Boston Free Speech Rally

Haven't seen a thread on this so deciding to post. Holla Forums pol is trying to make Berkeley 2.0 by holding a "Free Speech" rally in Boston Common today at 12 PM. They have a permit from the city and are trying to LARP it up.

In response, Boston DSA, Boston ISO, Boston SAlt, the Boston Public Library Union and the Massachusetts Teachers Union, along with various progressive and SJP student groups have all united to shut them down. Antifa will be there against the wishes of all the socialist groups to try and LARP too : - )

During their planning meeting last Wednesday, Holla Forums pol infiltrated and then doxxed some people who were on the sign in sheet. Luckily they didn't get to any central stuff because all the socialist orgs have good Tech Security working groups.

Most likely the lefties will drown out the alt right by the hundreds. There are going to be massive amounts of people from the socialist orgs collaborating as well as 100-200+ antifa.

What are your predictions for today?

Other urls found in this thread:{"ref":"29","ref_notif_type":"plan_reminder","action_history":"null"}¬if_t=plan_reminder¬if_id=1494682140164103&ref=m_notif

Alt Right page:

Lefty Page:{"ref":"29","ref_notif_type":"plan_reminder","action_history":"null"}¬if_t=plan_reminder¬if_id=1494682140164103&ref=m_notif

8ch pol thread:

Holla Forums will make videos of antifa looking silly
antifa will make videos of Holla Forums looking silly
dummies will come here with screenshot and roleplay online, no live action part.

The aut-right looks gay and we get meme material. Holla Forums also denies being involved after they all look retarded.

Will there be any actual white nationalist/fascists/natsocs or just the aut right ?



I dont know what the Alt right is and neither do you.

The only difference is that Im prepared to admit I dont know.

It will probably be like HWNDU where pol are all sorts of diverse races and backgrounds and the liberals are all white males in college.

both if previous turnouts are anything to go by

Oh boy…

idk, but I hope this girls shows up again

How's this not white on white gang violence at this point? Nevertheless I hope ANTIFA mops the floor with The Proud Boys/F.O.A.K.


"We must secure the existence of our people for a future for white children!"

MFW Pol is the diverse melting pot that Leftypol wishes it could be one day.

LOL Just thought of that.

Young Nigel Farage?

nothing new here.

they're a toxic stew of the ideologies you mentioned + some lolbert sympathies and a ton of general MAGAtards.

its main purpose is for actual neo nazis, fascists, WN and Nazis to rebrand themselves to appear more appealing to the mainstream while at the same time using whatever minorities they can scrape together, lolberts and general MAGAtards (AKA the "alt-lite) to be shields against criticism (and literal human shields at rallies).


Just admit you dont know rather than making things up.

*And an Octoroon professional streamer


Brittany Venti.


"Diverse" (all absolute reddit nerds) melting pot that unironically bows down to spooks

lefties should just stop showing up to this shit

let them walk around in lacrosse helmets and captain america shields looking like fat autists for absolutely nothing lol

That girl 4Chan trolls on Twitch. The girl that was at the HWNDU live stream.

not an argument. also i would like to point out that Xexizy mentioned something related in his newest video on Anti-fascism, whereas even though many people on the right may not be literal fascists, they begin to conglomerate with fascists after multiple crises of capitalism make it the only option to protect private property. essentially having lolberts, "classical" liberals, center-rightists, etc. side with fascists just because they're not socialists.

Pol hates spooks (black people) but some of pol are spooks.

I still dont think you know what alt right is Dont worry though, nobody does but you raise a good point.

But I do agree that the left lowering the bar for what a fascist is (so it basically covers anyone) is pushing people towards the right and towards pol.

Max Stirner spooks or 19th Century Black-Americans?

I've come to the conclusion that while street fights might work in Europe; in America the fash has guns. Currently antifa is just LARPers who'll have no real effect in the even we really do undergo a fascist coup.

well then arm yourself and convert as many people in the military as possible.

The fascists' strength ain't in firepower though. Those are just for show. The hardline ones know bout bad PR so they tend to infiltrate police departments and get away with their terrorism that way.

It's actually a secret NAMBLA cabal that operates in the darknet but uses MAGA rallies to meet up and hide in plain sight among fellow True Americans.

why? it's good for breaking morale.

good, it was just a matter of time anyway, that's how it's always been, there were no conservatives fighting against Franco and very few against Hitler.

the entire thing is people who want to play American Gladiators like its the late 1960s. we are living in a farce of the 60s.

I don't think guns matter. Nobody's been shot at any of these events yet

It's just that these future divorced dads are itching for another Berkeley in every city across the US and fantasize about that moment when they finally have a bluepilled shill cuck in their sights and they bring down their trashcan lid on his head and become the next le based meme guy on youtube.

