Loco thread
Loco thread
are indonesians even gooks? I think they are a combo of spics/gooks and wops?
Another thing I'm glad I'm not a part of.
retoasting because everyone loves racism.
RiceNiggers though
asian mexicans
???? WHAT
loco pls dont filter me i just want to make a connection with you T~T
some are pure chinese or korean and just live there
the natives are pretty dark and are either 10% endogenous or mixed
not sure who's jumping through hoops here
Hi Sci
I mean, they do look almost as disgustingly filthy as their streets. Guess thats our fault as priv westerners.
Heroin, not even twice
dude guero did u finish homestuck/how far did u read?
I have way too many calories from protein. My heart will hate me by the time I'm 60 because of red meat.
Everyone looks disgusting when you're white.
Also, can you tell cirzel from Scoot - "Go fuck yourself"
scoots isn't even white
he's a jew
Does "she" have a vagina
Thank god I am so white. I am so white, bigly white... my genetics so yuge white.
Did a test
I am 99.99% white
Thats very FUCKING white
Why would you want to talk to him?
She's okay, dude.
are you perpetually depressed and lonely
yo ban whats up my brother :)
All nonwhites are disgusting to even nonwhites.
Are you deflecting
Its an in joke, given thats why grim kicked me from le discord. Honhonhon
Or is it a "the answer to both questions is yes" thing
like test wtf was that
super aggressive and then complete drop
are you on drugs?
the answer to your question is the answer to mine
Some jews can blend into white society and go completely unnoticed.
we cal these day walkers
the nose and the inherent greed always gives them away
I remember 4m linking me a 50 page pdf on how to identify jews
shit was cray
Just gave a second picture since you spoke of it, now that I know who you are though just going to ignore you.
Jesus grim. Didn't think you'd sink that low. I mean how long do you think you can surpress the violent urges.
me: actually upset about loco over here
Well, I AM greedy as fuck, stinking rich and have a bit of a snozzle.
But I can pass as a gentile... unlike grim who spends his time passing as a GENITAL
I'm going to release them all onto you and bury you alive in some field in spain somewhere.
Has he given me a reason not too?
I know some people you talk with who like little kids IRL.
I'm not even sure Sci actually does though.
I'm just having fun and thats pretty much it.
Yes, maga
like all righty then byeeee ; DD
You are going to release your urges into me?
don't you start, boy.
nah i didnt
I got to that big hiatus hussie took and got disinterested
Sci Is a pedo
when we banning?
Thats what I typed.
Sci doesn't like little kids. He posted pics of ghostie that ghostie took and shared when she was 17.
That was Boo.
And a 14 year old girl.
when he was 15
its like 50-50 he did it for attention or hes a legit pedo
people dont want to find out
Is your indonesian flower pretty?
Is she muslim.
Of course they are a muslim
how else is grim going to keep HALAL
Sci is as much of a pedo as Grim is a homosexual.
I tried dating a muslim once
shit went sideways
she is gorgeous
atta boy! thats the way to do life
tee bee aych i just woke up (almost 8 pm!!) and i feel like a loser! im gonna have to stay up for like 24 hrs now to flip that shit. also ive been doing this thing where ive like been improving myself??? and increasing intensity constantly and thats p sweet. lovin that shit
good because I am 100% straight
have you seen the vagina
On Sci's board. Or sci on his own board. Whatever.
i have no interest in children
im only interested....in loco
100% straight with homosexual tendencies.
Both deny but are completely. Fitting.
Thank you for explaining the joke.
Grim did you have a male best friend in elementary school ?
I mean, I wouldnt want you to go to indochina and murder someone
idk when that was, was it in act 6 tho?
uhhhhhno? it's 100% im not a pedo
dude wtf
whos been feeding u shit!?
I'm happy for you.
I mean he insults everyone, baits constantly, and does nothing admirable or kind in general.
Subtle? Cup?
You ever hang around the gym
Oh, Squid is also a good bet.
have you ever downloaded a bear WINKIEFACE
You are welcome.
He doesn't do any of those things to me.
Its none of the people you listed to my knowledge.
yo wtf whats with all this fresh hostility against me i dindu a nuffin lmao
Anyways I'm back.
really missed you
I'm front.
