine

Norway’s largest trade union body has voted in favor of economic, cultural, and academic boycott of Israel over its treatment of Palestinians. In response, Tel Aviv said that the union “placed itself shoulder to shoulder with the worst enemies of Israel.”

Global cyber-attack: How roots can be traced to the US

The huge cyber-attack affecting organisations around the world, including some UK hospitals, can be traced back to the US National Security Agency (NSA) - raising questions over the US government's decision to keep such flaws a secret.

Labour accuses Jeremy Hunt of ignoring 'extensive warnings' about NHS cyberattack

The Labour Party have accused Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt of ignoring "extensive warning signs" that could have prevented a cyberattack that threw the NHS into chaos this weekend (12 May).

Pentagon says $2bn sale of missiles to UAE will ‘contribute to US national security’

The US State Department has approved a $2 billion sale of missiles to the United Arab Emirates. The Pentagon says the sale will “contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the US” and won’t alter the “basic military balance in the region.”

French workers seize factory & threaten to blow it up in protest over possible closure

Workers at a car component factory in central France have occupied the plant and are threatening to blow it up in a radical protest against their bosses as the site risks closure.

Bomb manual found on German officer probed for plotting hate crime – report

Investigators probing the case of a German officer who is suspected of plotting a hate crime have discovered a handbook on making IEDs, Der Spiegel reports. Another army officer was suspended over an alleged far-right background amid the inquiry.

North Korea 'would hold talks' with Trump administration

North Korea has said it will hold talks with the US "if the conditions were right", South Korean media reports.

Thailand to press charges against Facebook if ‘illicit’ video of king not taken down

Thai authorities have issued a warning to Facebook Thailand to remove all “illicit” content which they say violates the country’s law, including a video of the king wearing a crop top, as well as posts critical of the monarchy, by next Tuesday.

FBI chief sacking: Comey replacement could be appointed 'next week'

US President Donald Trump says he could announce a replacement for fired FBI Director James Comey by late next week.

Other urls found in this thread:


Boycotting Israel is a mistake.

lol wut
why is that? Israel is a fucking sheisty as fuck nationalist apartheid.

All you are doing is hurting Israeli businesses and reinforcing their jingoistic and paranoid foreign policy.

It's basically suicide in status quo politics.



Call Turkey's Bluff on Arming Syrian Kurds

Stepping up military shipments will speed up Islamic State's demise.

How Turnout Could Influence Iran's Election

Iran's presidential election may turn on turnout.

The Future of Work, Robotization, and Capitalism’s Ability to Generate Useless Jobs

The value of your work should not be determined by your paycheck.

“Misunderstanding Terrorism”: How the Us vs. Them Mentality Will Never Stop Attacks

Finding and stopping terrorists before they strike is often compared to looking for a needle in a haystack, a cliché that speaks to the difficulty of preventing a crime that, while deadly, is uncommon.

Even Conservatives Know Jeff Sessions Won't Win the War on Drugs

In the past few years, politicians from both sides of the aisle have come to realize just how destructive the war on drugs really is.

fuck, you couldn't find a more fitting picture if you tried.

That is true, currently if you slander Israel you will get fucking nailed by the media for being

Businesses pay taxes, taxes support the Israeli state.
As a soc dem you should appreciate what they did to Keith Ellison, they slammed him for being "anti-semetic" because he was critical of Israel, even though he put his ass on the line endorsing the Jewish candidate for president. Assuming you are American, of course, which I am not.

you forgot a german article


about Trump vs Times Reporters
on how he had extra portion of sauce and 2 scoops of Ice cream unlike the other ones who got only one

Fucking Le Pen.

Daily reminder the safest, fastest and most cost effective way to stop radical Islam would be stop arming and funding them


It's like the US government doesn't actually want that.

add US flag on Tom

I probably should've labeled Tom as the u.s.

is this how Ben Garrison feels?


Shame that the UAE and Ba'ath flags are so similar, should probably be Saudi Arabia for a more clear symbol of wahabism and not arabs in general.

We know they don't, but right-wing retards who believe we need to "fight" the islamic threat don't know.

