Holla Forums if you could go into any place in time, when and why?
P.S.: specific years at the very least please
Holla Forums if you could go into any place in time, when and why?
P.S.: specific years at the very least please
inb4 everybody chooses 1917
Before I was born so I can prevent it.
killing your parents or giving em a condom?
Ford's Theater in Washington D.C. on April 14, 1865. The freedmen are going to get their forty acres and a mule.
Go back to before I was born and convince my parents to move somewhere with single payer health care. I have chronic illness, so going more than a couple decades back would be a death sentence.
IMO I'd go back to the Spanish Civil war and giving the Catalonians modern weapons
Try giving them a strategy instead.
Interwar Germany with a bunch of mates and as many weapons we can carry, and massacre the friekorps.
The late 60s to mid-70s New York. I'm a big fan of Blaxploitation films like Black Belt Jones and the Rhythm & Blues, Funk and Soul music from that era. Plus a lot of big political issues took place back then like the first heroin epidemic to hit The United States and The Vietnam war.
Earth, 2117.
Either I end up in future communism/socialism where my personhood is still usefull (if only for museums) or I end up in either super-capitalist dystopia or a nuclear wasteland. If the latter happens, I will jump off the nearest bridge.
you can't obviously, if you did that, you couldn't have grown and take the time machine.
Bridge is broken, what do?
I'd go to ca. 1934 and bringing modern physics to Stalin. WW2 would be much better if the Soviet had nukes and fighter jets at the beginning.
Suicide by cop or walk the wastelands until I find a cliff.
Britain circa 1963-1979, with a particular favouritism for 1974-9. (Although once I saw it in person, I might wish to revise that into perma-1960s. The 1970s were the palpable death of pseudo-social-democracy, so with hindsight it'd be great simply to see it still technically alive, but once you start to get to know it you might wish to have gone further back…)
Britain circa 1945, help build socialism in my country, then ensure he gets a full second term so it could be finished.
I would kill all the american founding fathers, so USA will for ever be an english colony or will become an indepedent cuck nation like Canada and Australia which have the queen's face on their currency.
Would have been better to bring modern medicine to Lenin tbh.
1917 to kill a retard and save husbando.(and lots of sailors ofc)
With an icepick? ;)
I would travel back in time to 2005, head to the nearest public library, and immediately go onto 4chan, and warn them of the fate of Anonymous Imageboards. Id then break into my own childhood home while my younger self was at school and shower/eat/play vidya from 7:30am to 2:50pm, then use a nearby house that was abandoned at the time to sleep. I don't think I'd ever be able to convince my younger self that I'm him from a future date directly without traumatizing him, so I would instead leave letters to him claiming I was an inter dimensional traveler here to help him.
classical greece tbh, or maybe I'd kill hitler.
fucking anglo's.
Then the world becomes Command and Conquer Red Alert. I am okay with this.
Warsaw August 10th,1920 so I can help Tukhachevsky win the Polish-Soviet War.
I would go back and collaborate with Marx, warn him of the dangers of tankies and fascism. I'm also a math/physics
autist so I would solve problems a century ahead of the time.
I'd go back in time to when Mao was alive during the Chinese Civil War and have them set a trap in Taiwan so the Americans would be even more humiliated by the Civil War and for them to be able to block the UN from sending aid to South Korea
2017 southern New Zealand
I just want to live a quiet life
Waiting for the revolution in a comfy armchair is the only correct leftcom answer.
Best option right here.
If the USSR crushes Poland, they can link up with the remaining Sparticists, topple the German government, and then meet up with the Hungarians.
No Nazis, no totalitarianism, and Socialism dominates Europe and the world.
Honestly, I'm surprised not more people realize just how historically defining the battle of Warsaw was.
why live
Steampunk Communism?
it's not even a leftcom, i'm just not a very ambitious person
Nevermind strategy and weapons, the sectarian infighting destroyed everything. I can understand why the popular front was necessary but it's tough to criticize CNT and POUM for their revolutionary actions. The government made things worse for attacking them.
I'd bypass all the bollocks and head straight for the FALC (in the future)
Any time in the past? I'd honestly smother Marx right before he jew'd the international. Thus turning the present into FALC
Fuck off Bakunin.
Kapital was good Marx, but your ego is off the fucking charts and you have no real plan for after the revolution
You can now go to two locations in time. Meaning that you can take someone from one period and send them to another. I.e. you can now travel to 2005 when Öcalan declared Democratic Confederationism in Kurdistan and take him back to the times of Marx so it would become a third ideology in mainstream leftism
In that case I'd drop Kropotkin in the American revolution
or maybe proudhon to tickle their burger market fetish
he's completely right though, Marx fucking ruined the international.
this gets me thinking, maybe if we could've radicalized the yeoman farmers, and slaves earlier we could get some form of Maoism to takeover the US.
1844 so I could be part of the young hegelians club
1901, kill Lenin before he finishes writing "What Is To Be Done?" and give Kropotkin my annotated copy of "Organizational Platform Of The Libertarian Communists". Come 1917, no Bolsheviks, soviets autonomously crush reactionary Menshevik-SR government and are protected by a self-aware anarchist movement.
Alternatively, 1918 and kill Ebert and a few Freikorps scum.
About 6,000,000 BC, to stop us from evolving.
1870 in Paris.
After getting used to the lifestyle and the Commune defeat, I would drink a shitload of absinthe and take drugs with Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud and obscure impressionist painters.
Bonus point if I can befriend dadaists toward the end of my life instead of dying stupidly from tuberculosis.
No, you should witness the birth of post-human intelligence and watch Eric and Tiffany Trump raping people with mind-controlled tentacles from the nearest bunker you can find, as long as possible. That's what I would do.
Go to young Marx and give him his own books and warn him about the dangers of statism. Then some history books about USSR and shit.
He'd have more time to write new books, like properly finishing Das Kapital 4, and he'd do better strategical analyses of how to make communism. Maybe some other books of other authors about economics.
Fuckit, I'd just fill up an eBook to the fucking brim and bring some kind of solar-cell charger.
While we're at it, maybe a bunch of scientific papers to give technology a boost, but at that point it'd be cheating.
Forget Marx. Do that with Lenin.
So we agree kill Marx and kill Lenin.
Which board am I on?
The Anarchist board