I don't know why we should feed that fantasy. Let them show up in the summer their armor of +5 autism with nothing to slay

Minnesota broke morale. Berkeley didn't.

To me that is the ideology of the doomed.
You push people away then blame them for not being part of your group that you pushed them away from.

This. Why's it always middle-aged right wing guys toting AR-15s in public like they're bad? They think they're Clint Eastwood, but all I see is a guy whose ex-wife took everything.

I fully agree. We should make a meme out of "Where's your rifle, Holla Forums?"

that wasn't the point i was making. only attack lolberts, classic libs, etc. when they're literally protecting or have turned into fascists.

note that at the center off all of this is fascism. antifa never intended to say "anything i dont like is fascism durr". this is mainly a narrative pushed by liberal and right wing pundits to disarm antifa of legitimacy. what antifa wants to do is crush actual fascists, and most of the time at these "free speech" rallies, actual fascists who don't give a fuck about free speech and are only using it as a shield for criticism to protect their organizing are present (note the amount of literal self proclaimed fascists at the "Berkely brawl" last month). unfortunately, a bunch of classical libs and lolberts show up to defend them without knowing what the fuck they're doing, but we can talk with them later. we shouldnt just let fascists get away with organizing because they have enough human shields to protect them.

You really think people will feel sympathy for the left because your moral got broken?

No one is pushing them away, they just follow the logical conclusions of what they already believed. Liberal democracy is a farce.

remember kids: all cops are bastards

But you can find lots of examples of them saying precisely that.
They should have followed the saying 'Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt'

Very impressive recurring digits.
I know lots of former leftists who feel pushed away. Because they dont agree with the identity politics pushed by Antifa et al.

Fuck you.

wew didn't know spooks also refers to black people.

Nah, but The F.B.I. actually released a report stating that far-right groups had infiltrated police departments all across America though.

It's not identity politics to attack class collaborationist authoritarians, it's political violence.

Thats what most people would think of first when you say spook.

Not everyone lives in leftypol.


That is possibly true but I wasnt talking about that.

A lot of lefties I know are in to old school equality so the modern oppression Olympics stuff that the left has bought in to now makes them very disillusioned.

a bit of free advice. Boston just got into a national controversy because a visiting baseball player was called a nigger. The city is renown as one of a very small few which are actively hostile to black players and will antagonize them racially. This is at sporting events. If you think you little limp-wristed commie fags are going to go into Boston and do anything besides stand quietly and peacefully with your stupid signs, you are in for a world of getting the shit stomped out of you.

But hey, good luck. I'm sure that the super macho Boston white guys who think the whole world is against their whiteness will just be totally cool with you coming and telling them they are evil for being white.

What if the revolution never comes because the people pushing for it keep saying racist words like spook?

post proof. + there are many, many antifa that don't think this. maybe you should be one of these antifa and educate the ones that don't understand this if you think its such a problem.

i dont understand this mentality of "one person in the group is an idiot therefore i should reject the entire group without any further arguments lel im so rational". this type of lazy thinking almost makes me think that people who follow this line of thinking online were never for said group in the first place.

When the revolution comes The Ego and Its Own will be mandatory reading just like the little Red Book was.


Your gay

Anybody else hoping that the political violence, racism and White House drama don't die down anytime soon? It's entertaining as fuck (for bongs at least) and it's the kind of chaos that could prolly spark a communist renaissance or some shit. Swell the far-left numbers a bit even if the Trump years won't trigger a full-scale revolution.


Yeah that would be clever wouldnt it? Try to reason with them so I get sucker punched or hit on the head with a bike lock?

Lemme guess, you own a Guy Fawkes mask and a voice changer.

despite nominal progressivism Boston is low-key more racist than many places in the US. plenty of athletes will say that they never hear people calling them niggers except in Boston, kek.

Its even featured prominently in some racist songs.

I could find them if you want?

muh "antiracism and authoritarianism is actually just deeply triggering and problematic"

i hate filters

You hate wordfilters but your posting on leftypol?

One of the fun things here is how the world filters completely derail conversations.

How can a city with so many universities be so uneducated?


A person was shot at a protest outside Milo event.

Universities spent so much money on safe spaces and gender neutral bathrooms that they couldnt afford to run any classes.

if you're not an obvious fascist this wont happen. stop making excuses. and i still want my proofs so i can address it.

you're actually retarded if you believe this. i hope youre joking.


Heres a good example

This girl isnt behaving badly. She obviously isnt a nazi and in fact reminds me of a girl I know who is very left wing.

( ( ( Emily Goldstein ) ) )

Its one of those 'true words spoken in jest' type situations.




What the fuck is wrong with you!?

