Is it because modern right wing thought focuses on sexual politics such a great deal that they are able to attract the demographic of Western millennial males?
Is it because modern right wing thought focuses on sexual politics such a great deal that they are able to attract the...
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Yes. We offer solutions to sexually frustrated young males. You want to pretend as if they don't exist.
This image describes a lot of channers, and you want to pretend as if economics is the only thing that is important to people. We are currently undergoing a crisis in the sexual market, and the only solution to it is to go back to before where the law of the land was one person, one wife and people could interact freely without anger or jealousy towards each other
God and you faggots call niggers uncivilised.
Why will you people go to such great lenghts to be self deprecating?
But do you not realize that forcing women to have to date unattractive, mediocre pieces of shit like yourselves would be fucking horrible for them?
I'm a true-blue white nationalist ideologically, I don't give a shit about sex personally.
But there are millions of young men who do, and they are flocking to us because socialism is inherently unable to give them solutions
They deserve state-allocated gf gibmedats user.
Actually, the millennials are quite centre-left. A huge portion of Bernie Sanders (yes he's a SocDem, but he was the farthest left presidential candidate that could viably win) support came from the youth.
I say we wait for the conservative, reactionary, hopeless baby boomers to die off. That will tremendously fuck the right-wing.
maybe its part of their revenge fantasy
something something sex in the ddr
so they want government assistance to get laid? wow…
You yourself said "one person, one wife"
Ding ding ding
This. In France Melanchon also got a huge portion of voters between 18-25
Under Socialism, basic material needs would be taken care of, and men would be unable to amass resources to prop up their lower SMV, thus we would achieve true SMV parity. A 3 would have no issue getting a 3, and so on. Is this not the ultimate solution for betas?
That's the wrong way to look at it.
The question is, does our society give them a strong chance to find a mate? If the answer is no, and I think there have been massive changes in our society that make it much harder than before, why would you expect them to support the current form of government?
I'm not saying they're correct about their proposed solutions, and to a certain extent I approve of the avoidance of cacogenic breeding, but without the traditional safety valves of massive deaths through disease, starvation and war, excess males will accumalate, and they will realize they're being shafted and rationally want a change.
This shit isn't going to happen and if you aren't completely braindead, then you're probably aware of that.
Are there really men out there which are so pathetic and desperate that wouldn't mind dating someone that's basically forced to spend time with them?
I could even look her in the eyes and just sent her away.
So SMV competition would just shift to becoming a high-level apparatchik. No thanks.
Are there really men out there which are so pathetic and desperate that wouldn't mind dating someone that's basically forced to spend time with them?
haha, yeah this
Sorry, i'm not aware of what is the good and bad british press.
In theory, high level party officials would have the same standard of living as the factory worker.
Set a profile on There's lots of peopel from around the world, the main objective is to exchange letters and learn a new language, but obviously there's peopel for everything. It's far better than Tinder or any dating website.
I met my girlfriend in there, she's also shy, introvert and virgin like me
In theory a lot of impossible things work.
I did always have a sneaking like for the idea of randomly selecting randos and putting them in office for a single term, but unless they were assisted by restricted general AIs they'd turn into meaningless figureheads for the bureaucracy.
its still better than neoliberism wtf kinda defeatist shit is this
I prefer fighting honest thieves to backstabbing traitors
This. Certain people are simply genetically worse-off than others. You can't use force to redress these inequalities.
genetics here is hardly the problem, even tho robots think it is because of some fantasy of theirs.
there's plenty of uggos, both sexes, who get laid. some of them are even unpleasant people. their problem is somewhere else, but "muh ugly face/muh height" is a comfortable explaination because it's not complex and because it gives them a justification for their complex (e.g. they can't do anything about being short, so it's not their fault, its those bitches and whores/society/the demiurge/whatever).
Unlike the other factors you mentioned, it is actually all the demiurge's fault.
were coming, demiurgo
well he'd be a cunt if he existed.
i'm pathetic enough to do it.
Yes, it is the alt-right that has succeeded the most in capitalizing the guilt user feels at being a degenerate
Maybe you'd get laid if you went outside and stopped being a pathetic fascist. You only have yourself to blame.
So you give up the support of half the population, women, whom you offer only coercion, solely to gain the support of the small minority among men that are incel?
Could be. I mean, the far-right knows which buttons to push to recruit new faces I guess. That's why they start campaigning like hell when economic uncertainty hits cuz they know they can exploit that to appeal to people just looking to blame their problems on somebody. Maybe the far-right in this case pushes the idea that feminism and black guys are the reason why a lot of white males who would've been married in their 20s with a nice house at one point back in the day can't even get laid today.