Oh God I hate idpol so much

Oh God I hate idpol so much

When did people decide "white people" was a synonym for "ignorant capitalist jingoism" and therefore it's a good idea to say that all white people are individually bad, calling anything that disagrees "white fragility"?

When did people decide that "stupid" was an unpardonable slur?

When did saying "abolishing capital is the most important thing for a leftist movement" become unacceptable?

WHERE THE FUCK DID THIS GARBAGE COME FROM? and more importantly, how do we get rid of it?

Other urls found in this thread:



Telling the people to read Stirner in order to despook themselves would be a good start.

2 places, human tendencies to generalize based on negative personal experiences and literal special snowflakes.

Do you have any other infographics like pic attached?
Genuinely hadn't considered it was COINTELPRO, but it makes sense the more I think about it.

I thought The F.B.I. scrapped COINTELPRO for being unconstitutional after it decimated The Black Panther Party back in the 60s and early 70s…

Not a fan of Stirner so much as Sorel, so I think he gets the job done.

In my personal life - I'm in a sort of leftish crowd, a lot of "hate capitalism" but don't have any coherent attitudes other than liberal slogans and complaining about lack of diversity. I've gone along with idpol for a while now - when it comes up I just stop speaking, and most people haven't really asked.

But I'm getting so fed up with this shit that I might go off the rails and grow a spine.

It's COINTELPRO alright. Then again so is the kneejerk reaction to it that a lot of young people have. Entire generations are directing their focus and intelligence to "debunking" SJW nutcases on YouTube while the whole world unravels.

They would unconstitutionally curbstomp a basket full of puppies if they thought it would get them good press, a pay raise, or so much as a single clap.

No, of course they wouldn't. They're a bureaucracy whose first job, in common with all bureaucracies, is to protect the bureaucracy. Every analysis must start from that realization and an analysis of what material circumstances surround it. Stop shitposting like that.

Before you hit that "New Reply" button, check:
1) do I need that flag? (acceptable "yes" if you're discussing something with another poster and need an identifier or are making an ironic shitpost)
2) do I need that name? (unless you're running a Q&A or something, almost never true; stop namefagging)
3) does what's inside of my post box add anything to the thread?

There are quite a few shitposters on this board, but you're by far the worse that I consistently see (in part because of your name and that you don't even pretend to adhere to the class struggle). If you're not going to change, please go back to Reddit. You'd fit in far better there.

Apt summary. I wish I could be happy about the fact that it at least also occupies rightists' time, but who am I kidding? It's just anesthetizing everyone equally, and no change in any direction is achieved. Which is fine by porky, of course.

Hmm it's almost as if multiculturalism and pluralistic societies are a tool of the bourgeoisie or something…it's almost as if racially and culturally homogeneous societies are porkys worst nightmare…

Nobody is saying that, you fucking idiot.

Top yourself.

Nice unwarranted self-importance.

Nobody is saying that because nobody on this board is a real Communist, you're all just Democrats or euroliberals at your core but slightly more edgy, you haven't rid yourselves of the neoliberal corporate backed message that multiculturalism is always inherently good, actual communists from a hundred years ago would have thrown a shitfit about mass migration for depressing wages and diluting and disuniting the power of a homogeneous and united proletariat. You delude yourself into thinking that workers will unite across racial and cultural boundaries but it will never happen, idpol exists because disparate peoples will never actually unite…

yes, yes, it's almost as if american bourgeoise and citizens in general want the rest of the world to be as retarded and cultureless as they are.

says the "nazi libertarian"

Friendly reminder that multiculturalism doesn't even exist.

This problem has talked here many times, but I shouldn't expect a retard to know
Nice historical revisionism, but unions IWW was workers' unity rather than wanting to deport all those filthy economic immigrants

Also keep virtue signalling about anti-immigration, I bet capitalism will stop encouraging people to migrate for financial gains if enough people complain about it on Bhutanese sculpture forums.

It came from the world's leading factory of shit and useless faggotry.