Am I the only one who feels like punching liberals when they say "people of color"? It's cringe as fuck…

They are very condescending

There's an element of historical animosity between the 🍀🍀🍀Irish🍀🍀🍀 and blacks in the US, that were exacerbated by things like the forced busing incident. Boston is the most 🍀🍀🍀Irish🍀🍀🍀 city in the US. Also, there are basically no black people in New England. Boston is maybe 7% black at best.

For real. I dunno why so many politically active black people (especially women) rub shoulders with them.

It always makes me think that everyone is a 'person of color' unless they are completely transparent.

I know. I've seem Gangs Of New York.

It must be quite annoying being Irish. Tthe Irish were the victims of three separate slave trades yet people only seem to really remember that black people were slaves.


the article was deleted and i cant find it

For real. Even so called white people turn pink, red, blue and green depending on whether they're sick, angry, embarrassed or choking to death.

someone reported it and they deleted it because it violated the rules lol
anuda shoah prevented goys :DD

Ah damn I wish I could go to this but I have other arrangments, fuck.


Meh, the 🍀🍀🍀micks🍀🍀🍀 are the #1 state according to US news so they turned out alright.

They are rivals fighting over who suffered more from slavery.

This is why we need to push jews and make them angry. They will reveal their plans when they go full schizophrenic.

They were never "slaves". For fuck sake, when will them "Irish Slave Trade" Facebook memes die?

the purpose of the riot was to kick out milo for threatening to dox illegal immigrants. as a whole, this is why antifa was there. again, if you have a problem with a tactic someone is using, then tell them. there shouldn't be much friction considering that pepperspraying some chick isn't even the reason why everyone was there in the first place.

Actually black people were never slaves.

you're right, they were not treated like property but they were servants with little-to-no rights and were discriminated against

why do you feel the need to blame all jews on one idiot. and its a good idea to link me to the article where it isn't deleted so im not relying on some retard with a pic of a headline to be outraged.

That proves my point,.
Someone could just make up some spurious allegation against me just like they did against Milo and they are all so convinced that everyone who isnt them is a nazi they will not only believe it they will go straight to thug tactics and violence.

They are white when they want to hurt white people. They are jewish when white people call on their bullshit.

I think you should both read up on the barbary slave trade before you start denying Irish people their history.

Look in to what happened in Baltimore Ireland for example.

And the Irish are just blacks with red hair. *sarcasm*

Yeah, we're talking bout slavery in The Americas though which the Irish never went through.

the allegations against milo were justified. the ones against the women weren't.

pepperspraying the women, again, wasn't a goal like shutting down milo, it was a tactic. if you have the same goal then you'll be fine disagreeing with tactics.

you didn't address a word i typed.

I thought you already read the article. A link was posted above your reply.

Again I feel like you are proving my point because you think allegations which had no evidence are justified based on your preconceived opinion that milo is a nazi.
No lack of facts is enough to stop your crusade. No matter how many times he denied it you would not believe him.

My worry is that if I tried to debate Antifa the same thing would happen to me.
This means that they will never convince me (or any other normies) to their point of view.

No I wasnt what made you think that?


yea somebody made a thread recently about showing up to the berkley shit as a traditional pro-worker/marxist and got punched by antifa.

Antifa isn't really leftist, it isn't really anything. It defines its existence based opposition to something else.

No they didn't, post proof or fuck off >>>Holla Forums

That makes sense.

They are basically against anyone who doesnt perfectly resemble them visually and ideologically.

Which makes me wonder why they get any support on here.

because you made that post.

No they didn't, here should I become a flag fag so as to not confuse you, tankie

Implying I am from pol. top wew. You don't have to be from pol to hate on antifa

Doesnt that break the space time continuum?

Please user, the world is changing



Im banned from pol at the moment.

please user this rethoric is used by actual fascist as a huge "NO U!" to make them look better.
Don't fall for that trap.

there's >>>/polk/, they need more IPs.

Its also used by normies to point out that fascists and antifa are very similar.

But ironically at the moment antifa uses more thuggery than fa.

Im just not going to be able to trigger people on there to make it entertaining.

Reminder that we are and will ever be against fascism. Everyone who says otherwise is just a Holla Forums useful idiot.

oh good, more communists fetishising anti-free speech, my favorite.
Go fuck yourself, you killed Trotsky.

I have seen that quote so many times by so many people it is ironic people don't know the original one.
1) Huey Long died before the Nazis took power, and was decently pro-Italy.
2) the original quote is: "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross" ~Upton Sinclair

I mean I have seen Churchill attributed to that quote and a whole lot of different people. Stop spreading misinformation.

a bunch of neo-nazis dressing up like Ceasars legion so they can screech at minorities and shake hands with cops has nothing to do with free speech.


I hope they learn from that Minnesota rally and pursue similar tactics to there rather then just attacking anyone who shows up.

