"Authoritarian" Socialism Appreciation Thread

Can we all agree that, at the very least, the USSR , by which I mean Soviet Russia and nearly all of its sattelite states, achieved a quality of life which was satisfying and tolerable, especially compared to life in Eastern Europe today?

There is widespread nostalgia for Soviet socialism all over eastern europe and in places like east germany and Maoist China (there is considerable nostalgia for Mao, even during the supposedly worst periods of his reign like the cultural revolution).

Nostalgia implies the desire to return to a state that is better than the present, even if it wasn't perfect. Therefore, the neoliberal nightmare that exists in most of East Germany today is obviously even worse than the worst of the USSR.

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dude what if we go through a destructive civil war and have two famines in ten years but raise people's standards of living later lmao

I hate this fucking approach to politics, it sounds exactly like deranged capitalist rationalisations of every colonial empire, every famine and every war, except the capitalist side is better to live in

you mean Authoritarian "Socialism"


sure they had honey

and 95% of the original Bolshevik party

you might want to check comparisons of how many people the Tsarist police and the Soviet police killed sometime


almost sounds like a Fox News dad praising what Hitler did to the economy



A Stalinist who is also a Logic & Fallacies guy, Jesus Christ Holla Forums has hit rock bottom.

kek LibSocs are so hillarious

USSR = The left wing of Capital.


More often than not "authoritarianism" is a strawman flinged at actual efforts of building socialism, Marx already talked about this in the fucking 1870s when debating the anarchists for fuck's sake. marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm

pic related

good reply

Aha! A fellow redditor! The narwhal bacons at /r/anarcho_capitalism, come join us! We have free helicopter rides ;PP

"I don't give a shit about the poor little children who got fed under communism"-Murray Bookchin

Look at this comment
Look at this thick ideology of "capitalism is better than socialist state"


I see this criticism all the time and I don't understand it at all. How in the world did it "set communism back"? At the most it made the accusation by the USA that socialism is 'when the government does stuff' stick more in the heads of burgers, but other than that what specific military, economic, or social actions did it take to 'set communism back'? Socialism and communism are more popular around the world than they have been in 30 years and a lot of it has to do with people learning about how the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba actually worked.

Also PLEASE give me a criticism of authoritarianism that isn't just "hurrr muh freeze peach and if I don get 2 throw bricks at gubment im opressed xDD"

no, most of it has to do with people living shitty unsatisfying lives
just LOL if you think that the general population is reading about life in the soviet union

why call it authoritarian

Soviet Union and maoist china were just extremely bureaucratic

They were single party states that stomped out freedom of speech and thought if it didn't correlate with the party line. The USSR was authoritarian, if not totalitarian.

I feel socialist forget to discuss this but I feel that establishing how the socialist state and government should be different from the liberal one and how the socialist state will fare better

Democracy worship and egalitarianism is the biggest problem with the left tbh

No one wants non-democratic and non egalitarian socialism. The only reason anyone is attracted to the idea of socialism is that it seems more democratic and more egalitarian

which is why real socialism is trash, unlike the authoritarian ones

Shut up Sorel.

bootlicking cuck

democracy is just dictatorship of the majority, You are a bootlicker in either chase

your implication is stupid. former ML states were so shit mostly because you were constantly spied on (thank god there is no three letter agency like it nowadays) and it was police state which granted policemen full power over citizens (this didn't changed even officially in ukraine), so sometimes really serious shit happened, like being taken in the middle of night to the police station where you had to wait until morning and then released because it either "was a mistake" or some other shit which serving officer just had on his mind. On other hand, existentional problems was non-existent. There was no fear for future, no fear that you won't be able to find a job, no stress at work, no fear of being indebted and so on. And this is why people miss former "socialist" countries, policemen lost just a little power while people are struggling to survive.

But as Zizek likes to say, we should forget about it and start from the beginning. Next socialist country should this time be indeed socialist, maybe even a little democratic and some personal liberties like freedom of speech or freedom of assembly are nice feature.

Yes, the USSR did some good things, and was nowhere near as bad as the west made it out to be.

That doesn't mean that state socialism is anything other than an example of what not to do in the future.

Unless you have a working plan for winning Cold War II without getting everyone killed, it is beyond useless to talk about a "return" to the "Soviet system."

so u agree then that the soviet union didn't do anything to set back socialism and communism :^)

Nah bro we can just let everyone do whatever they want. America can totally not turn into a third world somalian ancap shit hole if we just abolished the government tomorrow, which is totally possible if we just punch enough nazis xD

I agree but DPRK is a bit overrated tbh

Nuclear war is preferable to capitalism.


spoken like a truly sheltered faggot that's never experienced war.

No it's not.

Humanity only has a hundred or so years left before climate change kills us off in our current form. If nuclear war allows us to build global communism then so be it.

You realize that nuclear war would literally be absolutely nothing like what we know as warfare right? It would literally be a near instaneous destruction of the entire planet that would wipe out all life within, at most, a week. It's pretty much only a war in name. It's more like throwing yourself in front of a train or putting a bullet in your head or whatever.

Did it ever occur to you that these restrictions on human freedom weren't just installed for the lulz but were implemented out of necessity? Even Lenin begrudgingly became more authoritarian once he's confronted with reality. He never liked it though.

You are being spied on when you buy something off Amazon. The only difference is it's done by algorithms administered by cool nerds like Snowden and not by a secret police with grey coats. Different in aesthetics, practically the same thing.

All memes aside, I hope there is never going to be a nuclear war, I don't think socialism would result out of it, and I think Posadism is fucking retarded.

There, I said it.

Kvlt as fuck

The riff from Into the Infinity of Thoughts from the first Emperor album was the only good thing this faggot has ever produced.

but of course they were necessary. Necessary for keeping ruling class intact, without them the state might actually whiter away.

You are being spied on when you visit 8ch. I was trying to be sarcastic.


I never implied any of those things. Write more clear arguments, faggot.

you literally did



Jesus christ read at least one god damn book not written by crimethinc before you start talking


thats what you said you fucking idiot they are inseperable

That the USSR was slightly better than modern day neofeudal-hell-Eastern Europe is not much of an argument tbh.

Millions of people protested in the street with guns in the early 90s to stop the dissolution and go back to the USSR but okay

I don't understand what kind of mental gymnastics are you trying to impose on me. Are you trying to defend state capitalism as socialist?

Last time I checked Eastern Europe wasn't ancap

ebin tbh


how isn't it?
how are you less of a cuck if you are forced to do something because the majority voted for you to do it


Russia's basically ancap. Putin has some power, but most resides among its competing oligarchs who have gangs and cartels and are constantly breaking and reforming alliances.

that's a meme tho, it would mostly be major cities and military bases in the northern hemisphere, and the nuclear winter stuff is just a hypothesis.

anyone have any anti-poland shitposting images?

chairman yang pls go


we already have term for that. It's called neoliberalism

You mean social democracy?

You mean social democracy.

Can you give me some sources? I'm admittedly not very well read on theories of nuclear war

Jesus christ the anarchist understand of a State is retarded

It has nothing to do about state but it's nationalization and mere welfare while failing to effectively abolish commodity productions.