Would a hyper porky like Macron openly running on an austerity platform have won the French elections if the average city in France didn't look like Algiers? Of course not, but every good leftist in France held their nose and voted against Le Pen just to show how NOT reactionary they are…

Makes you think.

It's probably not called COINTELPRO any more but suppressing dissent is the primary job of the alphabet agencies.

France occupied Algeria for 135 years. They have every right to go to France and take back what they stolen from them in the first place.

Hopefully you'll feel the same way in another generation or two when indigenous Europeans adopt a similar way of looking at the world…


Men whatever, it's hilarious, you fellas here love to dress yourself up in pro worker internationalism but it's so easy to get to you to crack and expose your anti whi.te sentiments, every fucking time.

Communism will win.

Both the thieves and the victims are mostly dead now. All that's left now are two groups of people both suffering under neoliberal globalism, though both start from a different level of development.


last i checked a bunch of whites were getting laid

Not white power or black power but workers power. You idiot. 'whiteness' is in no danger whatsoever.

That's total bullshit and you're a useful idiot for corporations. I wonder what Macron will run on in in 2022. Bangladesh tier working conditions? Maybe, as long as every good leftist votes against Le pen to show how NOT racist they are again. 😘


Le Pen was a corporatist too, YOU are the fucking useful idiot for dividing the proletariat among racial lines, if it weren't for the racist vote Melenchon might have taken second place instead of Le Pen and he might have won in the second round.

Racists wouldn't exist if the entirety of Apefrica wasn't invading Europe and being helped by useful idiot leftists who at the end only benefit rich porkies such as yourself, sweetie

Low quality shit post m8. Try harder

It's not a shitpost. Multicultural and multiracialism is a tool of corporations to divide and conquer, depress wages, and squash socialism. And you're all useful idiots for it because professor Schoenberg brainwashed you with post colonialism and talk about the noble savage.

doesnt exist

And i told you that France occupied ALgeria for 135 years, they have the right to go there ant take back what was stolen.
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. That's how the world works.
Besides fuck the french. They along with the germans are the cancer of europe,

You should fuck off then, this board is for people who want to build socialism, not right wrongs from two centuries ago. THAT is idpol and explicitly against the rules :^)

Were your brain not so fried from countless hours on Holla Forums you would perhaps infer that not everyone who disagrees with you is the same person, especially on a board were posters from yours come to role play as their imaginary enemy, like that guy advocating eye for an eye.

Porky has internal disputes.
It's a nightmare for some porkies and an opportunity for others.

On the contrary being a socdem I stand eternally ready to ally with fascists in the name of bringing down neoliberalism.

Fuck this guilt-of-the-father bullshit, that only applies to Clintons and Blairs.
And I guess Hitlers.

It's less that they're a tool for corporations and more that they're a tool that can be used for corporations. Neoliberalism is desperate to find new identities to pump into the consumerist machine and new people to plough with debt, which is the real reason for the allowance of mass-immigration.

As much as colonialism is bad Algeria really deserved it. Their main industry was sacking French coasts, enslaving French women as sex slaves and castrating the men to make them docile for hard work. The Atlantic slave trade was gentle in comparison. French authorities invaded Algeria multiple times to force treaties abolishing Algerian slave raids but the Algerians disregarded them. Long-term occupation was really the only solution.

Wow, you're serious? "Good leftists" should understand that an electoral system which can get any candidate elected, even the "radical status quo" choice like Macron or Hillary so long as you dangle a "fascist" in front of the electorate is deeply flawed, that there has to be some penalty for simply advancing the furthest right candidate from socdem or liberal parties and being confident of a win every time because "hey, look at the other guy." "Good leftists" are fed up with nonsense "pragmatism" that ironically only works in theory and never in practice, fed up with "well, what are -you- doing?" and "it's just more practical to work for change from within the system" (while quietly accepting all the key premises of bourgeois rule from the start.)
Yeah, what is nominally "left" has an idpol problem, but this is a product of infiltration and subversion, and not the result of some inherent quality or characteristic of anti-capitalist thought.

