Fuck You

Fuck off to Venezuela you fucking leftist scum.

you seem mad user

No, i like my country, but i wouldn't mind to ban all the corruption apologists to live in USA. After all is socially accepted to be corrupted there.

hey Holla Forums

if you love capitalism so much

why don't you

go to equatorial guinea



Obligatory gif


You fuck off to Somalia first.

I can't imagine what the reaction would be if blacks or leftists started protesting like right-wing Venezuelans. People here cry when somebody smashes a window what if protestors started attacking soldiers and just started stealing shit and setting it on fire?


how dare they feed people

Are you mad that you got BTFO in the last thread?

If you like Capitalism so much, go to the Ukraine or Somalia.

Ukraine is fascism though.


It's heavily distorted class collaborationist capitalism.

so its capitalism

not the kind a lolberg would advocate for/

can't believe I was born there

sign me up any day with these qts around

Marxists rewrite their history to be always correct.

Lagrimas de gusano, que delicia
apuesto que te has divertido todo el día juagondo con caquita como el oragutan que sos
Coma 👅💩 mierda gusano, apuesto que usted ni había nacido antes de la era Chavez

you can stop anytime now

Social democracy is still capitalism but even that isn't acceptable to the ruling class anymore.

Gtfo faggit


Oh I wonder why. Couldn't be the genetics…

plz explain to us what socialism is
