Who /last son of the west/ here?
Who /last son of the west/ here?
Other urls found in this thread:
God that's autistic.
these niggas need to read adorno, the 'cultural marxists' were trying to save real culture from commodification
anyone got that screencap of an user schooling a nazi on how capitalism wrecked working class culture?
There you go. The second one is a little extra. I don't know if the 2nd post came from Holla Forums or Holla Forums but it's basically a Black Pill
Really fires those neutrons
That pic makes me cringe.
This is prolly what the edgelord who made that image looks like in real life…
I like how the way you spelt "COLCHAH" forces readers of your post to read it in Paul Joseph Watson's accent. What's with him and his Jeremy Clarkson-esque pronunciation of the most mundane things?
these niggas need tah reed adohno, thah 'colhchural mahxists' were tryan too soive reel colchah frum commodificashun
anwin go' th' scrincap of an ay-nun schuling a natsee on how capitalism wrecked wohking class colchah?
goddamn why are they so cringy?
Most aut-rights are Americans, due to their government brainwashing, and Americans think people with grating Commonwealth accents are intelligent.
to appear more bri'ish than he actually is.
source? This can't be real, can it?
help me improve this lads
Excellent, m8. But put 4/pol/ logo in there as well.
Have a PJW.
But reddit alien is already in there
Also put the image of Memeneux where he has some glasses. I don't have it.
Which one are you talking about?
It's the whole reason why my local rabbi told me to transition.
why does Nigel look like a Russian in that pic?
Feels good
Second one, I often forget how those are called.
"politically incorrect" lol
Can somebody explain to me how someone with such an inconsistent and obfuscating mindset like Sargon of Akkad can get over 600k subscribers with overly long video in which he does nothing but talks? I don't understand people anymore.
ironic isnt it
they think they can save civilization when they can hardly save themselves
Internet echo chambers
People like hearing shit in the background while they do stuff. It doesn't matter if they are inconsistent in what they are saying. All that matters is that their voice is okay to listen to for distraction purposes.
People just put it in the background to combat loneliness
Step 1: Be pseud with British accent
Step 2: Bitch about feminists and how they're ruining muh vidya games.
Result: Instant impressionable young right-wing subscriber base
Final step: pander to whatever hot-button issue Holla Forums is mad about this week and when lacking in content make fun of feminists. Your subscriber base will now grow comfortably.
It's essentially internet talk radio, which is immensely popular on the right. Rush Limbaugh, for example, has 26 million listeners. I'm guessing you're reasonably young, as this is not a new phenomenon at all.
Why is talk radio such a huge deal in the American right-wing anyway?
Why talk-radio?
Why right-wing?
Does anybody know?
Are there 26 million truckers in America?
Car culture in general is more right wing. Something about public transport being more popular in dense liberal population centers
That's what I thought because I have never watched any video of someone just talking which is over 30 long. No matter if leftist like Shaun and Jen or right-wing.
I'm well in my twenties. I guess it's just not something for me, because if I'm listening to something merely as a background noise, I won't take anything from it. I won't be able to follow their thoughts at all. I can't even listening to quality music as mere background noise. Maybe that's just me.
meant for
Honestly S&J is obviously better than Sargon but that's a low bar. Don't watch his shit without having 1.25x speed on
Actually that makes a lot of sense.
Do you think Sargon even follows his own thoughts for the duration of his videos?
No, but you have to understand why truckers are the big market in radio. The average person spends less than an hour in their car a day while the truckers spends 12+ hours in their trucks. You can only listen to the same music for so long until you don't care to listen to it for anymore. Talk radio is always produces something new for the listener to hear and truckers like to tune in for the news of the day since they immediately go to sleep once they go home.
People who listen to right wing radio don't really look to analyze it deeply (how could they? They're usually driving or doing other stuff), they want their viewpoints reaffirmed and only look at some surface issues to feel offended at.
I forgot to mention that since truckers spend so much time in their trucks that's why they are the target demographic for radio but I'm sure you could have pieced that together.
You guys cannot convince me that each and every one of these aut-right personalities and their legion of autistic fans shouldn't be publicly executed in the most painful and humiliating method possible.
Always thought the audience of channels like Sargon is fairly young. I guess I just did different things when I was a teen, I mean there was so much to explore, music, movies, literature, sports, etc.