Yes, we have. There are threads on this all the time here. Culture is in the first place nothing more or less than the sum total of institutionalized cognitive biases in a society. "Let's have multiple contending delusions blooming amongst each other" rather than "let's all be free of delusion, and live for ourselves," is bourgie as fuck.
The power of the proletariat is not its homogeneity or superficial feelings of "unity," it's a shared material interest fundamental to everything else. Yes, immigration is one of Porky's hammers against the native working class, make no mistake about that. It does depress wages, bargaining power, and so on. But in the first place "forced" immigration is always voluntary on the part of the immigrant. He gets better conditions by immigrating. So the case is this: the two camps of proles have their interests within the system of wage labor directly opposed against each other by the nature of wage labor, while their interests to overturn that system and retain the full product of their labor (and the living conditions that entails) both align with each other. Both permissive and restrictive immigration policies amount to promoting at the policy level one group's interests over the other, rather than achieving the common state of affairs that removes this opposition of interests in the first place - that being the common ownership of the means of production and control of one's own labor product.
Think about it, getting more people doing the same amount of socially necessary work shouldn't make people in society worse off. Automation shouldn't make you worse off either. This is a product of capitalism, of how resources are coordinated, and not of insufficient resources, since the resources have increased.

Racism existed during the days of the Atlantic slave trade, when there was no mass economic migration from Africa. It reinforced a material state of affairs (race-based slavery) along the interests of that propertied class, as well as due to the antagonism between poor whites without work and slaves doing jobs for free (by virtue of being themselves property.) Then of course the contradiction between escaped or freed slaves looking for work in the industrial north takes the same form as that between immigrants and natives above, and their simply falling into a reliably identifiable category ("black," "white") allows public policy to mediate efficiently between these opposed interests by favoring one over another, in line with the weight of bourgeois interests (profit, personal competitivity, stability of the overall system and appeasement or domination of various proles.) So any actual, genuine "structural/institutional" racism, which is the only kind that matters, clearly traces to these contradictions. Additionally, racist culture as a product of colonialism as well (though the causes of that were material.)

We hate postcolonial """theory""" here.

This is arguably a worse shitpost

Fuck off back to reddit newfag. Feel free to defend immigration, but not with this white guilt retardation.

The Nazi is right on this one. Fuck off this board is not for you.

Leftist groups will be the only ones actually resisting Macron's agenda. I guarantee you that during the next few year in France there will be massive strikes led by the CGT and street battles led by Communists and anarchists.

Meanwhile all the right-wingers will sit around getting cucked and waiting for their next chance to vote for the controlled opposition candidate as if it will change anything. If she got into power it would be trump 2.0.

Are you only pretending to be brain-damaged or is this a real case?

The only street battles you can guarantee are ones orchestrated by Mohammed, look at him go, killing all those french porkies paying the welfare tab for his degenerate 30 cousins who chew khat all day, if only you'd set aside your idpol you'd be able to join him to smash racist capitalism!


what lol


Do make sure to inform as many people of your views as possible. Without people like you, I'd still be a liberal good goy.

Fuck off back to /r/the_cuckold or kill yourself.

So you gonna respond to or are you just here in bad faith?

I don't know why you think we are all pro-immigration.

The only people with a track record of any real recent violence in France is Mohammed, maybe you should go join him if you want to kick-start your great proletarian revolution. I mean…all you have to do is ignore the cultural differences, at the end he wants to dismantle the French capitalist state just as much as you do, right? :^)

You should notice after the flag he can only argue with pre-made strawmen.

I don't really have any thing to respond, the post is operating under the assumption that idpol can be overcome and hand waved away, I argue it's inherent and beneficial to the rich and that they rely on it to dismantle class consciousness, there's nowhere else to really go from there.

I agree that immigration must be controlled but what i despise is treating people as criminals just because they escape from a war that porky started.