Welcome back, goat.
Yeah he was black, his name was Roy
A lot of ppl
ty :3
I didn't think about you.
Good. Now bend over.
who did squashie think about
well that shits shit jsyk btw fella
Thats good because that part where I said missed you? I LIED
you told me
I'm going to sleep away the pain. Goodnight.
Liars get beat.
oh i did? a'ight coolcool word to ya motha
Give daddy kisses before you go.
he perished for your eternal sin
Never wake up
never come back
then beat me daddy
I won't say anything I'll regret and give them away though.
Roy Mustang?
That boys done it now.
gn i love u ; w;
loko you dont even know what i look like h ello??
AHAHAHAHAHHAHAhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHhahahaHAHAHhaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit hahahahahahahhaha ya'll are fucking retarded holy shit what the fuck grim ahahahahhaha
I still have your cover of that one 2hu song saved
pick another one from my musical faves list and cover it onegai
ill link u on steam
So glad that Loco has to "pawn" their phone and this wont be back ever.
Or atleast for a day.
I am a good dog and do not sin.
You don't deserve my touch.
watch out rin,
Bet elma so happy they never met up with him
Nice post.
is that thunder
no its a flaming retard crashing into the thread
I hope this isn't true
he saw everything
I sin under a blanket where he can't see me.
whoa wait it's late at damn night my brother im not beltin out a tune this moment jeez-o-pete!
don't fuck with jesus H christ's xray vision
im gonna send him some money so he can post
once I have money
pal its 8pm
yeah i know!
How about you dont do that.
That is a waste of money.
Is he trying to check me out?
I mean, how about I give sci money for posting here?
Its as "sensible" as that
early as fuck
and on a friday
didn't you give luka money
thanks it took no effort
why you harping on me my dude
hi anu cheeki breeki
Santa can sleigh my ass.
yea but i dont want my family to hear and think me a silly boy
speaking of friday
Nope, never given luka a penny. Ive shared free trials of CR.
you know what I mean fam?
why are people always bullying you
yeah it's pretty fucking ridiculous
hopefully he was just kidding
scootaloo ur wrong bro loco is a gr8 poster nothing like me
oh that's why
Giving a literal spic free money to mooch here. Nah. I wouldn't bother, I mean couldnt that money be better invested in THE WALL
it's a motherfuckin mystery to me friend!
hi teeps
i cant believe you were only using 10% of your power all along
or like anything else
Tracer, Rein and Pharah really.
76 is pretty boss.
et tu
I already forgot what I did but its probably all my fault.
lmao stop replying to me now
Pharah and 76 so far but I have barely played
I will probably get into Dva, I feel
In booze, i mean imagine the booze... lost...
cringe!! :DDD
maybe it has to do with you saying really awful posters are the best posters all the time
just to irritate people
hello my love how are you this evening my dear
its brtety casual sci
I am a thirsty slut.
they nerf'd the poor las, though they are still aite, last few plays I have been dominating dVa... DOMINATING A KOREAN my favourite
cool it ban you're out of control
yeah dude like the cost to keep a loco connected for a few days vs getting blacked out
pretty easy decision there
I had a very productive day at work today, whistled on my way back home
now I am shitposting and writing some correspondences
I'm going to have to tie your hand behind your back if we ever have to share a hotel room LOL
as long as her performance isn't too bad
koreans are hella pretty but super materialistic
but i genuinely believe that... >:\ im not trying to annoy anyone by having an opinion!
what, ow? yea i know i played it for a couple months right after it came out but then i was bored of it
wow i cant believe this! i am so betrayed, my best friend boo had betrayed me for the last time waaaaahhh
nigga i didnt even do shit to you this timne, infact i wasnt even posting, i guess your typical sandnigger brain finally snapped and went social jihad? poor baby boy
I have to much pent up aggression.
Getting blacked out, atleast the feeling of shame and grease afterwards doesnt mean aids.
VX dat pussy
L I T E R A L L Y WHO is this
angry gf of guero
both of you had it coming for a long time tbh
blood chan on a proxy.
