Dumbest things you've ever read on Holla Forums
Yet another high quality thread.
you forgot your nazbol flag
I always laugh at these. One just needs to compare the quality of punctuation, the number of spelling errors, and the variety of words.
I also read that one one here, but it's still dumb as shit.
actual quote:
I remember that one thread about this quote, where they genuinely thought they btfo'd a random socialist because he agreed with it without knowing it's source
triggered much? yes get used to that, Holla Forumstards are just generic dumbfucks who hate western culture and pander to american "culture"
I remember some user compared random posts from Holla Forums and Holla Forums. Anyone got the results?
I'm not a Holla Forumsyp, I just enjoy mocking leftie pseudo-intellectuals.
I believe thats a Asser quote :^)
Whatever, just post some more fedoras or whatever
I'm not implying that it isn't true, I'm directly telling you that it isn't true.
I mean…Sharia Law forbids usury of any kind, doesn't it? Islam like communism don't tolerate IMF debt schemes!
Assuming you're behind posts and , that's just objectively untrue, my dude
They're not directly from Holla Forums, but these are always enjoyable to see
What an ugly bitch
t. socdem
Not Holla Forums but /r9k/
It was said by a prominent tripfag who I used to feud with when I was a tripfag on /r9k/
It wasn't exactly those words but something along those lines.
I can't even tell if arguing this passionately about their porn habits is ironic or not. fuck Holla Forums and the altright.
There is however some truth to be found in the observation that Holla Forums's behavior can be largely classified as faux romanticism powered by emotions and ideals whereas an average Holla Forums post can be classified as pseudo-intellectualism, something that can easily metastasize into the Reddit atheism fad.
After all, trying to prove oneself superior to Holla Forums plays a large part in the motivations of the users who decided to emigrate here when they acknowledged that Holla Forums was overrun by braindead morons, hence why you find people trying to distance themselves from Holla Forums as much as possible in every way. It's almost like an identity crisis.
Islam is actually patriarchy in the purest form
Even if you don't fancy either of the 2 boards' fetishes, I insist that you read through the threads of each respective post; they're not joking, and you have to see that shit to really believe it because you can't make any of it up
I'm still cheating, but here's at least one more
when they thought the world was going to end in september
Jesus christ was that already 2 years ago? I can't remember
Ive read everything from "We're going to establish a futuristic white nationalist utopia, you just watch" to "You commie cucks, and race traitors are gonna get it once we stage our Nazi masturbation fantasy coup!" Also at first they hid behind irony and edge, and never openly admitted they want to commit genocide, but now they openly threaten people, and are calling for violence. I have no fucking clue why the staff of Holla Forums allow this shit.
This one is gold.
Yesterday, from half/pol:
I asked my little brother (he has been brainwashed by marxists) if it was fair that I can pass on my possession to my children.
He couldn't answer me, he dodged my question, because he ultimately knows I ought to be in the right to pass on my teachings, my tools, my property to my child.
But his marxist thinking has convinced him that it shouldn't be allowed.
Communism is attacking Traditions and methods passed down from parent to child.
He has been brainfucked into believing the government should inherit everything you own when you die.
It's kind of sad.