

It's a juice press. It presses bags of juice. Proprietary Juicero-licensed bags of juice only. It is a juice press with DRM. It has wi-fi. It is a wi-fi enabled juice pressing machine with DRM. It costs $400 (originally $700). It is a $400 wi-fi enabled juice pressing machine with DRM which accomplishes something you can do easily with your bare hands.

Is this a definitive sign of late-stage capitalism in motion?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=swat raids off the grid

Yeah, if anything gets Joe and Jane Normie to turn against capitalism, shit like this will.

How can anyone argue that adding DRM to oatmeal is "innovation"?

humanity was a mistake.

Everyone made fun of it, even far right neo Cohen radio talk show hosts who worship the free market, people realize the bay area startup scene is just money laundering for rich connected jews, it's almost as if all of your dystopian projections about late stage hypercapitalism where people will have to pay for clean air by the cubic inch are a farce…

thats pretty tame compared to other stuff though

in america you can get fined if you collect rainwater.

Just because they made fun of it doesn't mean their ideologies didn't have a hand in its creation. Laugh and distance yourself all you want, but this is what the free market creates when it runs out of ideas.

only if you sell it which makes sense else people would collect rainwater in a rainy area and then sell it to a place that gets little of it thereby fucking up the whole water cycle

are you by chance an ancap???

the end of the last decade was a slightly promising time
desktop linux was on the rise, DRM was on the way out. even sorority girls at my school pirated movies and installed Ubuntu on their laptops. you could talk to people on facebook through IRC because it used a standardized protocol.
then mobile became the dominant platform and streaming became the norm and suddenly all this restrictive walled-garden shit came roaring back. in the next decade fucking everything will become a DRM-encoded service rather than a tangible good


Now we have Windows 10 S, a operating system that only works with Microsoft's online store. Windows 10 S is incompatible with most of the Windows library of software just so it can have even stronger DRM and so Microsoft can theoretically have a complete monopoly on software for the platform.



programmer assburger tendencies

actually it is an american Vs yuro thing. Zizek talks about this in one of his talks iirc

But goy! You don't understand!!!

You're not paying for the juice, you're paying for the experience®.


Freedom 0 wasn't included in the original list because it was taken for granted that programs are, you know, meant to be run.

Unfortunately, it ended up being a major loophole, because companies could just design their hardware to check that the software was unmodified. So, while you could see the source code and modify the software, it wouldn't run on anything.


apparently this thing was overengineered,

it was built to a higher-standard than many "consumer-grade" appliances, and had expensive/autistically sourced/machined parts (rather than COTS-type internals)

I fucking hate capitalism.

Oh, you mean like what already happens?


We can't resurrect Lenin under these conditions, he'd have a stroke all over again.



wew i thought they finally managed to get to libcucks favorite apple levels of capitalist pigs, they actually managed to go beyond that

what is purpose of it having wifi?

connect to the internet and validate the juice bag's drm so the machine can activate.
not joking


Get me out of here.

yeah cause people were setting up like dozens of lake-sized resivoirs on their property and fucking everything up

god micro$hit is so evil


forbes is the worst publication ever created

Second Livestock hasn't released anything since 2014 and I still not sure if they were serious or not especially given products like the Juicero.

We already had one of these mate.

hahah no: google.com/search?q=swat raids off the grid