Grim's new Wish.
when you start shit and grim takes the bullet for you
Kim jong nam was killed by LOL girl with VX
Highly deadly weaponized bioweapon
most likely developed by the North
These simple children.
you walk home from work?
that's pretty neat
your opinions about posters are objectively mostly wrong
except your feelings about me
which are spot on
are you intentionally mixing up your to's and too's
it's triggering me a bit
yeah man at least there's some fleeting moments of joys mixed in with whatever the hell happens
beats throwing your money out the window aka donating to/enabling posters
test's twink gf oobles
thats what thought ty
uu-uhhhh *sweats*
What you do?
Maybe if these posters got a fucking JOB
I would much rather just type "to" for everything and forget
ikr? you know what though?
i hope luka NEVER gets a job
like we wouldn't know what to do if that happened
lol youre such a goof! are you goin soft on the patriachy or whatever it is ppl have here? the gaytriarchy?
you've fucked it up twice this thread
pick one or the other then
we'd have to then pick on some other NEET
had what coming? petulant abused child throwing a pussyfit on an internet image board? the idea that you think your words carry any weight is literally laughable
You live in a strange world.
i am so genuinely hurt
patriarchy? what do you mean by this
I want to be Test's twink gf.
I will miss your mommy dearest shouting ANUUUUUUUUUUUU so sultry in the background din of your mud hut tho
What are my options now boss ?
remember when i was friends w oobles
im an operative against the animus gaytriarchy
good poster are systematically oppressed by homosexuals!
it's not like we would have to look far for the next top victim lol
i did that cause you actually knew who it was
to goof ya!
and you probably want to get up in that irl
you're more of an otter i think
VeeVee looks like an adequate replacement.
If Sci wasnt so easy.
thats some cold war era nerve agent right?
her shirt had "LOL" on it
rip in rest
some of it is walk some of it is public transit
why are you still here
you've been 100x more abused than I ever have by not even having parental figures in your life lolllllllll
but no I'm talking about how after the main drama, I just wanted it to end quietly but you two wouldn't stop throwing cheap shots here and there like fucking kids and ended up getting served together like roast ham
now shoo
my parents live in a $2m house
thats the kind of money you wont even dream of ever owning at once ever in your life kiddo
brb fam
i donno like just use to then
misusing too is the worst
some of the best posters are gay though
like based grim
Wish I was a bear.
You warm my heart.
how long has that been going now? six years? le wtf is with these internet fellas never letting a joke go!??
No, thanks.
whistling on the bus is kinda not looked fondly upon
last year i had to ride with the blacks to work for a few days while my car was in the shop
it's not that fun to be with the common folks
imagine being this delusional
my wealth is in the form of my hindi daddy not beating me into submission and permanently forming me into a husk of a manchild lmao
i must kno
how could you do this to me? guoobles. same person, just different gender. i speak for us both! you have hurt our feelings so greatly... such a good friend lost to thje ways of social isis.............
*missuses them*
Now what, ningen ?
imagine living in your mommy's 2 million dollar new york apartment and buying a samus statue with her money instead of working on literally anything useful
Why so toxic?
u kno what... im gonna upd8 my list tonight
get going on those carbs bro
what joke
have you ever been to canada?
i've only been to niagara falls and toronto myself
toronto was pretty cool. i would like to go back
i guess i can't do shit
you'll just report me if i try
also, teaching children how to play minecraft and fucking them on the dl LMAO
you didn't report that kid who threatened to kill herself cuz her parents would have found your prophet muhammad ass trying to fuck her in the texts
Hey, squash.
aisha abi bakr 2.0
imagine not being a bully ;_ ;
grim gay thing
awhile ago /lewd/ called us toxic so i just started spamming this
rip ;;
Wow that true?
when I called you guys practically the same person, it was supposed to be a compliment at how good you two are together, sorta like the two peas in a pod thing, you know? But it was said at the wrong place and time, so that was my bad honestly
but the way you handled the entire situation?
You've got a long way to go in terms of maturity
and thats coming from someone who is often immature
maybe if you keep saying something itll come true
try a bit harder, you're almost there
tfwI make more money in 3 months than you do in a year
tfw I bought that statue with 3 days worth of work
hi who is this
My sister wants to go to Canada after she graduates.
No one important.