By the way i really hope you are just a nazi larper, but implying the good faith, If you are a real nazi I don't think you are entitled to talk about killing people in great numbers..

Lurk moar
He wants quranic capitalism with a muslim face.
Besides not all things which threaten bourgeois supremacy are automatically or necessarily the real movement which emancipates labor. You can start a nuclear world and ruin the bourgeoisie's day without freeing the proletariat from class antagonisms and material scarcity.

No it's not you dense idiot. Go read it again, and try to understand this time.
Yes, this is all true and doesn't contradict what I said in any way.

"world" should read "war." No idea if that's a new filter, or if I'm going insane

m8, give me a break, I just got here.

I largely agree with said, except for this part:

In theory, they have that shared interest, but I see that age of socialist idealism (even that of Not Socialism) as passed, sadly. For one reason or another, there no longer is the popular support nor the dialectic in society for Socialism. The only three powers left in the world are Neoliberalism (i.e. modern slavery), religious fundamentalism, and semi-authoritarian nationalism, with significant overlaps between all of them.

Good luck trying to make a Socialist appeal to Muslim and/or African immigrants; they are entirely beholden to Islamism and deeply triggering and problematic racism, or, if not that, then to heroin. The idea that the workers of the world would unite against the oppressors was proven false back in 1914, and things have only gotten worse since then. Dispossessed people no longer see their world in materialist terms, but are retreating into raw tribalism as an escape from the Capitalist hamster-wheel that is reducing more and more of the world to poverty.

One might argue that it'd be better if we could recognize our common enemy, but we can't, and it's foolish to unilaterally withdraw from the brewing ethno-cultural conflicts. You might see yourself as the friend of the working class worldwide, but Ahmed - his brain addled by Jannah and muh kuffar - only sees you as an enemy to be slaughtered.

I recognize the value of Socialism, but I differ from standard Leftists in my pessimism about the program. There won't be a glorious world revolution, nor will people stop being class-cucks. Our future consists of a Neoliberal dystopia of mass unemployment, lorded over by technocrats who utilize the ever-more-sophisticated means of state control to keep the lid on escalating racial violence perpetrated by people who are retreating from the absurdity of the system into savagery: Spengler's war of blood vs. gold.

In part, but people hated each other before the advent of the Capitalist system. The classic mistake of Marxism is that it disregards everything but economics. Personal psychology matters, and our psychology is tribal in nature. We will always feel at odds with the visible foreigners, and we will always see ourselves in a competition with his group for resources: for wealth, for women, for power. The lawnowners might have fanned the flames of racial antagonism, but those flames will not go out on their own, nor were they absent before. Ethnic hatred is a self-sustaining and powerful force in politics. You might not like it, but you have to deal with the psychology people have, not with the one you wish they should have.

Economic reforms might be an answer, but it won't be an answer people will accept as the riots and interracial crime really starts to escalate. Then it'll be raw "us vs. them", and whoever will promise them security will win.

first who cares?
Second, isn't free speech to hate on "whites" too?
Or maybe only your hate for "blacks" and gays must be protected due to "muh free speech"?
By the way, again, who cares? Most of us don't believe in the race spook.

I have no idea where this meme came from.


Yuropoors think that America didn't exist before neoliberal mass media

Low effort, unbirth yourself.



anglo's need to teach them another lesson.


Even before then the USA was a cultureless mess.
The white house is gaudy as fuck, moreso when you realize that it's part of the general attempt to evoke ancient culture as a substitution for the fact that America is a nation that (relatively speaking) lacks history. (although in body count, it's certainly making up for lost time!)

t. Brit.
t. Brit petty enough to still hate America over Suez, Skybolt and the end of imperial-preferential trade. (Along with the more robust reason of not using Keynes plan at Breton Woods, in favour of a plan that amounts to the shoddiest cover for American self-interest I've ever seen which it was obvious to all involved would implode sooner or later. Of course, it did. Hello neoliberalism!)