Hand out booklets explaining who the fascists are that use their own words against them. Explain to the normies whats going on and only smash if you are able to isolate the fash and larpers.

Huey long did say regarding fascism: Of course we’ll have it. We’ll have it under the guise of anti-fascism.”

The quote I prefer to use to describe how Antifa uses Nazi behavior is from Nietzsche.
"if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you"?
Antifa have been so obsessed with fascists that they have given themselves permission to become them in order to destroy them.


i don't want to say a "not all" vulgarity.

But those who have a smashie mentality are just kiddies at the same level of the alt-right faggots.
The vast majority of Antifas are not violent people.
The hate against antifas are just propaganda.

She's appropriating Native American culture. She should die along with the fascists.

a bunch of neo-communists dressing up like the Red Army so they can screech at the police and shake hands with professors has nothing to do with free speech.
your argument is shit, just like you

What I think Antifa really needs to be taken seriously by the public is some proper leadership.
Even the senior guys in their group are putting on masks and assaulting people with bike locks.

When normies read the posters about antifa being fascists, and then they see antifa attacking people they will draw conclusions.

By acting like dicks to everyone they put their ideology above their own success.

This. As long as they make it seems like it's about free speech and nobody interrupts them, they either have quit or show their real colors.

And we all know that these "free speech activists", aren't doing all of this for the sake of FS.


Im British and you are kinda appropriating my culture by using the English language, an electronic computer and the internet.

yeah as soon as American Antifa is more about stopping fascism than it is about beating up random people, the football hooligans who make up 90% if the movement will abandon ship.
They're edgelord teenagers who want to assault people, these kids don't give a fuck about politics.

Predition: aut right looks stupid as always and we win

free speech lets any retard talk and i dont want to hear it

we should all just shut up


And if someone did become a proper leader of Antifa to give them some direction they wouldnt like that because 'fuck you mom for making me do my chorewhen I want to be a cool revolutionary'.

I mean you killed a fuckton of other people too but Trotsky is really the only one who has the notoriety to fill in for the "you killed Rosa" meme.
You killed Kronstadt too I suppose.


Praise kek. The Left will fall!

Excellent get.

you do realize WE'RE the ones against liberal democracy, right?

Let's assume for the moment that I'm a Holla Forumsfag browsing a thread that appeared in the Recent tab. Cliff Notes the various groups on the left for me and general opinions towards them from within the broad umbrella that I normally categorize as "the Left"

why you criticize something that you don't know?
It's the prime example of ignorance.

I am literally asking you to rationally discuss this so I can learn something, if anything, I don't already know.
Ignorance is coming here and posting swastikas and saying that all commies will be thrown out of helicopters for the crime of breathing.
To deal with your enemy, you must first know your enemy, and I'm deciding to do so at a primary source level versus diluted in images of kek and God-Emperor Trump memery.

Free speech fights are an old IWW tactic. I say we join the rally and drown out the fash presence by spreading communist advocacy instead.


While for starters the anti-capitalist left is against liberal democracy, which we often refer to as bourgeois democracy. We define liberal democracy as a parliamentary governing system along with a a capitalist economy.

Under liberal democracy the ruling class dominates the political process. Parliamentary "democracy" is a spectacle meant to prevent people from realizing who truly runs our society (industrialists, bankers, media magnates, owners of natural resources etc.) We are trying to build real democracy by increasing ordinary peoples participation in the process, making representatives open to recall and discipline from their constituents, and most importantly bringing the economy under democratic control through the expropriation of the ruling class' property.

I'm ok with learning from each other and the dialog. Less ok to help you to understand the "enemy" considering that we are your enemies.

Lots of cringe in this Twitter thread. Videos included,

This tbh

Idk I feel like if all right-wingers had the attitude of truly trying to know your enemy. Half of them would come over to our side when they discovered what we actually believe.



I was just thinking about that. Libertarians keep smartin up. They are the militia wing, too.

that "beat-in" video is one of the most pathetic, cringe worthy things i've ever seen

It's funny that they see themselves as the saviors of the white race while poorly and autistically imitating gang 'beat-ins' that are a staple of the gangs they accuse of ruining American 'Culture'

I am in awe at the stupidity and cringe of the aut-right

I remember hearing there was a split withing one of those militias because certain member felt they should be supporting BLM against police brutality.

Honestly I don't think their will be revolution in the US without some kind of understanding with those type of militias and the demographic they represent.

Did you see those punches? These people accuse us of being beta, bunch of fat pussies.

I've seen stronger punches from fat fucks on my 600 pound life doing punch training.

The guy leading the beat in got arrested apparently, lel.

Ohhhh, look at those scary NATSEES. Oy vey!