There is a lot of hostility tonight.
umm liike you should have some pride in urself buddy
How are you all doing tonight?
i think the better way to phrase this would be "borrowed from mommy's purse"
also, I love the damage control on this shit you told me in confidence being blown up aha
everything i've said was something YOU said to me
feels weird when it happens to you, eh?
who is this now?
Cosmically speaking, of course.
fuck you
and im buying another $400 one this year
you know why
because I make the disposable income to pay for it👌👌👌👌👌
oh it's soome furry runoff
for moog
oh no i am be preach about virtual inbteractions and maturity i am sorry i am just literally retarded i am on OMAP and evrythinbg oh no i am crying how could u eo this be so mean and insult me about my weight and everything i amn so sasd we were supposeed to go to medival tines and everything ;_;
Hi I'm Sinni!!
Ningen, you're powerless.
Feels so good.
Run before this place makes you a dick too.
hi tallgirl
#trufax, I have the pay stubs to prove it
yeah man literally the same on you
we both have a treasure trove of shit to fling, it's A+++
Get out while you can
i only say that cause he thinks he's 100 percent straight
it was before grimmy was a mod so i don't think i even got banned
who doesn't
i'd like to check out the bc scene
seems serene and maybe i could crash on luka's couch or something
pretty good person
what movie is your offensive avatar from
forget about cosmically we're on the human level rn
whats your thing?
Fact: Grim talked to his underage students on skype for MONTHS after they left his tutelage
Fact: Grim defended Sci for posting CP
Conclusion: Grim is an actual pedophile
Not really
We meed more cute homo posters
Midna a best.
I have no idea who the fuck you are.
oh i guess it's not that offensive he's just a stereotypical hippie not a stereotypical native american hippie
What the fuck?
Why would anyone do this?
but he has a gf even!
is this le ironic ?
grim got an irl boner in real life when his prepubescent female student jumped on his lap
Oh then I'm very important and make a lot of money and have several friends also my dick is huge.
This dude had a CHILD tell him her thoughts of committing suicide and didn't report it to the police OR her school
Definitely some texts in there he didn't want them seeing.
Hi Grim!!!
Hello I'm here forever, get ready cause I'm the new cool kid in school.
It's Harvey!
Do I have to have a thing? I don't like being pigeonholed
Hi I'm Sinni!!
get the fuck outta here
Anyway I'm going to go play some shit.
This is getting way too petty for my taste even.
Fact:With their parents' permission
Fact:When I thought it was a one-off thing
Conclusion: Literal nigger who omits information tries to be sneaky snek but can't slither through this time
I used to play league with him and tutored him, his pops appreciated it
lmao who the fuck are you even talking about now
hows ur friday going
That is legitimately disturbing.
but have you watched as i was moving ahead occasionally i saw brief glimpses of beauty
Thats cool
Im the residents jew
Oy vey
i am not privy to this reference
i mean it seams vaguely familiar
but that could just be because it's in the cultural ether
dude that's a bold faced lie
No, I'm more familiar with the 1999 classic 'While We Were Falling up the Staircase of Exuberance'
Let's be honest.
It was probably a dude.
have you ever been in trouble with the law?
i spent a long time constructing that post
glad someone appreciated it
Why would he want to stop the child's reincarnation? Seems dumb.
Good! I got to stay home today which was pretty swood! I didn't really do anything though :v. Playing some animal crossing at the moment. How was your friday dude?
Harvey is an animal crossing character; he starred in the animal crossing direct awhile ago which is where I get most of my pictures.
That tends to be the case in this place.
dude that's just racist
ive done some illegal shit at ax esp but never got caught :3c
oh cool
do you go to school or work?
It was good I had a really productive day, just shitposting really hard rn
have you checked out draggo meido anime yet?
holy shit I chuckled hard
But it should be fine as long as I do not use the N-bombs, right?
weird how none of this was mentioned originally
it's almost like you're lying to try and damage control
We'll welcome to the hell hole.
Hope your weekend is looking good
Half tempted to grab a jd and get idiotic
why do u have to do this man
tru fact
everyone has a thing it's not like it's by design thats why we are all....individual!
yea neither have i
whats that one you said about?
isn't animal crossing a video game?
i'm afraid i may be already in deeper than i want to be
weird how it even should be because its implied you fucking mongoloid
real talk you need to stop grasping at straws before you make an even huger ass out of yourself
Hell if I know. I assumed you were making up shitty pretentious movies.