Can you really imagine a trucker listening to Sargon of Akkad? I can't.
That is fucking god tier
lol Sargon's audience is young and truckers aren't listening to Sargon. The talk radio that is on the radio and the podcast/talk show that is on the internet are entirely different from each other in every way conceivable, most notably the age of the audience (younger people on the internet and older people listening to radio).
The cynical answer would be that it's extremely comforting to have a highly charismatic and intelligent person who speaks to you (as a friend) in a way you can understand, telling you what to think about complex issues so you don't need to puzzle them out on your own. Also, as was already mentioned, people enjoy background noise while working/driving. Another factor is that like religion, it's often passed from parents to children who grew up listening to conservative talk show hosts driving around with their parents.
Liberals have been trying to crack that nut for 30+ years without much success. There just aren't many people on the left who are charismatic, intelligent, well-spoken, and willing to get into the radio business. That's starting to change with podcasting, but with how sectarian the left is (especially the true left), it's a big hill to climb.
This is partially why I think Chapo are doing important work. Their show is very accessible and a great entry point for a lot of people looking to turn more to the left. They may not get deep into theory or anything like that, but that's not really suited to the podcast format anyway. They breakdown people's expectation that the left consists of boring intellectuals or SJW scolds. Their show has a lot of energy and is humorous. Even if they aren't perfect leftists, they have helped elevate other shows and have inspired new ones. They've had the #1 Patreon on the Internet for a while. I hope they get into video content on YouTube because the alt-right has had too much of a stranglehold there for too long.
These homos need to take the actual red pill
Chapo is good but they mostly fill up the same space that Milo does on the right and no one goes to him for theory. I want more sincere, smooth voiced, confident spokespersons. Maybe like a Sam Kriss type who I don't agree with everything on but can sound intelligent and committed to a topic for long periods of time.
I think Chapo needs to do more to be a platform for those intelligent and committed voices like you said. I think they have done a decent job of it so far. I wouldn't have heard of Sam Kriss if it weren't for Chapo. I heard about Delete Your Account by way of Chapo too and I think their show is good introduction to the more serious aspects of the left. They could do more though, you're right.
Part of my point is that it shouldn't just be "Chapo & Friends" though. Other people gotta step up and we gotta promote the good ones
damn, left shitposting flag on
Step 1: have a buttery smooth voice
Step 2: know how to piss people off
Step 3: figure out who is pissed off
Step 4: piss off the people who piss of the people from step 3, while validating step 3 people's piss
FCC regulations. It's a lot easier to get away with dog whistling on the radio than on TV. Also these are old fucking people, a lot of them are from the time when TV barely worked but radio was well established.
Because when the Democrats became the party of social issues and left the South behind, the right-wingers saw an opportunity to sweep in and snatch up the "my ancestors didn't die fighting the North's war of aggression for these fucking niggers to go to school with my children" vote
he sounds like an aspie with multiple lisps
part of the reason i never listened to him is that he sounds like a retard. another big part is that he is a retard. poor arguments, no witty remarks, 40% of every video is him badly forcing himself to laugh when he doesn't have a counterargument. the only thing he did well is figure out the timing for what he's doing, everything else is shit, zero effort.
And I see no problem with the other stuff, appart from capitalism exploiting cheap mexican labor.
The time was right for an antithesis to the PC thesis.
People exploited it.
Some of them did it better and managed to gather a following.
Now, add the fact that he is telling people what they want to hear and how marx and communism mean tottalitarian government out for your toothbrush in the US and you'll see why even Moly has a cult.
this is what you're supposed to do though.
Good for you, Adorno approves
I watch most of youtube at *1.5 or even *2 speed nowadays
who removed the worldfilter
potion seller, I am going into battle and I want your strongest potions
The main reason I shifted left was because the right denies that capitalism has led to the destruction of culture. Capitalism is rootless and will profit off of anything. It creates its own culture to keep people compliant and attached.
In many regards, I am actually reactionary but economically a socialist. Though, I am a socialist first. There is no cultural marxism. There is only cultural capitalism.
big daddy effect, big angry daddy, telling it like it is. It reminds them of their father
Why the fuck does it matter to you what two consenting adults do in their own bedroom? I don't see why you give a fuck, to be honest.