Bravo, Holla Forums. America first, innit.

lel, TYBNewsAnon2.0


They know, they just enjoy having an excuse to purge non-Protestants.



good, next we'll get the ovens ready.

fucking perfect

testing the waters



Reuter reports $100 billion not $2 billion


that's the saudis, not EUA.

US conservatards on imageboards did this with Bush too.

So is the 14594D chess meme finally over?

Yes, they have moved on to 1D Uno now.

"We need to sell weapons to ISIS because Iran."

Trumptards sound like would-be Hillary apologists more and more.

wrong pic

I'm pretty sure Iran will get invaded, the military budget increases already give it away.


It's hilarious

which is great since disrupting business is the only way to be taken seriously. Sadly I don't think this will have any real economic effect.

The Israeli ambassador in Norway is flipping his shit, so at least that's funny.

Further on in that thread: we need to sell ISIS weapons so we have a reason to upgrade our own defenses.

my gott

How in the hell does two-billion dollars worth of missiles not shift the ballance of power? Isn't that the whole fucking point of having missiles?

Which was already the US supplying both sides (ISIS & forces against ISIS), so in a sense it didn't change.

that only works in the US

that is some amazing reddit spacing

We need to give arsonists flamethrowers so we have a reason to create better flame retardants.

I'm a euro-fag and need this narrative explained.

Maybe he is an anglo supremacist who somehow got transported from the 1800s to modern day America.

He is probably talking about duh gubbermint making him pay taxes or something spectacularly stupid like the trade deficit.

It probably has to do with the US giving aid to other nations.

Americucks think we need or want their military aid.

I can't imagine how that would work out



Say what? This is the first I've heard of it, wha'd I miss comr8s?
link to vid pls

pretty shur he's falseflagging

lol, berfegd

almost like it doesn't matter who you voted for

This was what I first believed, since the rest of the thread had a lot of statistics on trade balance, but I can't get that to fit with "America has had it's wealth stolen for a hundred years". I thought the trade balance turned negative in the 1980's under Reagan and is largely the result of American oil addiction.

tories are underfunding the NHS real bad

ransomware targeting known vulnerabilities in windows, possibly using the NSA tools that where leaked in to the wild. Pay 500usd in bitcoin or have your data deleted. Hit a lot of people, including UK-hospitals and Russian interior. I think it's called 'wannacry' or something like that, could be the biggest attack ever. Pretty neat.


Oil was a part of it (the U.S. has recently become a net exporter of petroleum), but more important was the neoliberal gutting of American manufacturing and the systematic destruction of labor unions. The U.S. no longer makes things like it used to.

In burgerland, yes

So they say. I wonder what the public's response would be to an actual anti-zionist politician.

Does anyone have more on this?

This is why people dislike socdems.


Started another thread:


Some great shit in there.


mother fucking libertarians capitalize on our OC

So, this is what it feels like to be expropriated…

I bet you'll say the same thing about ISIS

Sometimes, frenchies can be so fucking based

Well, yes, "self-determination except for Jews who should be driven into the sea" is a fairly common occurrence of anti-semitism in the left, so he's not wrong.

Holla Forums believes the only reason Europe can exist while being further Left than us is because their military budget is freed up by our bases protecting them, giving more money for the "gimmedats"

So, self determination for everyone but Caananites & Palestinians, huh? We can play this game all day

It is not a mistake because Israel is receiving the aids from USA. I think it need more actions against Israel, capitalists, Jews in order to erase the capitalism completely and replace with technocratic style ideology.

Isn't destroying the machinery counterproductive in all scenarios? If they get their jobs back, there will be less of them because of lack of machines. If they seize the plant for themselves, they have less productivity.

We need such people in politics not just trade unions

was it always like this?

No, it's usually the other way around.


I know it's been a few days, but I would like to see a source on literally any one of the statements in that image.

You won't, because the Tim Anderson they mention in the infograph is an Australian academic who so happens to be an "anti-imperialist" tankie, a supporter of the Hezbollah and above all an Assad shill — he even met with the guy in person.