This drama
Pouring a drink
Squash needs to MTFU
guero is fake news!!!!! >>>>_
I'm still in school but I'm training to be an athletic trainer atm so I guess that counts as work? Also idk what that anime is. Is that dragon loli?
Thanks for inviting me! I hope your weekend goes well, make good choices!
Idk my thing is that I'm a swood dude, or something? I'm not sure how to play this game.
Yeah man it's the best video game.
Ok, something needs to be done about people who are posting non animu pics.
I came just in time
And with a 12 pack :3
Eeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy it's Friday
Stahp fighting you're both autists
I hope she is brought back into the games somehow. Someday.
oh yeah you did fucking acid
lol at how you went from like 0 to 90 like that
cultural tolerance is crucial to a thriving online community
talking to BC on steam does not really count
so they just throw in video clips of furries and asian hippies?
seems a bit odd
so like the people who help train people at the gym or like that but for pros?
if you get paid for it, its work imo
yeah the name is miss kobyashi's dragon maid
lucoa is my fave
suspicious bjs
not even acid 😂😂
Not seeing that it's weird to continue contact with children after you no longer have any affiliation with them is just more concise than anything I could possibly have to fucking say, lol
It'd be funnier if any of this was baseless
It's just starting to feel mean, shitting on you this hard
We live in Trump land now, though.
Soto was the bottom in this, wasn't he?
I gave Grim coke
Cause Im a good friend
Im sure it'll be fine, so long as I don't upset more than 2 people. Any less than 2 and ive done well
Vidya weekend
no thats a real one lol
idk what that means
im just an awkward mofo trying to get to know u!
it's funny cause you don't understand what the fuck a tutoring gig is, but let me explain it for you
its a contract where I get paid weekly to teach someone specific skills or subjects
it's got absolutely null ground because it's all wrong
but keep on deluding yourself that you're winning some kind of e-argument here
Where is Trevor
Well then, here we are.
Shut up John
i actually tried to move a few of my anime folders over to this computer earlier but my thumb drive is all fucked up apparently
what? i thought you were frying
oh shit that's right you were blowing rails
lol that's even worse
trump is a bozo
kinda want him to declare martial law on chicago
lol my hometown is pretty much trying to succeed from america. it's pretty funny
who is trevor again?
Do you remember when we called everyone in the pony threads John?
Yeah, a fine way to hone ones autism
is discord corrupting threads?
stay in this place with me whats your made up movie about?
sometimes i forget that test was a fulltime horsefucker once
Funniest presidency so far.
Do you still have absolutely no alcohol?
That Ban guy.
I still don't get it.
Nah, Harvey is a character. He runs the campsite and is one swood of a dude.
Nah I help train athletes & what not. I'd like to travel with the cubs one day but atm that's unrealistic. I like helping people who work hard to entertain others!
I believe in you!!!
If you want to know me just play like 20 questions. I'm Sinni, I live in Chicago, I turn 19 in April. I like the color white, I have a boyfriend uwu.
I thought that was only through constant vaccination.
whoa wtf thats completely news to me
doing coke is like so bad
i would probably not admit that to your parents until you are much older
Wow fuck you guys
lmao that fucking picture
You wanna share one?
That'd be an indirect kiss though
I completely forgot Test liked traps and Rin was a tranny
My memory is p shit dude
Would telling his parents he likes penis or that he's done coke be worse?
I'm assuming the penis.
I posted in the pony threads before they died and I moved to the anime threads a million years ago.
I still have none and I work saturday.
thats gr8!
I work in a lab and we work on state of the art components for up and coming technology
its amazing but I have to type up a lot of stuff, so it gets tiring at times
I know
only did it once, don't plan on doing it again
lit af
Christ alive.
And to think, you started while underage and didn't end up with a 40 year old man/woman like the majority.
Momma making you a tripcode by the by
The great migration
I'm far too sober to be creative.
I'm sorry.