Boomer conservatives ("cuckservatives") are just as bad as liberals and deserve to get beaten alongside nazis.


If you let people beat on you to join their stupid club, you're a huge fucking cuck.

They deserve it, but targeting them on the same level is bad praxis.


Yea, and beat up homeless, jobless White men too. They are muh privileged Natsees and shit.

If you stand with reactionaries you deserve to get beaten.

What "reactionaries" They just normal people who want fucking jobs.

Fuck off already.

Why did these people have to shit up my city on a nice Saturday afternoon


The group is filled with minority and mixed raced teens who haven't faced law enforcement yet.

What a sight it will be when the cops first target them only because of their darker skin 3-4 years from now and they'll be muttering "b-but I'm on y-your side, mr. policeman!"

Nice capitalization of "white"

Get back to your cuckshed, Holla Forumsyp.

Has LARPing gone too far?

How many people has Antifa killed? White supemacist and right wing terrorists have killed plenty of people in the past few years.


By the way does anybody have a link to that video of a Trump rally with an aut-right LARP wearing a helmet sperging out?

Does anyone else kind of feel a little bad for these kids or am I just being a bleeding heart liberal?

I used to go to high school with kids like this and they were teased relentlessly.

One step below literal cuckoldry.

Not at all. Bullying builds character. It separates the aspies from the men.

Didn't think of it like that. You're right, Nazbol. Dammit.

No I dont feel sorry for them. They are out having fun which is more than can be said for us.
Plus they got to decide who was president this time around.


Good sassenach

If Umbongo can sink 10 pints of Guinness Ill believe you.

Reactionaries, without fail, always become (or attempt to become) that which they claim to hate.

So by that logic Holla Forums will become porkys and Holla Forums will become black or maybe jewish?

I was speaking in terms of ideology. For example, there are some pretty stark comparisons between Holla Forums+the alt right and Islamic fundamentalism.

And also in gamergate the ones claiming to be victims of harassment turned out to be the people dishing it out the most.

pix or you're a dubs-wasting faggot

go back to Holla Forums, stay there

fuck off with this gamergate shit faggot, we already told you we don't give two halves of a dead moose's last shit thrown across the Potomac

Holla Forumslacks are bourg college students and Holla Forumslacks are shitskins, checks out.

Wait.. American citizens infiltrated police departments all across America!?

We(normal people) know that Antifa is funded by Jewish Racists to attack White people.

Not gonna read the whole thread, but how did the rally go?

I assume nothing of any significance or entertainment happened.



The rally ended with the guy talking about how they are inclusive of all races and genders.

Weird times.

Oh boy one of these assclown again

What these posters don't quite understand is that reds want to solve their problems that are not their fault.

No revolution, or reactionary authority, can help the fact that they simply aren't sympathetic people.

I fucking hate robots but I don't trust this sort of analysis because the idea of self responsibility can very easily be turned around as a very strong supporting point for capitalism.

Instead, I think they should just stop giving a fuck about sex.

Just adding to the cringe, don't mind me

not him but what? "neo-communists" probably aren't organizing for the sake of free speech, that's the whole point here

I was there today. Antifa/Black Bloc were seriously LARPing pieces of shit and made the opposition look ridiculous.

Their original disagreement with the socialists (ISO, DSA, and SAlt) was that they wouldn't agree to direct action and violence. Because they wouldn't agree to this, antifa didn't agree to organize with them or act in unison with them.

So the chants were disjointed and antifa stood in front of the socialist banners blocking them out. They generally divided the group and made us all look like anarkiddies that satisfy every alt-right stereotype. They also made it so no one just walking through the common would join onto our side.

Anarchists can't build mass movements at all. If the socialists were leading in front and there weren't a ton of masked people with poles and wooden boards I am sure dozens more would have joined the opposition side. Everyone I heard walking by said how fucking stupid they thought the Trump rally was, but that the other side looked equally ridiculous and violent so they wouldn't even think of walking over there.

Eventually, DSA and SAlt left, leaving just antifa and some others. They looked like a mess just standing about, and worse of all they wouldn't cross the police line at all or try to attack the idiots on the other side. Even when the Trump train started marching down the streets, antifa put no opposition up. They just trailed by them with their flags.

I was formerly apathetic to anarchists and antifa but they really are LARPing idiots unless they seriously commit to direct action and genuinely disrupting fascist rallies/events. The Left came out of that looking like silly liberals. But the Right looked equally autistic for all of the effort they put into this.

they'll front them as hard as they can pragmatically allow irl before going back to crying about d.egeneracy on Holla Forums

What a fucking embarassing flag, gotta throw right on there some shit about everyone that isn't white eh?

All working people is all working people, but whatever, let's advertise to the "Trans & Queer" crowd especially because it means something.