That's capitalism's fault, bud. I'm against immigration under captitalism, not because of some dumb shit like racial purity, but because it gives porky a source of cheap labor.
Nazis are so insecure that they are scared of seeing homosexuals in movies, it makes me think they're repressing some feelings…
Pic related, I'm really scared. Give some proof that this actually happens, faggot.
Because it isn't true? Did you even read The Fate of Empires by Sir Glubb to understand why the decline and destruction of cultures and civilisations happen? Then you have the massive failure of communism even before the Paris commune where they started killing each other just like all the others after it.
One of the failures and important realisations of communism is that it is essentially at its core based on wants, mostly concerned with wanting the 'means of production', a noble goal until you realise even if that goal were achieved there is always bound to be someone who wants more. Communism is an ideology where extreme violent revolution is ruthlessly advocated by Marx himself and the proletariat who are motivated enough to commit mass murder on the literal social construct of class, in this case the upper classes, for material gain have plenty of motivation to turn on each other if they feel it would personally further benefit their material gain, which is exactly what has always transpired in virtually every attempt to achieve communism to date. This is in contrast to capitalism, which is interestingly enough not based on wants at its core despite its image, only the right that allows for private ownership and nothing more. Even more interesting is how capitalism even allows those to create an entity or business that allows its employees to own the means of production, countless employee owned businesses exist and function this way. In no way shape or form has or does the ideology of capitalism forbid workers from creating their own enterprises in which they may share and own the fruits of their labours, which in itself is as we've stated before a noble goal but with crevices we will cover later. With communism it is a one way street with zero flexibility. There must be no private ownership under any circumstances nor a state, an anarchy more extremist than any libertarian, all positive benefits to society of entrepreneurship are evil without question, and the commune knows what is best despite obvious flaws in the form of tyranny of majority and tyranny of the unintelligent and untalented masses. They do not realise that their worker owned enterprise made up of the commons simply cannot compete with an enterprise full of talented individuals purposely filtered and hired for their ability, further all led by an individual(s) with extreme ability to lead which would maximise their potential and efficiency, will never be a match. If the workers vote in majority to sell all their means of production/assets for short term gains due to the tendency and inability of the unintelligent to plan ahead for the future falling for instant gratification only to quickly squander it into nothingless typical of the proletariat as transpired countless times in the past in any system in human history, it shall be so. The few intelligent workers who dare speak up against this madness will be lined up against the wall and shot by order of the commune, their smart brains splattered on the wall for daring to be 'anti-revolutionary', a codeword for not kowtowing to mob rule of the proletariat. Thus society begins to crumble and stagnation or starvation begins. The cycle repeats itself, endlessly. One must begin to reflect on the fact of why much of the proletariat are apart of the proletariat to begin with, baring the outliers here and there, it begins and ends with a simple question, ask any of the poor or working class 'what would you do with a million dollars?' and contrast it with the answers of the wealthiest and most intelligent individuals and you have you answer. Is it a sad reality? Yes. Evolution gave made the long term planner rather than the short term and short sighted obsessed with instant gratification the winner but it is a lesson to best to reflect on yourselves first before decrying the flaws of capitalism, of which there are many, but again not before reflecting on yourself and the peers of your class. As I am not for capitalism either, I too understand the desire to seek an alternative system. Is communism the answer to capitalism? Doubtful. However the fact that we're reflecting on these issues means we might reach a real answer one day.
this shit is pure
Empirically wrong
Europe and North America's #1 export is cutthroat capitalist greed. No joke, with Europe and America were to disappear tomorrow 2 major obstacles on the road to socialism would too.
That mong lives in my city last I remember. Would be a shame if something happened to his *LEGITIMATE FORM OF PROTEST*.
Fuck off fascist
Please have more cigar-man
aw fuck user I've never wanted to bang a trans person before, but the things I'd do to him/her…
Welcome to the rest of your life, user.
He always looks weird. Like an alien trying to imitate a human.
He's a banker though so we know he's not human anyway.
I'm not into traps but that image though confuses me
I want PJW to suck on my nob no homo.
wtf am i reading
Incredible. He's been edited to spew complete gibberish and I still want to punch him.
You have fine tastes, comrade.