Can everyone drop the most Left party of his/her country. I live in Belgium and here we have PVDA (Labour Party). It's pretty left.
Communist / Left parties
I am not sure he will win, but after that Manifesto I am going to bat for him with all the might I have.
I'd post Labour Party, but fellow bongs have already done that.
The only leftist party we really have here in Denmark is the Unity List, which as the name implies is a left unity party made up of a bunch of old Marxist parties. A bit idpol and sometimes based. Very popular with students.
We also have the socialist workers party, which split off from the old Danish communist party (which formed the Unity List) after the soviet invasion of Ukraine. They were Titoists but are now basically social democrats, while the Social Democrat party are now centrists. They were hugely popular back in 2008 but are now mostly irrelevant, basically being the left wing of the Social Democrats.
labour party is neoliberal
'socialist' party is socdem
communist parties are irrelevant
What will you vote for?
Pretty much the most "leftist" party we have.
The Labour Party of belgium is not neoliberal, in fact they are extremely against it. Their name might be misleading
finally a post about PTB here.
Tu n'es pas le seul wallon ici, camarade !
The Unity List definitely. Doubt they will accomplish much in parliament, but with the way our system works every vote gives them more leverage to make the other 'Red Bloc' parties (Social Democrats and friends) do what they want. They recently threatened the other Red Bloc parties with refusing to join in a coalition in the next election, which would pretty much hand the election over to the right, unless they had their say in policy, so they mean business. Besides, I might as well.
ik ben nederlands vriend
Would they be considered center-right or right-wing in Europe?
Technically, there's also the DSA, but they know better than to try to actually do stuff because the entire establishment will freak out. I don't even have the opportunity to take the reformist blue pill and tell myself that I'm doing something with any sense of it feeling real. This is miserable.
The Democrats would definitely be right wing in Europe. The Democrats and Republicans are basically just two slightly different flavours of right.
As for DSA, they would probably fit pretty well among the 'hip' center-left parties in Europe who just want to reform capitalism, while the left wing of the party would be more genuinely leftist.
In france We've got the PCOF, they look like hoxaists considering they splater everythings they don't like as "revisionism" and they claim to be M-List but they are nearly irrelevant we've got some trotskist organisations such as NPA (new anti-captalist party) and LO the original communist party only old a few local mandates but they grow old and they are being slowly replaced by the local far right spook-spewings (FN). At least we've got Meluche
are britbongs this retarded ?
sadly i think so they probably would vote for May because muh stronger together
Germany here
SPD: Neoliberal
Greens: Neoliberal + IdPol
Linke: SocDem with some communists (big tent)
ÖDP: eco-socialism, hippies
DKP: non-sectarian Marxist-Leninist
MLPD: orthodox Marxist-Leninist-Maoist
KPD: orthodox Marxist-Leninist
My man :), Matter of fact i am Flemish lol, but I support PTB/PVDA man :).
I forgot the SGP
They're Trots. But they don't even have 300 members. Trotskysm is traditionally very weak in Germany.
You have to go back
Go back to?
To reddit, facebook or other shithole you came from
You hate Flemish people? which I would understand because its shit.
Poland here
SLD - post-communists, also Third Way sell-outs akin to Blair or SPD, I wouldn't be surprised if they were the most economically liberal government we had.
Razem - socdems modelling themselves after Podemos, they started out pretty well, but they seem to be turning into the latte left-liberals ever since they made a country-wide protest against banning abortion
Labour Union - some old-fashined socdems
Greens - greens
Zmiana - nazboloilds
Movement of Social Justice - mostly focusing on blocking evictions and helping homeless rather than on actual politics, pretty nice overall
PPS - demsocs, this party is 125 years old, which is pretty impressive, shame it's so irrelevant
KPP - MLs, nobody has heard of them, but when they occasionally resurface, people get butthurt and call for its ban, which can't happen since KPP doesn't officially propagate tankie shit
And other parties with ten members I didn't bother mentioning
One of these is a tory policy, guess which?
Fox hunting?
Correct, instituting fox hunting is an official tory party policy.
Labour are set to get the same vote share as 2015, but we haven't seen proper polling responses to the manfiesto yet: I am not saying Corbyn will win, I am a realist, but that manifesto is one that appeals to both the pint-carrying working class and the champagne-drinking middle class.
I know this is anecdotal evidence, but I am seeing alot of people that do not like Corbyn say they love these sets of policies. I live in a constituency that is 50% 'Jerusalem' and 50% 'Middle England', the latter very much like the tuition fees and train stuff, haven't had a chance to talk to the former. This is a seat that is almost certain to go tory [although the localist tory MP has just resigned so eh] that a lot of left-leaning voters swap between the lib dems and labour. I think this time the swinging leftish peeps will go labour because that manifesto is just pure gold. Always have hope, but work to make your hope justified. It is better to have lost with a fight than to be drenched in nihilism.
probably the most bourg thing you could do
Mate it isn't even bourg, it is literally aristo. Bourgs are opposed to it because 1) it trashes farmland 2) foxhunting is pretty shitty for the foxes (compared to just shooting them).