Yet more evidence that anarchists are children.

Even if they did want to hold their own opposition that used direct action, they could have done it without being dicks to other socialists and also, you know, USING direct action.

Fun things to come out of it:

An autistic looking man child was for a while just standing around with a pepe sign talking to people about Not Socialism.

The opposition yelling "go back to 4chan anime nazis" quite a lot.

Anarchists having the better megaphones and somehow always being significantly louder than the Trump people with chants etc.

A guy in a white suit and MAGA fedora-esque hat holding up 8 fingers whenever the anarchists chanted go back to 4chan. Also the fact random people were asking to take photos with him to make fun of him when he thought they were being serious/supportive.

Trump people being very divided between oath keepers, ancaps, MAGA trump families, rednecks, and autistic LARPers.

Best chants to come out of trump side were "USA" and "Fucking Faggots"

>here's evidence overly-wordy bullshit that reads like mainstream news
go away

plenty of euros die because of this retardation, what with the fash's habit of attacking in group and outside protests. they're literally thugs.
a while ago someone posted a webm of antifa thrashing some fascist's house, and while that's retarded (even moreso than filming yourself while you're doing it) the fash will wait until you're alone and thrash on you.

and that is why people always say murrikan antifa is a joke.

It sounds like he really was there so I have no reason to doubt his relatively mundane sequence of events.

Also, antifa as a whole aren't terrible. They tend to be pretty cool in European countries. In America they are literally just children.

Or maybe they are just children everywhere.

>>guy who looks like a Botero painting of Chris-Chan

In Europe they tend to pick rational targets (banks, government buildings, etc.) and effectively engage with riot police (rather than throw some garbage at them and run away as soon as they make any kind of advance).

Oh, and they actually do what they're supposed to do, which is beat up Nazi skinheads.

I was there for 5 hours and when I arrived I already missed the first 3 hours. It's hard to summarize that much stuff without sounding general as fuck. My bad

antifa is retarded because being anti-x is hardly an ideology and their silly violence only gives more visibility to the other side, who can cry about "muh tolerant left". their method isn't effective, nobody's scared and is basically football hooligans minus the football.

that said, the americans somehow manage to be even dumber.

kys, xexizy

but right wingers are the majority of people with guns and make up most of the military.

I have literally never seen someone on this board use the sage feature who wasn't a massive shitposter.

antifa wouldn't join in on "What beats Trumps ass? A unified working class!" when SAlt kept starting it

k i'll write that down

^ lots of footage from it


That's not true, the people most popular with the military were Sanders and Johnson, followed by Trump.

If it means anything to you, I absolutely despise antifa and I'd join you guys if I were a burger.

Americans are brainwashed to hate all forms of non-liberal totalitarianism. The military is filled "centrist" right wingers who love their precious imperialist state and that's about it. They wouldn't help fascists but they might help combat communism (unless of course the communists were nazbol.)

I at least though you, as the Opposition, would listen to our podcasts for intel.

If you want a good primer, listen to Rebel Yell from the first episode to the latest. I know you don't have anything better to do.

This is what annoys me most about the anti-fa stuff. It seem like recently they've started just showing up with masks/clubs but then not even doing anything. This is what happened at auburn as well.

Wearing all black and covering your face just makes you seem intimidating to normies and maintains anti-fascism as a secret club rather then a mass movement. The only reason to cover your face is to look intimidating and avoid doxing.

If you aren't going to actually take any action just show up with normal clothes and agitate among normies. It seems like anti-fa is actually getting worse if that's even possible, now they're showing up in their costumes and not actually taking any action.


maybe in non-combat position. (aka the fags that work in logistics)

everyone i know thats was in combat arms, were strongly republican.

Don't worry. Austerity will eventually hit the military as well. The babykillers who haven't committed suicide by then will find themselves without a job, healthcare, or any sort of support and will end up on our side.


I hate linking autistic twitter shit but this is good.

Literally kill yourself (and statically speaking you probably will.)

Turks are brown and were killed by an Imperialistic (Soviet) power user.

Brown people die for Empire all the time.

i wouldnt count on it

so you can kill for what you believe in, but we cant?

see: turkey, afghanistan, revolutions in south america, etc

this. there will always be someone to fight. Asia looks pretty cool.

well its not only that. i mean, to think the military will suffer from any kind of austerity in america is just delusional, like one third of the economy in america depends on the war machine. but even in otherwise peaceful countries it's not like you don't need the military. not to mention that the military is literally the most likely group to make a coup.

There are two things that always increase: the entropy of the universe, and America's military budget.

I don't get it.

no blacks there, just hispanics, whites, and asians. hatred of black people is pretty common across ethnic groups.

its a joke. very few people are actually nazis. Holla Forums will become anything if it helps them troll people.

you just took the joke too seriously m8.

what a fucking retard, holy hell.