I thought he was just some DnD nerd who looked like a metalhead cause of the long hair and wore scrubs
Dw Test, I'll drink with you :3
How's the fri coming along?
yeah for sure
like it's exhausting
i woke up to hearing that he wants to ramp up our nuclear program
and thought like, lol he has done nothing but terrible things in like a month
this is going to be great\
oh right people have such boujee names around here
i don't get it though
why is he 3dpd
is that a cosplayer?
also i am in the chi too btw way
yeah it was also weird once test came out of the closet
it was kinda like when colbert did
they seem like such nice normal people
mmm probably the penis
you didn't have fun?
i've only done it a few times and i was so drunk and high at the time so i can't really tell you where one thing stopped and the coke began
hashtag whitegirlwasted
Coke? OwO
That sounds awesome as fuck! Keep working hard dude you help change the world with that kind of stuff.
Idk what that means.
ayy chitown represent (or something)
It was just for the nintendo direct to introduce harvey & what not. He's just a developer of the update & it's cute.
Wow but its not weird when I did
Fucking double standard lol
Don't be a bigot.
what media do u like and consume most sinni guy?
tfw losing ALL RESPEC T for test v.v
A secure name
Essentially so people cant fake being you
Look how funny mine and others names are
I had a LOT of fun
but it changed my personality a little
thats scary
Ugh how can my Dad drink this fucking garbage
Budweiser is like Steel Reserve's baby brother
It's so much easier to chug than 211's tho lmao
I'm not entirely sure how to answer this? I watch netflix a lot. I end up watching way too many documentaries about like weird shit. Recently I've been watching Chef's Table which is an awesome as hell show with 3 seasons of quality gold.
Oh that's kinda sweet. I'm slowly becoming one of y'all.
Are you 15?
it feels gr8
ethics issues are pretty big and once im higher up on the working chain its gonna be tough to deal with them
I just hope supercomputers that make major decisions for us will exist by then
You're always drinking so does it really count?
How am I supposed to hit on a SOBER PERSON
I have never heard boujee before just now.
How lewd! Maybe.
oh i see thanks for explaining i guess
what area are you in
i'm in berwyn
you were always kinda bi though
it didn't take long for the traps to start making your doki go donk or whatever
wait like permanently?
or you thought it was weird how much you acted differently on it
eh i did it last sunday
permanently yeah
something was shaken
Yeah yeah
Sure momma will explain and help if it's something you need
that's really weird man
i wonder if that's common with coke
i know it is with acid
wonder if colbert feels eternally different
Sounds stressful! Keep working hard and hopefully you'll get a sweet spot where those ethical issues aren't so bad? Idk tho just keep doing your best.
Atm I'm living out in naperville with my fam. I have a few more months then I'm boarding to attend Depaul (that or if shit goes south, heading away to attend waubonsee)
Thanks for letting me know dude, I appreciate it
it pretty much just made me more aggressive and quick to anger in general.
It was by a minuscule amount, but enough that I noticed.
aww thank you
I'm rooting for you too tallgirl
NO BULLY!!!!!!!!
Im the Bigostest
Dude, it was so funny
Sam, Manny, Israel and my sis went to TIME, some nightclub in newport and went to see Sander Van Doorn
Sam and Manny had a bunch of molly and Manny gave his last one to a cute asian chick he was trying to get at and Sam ended up getting with her
This pic tho lmfao
Manny didn't see them kissing and when he saw it he got so triggered
Sam got the kill, Manny assisted lmaooooo
We went halfsies
My dad loves this shit so I got it since I dont really care what kind of beer
Besides the old geezer only drinks like 3 and he's pretty much falling asleep so I finish the rest lol
Well that makes sense
it's always funny when boujee rich white suburbanites try to rep chi
Woo woo
Deep dish amma rite
You've done it before.
good on sam he deserves it
hmmm maybe it just opened a door in you that is hard to shut now
maybe it's a good thing
it's just so far out there
i guess naperville isn't as bad as like barrington
bud is a fucking catastrophe
my family has been drinking it as long as I can remember and it genuinely tastes like skunk piss
Atleast it isnt Texas
It's part of the chicagoland area dude, no bully
You just want the fucking ego boost you jerk.
hello mother of my child how are you
The imp form is the hottest. Her 'human' form is meh.