Like pottery

It doesn't exist after it

But he's being told by the whole of leftypol to fuck off because he's a liberal. Do you selectively read the posts which reinforce your previous beliefs and ignore the others? This is a whole new level of ideology.

It did implode as a matter of historical record, to the extreme detriment of the world.
British colonialism was above board, we called ourselves an empire. America call themselves the land of the free.
It's one thing to be an imperialist, it's quite another to be a liar.

I didn't say that Holla Forums supported him, only that it's people like him who disenchanted me from the anti-racist, "I don't see color", liberal orthodoxy.

If anything, it was a statement against liberalism.

You see comrade, because "white people" is a socially constructed identity that means you can trash "white people" till the cows come home and you're not really targeting anybody. You're just trashing the system of white supremacy and capitalism. It's not your fault at all if your opponents misunderstand you, thinking that you are referring to the actual people delineated by "white people." They should educate themselves. And if any of your followers or allies make the same mistake, that's because they are either oppressed minorities using their voices however they can to fight capitalism or they are white people themselves and breaking down the social construct by lashing out against it.


Any more evidence that SocCucks are just closeted fascists is unnecessary at this point

You seem to be implying that America isn't imperialist.
My point isn't to take pride in the British empire, but to suggest that Imperialism labelled "IMPERIALISM" is much better than imperialism imposed by the IMF under the name "Structural Adjustment Program", Imperialism where you actually invest money in infrastructure improvements to ensure administrative efficiency is preferable to destabilizing every country you possibly can just to extract raw resources at the lowest possible prices in the short term without giving a damn because it's no longer your property, attributing horrors greater than anything overt empires ever did to the free market or to domestic actors to keep the blood off your own hands.

If you're going to have an empire, put your damn flag over their capital. The worst part of neoliberal capitalism isn't being a precarious wage-slave with ever declining prospects in every sphere, it's being told that anyone can be anything if they just work hard enough and that things can only get better.

Just get off this fucking thread already, dude.

well at least there's something that influences your opinion that's not 100% fantasy

I dunno, man. The specific form that class rule takes abroad is a product of the real incentives the bourgeoisie experiences. The 3rd world got decolonized because today's methods are simply more efficient and cost-effective for that class. "Britishness" and "Americanness" have fuck all to do with it. The people are not the system.
I swear, eurocucks drink the spooky nation kool aid hardest of anyone here, and rarely seem quite on the level when it comes to that last point.

imo we should have a worldfilter that switches "idpol" for "Empathy and Basic Human Decency


It's not about Britishness or Americanness, but about the interests of those two empires. Porky wins either way.

Nations have value in looking at the composition of capital in relation to the construct of nations. (Such as the conflict of interest between domestic manufacturing porkies who would benefit more from protectionism, and other porkies who benefit more from free trade than they stand to lose. The balance of power can shift within capital as well as between capital and labour.) Just like most other internal disputes between porky. (I mean hell, at the simplest level, competition between two firms for marketshare is an internal porky dispute.)

Yes. Honesty is the best policy.
Except in America, for the most part. (No, no, no, it's not about our pride, it's about Iraqi FREEDOM.)
Nobody said that. :^)

Over 50% of melenchon's voters abstained in the 2nd round

Great, then go argue with the liberals on Reddit. We're not them. We couldn't care less about race and I would say "if we tried", but we're already trying because it's the only way to get away from retarded idpolers like you and liberals

no one's culture does anymore.

why, the fuck is wrong with your frogs, do you like losing that bad? Do you guys have that much saudade for the Vichy regime?

melenchon wasnt in the second round. the fuck you on about

is anything on Holla Forums not roleplaying

Smash the imperialism!


Bullshit postmodern cointelpro leftism

Yes you did, just not as explicitly as that. Refer to the "closeted" part of being a CuckDem

Quotes or I send gunboats.

Jokes on you. I have submarines

I think you fail to see the irony here. Picture related, it's you, please either de-spook yourself or commit suicide. Preferably do the latter.

to be fair ISIS is doing better than the nazis so far so i can see why he might be confused