A lot of the reactionary boards are really self hating. Ever been on /r9k/? They really do despise themselves, especially short people for some sort of reason.

Yeah right. Glad to see no one is taking this disingenuous bulllshit seriously anymore.

Still makes no sense, most of the people on pol actually seem nazi.

I want to assume this is just from 4pol and the aut right but I doubt life more and more everyday.

I still don't get it. It's beyond me as to why you'd wake up one day and go "haha wow I AM A SHIT LOL" and then not perhaps, I dunno like try to maybe change your people for the better. if it's possible

in the Holla Forums mindset asians are honorary aryans or east aryans. hispanics just want to believe they are white and differentiate themselves from the blacks.

leafbro is black

im sorry a bunch of autists on the internet made you think they were the third reich

you fell for the meme

From what I've seen the view on Asians is varied, most people who say anything relating to irrelevant shiting areinstantly shunned. Not even honorary aryans are liked. Pol makes it really difficult to actually stay there, at least here you lot actually know what you all fucking want. Pol is just like internal screaming and stabbing at the air.

I never quite understood this thing about a counter-protest. There's no audience to be swayed. At best it's a show of force but only if you got overwhelming numbers, which we never do. More often than not, an infiltrated cop will kick off a mess and the media will uniformly blame the infiltrated side, which no doubt will be the leftist one.

Have you seen these aut-right protestors? They're pitiful. They look more like a high school Halloween party than a political event. Tea Party rallies commanded more respect than those. They shouldn't be counter-protested, you know what they say about arguing with ifiots: they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience. Instead they should be mocked and disrupted, to make them truly descend into laughing matter for the media.

But this requires some measure of leadership and coordination, so so much for that.

I'm gonna need sources for that.

neither do i but they're like this


I thought vets had healthcare?

Your frogpost does not constitute a source on your assertation

Nor does your Rare Gadsden

I think it means he's one of the Van Buren Boys :^)

2 rubles has of being deposit into account of your bank. Thanks you for making of correct records.

wow you fooled us all for years amazing work

that text looks interesting. source?

The snowflakes are losing so bad and instead of seeing how their deliusional warped views has handicapped the left for years to come, they do a typical libtard move and just double down on the rhetoric. I say good job chaps. Keep up the good work.

You are the snowflakes Holla Forums.

Typical lefty comeback. U-u-are

"Free speech activist" and "fascist" are mutually exclusive, and based on that lovely Pinochet avatar, I can safely guess which one he is.

my assertion that most combat mos military personnel are right wing?

are you american?

In America they really aren't.

Fascists have the tendency to be ardent defenders of civil rights in as much as they can use them to destroy them.

No. I was autistic as fuck and ostracized but I never became a fat racist LARPer.

"Free speech activist" is just a euphemism for fascist.

This is an attempt to appeal to liberals and liberal ideology. Of course, they only really believe in free speech for themselves.

That hasn't been my experience, though being infantry in the modern Burgerland military is little more than glorified guard duty.

I'm gonna archive these recurring digits.

Every good socialist, anarchist and communist is opposed to liberal democracy. We are for proletarian democracy.

The phrase
Was not a call to defend Stalin, but the worker councils he forcibly took control of and destroyed.

we could not give a fuck, learn what priorities are

t. From Dublin, not a yank LARPfag

my ma lives in the village beside Baltimore, it's not considered a big deal. Just a historical curiosity.

Look at any military YouTube channel


They're all right wing as fuck. This goes for most combat arms veterans.

American soldiers don't actually fight anymore so I wouldn't worry about them. They can't handle actual soldiers, just unarmed women, children and armed but poorly trained 16 year old partisans.

not when you spread this language through imperialism and genocide, it isn't

Who's soldiers fight anymore anyway? 🤔

Is that a real girl, or a trap cos-playing as Lain?
and then there's that white guy with the sunglasses and the cap, hiding in the far left corner. I wonder if he could be a real skinhead-nazi, and if so, how does he feel about being the odd man out at the support group for mildly obese hispanic teenagers?



Well Trump's government is militarized af.

That's because we're invading Iran by 2020, and Holla Forums's gonna cheer it.

looks correct to me.

the few liberals that would vote for hillary are Not combat arms.

Holy shit America is never going to see a revolution.

definitely not. the culture just isn't compatible

Sanders had a lot of support, the graph is after the primaries.

1.2% for Stein is more than the general population, and she's an anti-vaxxer wack.

America will fall to fascism in our lifetimes. The left will never win a revolution.

American fascism is a meme that people grow out of. American capitalism is far worse than fascism as American capitalism has no artistic aesthetic while enforcing the same order and authority that fascism had.

