Redneck Revolt is bad now?
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Stopped reading there.
Wordpress is to the left what Medium is to liberals.
Christ lmao
No conception of whiteness has any basis in reality because no concept of racial distinctions have any basis in reality. They exist entirely inside people's heads, and so they can be constructed in whatever way we want. If we construct a white identity that rejects racism then that would be a positive development, regardless of the racist history of white communities.
Will this author ever stop sucking dicks?
Oh no, we can't have our guys carrying imperialist weapons like M-4s and AR-15s! It does not matter that they are light-weight and use ammunition that is relatively cheap and plentiful in the United States. What matters is that we all look like some 20th Century revolutionaries! Fucking LARPers.
Now this would be legitimately worrisome if it were true. Somehow I doubt that is actually the case, but it may be.
No, I do not think that we should get involved in the business of identity construction at all. It is best to treat identity like what it is–imaginary nonsense.
Wrong. Those are the races that exist.
alright I kek'd
god damn this is arbitrary lmao
Khoisan people aren't the same as Kenyans. And Somalis are far similar to Kenyans than to Norwegians lmao
I really thought that was, one of, the points of Redneck Revolt. Even the word 'Redneck', a derogatory word for poor rural working white people with little access to education or healthcare, MEANS the group had something to do with whiteness in the first place.
Someone months ago said the Redneck Revolt was a group/idea/movement to reach out to, help, and revolutionize the poor rural working white people with little access to education or healthcare. Meaning rednecks. The people actively shit on by the democrats, and farcically pandered to by the republicans.
What is that purple bit over the Pacific Ocean?
But that's true.
Oh shit nigger what are you doing.
Holla Forumslacks BTFO for all eternity
So does MENA,kek
Yeah it's not like RR ever turned people away from the far-right and welcomed them into the class struggle or anything. Christ I'm so fucking disgusted.
Providing a material context to people's suffering as opposed to a racist one is solid anti-racist praxis. The BPP included white people, but it was a party that was mostly concerned with providing care to their own communities (IE mostly black people). This doesn't mean that the black panthers were racist, but the most successful groups will form around improving the conditions of the communities that they are based in, because that is where their support comes from.
That was literally the most spooky shit I've ever read. That was approaching Holla Forums, or Buzzfeed levels of spook.
Should I reply with this or not reply at all?
So, reaching out to a group of people typically ignored by the left is wrong because white people are my boogeyman and also a hivemind linked directly to Trump and I regard politics as an attempt at getting catharsis from sticking it to my personal boogeymen, not gather political power, unite the working class and overthrow the bourgeoisie. Our attempts at winning over the white working class should be about my own comfort and feeling of moral superiority over them, not actually trying to win them over to radical left politics.
Liberalism is a disease. Maybe they have some pseudo-left rhetoric, but viewing politics as some kind of personal journey of self-actualization is pure liberalism.
I would agree. But I would argue that an anti racist version of whiteness would certainly be better than a racist one. Although ultimately we should be working to eliminate race altogether.
I think that they are more worried about such movements themselves becoming weirdly identitarian and focused on whites specifically, rather than a broader anti-identitarian movement that seeks to include proles of any colour.
They are literally worried that Redneck Revolt could become Nazbol.
Either that or they are a shit eating liberal who things that if something doesn't intentionally pander to minority identities or if it tries to be inclusive of white proles then it must be reactionary.
Should post your thoughts in the article's comments. Maybe the author can clarify or just expose them self as a spooked liberal.
lel its never going to be approved
Why the fuck do people do this?
To create a sanitized version of reality.
I don't think that it is possible to have an anti-racist racial identity simply because races–having no material basis themselves–must always be defined in opposition to other races. "White," "black," "yellow," "whatever" make no sense as a concept unless they are placed in a certain social position relative to the other races.
That right there tells me all I need to know about that author.
Depends on how you look at race. If you see it as a biological distinction then you're right, but if you see it as a cultural one then I would argue that it's possible to have an anti racist white or black identity. Just like it's possible to hold sentiments of national identity without harbouring negative sentiments to other nations.
Zero self-awareness.
Good luck to these retards and their revolution free of white people.
People will rationalize their hatred for white people in the most contrived ways and the average white cuck will simply never see it. The white race is finished.
I think that they are more worried about such movements themselves becoming weirdly identitarian and focused on whites specifically, rather than a broader anti-identitarian movement that seeks to include proles of any colour.
I think you're giving the author way too much credit. I imagine this article was written the same reason 90% of these idpol polemics are. Some hack wants to virtue signal and make a name for themselves by attacking other leftists.
Jesus fucking christ, yes, that was the entire point. Who is this? Tell me they arent influential please
It's Wordpress. The only people who follow Wordpress blogs are other "leftists" with their own loony Wordpress blog.
Tbh Redneck Revolt would do well to adopt some hip anti racist slogans aimed at Appalachian whites. Instead of "No Vietnamese ever called me nigger" it would be great if they said "No nigger ever sent me to Vietnam". Or barring the use of racial slurs, "No poor black person ever cut my wages."
Does not exist.
i'm sick of left bitching
ideas precede consciousness my man.
Why is there still no Asserist flag? They're memed to death with Nazbols
In both fascism and capitalist democracy the bourgeois rule.