We can't keep expecting fascism, it's a dead, third way ideology from an era where the third way was between Liberalism and Communism.

Today the third way is between Neoliberalism and Neoliberalism with a fake social conscience, that's not fascism, that's just Neoliberalism with a new mask


fix'd that for you.

the living standards if Americans is going to drop and drop. People are not going to sit their and take it forever.They will look for alternatives and fascism will give it t them

there's been like 7 recessions m8. its not happening

The American military (excluding the airforce) has basically no combat potential anyways. Most vets spent more time in the gym than in combat and when they were in combat they were hugging the ground waiting for air support (In before fake war story, save your breathe vet(s) I'm not a slutty whore at the local dive bar.)

Found another one. (It lacks Johnson and the previous pic shows that's pretty relevant)

Bernie wants to ban "assault weapons"

did PFC Ramirez fuck your gf m8?

who did this poll?

Sanders was extremely popular within the military, almost as popular as Trump.

There is literally not a single group of young men in America that is cucked more often than enlisted men.

Fascism would be an improvement you dumbfuck

Capitalism is bad enough

John Howard
fuck you

Military Times, the same people who did the previous one.

The Proud Boys are the most cringy alt-right group. I'm surprised they aren't talked about here more.

every military wife cheats on her husband while he's deployed, it's widely known.

This has to be ironic. Everyone knows army wives/gfs are the loosest women in the US.


nope think again. You are so deep in memes its hilarious. Must people watch X Factor and really like Beyonce

"its just a joke guys!"

Everyone knows thats a stupid fucking idea, most of the time, its other service members that fuck them too. i literally fought my buddy because he was marrying a stripper. next thing you know, shes fucking some navy lieutenant who was there to attend jump school. it happens, lmao.

that's not to say that service members cant get pussy. put a fucking monkey in a uniform and it can get pussy. it doesn't even matter if they've seen combat. natural selection just makes them suck ur dick.


In the video he says "In 1988 I did not think it appropriate that we should be selling assault weapons in this country", (something there's no proof of) (Hell, back then the 2nd amendment didn't even mean what it currently means) and then he proceeded to advocate background checks on lunatics and thugs.
I wouldn't doubt it if he just made it up on the spot, he has no legislative history of fighting for gun control, they even say it in the video.

a'right I surrender. Still don't think he gives a shit and is just pandering for the dems though.


Are you stupid or just clinically naive?

I fail to see anyone fitting the description. Which one do you mean?


How about reading a fucking book? One, soldiers are the very last to change their minds about the regime before a revolution happens; two, who the fuck do you think fights in revolutions on the side of the old powers? Nazi ghosts?

I'm not far enough in my reading list to know for sure, but I thought Lenin himself had begun sidelining the soviets?

Well it's not like Johnson/Trump?Hillary was much of a choice anyway. What I really want to see is how they would go with Bernie.

Now this is interesting. All of them preferred Trump over Hillary, not bad. Also holy shit, dat Air Force.

Also interesting, thanks.

There are only so many aut-rightists we can mock at a time, comr8. This process is yet to reach full automatization.

Nah, you didn't create anything, m8.

You do understand that the reason rightists are in favour of having shooters is drastically different from the reason lefties want to have shooters, right?

Gun ownership is more of an individualist thing to them.


Good luck convincing that guy to collectivize his farm lol.

He did, and it's debatable whether he needed to in order to organize the war effort, but doing so eventually led to the death of the revolution.

Yeah, it's something I've been gleaming from the sidelines of reading books indirectly related to the Revolution's history, that Lenin really did act against most of his promises. It probably was out of sheer desperation, I guess – things were so chaotic that one misstep might mean there wouldn't even be a Russia left at all. But in the end it seems to boil down to two possibilities: he just was a power-mad dictator, or he became a monster to fight monsters. Given what I know of his life history, I believe the latter.

Sure I do, they're another victim of the circle of violence. Even though they're no where close to being violent fascists, they share a similar mindset of being victims who turn to victimization. That sad thing about being a Leftist is the people fighting you are precisely the people you're trying to save and whose suffering you're trying to prevent.

A lot of people like to think "Well, I was treated similarly, and I'm not doing what they're doing", which is nice, but basically falling for the free will meme, where people aren't products of their environment.

This is all madeup bullshit unless you have proof.
I doubt that even DSA showed up. They're a bunch of socDems that oppose direct action.

that is objectively untrue

hard to see but far left is dsa banner. they are for direct action but the dsa ppl were ineffectual as fuck

Collaborating with larpers seem difficult. In an ideal world, anti-capitalist forces could coordinate more effectively.

I guess Co-ops are the only option.

people with shitty options make shitty choices, who wouldaknown

1/5 of the military supported Sanders though, and that's nothing to shake a stick at